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Single correct:

 
1. Given that a force F acts on a body for a time t and displaces the body by d , in which of the
following cases will the kinetic energy of the body increase?
       
a) when F  d b) when F  d *c) when F  d d) F  d

2. The two ends of a chain of mass m ad length L are at a distance of L/3

as shown. If an external agent pulls one of the ends to bring it to the same level as that of the other,
work done by him is
mgL mgL mgL
*a) b) c) d) none
36 15 9
Hint: It is like cutting a portion of the chain equal to a length L/6 and attaching to the other end, raising
its potential energy.

3. Initially the spring is compressed by a length x  with the
force F as shown. If the force F is suddenly removed and k is the spring constant, and the block oscillates
and finally stops with only 50 % of its initial potential energy left , what is the coefficient of friction
between the block and the surface?
1 1
a) ½ b) 2/3 *c) d)
2 3
Hint: Use C.O.E and F.B.D

4. One end of an unstretched vertical spring is attached to the ceiling and the other end to an object
that is slowly lowered to equilibrium. If S be the gain in the spring potential energy and G be the loss in
the gravitational potential energy of the object in the process,
a) S = G b) S = 2G *c) G = 2S d) none
Beauty: why is not the loss in the gravitational P.E equal to the gain in the spring P.E?

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5. A uniform rope of linear mass density λ and length l is kept coiled on a smooth horizontal surface.
One end is pulled up with constant velocity v . The average power delivered by the external agent in
pulling the entire rope just off the ground is
lv 2 l 2 g lv 2 lvg  v2
a)  b)  glv *c)  d)  glv 
2 2 2 2 2
Hint: Pavg  initial energy is zero, final energy is P.E + K.E

6. In the above problem, maximum power delivered by the agent in pulling up the rope is
 v3 v 3 lvg
a)  lvg *b)   lg v c)  d)  lg v   v 3
2 2 2
Solution: let x be the portion of the chain already off the ground at any instant. The instantaneous force
to hold this chain off the ground and change its momentum is
 xg    xv 
  xg   v
  xg  
Remember, in a small time interval dt over a distance dx a small portion of the chain lying on the floor
at rest should pick up a velocity of v . Therefore using
v  0  a (dt )
v 2  0  2a (dx)
And dividing we get v  2
Now the instantaneous power required is
 xgv  
Its maximum value is when x is maximum.
Therefore pmax   lgv  

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7. A particle of mass 10/7 kg is moving along the positive x-axis. It
starts from the origin with initial velocity 1 m/s and the graph of power (W) delivered to it versus
distance (m) is as shown. Find its velocity after travelling 10 m of distance.
*a) 4 m/s b) 2 m/s c) 3 2 m/s d) (100/3) m/s
Solution: area under the curve is (2  4)10 = 30. It is also
 dv 
 p(dx)    m dt v(dx)
m 3
  mv 2 (dv )  (v  1)
Therefore v = 4 m/s

8. A fire hose of diameter 2.5 cm is required to direct a water jet to a height of 40 m. The minimum
power of the pump needed for this is
*a) 21.5 kW b) 40 kW c) 36.5 kW d) 48 kW

9. A block of mass m is hanging vertically from a spring (k) suspended from the ceiling. Another identical
block moving with velocity v vertically upwards from below strikes this and sticks to it. Find the value of
v so that the spring just attains its natural length.
60mg 2 6mg 2 10mg 2
a) *b) c) d) none
k k k
Hint: Conservation of momentum and C.O.E

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10. Given F  ( xy 2 )iˆ  ( x 2 y ) ˆj Find the work done by this force if
a particle has to be taken along the semicircular track shown with B (4.0)
a) 65/3 J b) 75/2 J c) 73/4 J *d) zero

 
11. The potential energy of a particle is given by U   x 2  y 2 where  is a positive constant. The
particle begins to move from a point (3,3) under the action of the conservative force for which the
potential energy is defined. The kinetic energy of the particle when it teaches the point ( 1,1) is
a) 8  b) 24  *c) 16  d) zero
Hint: C.O.E

12. Two flat worms of mass 20 gms each climb over a very thin obstruction 10 cm high. One of the
worms is 20 cm long and the other 10 cm. What is the ratio of the work done by each one of them when
they have climbed the wall with the midpoint of their length on top of the wall?
a) ¾ *b) 2/3 c) 5/4 d) 2/5
Hint: C.O.E

13. In the position shown, the spring is relaxed. The block is given a
velocity towards the support at t = 0. The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface is
given by    x where α is a positive constant and x is the distance from its starting position. The
block comes to rest for the first time at x =
m m mg
*a) v0 b) v0 c) v0 d) none
k   mg k k
Hint: W-E theorem

14. A particle is attracted towards a fixed point by a force F  where r is the distance of the particle
from the fixed point. If m is the mass of the particle and L its angular momentum w.r.t the fixed point,
which of the following is true for the total energy of the particle? (C is a constant )

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2 2
1  dr  k L2 1  dr  k
*a) m    C b) m    C
2  dt  r 2mr 2 2  dt  r
1  dr  k L2
c) m     C d) none
2  dt  r 2mr 2
  k k
Solution: U    F  dr    2 cos  ( dr )  
r r
dr 1  dr 
is the radial velocity and kinetic energy corresponding to this is m  
dt 2  dt 
If the tangential velocity is v1 , the angular momentum L  mv1r
L 1  L 
Therefore v1  and the kinetic energy corresponding to this is m  
mr 2  mr 
2 2
1  dr  1  L  k
Hence the total energy is m   + m    =C
2  dt  2  mr  r

15. If a machine is lubricated with oil,

a) the mechanical advantage of the machine increases.
*b) the mechanical efficiency of the machine increases.
c) mechanical advantage and efficiency both increase.
d) its efficiency increases but its mechanical advantage decreases.

16. A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path of constant radius r such that its centripetal
acceleration ac is varying with time as ac  k 2 rt 2 where k is a constant. The power delivered to the
particle by the force acting on it is
mk 4 r 2t 5
a) 2 mk 2 r 2t *b) mk 2 r 2t c) d) 0

17. A particle is acted on by a force F= k x where k is a positive constant. Its potential energy at x = 0 is
zero. Which curve correctly represents the variation of its potential energy with distance x ?

