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School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique



This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem,

hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, theoretical framework,

research paradigm, and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Feedback is information given to the learner about their performance, against the learning goals of a lesson

or activity, with the aim of further improving their learning. Everyday that a student goes to school, recieving

comments or feedbacks about their work and performance is normal. It can be positive or negative, it can

sometimes depend on how the students approach the feedback that they have recieved. It can also affect how

they engage in the class whether it motivates them or stops them from participating at all.
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

Just like in ever other school Northern Antique Vocational School one of the local schools situated in culasi,

Antique teachers provide comments for their learners. With the goal to help their students be more efficient in

their task. The researchers observed it somehow affects student engagement whether it is positive or


Toohey(2000) the degree to which feedback facilitates learning depends on whether mistakes or

misunderstandings are identified and whether any suggestions are givenso that student work may improve.

While feedback is a concept that has different meanings and interpretations, the dominant understanding of

feedback in higher education is that it constitutes a teacher providing comments to a student in relation to his

or her performance on a learning or assessment task (Carless, 2015).

Grade 12 students in particular recieve a lot of feedback in various subjects. Which may discourage them

from engaging in the classes. This might also affects students' behaviors indirectly by decreasing student's self-

concepts and feelings of self-worth.

Generally, the researchers aim to determine how teachers feedback affects the student classroom


The overall purpose of this study is to show how these feedback affect student classroom engagement.

Which will help in further understanding why this occurs and how it significantly affects a students desire to
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

immerse in their classroom discussions. Moreover it could help in discovering ways and techniques that

students and teachers can practice to avoid uncertain outcomes.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to determine how teachers feedback affects the students on their classroom engagement

of Grade 12 HUMSS students of Northern Antique Vocational School S.Y. 2023 2024

Specifically, it seeks to find out the following questions

1.What is the effect of teachers feedback to classroom engagement?

2.What significant impact does teacher feedback bring in classroom engagement?

3.Is there a significant difference between the effects of positive or negative feedback to

the classroom engagement of students when classified as a whole or as to sex.

Null Hypothesis

Based on the after mentioned problems, the following null hypothesis was formulated

1 there is no significant impact in feedbacks and classroom engagement

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

2. there is no significant difference between the effects of positive or negative feedback to the classroom

engagement of students

Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted mainly to determine the "Teachers Feedback It's Fffect on

student Classroom Engagement". The result of the study will be a great help to the following:

Students the results of this study will help set a path for students directing their attention to areas for growth

and improvement, and develop new positive approaches to feedbacks that they face.

Teachers the results of the study will enlighten the teachers why students express their self in a certain way

which will help them figure out techniques to use inside the classroom to promote a more efficient way to give

feedback with his/her students.

Parents through this study the parents of the students can become more informed about what is one of The

factor that affects their children's classroom engagement in their daily discussions in school. Which will allow

them to have a better idea on how to motivate and guide their children

The researchers- The researchers could also gain significance in this study they would improve their skill,

strategy, and knowledge in engaging research.

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

Future Researchers-The future researchers can also gain significance in this study. It may serve as their

guidance to gather information and It may serve as their building blocks to have a bigger study.

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to identify the teacher's feedback and it's affects on classroom

engagement of grade 12 hummanities and social sciences of Northern Antique Vocational (N.A.V.S) in the

second semester of the academic year 2023-2024. It will not taking H.U.M.S.S strand. The study is confined

specially to all grade 12 students who includes assesing the various forms of feedback provided by teachers

such as verbal feedbackly, Written comments and coustructive criticism. It also involves examining how this

feedback impact students participation, motivation, and overall engagement in class activities and discussions

the information needed will be gathered using the checklist or survey questionnaires that will be distributed to

the respondents of this research. In order to see and prove the teacher's feedback and it's effect on classroom

engagement of grade 12 hummanities and social sciences

Theoretical Framework

Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory posits that individuals learn through observation, imitation, and modeling of

others' behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes. In the context of classroom engagement, students observe and

internalize feedback provided by teachers, which influences their self-efficacy beliefs and motivation to engage
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

in learning activities. Another theory that supports this study is Self-Determination Theory (STD)emphasizes

the role of intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and competence in fostering optimal engagement and learning

outcomes.Teachers' feedback that supports students' autonomy by providing choices and acknowledging their

perspectives can enhance students' intrinsic motivation and engagement in Humanities and Social Sciences


Teachers feedback
Conceptual Framework Classroom Engagement

Independent variable Dependent Variable

Research Paradigm

The researchers utilized the IV and DV model to illustrate how independent

variables affect the dependent variables in the study as presented in the following:

Figure 1: Paradigm of the study showing the relationships between variables

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

The major concept of this study focused on how Digital Communication en afleds affects face to face

interaction of Grade 12 HUMSS students at Northern Antique Vocational School. The conceptual paradigm

showed the relationship of independent and dependent variable which contains the effect of Teacher

feedback to classroom engagement of grade 12 HUMSS students.

Conceptual and Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally:

Digital- describes electronic technology that generate, stores and processes date

In this study it refers to platforms that can process and share data online or offline

Communication- means sending or receiving Information

In this study communication refers to the way they interact whether it be digitally or face to face in order to

share and express information to Its audience

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

Digital Communication-It is communicating digitally with the use of technology or gadgets. It uses online tools

and platforms like email, messaging, texting, video chats, live chat, web calling and social media. In order to

transfer or receive da using digital signals over point-to-point (P2P) channel.

In this study digital communication is a medium of communication that is frequently used by the students

today. Which seemingly makes it easier for students to express their thoughts and ideas.

