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This AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between:
_______, herein represented by his brother yyyy, of legal age, married , Filipino
citizen, and resident of Villanueva, Misamis Oriental, hereinafter referred to as First
Party; and

eeee, of legal age, married, Filipino citizen and resident of P6, Zillovia,
Talacogon, Agusan Del Sur, hereinafter referred to as “Second Party”.
That for and inconsideration of the amount of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND
PESOS (PHP25,000.00) PESOS for the MEDICAL EXPENSES and related expenses,
in cash, received by me, First Party, to my full and complete satisfaction from the
Second party driver of the truck, as expenses I incurred due to a vehicular accident
which happened last November 22, 2023 in cccccc Oriental involving a Ten Wheeler
Truck Fuel Tanker Truck driven by the second party bearing plate number pup and a
pedestrian (first party), I(first party) hereby absolutely release, completely clear, and
forever discharge the said Second party and its employer or owner of the truck, from
any civil and/or criminal action, cause of action, sum of money, liability, damages,
claims and demands whatsoever; further warrant that I(first party) will institute no further
civil and/or criminal action against the said Second party and its employer or owner of
the truck arising from, by reason of, or in connection with, the aforementioned vehicular
accident. I (first party) also manifest that the said payment/settlement made by the said
second party and its employer or owner of the truck, shall not be taken by me, my heirs,
our insurer or assigns, as a confession and/or admission of liability on the part of the
said second party in connection with the aforementioned accident.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto affixed our signature this _____ day of
___________, 2024 at _____________ Mindanao, Philippines.

First Party Second Party

Signed in the presence of: _________________ _____________________

BEFORE ME, this ___ day of __________ 2024 in, personally appeared the above-named
persons, known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing COMPROMSIE
AGREEMENT, consisting of one (1) page, including this page containing the acknowledgment, and
acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and deed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix my notarial seal, the day, year
and place above written.

Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 2024

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