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18. A block B is attached to two unstretched springs of constants k
and 4k as shown. The other ends are attached to two identical supports just resting against the walls 1
and 2. The springs and the supports are massless. There is no friction anywhere. Block B is displaced
towards wall 1 by a small distance x and released. The block B returns and moves a maximum distance y
towards wall 2. Displacements x and y are measured w.r.t the equilibrium position of the block B. The
ratio is
1 1
a) 4 b) 2 *c) d)
2 4
19. A very broad elevator is going up vertically with a constant acceleration of 2 m / s 2 . At the instant
when its velocity is 4 m/s a ball is projected form the floor of the lift with a speed of 4 m/s relative

to the floor at an elevation of 30o . The time taken by the ball to return the floor is g  10 m / s 2 
1 1 1
a) s *b) s c) s d) 1 s
2 3 4
a a  t2
20. The dimensions of in the equation p  where P is pressure, x is distance and t is time
b bx
2 3 2 3 1 3
a)  M LT  b)  MT  c)  ML T  d)  LT 
21. The distance between two moving particles at any time is a. If v be their relative velocity and v1
and v2 be the components of v along and perpendicular to a. The time when they are closest to
each other are
av1 av2 av av
*a) b) c) d)
v2 v1 v12 v22

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22. The horizontal range and maximum height attained by a projectile are R and H respectively. It a
constant horizontal acceleration a  g / 4 is imparted to the projectile due to wind, then its
horizontal range and maximum height will be

H  H 
a)  R  H  , b)  R  , 2H c)  R  2 H  , H *d)  R  H  , H
2  2 
23. Time taken by the projectile to reach from A to B is t. Then the distance AB is equal to

u B


ut 3ut
*a) b) c) 3ut d) 2ut
3 2
24. A block of mass 15 kg is resting on a rough inclined plane as shown in figure. The block is tied up
by horizontal string which has a tension of 50 N. The coefficient of friction between the surface of

contact is g  10 m / s 2 


*a) 1/2 b) 2/3 c) 3/4 d) 1/4

25. In the arrangement shown in figure, coefficient of friction between the two blocks is   1 / 2.
The force of friction acting between the two blocks is


F2=20N 4kg

*a) 8 N b) 10 N c) 6 N d) 4 N

26. In the figure acceleration of A is 1 m / s 2 upwards, acceleration of B is 7 m / s 2 upwards and

acceleration of C is 2m / s 2 upwards. Then acceleration of D will be

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a) 7 m / s 2 Downwards b) 2 m / s 2 Downwards

*c) 10 m / s 2 Downwards d) 8 m / s 2 Downwards

27. A wedge of mass 2 m and a cube of mass m are shown in figure. Between cube and wedge, there
is no friction. The minimum coefficient of friction between wedge and ground so that wedge does
not move is


 = 45

a) 0.10 *b) 0.20 c) 0.25 d) 0.50

28. A ball of mass m is attached to one end of a light rod of length l, the other end of which is hinged.
What minimum velocity v should be imparted to the ball downwards, so that it can complete the

a) gl b) 5gl c) 3gl *d) 2gl

29. A particle of mass 2 kg starts moving in a straight line with an initial velocity of 2 m/s at a constant
acceleration of 2m / s 2 . Then rate of change of kinetic energy

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*a) Is four times the velocity at any moment
b) Is two times the displacement at any moment
c) Is four times the rate of change of velocity at any moment
d) Is constant throughout

30.  
A force F  2iˆ  5 ˆj  kˆ N is acting on a particle. The particle is first displaced from (0,0,0) to (2
m, 2 m, 0) along the path x = y and then from (2 m, 2 m, 0) to (2 m, 2 m, 2 m) along the path
x  2m, y  2m. The total work done in the complete path is :
a) 12 J b) 8 J *c) 16 J d) 10 J
31. An object of mass m slides down a hill of height h of arbitrary shape and after travelling a certain
horizontal path stops because of friction. The friction coefficient is different for different
segments for the entire path but is independent of the velocity and direction of motion. The work
that a force must perform to return the object to its initial position along the same path is
a) mgh *b) 2 mgh c) 4 mgh d) –mgh

32. A block of mass m  2kg is moving with velocity v0 towards a massless unstretched spring of
force constant k  10 N / m . Coefficient of friction between the block and the ground is   .
Find maximum value of v0 , so that after pressing the spring the block does not return back but
stops there permanently.



a) 6 m/s b) 12 m/s c) 8 m/s *d) 10 m/s

1 2
33. The potential energy of a particle of mass m is given by U  kx for x  0 and U  0 for
x  0. If total mechanical energy of the particle is E. Then its speed at x  is

2E E E
a) zero *b) c) d)
m m 2m

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34. Ball 1 collides with an another identical ball 2 at rest as shown in figure. For what value of
coefficient of restitution e, the velocity of second ball becomes two times that of 1 after collision

1 2

*a) 1/3 b) 1/2 c) 1/4 d) 1/6

35. Two blocks of mass 3 kg and 6 kg respectively are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. They are
connected by a light spring of force constant k = 200 N/m. Initially the spring is unstretched. The
indicated velocities are imparted to the blocks. The maximum extension of the spring will be
1.0 m/s 2.0 m/s

3kg 6kg

*a) 30 cm b) 25 cm c) 20 cm d) 15 cm

36.  
A force F  2iˆ  ˆj  3kˆ N acts on a particle of mass 1 kg for 2 seconds. If initial velocity of

 
particle is u  2iˆ  ˆj m / s. Speed of particle at the end of 2 seconds will be

a) 12 m/s b) 6 m/s *c) 9 m/s d) 4 m/s

37. Velocity of centre of mass of two particles is v and the sum of the masses of two particles is m.
kinetic energy of the system of particle

a) will be equal to 1 / 2mv 2 b) will always be less than 1 / 2mv 2

*c) will be greater than or equal to 1 / 2mv 2 d) will always be greater than 1 / 2mv 2

38. A uniform rope of linear mass density  and length l is coiled on a smooth horizontal surface.
One end is pulled up with constant velocity v. Then the average power applied by the external
agent in pulling the entire rope just off the ground is
B z 2
B z 2 

