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United Nations


Human Rights Council

4th May, 2024

Original : English

Distr.: General

Recommendation Paper
Author: The Russian Federation

Agenda: Reviewing and discussing on protection of Human Rights in conflict and post
conflict situations

The Russian Federation strongly advocates for the execution of the following:

1. Strict action against the western powers on the grounds of unjust influence over
media and military intervention under the façade of ‘aid’ by:
a. Giving the eastern bloc the credibility to collaborate in media to provide just

2. The addition of the Russian Federation into the United Nations Human Rights
Council, establishing the following:
a. As a member of the 'permanent 5' and holding a fair position on the
security council, Russia has the potential to bring a beneficial equilibrium
to the United Nations Human Rights Council.
b. Given Russia's recent experience with foreign terrorist violence and
ideological extremism, the Russian Federation is determined to assist all
nations in combating the decentralised and horrifying threat of terrorism.
c. The delegate firmly believes that Russia's crucial involvement in all
United Nations organs makes it a valuable asset to the United Nations
Human Rights Council.

3. The delegate firmly supports the creation of a Palestinian state on the basis of:
a. The creation of a Palestinian state would put a firm end on constant
attacks by Israel that cause significant discredit to human rights on
Palestine and the Gaza Strip.
b. The successful implementation of this policy has the potential to finally
bring about the much-desired peace and protection of human rights in the
Middle East.

4. Implementing binding agreements and sanctions for Ukraine, in retaliation of the

defiance of the treaty between the two countries as:
a. Ukraine has openly disregarded the agreement by seeking to join NATO.
b. This would limit Ukraine's ability to disregard future treaties, similar to
how the United Nations addressed the Russian Federation as well as putting an
end to human rights violations in the conflict itself.

5. Countries are encouraged to oversee the utilisation of the United Nations Human
Rights Council to safeguarding human rights and to promote peace and
cooperation, rather than allowing it to be used for geopolitical purposes.

6. Establishment of a special supervision program for overseeing the rights of

refugees and IDPs in the process of placement of asylum to tackle generalised
violence in post conflict areas.


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