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Ten years

•The line graph illustrates four different

(media/ways/methods/channels) that were used by people in a US
city to watch television for ten/10 years from 2004 to 2014.
•In general, the use of internet improved significantly over the
period, while cable and broadcast television usage were declined.
Then, the use of satellite technology are slightly increased. In
addition, the use of internet was the highest by 2014.
The line chart above illustrates how the number of
families/domestics region in US town used their technology for
watching TV evolve over a 10[-]year period. It’s/It represents by four
symbols for each technologies, namely satellite, cable, internet, and

Generally, it can be seen that there’s a surge line of internet and

satellite usage[,] while the other two types of technology showed a
vivid decreade in the same period/time span/timeframe/moment.

To be precise, At the start of this period, in 2004, most people used

broadcast TV.
Over time, broadcast TV became less popular, especially after 2006.
This made people switched to other options like cable and internet.
In the mid period, cable and broadcast TV became less popular,
while internet and satellite TV became more popular.
The chart illustrates the number/amount of households using variety
of technology to watch television program in a city in the United
States between 2004 and 2014.
the line graph shows the information about (the total of households
using / the usage of household) technology for watching television
between 2004 and 2014 in/at one US City. it shows the significant
improvement of internet in between ten years, (which got its / and it
become the) highest position in 2014. on the other hands, the usage
of broadcast decreased/decreasing and became/become the lowest
among four others which are satelite and cable.

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