B z 2 

1 2 l 2 g 1 3  lvg 1 3
A)  lv  B)  l g v *C) v  D)  l g v  v
2 2 2 2 2
39. A rigid body can be hinged about any point on x-axis. When it is hinged such that the hinge is at x,
the moment of inertia is given by I = 2x2 – 12x + 27
The x-coordinate of centre of mass is

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(A) x = 2 (B) x = 0

(C) x = 1 *(D) x = 3

40. A car of mass m is initially at rest on boat of mass M tied to the wall of dock through a massless,
inextensible string. The car accelerates from rest to velocity v0 in times t0 . AT t  t0 the car
applies brake and comes to rest relative to the boat in negligible time. Neglect friction between
the boat and water; the time‘t’ at which boat will strike the wall is


L  M  m LM
A) t0  L / v0 *B) t0  C) D) none of these
mv0 mv0

41. A particle is projected from a point A with velocity u 2 at an angle of 450 with horizontal as
shown in figure. It strikes the plane BC at right angles. The velocity of the particle at the time of
collision is:

u 2

450 600
3u u 2u
A) B) *C) D) u
2 2 3

42. A uniform rod AB is equipped at both the ends with hooks as shown in figure and is supported by
smooth horizontal table. Initially the rod is hooked at A to a fixed pin C about which it rotates with
constant angular velocity  . Suddenly the end B gets hooked at D causing A to be released. The
new angular velocity of the rod is

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 
A)  *B) C) D) 2 
2 4

43. A bob of mass 10m is suspended through an inextensible string of length l. When the bob is at rest
in equilibrium position, two particles each of mass m strike it as shown. The particles stick after
collision. Choose the correct statement from the following :

m m
600 600
3u u


A) Impulse in the string due to tension in mu

u 3
B) velocity of the system just after collision in V 

139 39
C) Loss of energy in mu 2 *D) Loss of energy in mu 2
28 8

44. A uniform solid sphere of radius R rolling without slipping on a horizontal surface with an angular
velocity 0 meets a rough inclined plane of inclination 600 . The sphere continues to roll up the
plane without slipping with an angular velocity  given by


60 0

0 9 7
A) 0 B) *C) 0 D) 0
5 14 10

45. A ring of radius R is rolling without slipping over rough horizontal surface with velocity V0. Two
points are located at A and B on rim of the ring. Find angular velocity of A w.r.t B

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O V0 B

V0 2V0 2V0 V0
*1) 2) 3) 4)
R R R R 2

A billiard ball is struck by a cue. The line of action of the applied impulse is horizontal and passes
through the center of the ball. The initial velocity of the ball is V0. If R is the radius, m is the mass
of the ball and  is the coefficient of friction between the ball and the floor. The distance

travelled by the ball before it ceases to slip on the floor is


49V02 12V02 2V02 7V02

1) 12  g *2) 49 g 3) 7  g 4) 2 g

47. Length AB in figure shown is 5m. The body is released from A. Friction is sufficient for pure
rolling to take place. The maximum time which anybody (which can roll) can take to reach
bottom is


1) 8s *2) 2 s 3) 6 s 4) 4 s

48. Moment of inertia of a semi circular ring of mass kg and radius 2 cm about the axis
passing through point P and perpendicular to its plane is

1) 20.2  104 kgm 2 *2) 9.12  104 kgm 2 3) 30.21 104 kgm 2 4) 32.12  104 kgm 2

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49. A solid sphere has linear velocity V0  4m / s and angular velocity 0  9rad / s as shown.

Ground on which it is moving is smooth. It collides elastically with rough wall of coefficient of
friction  . Radius of sphere 1m and mass 2kg. Then what is the coefficient of friction if sphere

after colliding rolls without slipping


1 2 1 1
1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 *4) 4

50. A block of mass m is attached to a spring of force constant k whose other end is fixed to a
horizontal surface. Initially the spring is in its natural length and the block is released from rest.
The average force acting on the surface by the spring till the instant when the block has zero
acceleration for the first time is.

mg 2mg 3mg 4mg

1) *2) 3) 4)
   

Subjective Questions:

1. A force acting on a particle moving in x-y plane is given by F  2 yiˆ  x 2 ˆj N. The particle moves
from the origin to a point ( 5,5 ). Calculate the work done by the force during its motion along three
distinct paths,

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a) first along x-axis and then parallel to y-axis
b) first along y-axis and then parallel to x-axis
c) directly from the origin to the point ( 5,5 )
Solution: During its travel directly from O to ( 5,5 )
dw  (2 yiˆ  x 2 ˆj )(dxiˆ  dyjˆ)
 (2 y )dx  ( x 2 )dy
 x3 
 d  y2  
 3
 2 x3  2 x3
W   dw   d  y    y   c
 3 3
We got the third step by integrating the second step, 2y w.r.t y and x2 w.r.t x
Now at x = 0 and y = 0, W = 0 therefore c = 0
For x = 5 and y = 5, W = 66.7 J

2. A water pump rated 400 W has an efficiency of 75 % If it is employed to raise water to a height of
40m find the amount of water drawn in 10 min?
output power = ƞ (input power ) = 0.75 ( 400 ) = 300 W
dw d dm
p  (mgh)  gh
dt dt dt
dm p 300 3
  
dt gh 400 4
¾ kg per sec. or 45 kg /min

3. A pump is required to lift 1000 kg of water per minute from a well 20 m deep and eject it at 20 m/s
a) how much work is done in lifting it?
b) how much work is done in giving it the required kinetic energy?
c) what H.P engine is required for lifting water and giving it the required kinetic energy?
Solution: (a) mgh  (1000)(10)(20)  2 105 Joules per minute
1 2
b) mv  0.5(1000)(20) 2 = 2  105 joules per minute
c)  105 watts. (746 W = 1 H.P)

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4. A flexible chain of mass per unit length ρ and length ¼ of the
circumference of a fixed smooth sphere of radius R, is released from rest from the horizontal position AB
shown dotted with end B held firm at the top of the sphere. when the chain finally comes to rest with
the end A coinciding with point C where OC is horizontal, find the loss of energy of the chain in joules .
Take ρ = kg/m and R = 2 m and g = 10 ms-2
  2
Solution: By C.O.E using the concept of center of mass we get 80 J

