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11 Vocabulary Good news, bad news

The town has been given
Attempts to reduce pollution
£50 million to build a new
in our town are working.
hospital and health centre.

The government has ordered
A new car that drives itself is being
people not to have more
tested at the Road Research Centre.
than two children.

5 6
Many customers are complaining The country’s financial problems
that Contel’s expensive new mean that people are poorer now
smartphone doesn’t work properly. than they were ten years ago.

Thousands of cattle have
Scientists tell us that climate
been destroyed to stop a
change is getting worse.
dangerous disease.

9 10
More people are experiencing For every new job in the city,
heart problems as a result of there are twenty-three
work-related stress. people applying for it.

A cool, dry summer means
Electrical goods cost 6% less than
that this year’s potato crop
they did this time last year.
has been the best ever.

13 14
More than 800 new positions Recent research suggests that
have been created at a new large families are happier
factory in the town. than small families.

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