Face to face Interaction- Is a type of social interaction occurring between two people who exchange

knowledge that are present and physically Interact with each other

In this study face to face interaction refers to the physical interactions that students converse in normally at

school. With the use of verbal and non-verbal cues.



School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

This chapter presents the Review of Related Literature. The researchers use local

and foreign sources to conduct this research. This will also present the synthesis of the

findings to better understand the overall objective and study the result. The researchers

included all the data, evidence, and references from different articles and research

available to legitimize the findings with good reasons and logical arguments.


According to Battiston, et al., (2021) most production activities require the collaboration of individuals in which

communication has a fundamental role in transmitting information. It is a bridge to understanding each others

thoughts, ideas and perceptions about a particular thing or topic. The study has shown that the ability to

communicate efficiently improves the performance of the receiver of this communication. It was later seen

that communication can play the role of a 'help' or 'information subsidy activity, through which informed

individuals assist their less informed colleagues to do their job better because this activity entails a trade-off.

Similarly a study dd

Digital Communication
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique


The following studies and literature presented by the researcher suggest that communication plays a big role

in creating relationships.

The mediumS that we use In interactions affects the development of our communication skills. Face to face

communication is a medium wherein we are physically present when we transfer and receive Information. It is

a core in human socialization it keeps our connection and bonds strong which is very vital for an individuals

well-being. On the other hand development and evolution of our society paved way for technology to

immerge and become a part of humans way of living With the presence of technology different platforms, and

applications were used to make our daily task easy including daily interactions that a person needs, With the

help of these platforms and applications even those who are far away can be reached with just one click

anytime anywhere with the help of the internet. However being too dependent on technology raised public
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

concerns studies show that it undermines a persons skill to communicate effectively face to face. Therefore it

suggest that steadily but surely that digital communication affects the way we communicate with one another,
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique



This chapter shows the methods of research will be employed by the researchers

in conducting the study which includes the Research Design, Respondents of the Study,

Sampling Method, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure, Data Analysis

Procedure, ad Ethical Considerations.

Research Design

The researchers made use of the descriptive research design to gather data about digital communication

and it's effects on the face to face interactions of grade 12 humss students. Descriptive research design is a

type of research design that aims to systematically provide comprehensive information to describe a

phenomenon, situation, or population. It helps answer the what, when, where, and how questions regarding

the research problem rather than the why.

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

A quantitative research method is used as it seeks to gather numerical data and analyze patterns or

relationships or trends. This method provides statistical insights, allows for precise measurement, and helps in

drawing generalizable conclusions.

In this study the data needed will be gathered with the help of survey questionnaires. This will be distributed

personally to the respondents of this study.

Respondents of the Study

This study will be conducted among a total of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of

Northern Antique Vocational School. They will be ramdom chosen wherein the part of the population that has

randomly selects a subsets of participants from a population . For the reason that they will provide accurate

and reliable data since they experience it first hand. The respondents involved will be classified into sex.

Sample size and Sampling technique

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

Slovins formula was used in order to determine the total sample size or the total number of respondents

which will participate in this study. This is in order to find out if teachers feedback affect the classroom

engagement of grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Northern Antique Vocational School. For

the reason that they will provide accurate and reliable data since they experience it first hand. The

respondents involved will be classified into sex and grade level.

Table 1: Distribution of Respondents

Research Instrument

The researchers will make use of a survey Questionnaire which will be used a data collection tool. The

questions that will be formulated are aimed to gather information and data that are relevant and needed

concerning on how digital communication affects the face to face interactions. Research instruments will

compose of the respondents name(optional), and sex , and a total of 10 structured questions. The contents of

the instruments are going to be mainly based on the statement of the problem of the study.
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the survey

The researchers of the study will carefully craft a survey Questionnaire that will compose structured questions

that are stemmed from the statement of the problem. After crafting the questionnaires it will be then

forwarded to the validators for checking and validation to ensure that the questions are inclined to the study.

If there are other revisions or corrections the researchers are obligated to do so. If the instrument is approved

the researchers shall reproduce enough copies for their sample size and finally it will be personally distributed

to the respondents by the researchers themselves.

During the survey

Giving the respondents an idea of the nature of the study is vital therefore the researchers will explain details

about the study to guarantee that they are well informed. Which will further help the respondents to provide

the needed data and lessen the chances of bias. The respondents will also be assured that the data the provide

will be treated with utmost confidentiality.The respondents are also free to say no in participating,

respondents who are not present by the time the survey is conducted will be replaced by individuals who were

part of the population.

After the Survey

School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

When the survey is done all the distributed questionnaires will be collected and reviewed by the researchers.

Which will thenbe checked, processed, tallied, interpreted, and analysed by the researchers.

Data Analysis Procedure

The data that will be gathered will be analyze using the following statistical tools:

Pearson R – to measure the strength of the linear relationship between two variables.

Mean - to determine the level of effectiveness of teachers to students' performance as to sex and grade level.

Standard Deviation – is a measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean.

T-test – measures the size of the difference relative to the variation in your sample data.

Ethical Consideration

This study confirms that the goal is to determine the (Put your main topic here)
School Division of Antique

Northern Antique Vocational School


Culasi, Antique

The researchers respect the confidentiality of all information will be obtain from

the research participants. To follow the ethical requirements, the researchers will

emphasize that participation of the study will be strictly voluntary and that the

participants are free to decline or leave at any moment without facing any


Furthermore, an informed consent form with disclaimer about not being forced

toward personal gain will be attached to the survey forms. The researchers can make

sure that the study is carried out responsibly, and with respect, and that the

participants’ rights and welfare are protected.

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