5. A block of mass m is connected to a trolley by a light

spring of constant k. The surface below the block is smooth. If the trolley is moved with a constant
velocity v0 find the work done by the external agent until the spring gets compressed to a maximum
Solution: Let F be the force applied by the external agent. Considering trolley + block as our system,
work done by all the forces ( internal + external ) equals change in kinetic energy of the system.
The kinetic energy of the trolley is not allowed to change, hence only kinetic energy of the block
changes. The work done by the spring is  kx 2 and the final kinetic energy of the block at maximum
1 2
compression is mv0
1 2 1
Therefore Wext  mv0  kx 2 in the ground frame.
2 2
1 1 2
By applying work-energy theorem to the block in the trolley frame, we get  kx 2   mv0
2 2
Hence Wext  mv0

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6. AB is one quarter of a smooth circular track of radius R = 6 cm. A particle of
mass 0.5 kg moves along the track from A to B with the following three forces acting on it.
a) A force F1 always directed towards the point B with magnitude equal to 20 N
b) A force F2 directed along the instantaneous tangent to the track with magnitude ( 15-10S) N where S
is the distance travelled in meter.
c) A horizontal force of magnitude 30 N
If the particle starts with 1 m/s at A what is its speed at B?
Ans: a) 2.2 2 J, -302.8 J, 180 J, 12.9 m/s

7. A block of mass 1 kg is moving towards a movable wedge of mass 2 kg as shown in figure. All
surface are smooth. When the block leaves the wedge from top, its velocity is making an angle
  30o with horizontal the value of v0 in m/s is:

v0 2 kg
1.45 m

1 kg 60o

Ans: 7

8.  
Velocity of a projectile at height 15 m from ground is v  20iˆ  10 ˆj m / s here, iˆ is in

horizontal direction and ĵ is vertically upwards. Then: Speed with which particle is projected

from ground is 20 x m/s. Then what is the value of x ______

Ans: 2

9. The pulley shown in the diagram is frictionless. A rat of mass 1 kg moves up on the massless
string so as to just lift a block of mass 2 kg. After some time, the rat stops moving with respect to
the string. The magnitude of the change in the cat’s acceleration is: . Then what is value of y

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Ans: 2

10. A horse drinks water from a cubical container of side 1 m. The level of the stomach of horse is at 2
m from the ground. Assume that all the water drunk by the horse is at a level of 0.5 m from the
ground. Then minimum work done by the horse in drinking the entire water of the container is 3x
(in kJ) Then what is the value of x (Take Water  1000 kg / m 3 and g  10m / s 2 ):

Ans: 5

11. A particle is projected along a horizontal field whose coefficient of friction varies as  
where r is the distance from the origin in meters and A is a positive constant. The initial distance
of the particle is 1 m from the origin and its velocity is radically outwards. The minimum initial
velocity at this point so the particle never stops is . Then what is the value of x

Ans: 4

 kZ
12. In the relation P  e , P is pressure, Z is the distance, k is Boltzmann’s constant and  is the

0 2 x
temperature. The dimensional formula of  is M L T . Then what is the value of x

Ans: 0

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13. A body X with a momentum p collides with another identical stationary body Y one dimensionally.
During the collision Y gives an impulse J to body X. Then coefficient of restitution is  y .What
is the value of y

Ans: 1

14. A block of mass M is tied to one end of a massless rope. The other end of the rope is in the hands
of a man of mass 2M as shown in Fig. 2.179. The block and the man are resting on a rough wedge
of mass M. The whole system is resting on smooth horizontal surface. The man starts walking
towards right while holding the rope in his hands. Pulley is massless and frictionless. The
displacement of the wedge when the block meets the pulley is m towards right. Then what is
value of x. (Assume wedge is sufficiently long so that man does not fall down.)



Ans: 4

15. A circular ring of mass 4 m and radius 20 cm lies smooth horizontal surface. An insect of mass m
starts moving around on the edge of the ring with uniform on a velocity 1  2 m/s relative to the
ring. Find the angular velocity of insect with respect to ground.____________________

Ans: 5

16. A wedge of mass m is placed on a horizontal smooth surface. A solid ball of equal mass and
radius r is released from the top of wedge as shown. The ball rolls down from height h  1.8 m ,
to ground without slipping. While leaving wedge horizontally velocity of the ball is found to be n
. Find the value of n [given g  10 m / s 2 , 10   ]

Ans: 1

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17. A cracker is thrown into air with a velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 45 to the horizontal. When
it is at a height of 0.5 m from the ground, it explodes into a number of pieces which follow
different parabolic paths. If the speed of the centre of mass of the system when it is at a height of
1 m from the ground is 4v1/ 2 m / s , find the value of v. g  10 m / s 2 . Consider that none of the
 
pieces has reached the ground before the above mentioned state.

Ans: 5

18. A large disc of mass 450 kg is free to rotate about its axis which is vertical. Two men, each of
mass 75 kg, stand on the rim of the disc at diametrically opposite points. The men
simultaneously start along the rim with the same speed and reach their original points on the
disc. The angle turned by the disc with respect to ground in the process is , where n =------

Ans: 4

19. The figure shows a yacht of mass 400 kg with three decks. When the engine of the yacht is
off, four men A, B, C and D m A  100 kg, m B  120 kg, mC  80 kg and m D  100 kg
 
start running on different decks with constant horizontal velocities relative to the yacht as
marked in the figure. All the velocity vectors are collinear. As a result, the yacht will start
moving with a speed of -----------m/s.

16m/s D
C 10m/s

A 40m/s B 20m/s

400 kg

Ans: 7

20. A small ball of mass 2 kg moving with velocity 2iˆ  2ˆj m / s collides with a large horizontal
 
surface moving vertically upward with velocity 2 m/s as shown. The coefficient of restitution
1 1
is and the coefficient of friction is . Find the horizontal component of velocity of the ball
2 3
after the collision (in m/s).

