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NG I05591002/2) (31300 046) Page 1300__ of 2080 Sttening tine (c) D.G.E- He Sec (+4) EXAMINATION - MARCH 2024 (A) EXAM ROLL NUMBER CANDIDATE NAME UNIQUE ID NO SUBJECT APPLIED FOR :| 4222426 I MOUNISH R arazze2 103 ENGLISH ‘SCANCOPY (B) 0.G.E - Hr Sec (+1) EXAMINATION - MARCH 2026 ‘ | I iil I | ih | l 8 g SUBJECT 103 ENGLISH ote Wark already Wark after Retotalling / 3 ‘Awarded eee +H Mark in Difference Designation Signature Examiner t Examinor 2 Examiner 3 J.D(Ret J Rev) J.D(H.S) Director Bundle No: nnn uésia / MARKING PAGE Total Marks 516 | Mas Cotaact gimp A 6 DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS 7 Packet No. FIRST YEAR — LANGUAGE ole ve Capt No. Script No. Ole Moor sonir JGsgtamt Poopa, Qaim Casimyume FOR THE USE OF EXAMINERS ONLY ‘clam wurfturs Cuarppis "ude emrfturs Qari Questionwise Total Pagewise Total ex | opi | es | opi | coer | opi | ator | opi | ute | opi | ods | opi | ute | opi we [Ques | sor [Osad| mcs |Qcus| oir |Qusse || ces. Ouerae| cer |Quirea| cox | Gusta aano.| warts | no. | wars | ane | mars | cnt. | mars] P| tans | PEE | amar | PEE | ars - a ig t 16 FI, | — || 2 wre “| as | 3-7 271) Li An joe ody 2 ku] e |e ahi lo | 3 bee 3° Lo Ae | —[ as a JI7/ 9] 6 |] | 49 aby 19 [25] 30 ; L. a] s jo | wi) 38 50. su 2 12 “| 35] : i = sho & bo fee 38 : 171 37] = Le 7 | 24a a — Lahey] 3 Lo 2 38 3 lo. *| 39 SoA 50 9127 2m 39 =| a 5s 20 40 t Qe. Lt = Q- = r/ 3 un’ | 2-7 26 a1 a | 2rd a |— [a 42 -| BAL 8 1 | 2"| 3 | | 413 A, uw} D4 a 48 L s-|— 0 45 | ; a ; lez, Sy von BY |Soup fo {¥ uw L Toa vir yds arfuure gO Gurspb we eeneata| Ly (V+VI+VIT) ec OR we 4 Ow : HSE FIRST YEAR - LANGUAGE Goria mga Qeiudenyuses uipgud QedudoaLngene Do’s & Dont’s for Candidates Ysiysélyd atu Bred sme Quminad CarstarGud. Put your signature in the Top sheet in the appropriate place. Heo seraies Boundssgrd ys Cousin. Write answers in both sides of paper. Garixpeomescr way Seo ssraflsr Sipis Ug SU Div CupCauriorGra. All rough works must be done on the lower part of the page. effusmear sSlsorr srsior soupminsd srg Cousin Gia. aSlort stséor eugsmss wigKd Seunyresr leort ersioesct ALAS Lal. QSL Benes wSiSO GerinsiniLtom ings. Write the question numbers without fail. Answers without question numbers. and wrong question numbers will not be valued. BG Skmse5sdiemCu BlenGessh ALD s1ups Cousin Grd. Leave space between two answers. . Aoissrafd Sob gig sGiymo Gensin. —Gussmauré)—aSenLessost Ggsfiesras 61095 Cousin Ob. Answers must be legibly written either in Blue or Black ink pen. . Meo serafe sTwsits userterafler EHSGICEG LCousinGrd. Cross the unwritten pages. ii 1 Momsgsrah ass EPO Os ouLmgy. No marking in the question paper. Seo. spore CoBLUOSSS omg), Don’t damage the answer paper. Moor gseraf ss |G vsessSiqynd Gpsiey sroim/Auusi sregsseneng. Don’t write name, Register Number in any page of the answer book. ausisromésescui Qeneton. Gusnm! Qusiralis eo Gub ULSD SHS HG. Don’t write with sketch / colour pencils. eo sonst Comyn Gig gridded arqggbGnLngs. Don't write on the left margin.” Heo gener UsSHSSlo sobs smensmyio Ate CounlihseGoun se g3, Don’t tear / remove any page from the answer book. ; “ao paras - sregSur “genes Cpu /* gysnegy flutes Seo osoomun 5495560-on1.0g).” Don't strike more than one / all correct answers written in the answer book. 2 24 Answer... ARe.... question, eo —— : Spfoning oe ee Ke - MR Rrnonttt. ABE and sughl hanels nd WO nnn Bi nn POSH Oo Becasse........2n..,. Ra. Crating... place... We along COM on ou A Oy. 00 fase... Sa Tt... Coded, 0. Be HAA Or... pousr. —— SECTION.:.2. 27) pmanon, we et he... oun urodle Stouadh x

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