Graphics Solution 2024

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Computer Graphics, Sem VI, 2024

Sec on A
Q1. (i) Prove that two scaling transforma ons are commuta ve. (2)

(ii) Total number of bits required = 640 X 480 X 12 = 3686400 = 36.86 X 105 (3)
Time required to load the frame buffer = (640 X480 X 12)/ 105 = 36.86 Second
(iv) (any 2) (2 marks)

Perspec ve Parallel
The object's distance from the center of projection The object's distance from the center of projection
is finite. is infinite.
Objects appear smaller or larger. The shape and size of objects remain same.
Projection lines are not parallel to each other. Projection lines are parallel to each other.
Object appears distorted. Provides an accurate view of the object.
Types - One Point, Two Point, and Three Point. Types - Oblique and Orthographic.

(v) An anima on sequence is designed with the following steps: (3)

1. Storyboard Layout
2. Object defini on
3. Key-frame specifica on
4. Genera on of in-between frame

(vi) RGB is addi ve model (2)

(viii) (3 Marks)
(viii) Bezier Curve (any 2) (2 marks)
a) Drawn using 4 control points, 2 endpoints on the curve and 2 points define the shape of
the curve.
b) Uses interpola on
c) Convex hull property

(ix) (3 Marks)

(x) Beam-penetra on method and Shadow-mask method (name – 2 marks)

(xi) (3 Marks)
(xii) Resolu on – The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a CRT is
referred to as the resolu on.
Persistence - Persistence is defined as the me it takes the emi ed light from the screen to decay to
one tenth of its original intensity. (1+1)

(xiii) steps to fill a span in scanline polygon filling algorithm - (3)

1. find the intersec ons of the current scan line with all edges of polygon.
2. sort intersec ons by increasing x coordinate.
3. moving through list of increasing x intersec ons, fill using odd parity rule.
parity bit = even (0) each intersec on inverts the parity bit. draw pixels when parity is odd

(xiv) Transforma on of object shape from one form to another is called morphing. It is shortened
form of metamorphosis.
Given two key frames for an object transforma on, we first adjust the object specifica on in one of
the frames so that the number of polygon edges is same for both the frames. (2)

3 (i)

4. (i) When we view a picture containing objects and surfaces, then we cannot see those
objects from view which are behind from objects closer to eye. We must remove these hidden
surfaces to get a realistic screen image. The removal of these surfaces is called Hidden-
surface removal.
4 (ii) Dithering – refers to techniques for approximating halftones without reducing
resolution, as pixel-grid patterns do.
Or to halftone-approximation methods using pixel grids
Advantages over halftoning:
1. Does not reduce the resolution as in halftoning.
2. Random values added to pixels intensities in dithering breaks contours.

5 (i)

Advantage and Disadvantage

5 (ii)
6 (i)

Lk = 3, Lk+1 = 5
Lmax = 5, Lmin = 3
Ne = Lmax mod Lmin = 5 mod 3 = 2
Ns = int (Lmax / Lmin) = int (5/3) = 1

Divide Ne = 2 edges of keyframemin (triangle) into Ns + 1 (= 2) sections

Divide the remaining lines (= 1) of keyframemin (triangle) into Ns (=1) section
7(i) Two data structures are used to handle the edges of a polygon: the Edge Table (ET) and
the Active Edge Table (AET).
Edge Table (ET)

Active Edge Table (AET)

This table contains all those edges of the polygon that are intersected(crossed) by the current
scan-line. The edges are dropped into the table in a sorted manner(Increasing value of x).

Structures of Edge Table / Global Edge Table Structure of Active Edge Table

7 (ii)
In this organization of a raster system there is a separate display processor, sometimes
referred to as a graphics controller or a display coprocessor. The purpose of the display
processor is to free the CPU from the graphics chores. In addition to the system memory, a
separate display processor memory area can also be provided.

7 (iii)

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