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O x


Ans: 0

21. A large heavy box is sliding without friction down a

smooth plane of inclination θ. From a point P on the bottom of the box, a particle is projected
inside the box. The initial speed of the particle w.r.t the box is u and the direction of
projection makes an angle α with the bottom as shown.
a) find the distance along the bottom of the box between the point of projection P and the
point Q where the particle lands. ( assume that it does not hit any where )
b) if the horizontal displacement of the particle as seen by the observer on the ground is
zero, find the speed of the box w.r.t the ground at the instant when the particle was

22. The distance between two moving particles P and Q at any time is a. If vr be their relative
velocity and if u and v be the components of vr along and perpendicular to PQ, then show
that their closest distance is and that the time that elapses before they arrive at their
nearest distance is 2

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23. A uniform slender bar AB of mass m and length L supported by a
frictionless pivot at A is released from rest at its vertical position. Calculate the reaction at the
pivot when the bar just acquires the horizontal position. Suppose at this instant the bar is
released from its support gently and allowed to move for t seconds further, estimate the
angular speed and the velocity of the center of mass after t sec from the release. Ans:
3g 3gL 37
 , v , mg
La 2 4

24. A uniform bar of length L and weight W stands vertically touching a vertical wall (y-axis).
When slightly displaced, its lower end begins to slide along the floor (x-axis).

Obtain an expression for the angular velocity of

the bar as a function of θ. Determine the distance moved by the lower end by the time the
3g 5
bar no longer touches the vertical wall. Neglect friction. Ans: (1  sin  ) , d  L
L 3

25. A spherical ball of radius r and mass m collides with a plank of mass M kept on a smooth

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horizontal surface. Before impact the ball
had velocity u and angular velocity ω as shown. The normal velocity is reversed with the same
magnitude and the ball stops rotating after the impact. Find the distance on the plank
between first two impacts of the ball. The friction coefficient between the ball and the plank is
µ. Assume plank to be large enough.

4  M  m  ur
Ans:  
5 M  g

26. A drinking straw of length (3a/2) mass 2m is placed on a square table of side ‘a’ parallel
to one of its sides such that one third of its length extends beyond the table. An insect of mass
(m/2) lands on the inner end of the straw ( that is the end which lies on the table ) and walks
along the straw until it reaches the outer end. The straw does not topple even when another
insect lands on top of the first one. Find the largest mass of the second insect that does not
topple the straw. Neglect the friction.

Ans: 5m

27. The gravitational field in a region is given by E  (5 N / kg )iˆ  (12 N / kg ) ˆj (a) find the
magnitude of the gravitational force acting on the particle of mass 2 kg placed at the origin.
(b) find the potential at the points ( 12, 0 ) and ( 0, 5 ) if the potential at the origin is zero. (c)
find the change in the gravitational P.E if a particle of mass 2 kg is taken from the origin to the
point ( 12, 5 )
Ans: (a) 26 N (b) – 60 J/kg , -60 J/kg (c) -240 J

28. A small block of super dense material has a mass of 3  1024 kg. It is situated at a height h
( much smaller than the earth’s radius ) from where it falls on the earth’s surface. Find its
speed when its height from the earth’s surface has reduced to (h/2). The mass of the earth is
6  1024 kg.

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More than One Option:

1. A horizontal plane supports a plank with a block placed on

it. A light elastic string is attached to the block which is attached to a fixed point O. Initially the cord is
unstretched and vertical. The plank is slowly moved towards right with the force F until the block starts
sliding over it. It occurs at the moment when the cord deviates from the vertical by θ. Work done by the
force F is
a) Energy lost against friction F1 plus strain energy stored in the cord.
b) Work done against total friction acting on the plank alone.
c) Work done against total friction acting on the plank plus strain energy stored in the cord.
d) Work done against total friction acting on the plank plus strain energy stored in the cord minus work
done by friction acting on the block.
Solution: If you look at the f.b.d of the plank, you will realize that you have worked against F1 and F2
acting on the plank leaving mg and normal reaction acting on the plank as they are at right angles to the
motion of the plank. So, (b) is correct.
Now if you look at the block, it has moved with the plank and the friction F2 which is static has acted on
the block in the direction of motion of the plank and has worked equally against the elastic force
exerted by the string in the backward direction on getting stretched. Hence work done by F2 is stored in
the string in the form of strain energy. So, (a) is also correct.
Why is (d) correct is now obvious.

2. Choose the correct statement.

a) Force acting on a particle for equal time intervals can produce the same change in momentum but
different change in kinetic energy.

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b) Force acting on a particle for equal displacements can produce the same change in kinetic energy but
different change in momentum.
c) Force acting on a particle for equal time intervals can produce different change in momentum but
same change in kinetic energy.
d) Force acting on a particle for equal displacements can produce different change in kinetic energy but
same change in momentum.
Ans: a, b

3. Referring to the graphs

which of the following statements are true?
a) the particle is in stable equilibrium at points 3 and b
b) the particle is in neutral equilibrium at points b and 2
c) no power is delivered by the force on the particle at points 1, 3 and b
d) the particle has least kinetic energy at 1
Ans: a, c d

4. A block hangs freely from the end of a spring. An external agent then slowly pushes the block upwards
so that the spring becomes relaxed. The gain in the gravitational potential energy of the block during
this process is not equal to
a) the work done by the external agent against the gravitational force acting on the block.
b) the loss of energy stored in the spring minus the work done by the spring.
c) the work done by the external agent plus the loss of energy stored in the spring.
d) the work done by the external agent, minus the work done by the spring, plus the loss of energy
stored in the spring.
e) the work done by the external agent minus the work done by the spring force.
Ans: a, b, d, e

5. A vehicle is driven along a straight horizontal track by a motor which exerts a constant driving force.
The vehicle starts from rest at t = 0. If kinetic energy of the vehicle at time t is E and the power
developed by the motor is P, neglecting friction and air resistance which of the following graphs are

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Ans: a, c

6. A charged particle X moves directly towards another charged particle Y. For X plus Y system, the total
momentum is P and the total energy is E.
a) p and E are conserved if both X and Y are free to move.
b) (a) is correct only if X and Y are similar charges.
c) If Y is fixed, E is conserved but not p.
d) If Y is fixed, neither E nor p is conserved.
Ans: a, c

7. Two inclined frictionless tracks ( θ1 < θ2 ) meet at A from

where two blocks P and Q are simultaneously released from rest.
a) both the blocks will reach the bottom at the same time.
b) Q will reach the bottom earlier than P
c) both will reach the bottom with the same speed.
d) Q will reach the bottom with a greater speed.
Ans: b, c

