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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St. Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Arts and Sciences

Impact of English Language Proficiency in Academic Performance of Bachelor ofArts

in Communication Students of Batangas State University ARASOF- Nasugbu


Conceptual Literature
The relationship between English language proficiency and academic performance is a
highly studied topic in the educational literature. There are plenty of studies based on the
existing dataset that explores how having a strong understanding of the English language
correlates to success in different disciplines and academic programs. On one hand, it is
evident that the students that have a better grasp of English tend to perform better
academically in terms of academic achievement. They understand the material better and can
communicate their thoughts clearly and more precisely. In addition, in this connection, a
strong understanding of English is an indication of vital skills like critical and analytical
thinking. However, English proficiency is a complex variable, and it may be highly correlated
with other ones, including family incomes, access to educational resources, cultural
background, and others.

Research Literature
There is a vast amount of research literature on English language proficiency and its
influence on academic achievement. It involves studies coming from a variety of different
academic disciplines including but not limited to education, linguistics, psychology and
sociology. Some of the main results include the following:

"The Impact of English Proficiency on Academic Achievement" by Francis Bailey and Paul
Merrick (2017):
This study investigates the relationship between English language proficiency and academic
achievement among secondary school students. It explores how variations in English
proficiency levels affect students' performance in different subject areas.
"English Language Proficiency and Academic Performance in African American English-
Speaking English Language Learners" by Patricia E. Velasco, Jennifer A. Moore, and
Elizabeth D. Peña (2018):
This research examines the academic performance of African American English-speaking
English language learners and the role of English language proficiency in their educational
outcomes. It highlights the importance of considering linguistic diversity in understanding
academic achievement.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nations

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St. Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

"The Relationship between English Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement for
English Language Learners" by Audrey N. Figueroa Murphy, Holly Hansen-Thomas, and
Lauren M. Villarreal (2017):
This study explores the association between English language proficiency levels and
academic achievement among English language learners. It examines the impact of language
development programs and instructional practices on students' academic success.
"English Proficiency and Academic Success in Hispanic English Language Learners" by
Rubén O. Martinez and Jennifer A. Moore (2015):
This research investigates the relationship between English language proficiency and
academic success among Hispanic English language learners. It examines factors influencing
language acquisition and academic outcomes in this population.
"The Role of English Language Proficiency in the Academic Success of International
Students" by John M. Mwaniki (2016):
This study explores the impact of English language proficiency on the academic success of
international students studying in English-speaking countries. It examines the challenges
faced by these students and strategies to support their language development and academic
These studies represent a sample of the research literature on English language proficiency
and academic performance. To explore further, you can search academic databases such as
Google Scholar, ERIC, or JSTOR using relevant keywords and browse through peer-
reviewed articles, dissertations, and conference proceedings in the field of education and
applied linguistics.

English language proficiency is a crucial factor in academic performance . Learners
with excellent English proficiency pass reading and comprehension assignments excellently.
Consequently, they understand their course content better and perform well in assignments,
quizzes, and end-of-term exams offering high grades. Many studies have reported a strong
positive correlation between English language skills and academic success . Given the ability
of the English language skills to dictate grades, schools and policymakers have instituted
language development programs and support services to help learners who find the language
a stumbling block. Furthermore, many academic institutions require proficiency test scores to
consider enrolment applications. Other standardized tests are also implemented in English.
All standardized testing in many countries is done in English. In conclusion, it can be argued
that good English performance fuels better academic performance among students.Overall,
English language proficiency is a critical factor that affects academic performance. It
determines students’ ability to understand reading materials, to express their thoughts clearly,
and thus their success in various subjects. A vast body of literature demonstrates a positive
relationship between English proficiency and performance at different educational levels, and

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nations

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St. Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

students with strong English skills demonstrate better reading, writing, and comprehension
scores at all levels . All these intrinsically related increased English proficiency to better
academic outcomes, and it is also worth mentioning that English proficiency is often a
requirement for enrollment, as well as a prerequisite for taking standardized tests . It is
crucial to help students to improve their English to allow them better academic performance
and have the opportunity to reach their full potential in education.

Theoretical Framework
Theoretical frameworks provide a conceptual lens through which to understand the
relationship between English language proficiency and academic performance. Here are two
prominent theoretical frameworks often applied in this context:

Linguistic Interdependence Theory (Cummins, 1979):

This theory posits that there is a strong interdependence between a student's first language
(L1) and second language (L2) proficiency. According to Cummins, cognitive academic
skills developed in the first language can transfer to the second language, facilitating
academic performance.
The theory distinguishes between Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP). BICS refers to everyday conversational
language skills, whereas CALP involves the more complex language skills required for
academic tasks.
In the context of academic performance, Cummins argues that students with strong
foundational skills in their first language are better equipped to acquire academic proficiency
in a second language, such as English.
Sociocultural Theory (Vygotsky, 1978):
Sociocultural theory emphasizes the role of social interaction and cultural context in
cognitive development and learning. According to Vygotsky, learning occurs through
collaborative activities and interactions with more knowledgeable others.
In the context of English language proficiency and academic performance, sociocultural
theory highlights the importance of social and cultural factors in language acquisition and
academic success. Students' language development and academic performance are influenced
by their interactions with peers, teachers, and the broader socio-cultural environment.
Language learning is seen as a dynamic process shaped by social interactions and cultural
practices. As students engage in meaningful language use within academic contexts, they
develop both language proficiency and academic skills.
Both theoretical frameworks offer valuable insights into the complex relationship between
English language proficiency and academic performance. By considering factors such as
cognitive development, language acquisition processes, social interaction, and cultural
context, educators and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of how language

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nations

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St. Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

proficiency influences students' academic outcomes and how best to support their learning

Cummins, J. (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of

bilingual children. Review of Educational Research, 49(2), 222-251.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes.

Harvard University Press.

Conceptual Framework


Profile of College Students 1.) We conduct a survey Impact of English

According to: using random sampling on Language Proficiency in
the students of Batangas Academic Performance of
a.) sex State University ARASOF Bachelor of Arts in
b.) year level under the course of Communication Students
c.) English Language Bachelor of Arts in in Batangas State
Proficiency Communication University ARASOF-
2.) We used a piece of
paper and picked

Definitions of Terms

In academic contexts, terms related to English language proficiency often include:

1. English: Relating to England or its people or language

2. Comprehension: Understanding spoken and written English.
3. Proficiency: Overall skill level in English, encompassing speaking, listening, reading, and
4. Vocabulary: The range of words a student knows and understands in English.
5. Language: A system of communication used by a particular or community.
6. Academic: Relating to education and scholarship.
7. Performance: The action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task or

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nations

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St. Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

8. Listening skills: Capacity to understand spoken English, including lectures, discussions,

and presentations.
9. Reading skills: Ability to comprehend written English texts, ranging from simple to
complex academic materials.
10. Speaking skills: Capability to communicate verbally in English, including participating in
discussions, giving presentations, and engaging in debates.

SECTION : 2202


Basit, Jemina

Condicion, Rona Mae

Calbayar, Kristel Anne

Decepeda, Aaron Dexter

De Joya, Jericho

Macalindong, Diana

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nations

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