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8. A semicircular wedge of mass M is placed on a smooth
horizontal floor. A man of mass m starts walking without slipping on the wedge from point A with
uniform velocity v w.r.t the wedge towards the point C. Initially both the man and the wedge are rest.
a) speed of the wedge will first increase and then decrease.
b) net work done (on the system consisting of man and the wedge) by the contact force between the
man and the wedge is zero.
c) the wedge will get displaced by towards the left by the time the man reaches C (where R is
M m
the radius of the wedge)
d) speed of the wedge will be maximum when man reaches B.
Ans: a, b, c, d

9. A body of mass 1 kg is taken from infinity to a point P. While at P it has a speed of 2 m/s. The work
done by the conservative force is _5 J. Assume no non-conservative forces to be present. Which of the
following statements are true?
a) work done by the applied force is 7 J
b) total energy possessed by the body at P is 7 J
c) potential energy possessed by the body at P is 5 J
d) work done by all the forces taken together is equal to change in kinetic energy.
Ans: a, b, c, d

10. A linear harmonic oscillator of force constant 2  106 N / m and amplitude 0.01 m has a total
mechanical energy of 160 J. Its
a) maximum potential energy is 100 J
*b) maximum kinetic energy is 100 J
*c) maximum potential energy is 160 J
d) maximum potential energy is zero.
1 2
kA  100 J is the beauty of the problem.

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11. A small ball starts moving from A over a fixed track as
shown. Track AB is rough and the ball rolls without slipping. BC is smooth . k A , k B , kC are the kinetic
energies of the ball at A, B, C respectively. Then
*a) k B  kC , ha  hc *b) kC  k A , ha  hc c) kC  k B , ha  hc d) k B  kC , ha  hc

12. Two blocks A and B of equal mass m are connected through a massless string and arranged as
show in figure. Friction is absent everywhere. When the system is released from rest:

30 0

mg mg
A) Tension in string is *B) Tension is string is
2 4
g 3
C) Acceleration of A is *D) Acceleration of A is g
2 4
13. A bead is free to slide down a smooth wire tightly stretched between points A and B on a vertical
circle. If the bead starts from rest at A, the highest point on the circle:

*A) Bead velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to cos 

B) Bead velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to tan 
C) Time to arrive at B is proportional to cos 
*D) Time to arrive at B is independent of 

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14. A man of mass m is stationary on a stationary on a stationary flat car. The car can move without
friction along horizontal rails. The man starts walking with velocity v relative to the car. Work
done by him:
*A) Is less than mv 2 , if he walks along the rails

*B) Is equal mv 2 , if he walks normal to rails

1 2
C) Can never be less than mv

D) Is greater than mv 2 , if he walks along the rails

15. In the system shown in the figure the mass m moves in a circular arc of angular amplitude 600 .
Mass 4 m is stationary. Then:



*A) The minimum value of coefficient of friction between the mass 4 m and the surface of the
table is 0.50
*B) The work done by gravitational force on the block m is positive when it moves from A to B
*C) The power delivered by the tension when m moves from A to B is zero
*D) the kinetic energy of m in position B equal the work done by gravitational force on the
block when it moves from position A to B
16. Two masses M A  1kg and M B  2 kg are connected by a massless spring as shown in figure. A
force of 4N acts on the 2 kg mass:
A B 4N

*A) When acceleration of A is 1 m / s 2 the acceleration of B is m / s2
4 4
*B) When acceleration of A is m / s 2 the acceleration of B is m / s 2
3 3
*C) The acceleration of A always be less or equal to the acceleration of B
D) None of the above

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1: Sand particles drop vertically at the rate of 2 kg/sec on a conveyor belt moving horizontally with a
speed of 0.2 m/s.

A. The extra force to keep the belt moving with the same speed is
a) 0.4 N b) 0.08 N c) 0.04 N d) 0.2 N

B. The extra power required is

a) 0.4 W b) 0.08 W c) 0.04 W d) 0.2 W

C. The time rate of change of kinetic energy of the sand particles is

a) 0.4 J/s b) 0.08 J/s c) 0.04 J/s d) 0.2 J/s
Ans: a, b, c

2: Figure shows variation of potential energy of a

particle as a function of x in a given region. It has been assumed that P.E depends only on x and for
values of x < -10 and x > 15, U = 0

A. If the total mechanical energy of the particle is 25 J, then it can be found in the region
a) -10 < x < -5 and 10 < x < 15 b) -10 < x < 0 and 6 < x < 10
c) -5 < x < 6 d) -10 < x < 10

B. If the total mechanical energy of the particle is -40 J, then it can be found in the region
a) x < -10 and x > 15 b) -10 < x < -5 and 6 < x < 15 c) 10 < x < 15 d) not possible

C. If the particle is isolated and its total mechanical energy is 60 J, then

a) the particle can be found anywhere from   x  
b) the particle’s maximum kinetic energy is 95 J
c) the particle’s kinetic energy is not zero anywhere on the x-axis

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d) all the above

A 60 mm radius wheel is connected to a fixed support D by two links AB and BD. At the instant shown,
the velocity of the centre A of the wheel is 30 m/s to the left. Rod AB and BD have equal length
l  5m .

30 m / s 450 450 D

A. The angular velocity of rod AB will be

*a) 3 2 rad/sec b) 5 2 rad/sec c) 7 2 rad/sec d) 30 2rad / s

B. The angular velocity of rod BD is

a) 2 2 rad/sec *b) 3 2 rad/sec c) 8 2 rad/sec d) 15 2rad / s

C. Velocity of pin B will be

a) 16 2 m/s b) 5 2 m/s *c) 15 2 m/s d) 15m / s


When a jet of liquid strikes a fixed or moving surface, it exerts thrust on it due to rate of change of

A 
V0 0
Fixed surface

F   AV0  V0   AV0  V0 cos 

 AV02 1  cos 

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If surface is free and starts moving due to thrust of liquid, then at any instant, the above
equation gets modified based on relative change of momentum with respect to surface. Let
at any instant the velocity of surface be u. Then above equation becomes
F  A  V0  u  1  cos 
Based on the above concept, as shown in the following figure. If the cart is frictionless and
free to move in horizontal direction, then answer the following.
A0  2  101 m 2
V0=10 m/s

Given: cross sectional area of jet  2  104 m 2 , velocity of jet V0  10 m / s , density of liquid
= 1000 kg / m 3 , mass of cart M=10 kg.
A. Velocity of cart at t=10 s is equal to

a) 4 m/s b) 6 m/s *c) 8 m/s d) 5 m/s

B. The power supplied to the cart when its velocity becomes 5 m/s is equal to

a) 100 W b) 25 W *c) 50 W d) 200 W

A uniform rod AB of mass ‘m’ and length ' l ' is hung in horizontal position by two identical inextensible
strings as shown. The string attached at A is cut. Immediately after wards

A: The acceleration of point B is directed

a) perpendicular to BD b) parallel to BD c) perpendicular to AB d) parallel to AB
B: The tension in the string BD is
mg 2mg 3mg 4mg
a) b) c) d)
3cos 2   1 3cos 2   1 3cos 2   1 3cos 2   1
C: The component of the acceleration of the centre of mass of the rod in horizontal direction is
g sin  2 g sin  3 g sin  4 g sin 
a) b) c) d)
3cos 2   1 3cos 2   1 3cos 2   1 3cos 2   1

Ans: A. a B. a C .a

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mg  T cos   m a y
T sin   m ax
ml 2 l
   T cos 
12 2

Acc. Of B along BD is zero

l  cos 
 ax sin   a y cos 
A motor-boat of mass m moves along a lake with velocity V0 . At the moment t  0 the engine of the boat is
shut down. Assuming the resistance to the motor boat is
proportional to the velocity of the boat F   rV , where r is a constant.
Answer the following questions.

A: How long the motor boat moved with the shut down engine
m m m
a) ln 2 b) ln V0 c) ln V0 d) 
r r 2r

B: The velocity of the motor boat as a function of the distance (s) covered with the shut down engine
rs rs
rm 
rs 
a) V  V0  b) V  V0  e c) V  V0  d) V  V0 e
s m
C: The mean velocity of the motorboat over the time interval (beginning with the moment t  0 ),
during which its velocity decreases n times is
rn rn
rn  
 Ve m Ve m V0 (n  1)
a) V0 e m
b) 0 c) 0 d)
n nm n log n
Ans: A. d B. c C. d

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Sol: 4. F   rV
dV t V
mdV  rVdt   m   rdt  V  V0 e m
V0 V 0

Where V  0, t  
dV V s rs
5. mV   rV  m  dV    rds  V  V0 
ds V0 0 m
m V m Vn m
6. t  ln 0  ln 0  ln n
r V r V0 r

V  V0 e
x t  V0 m  1 
 dx   V0 e m dt  x  1  
0 0 r  n
x V0 m  n  1  r (n  1)
 V      V0
t r  n  m ln n n ln n
As in bigger pulley a variable force F is acting in upward direction. F = at (where a = 80 and t in second).
Pulleys are light and smooth.

(m1 = 2kg , m2 = 4kg , m3 = 6kg)

m1 m2 m3

A: Time t1 when block m2 will leave contact from ground

(a) 1 sec (b) 2 sec
(c) 3 sec (d) 4 sec
B: Velocity of block m2 when m3 will leave contact from horizontal surface.
(a) zero (b) 2.5 m/sec
(c) 5 m/sec (d) None
C: Height attain by m2 when m3 will leave contact from horizontal surface.
5 15
(a) m (b) m
6 3
(c) zero (d) None
Ans: B;B;A
Sol: F.B.D. of bigger pulley

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T1 T1

80 t – 2T1 = 0 ; T1 = 40 t
F.B.D. of smaller pulley

T2 T2

40t  2T2  0;T2  20t

since pulleys are mass-less
F.B.D. of m 2
T2 = 20t

m2 = 4kg

N= 0

4g = 40

When m 2 will leave contact normal reaction between block and horizontal is zero.
So, T2  4g
20t  4 10
t = 2 sec ; correct option is (b).
Let at time t 3 block m3 will leave contact from horizontal
F.B.D. of m3
20t 3  60 ; t 3  3sec
For block m 2 when 2 sec < t < 3 sec ;
3 3 v
20t  40  4  5tdt  10 dt   dv N= 0
dt 2 2 0
m3 g

5  . 9  4  10  3  2   v
25 5
 10  v;  V  m / sec = 2.5 m/sec
2 2
correct answer is (b)
At t = 2 second ; block m2 will leave contact from horizontal.
At t = 3 second block m3 will leave contact for block m2.

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dv dv
20t  40  4 ; 5t  10 
dt dt
t t

 5t dt  10 dt   dv
2 2 0

V  t 2  10t  10
dv 5 2
 t  10t  10
dt 2
n 3 3 3
5 2
0 dt  2 2 t dt  2 10t  dt  2 10 dt
h metre. Correct option is (a)

In the figure there is a trolley moving uniformly on horizontal

surface. There is an ideal spring of spring constant K and there
is a man in the trolley to perform some experiment with the
spring. Trolley is moving with velocity v. Body posture of man
while performing experiment is not clearly depicted in the
Answer the following questions.
A: In his first experiment man applied force F to stretched the
spring and remained standing in the trolley. If the trolley
covers an distance L than the work done by man with respect
to ground observer and with respect to trolley are
a)  FL,  FL b)  FL ,  FL c) 2 FL, 2 FL d) zero, zero
B: Now in his 2 experiment man stretches the spring through x during time t and during the same
time trolley covers a distance L. When man stretches the spring man moves opposite to the train. Work
performed by man is ground frame is
1 2 kx k. 2
a) kx b) kx 2 c) L  x d) x
2 2 4
C: In the 2nd experiment workdone by man to overcome the friction in trolley frame is
1 2 1 2 kx
a) zero b) kx c) kx d)  L  x
4 2 2
Ans: D;A;A
Sol: Work done depends on frame of reference.


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Two men A and B each of mass m sit in light cages at the ends of a flexible
light rope passing over a smooth pulley as shown in the figure. Initially
both are at rest. A being higher than B by h. Suddenly a small ball of mass
is handed over to B which he instantaneously throws up to A.
A: If the ball takes time t to go from the hand of B to that of A, Then
during this internal of time which of the following observation is correct on
the basis of known fundamental Principle of Physics.
a) motion of A is accelerated and that of B is un accelerated.
b) motion of both A and B are accelerated.
c) motion of both A and B are un accelerated but that of ball is accelerated.
d) motion of all A, B and the ball are accelerated.
B: When A catches the ball, his position is shifted up by l . Where l is
h 3h 4h h
a) b) c) d)
19 19 38 38
C: If in the course of motion the maximum height attended by A is
2h 2lh 2 gh 17 h
a) b) c) d)
19 361 361 361
Ans: C;C;C
Sol: Solve the problem in A-Frame and use equation of kinematics.

Two smooth blocks are placed at a smooth corner as shown. Both the blocks
are having mass m. We apply a force F on the small block m. Block A presses
the block B in the normal direction, due to which pressing force on vertical wall
will increase, and pressing force on the horizontal wall decrease, as we
increase F. (  37o with horizontal). As soon as the pressing force on the
horizontal wall by block B becomes zero, it will loose the contact with the ground. If the value of F
is further increased, the block B will accelerate in upward direction and simultaneously the block A
will move toward right.

A: What is minimum value of F, to lift block B from ground.

25 5 3 4
a) mg b) mg c) mg d) mg
12 4 4 3

B: If both the blocks are stationary, the force exerted by ground on block A is:

3F 3F 4F 4F
a) mg  b) mg  c) mg  d) mg 
4 4 3 3

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C: If acceleration of block A is a rightward, then acceleration of block B will be:

3a 4a 3a 4a
a) upwards b) upwards c) upwards d) upwards
4 3 5 5

Ans: C;C;A
Sol: For equilibrium of block

F  N sin 

N  F / sin 

To lift block B from ground N cos   mg

cos   mg
sin 

3 3
F  mg tan   mg   ; So Fmin  mg
4 4

If both the blocks are stationary, Balancing forces along x – direction

F  N sin   N  F / sin  Balancing forces along y – direction
N y  mg  N cos 

 F 
 mg    cos   mg  F cot 
 sin  

N y  mg 

To keep regular contact a sin   b cos

b  a tan   a
An inclined plane making an angle 300 with horizontal is 100 V / m

placed in a uniform horizontal electric field E of 100 V/m as

shown in figure. A body of mass 1 kg and charge 0.01 C is
allowed to slide down from rest from a height of 1m. If

coefficient of friction is   0.2 . g  10 m / s 2 
A: After how much time the body will reach the bottom (in sec)
a) 2.565 b) 1.318 c) 0.650 d) 0.866
B: Velocity of body on reaching the bottom will be (in m/s)

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a) 2.4 b) 1.23 c) 3.03 d) 3.6
C: How much will be the heat produced (approximately in joule)
a) 5.5 b) 4.5 c) 10 d) 3.68
Ans: B;C;D
Sol: R  mg cos 300  qE cos 60 0

R  mg cos 300  qE cos 600

F  mg sin300  R  qE cos 300

a  2.303 m / s 2
t  1.318sec
v  at  2.303  1.318  3.03m / s
Loss in G.P.E = 110 1  10
Gain in E.P.E. = 0.01100 1.73  1.73

Heat loss = 10  1.73  4.59  3.68

12. Points A and C are on the horizontal ground and A and B are in same vertical line at a separation of
1500m. Simultaneously bullets are fired from A, B and C and they collide at O. The bullet at B is fired
at an angle of 30° with horizontal towards the ground at velocity 100 m/s. The bullet at C is projected
vertically upward at velocity of 100 m/s. The bullet projected from A reaches its maximum height at

A. Find the time in which bullets will collide (seconds)

(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 25
B. Find the elevation angle   OAC
(a) 60° (b) 45° (c) 30° (d) 15°
C. Find the velocity of bullet at A

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(a) 50 m/s (b) 50 7 m / s (c) 60 7 m / s (d) 60 m/s

13. . Two particles are thrown simultaneously from

points A and B with velocities u1 = 2 m/s and u2 = 14 m/s respectively as shown.

A. The relative velocity of B as seen from A is

*a) 8 2iˆ  6 2 ˆj b) 4 2iˆ  3 3 ˆj c) 3 5iˆ  2 3 ˆj d) 3 2iˆ  4 3 ˆj

B. The angle ( iˆ is horizontal towards right ) at which B will appear to move as seen from A
*a) 370 b) 530 c) 150 d) 900

C. Minimum separation between A and B is

a) 3 m b) 6 m c) 12 m *d) 9 m

Column Matrix:
1. Match the following
In the diagram shown in figure, all pulleys are smooth and massless and strings are light. Match
the following:

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F = 80N

1kg 3kg
4 kg
2 kg

Column - I Column - II
A) 1 kg block p) will remain stationary
B) 2 kg block q) will move down
C) 3 kg block r) will move up
D) 4 kg block s) 5 m / s 2

t) 10 m / s 2
A – r, t; B – p; C - q; D- q, s

2. In a two block system shown in figure match the following:

1kg 10 m/s
5 m/s 2 kg

Column - I Column – II
A) Velocity of centre of mass p) Keep on changing all the time
B) Momentum of centre of mass q) First deceases then become zero
C) Momentum of 1 kg block r) Zero
D) Kinetic energy of 2 kg block s) Constant

A-r, s ; B – r, s; C - q; D- q

3. In the system shown in fig mass ‘m’ is released from rest from position ‘A’. Suppose potential

Energy of ‘m’ at point ‘A’ with respect to point ‘B’ is ‘E’. All surfaces are smooth. On the curved

track when mass ‘m’ reaches point B, then ( ‘2m’ is the mass of the movable block having the

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curved track)

Column – I Column – II

a) Kinetic energy of m p) E / 3

b) Kinetic energy of 2m q) 2E / 3

c) momentum of m r)

d) momentum of 2m s)

Key A-q, B-p, C-s, D-s

4. A rigid ball is projected between two vertical rigid smooth

walls as shown in the figure. The ball comes to rest immediately after hitting the ground again, but the
collisions with the wall are perfectly elastic.

3v 2 sin 2 3R
d 
8g 8

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Column – I Column – II
a) The distance b/w point, at which the ball hits p) R/8
the ground, and wall I is
b) The distance b/w point, at which the ball hits q) R/4
the ground, and wall II is
c) The distance b/w point, at which the ball attains r) d/3
maximum height, and wall I is

d) The distance b/w point, at which the ball attains s) 2d/3

maximum height, and wall II is
ans : a – q,s; b – p,r ; c – q,s ; d – p, r

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