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The Purpose and Responsibilities of Marriage

The Purpose of Marriage

Marriage is a divine institution established by Allah for the
fulfillment of both individual and societal needs. At the
individual level, marriage provides the framework for the
psychological, emotional, and instinctive needs of a human being
to be satisfied in a pure and meaningful way. It is through the
marriage relationship that one truly understands the depth and
wisdom of human connections.

Beyond the individual, marriage also serves a crucial role in the

preservation and betterment of society. The family unit created
through marriage is the foundational building block of a healthy
and virtuous community. It is within the family that the values of
selflessness, responsibility, and fear of Allah are nurtured and
passed on to the next generation. Without the institution of
marriage, society would descend into a state of moral decay and
lack the necessary social infrastructure to propagate goodness.

Responsibilities of the Husband

The primary responsibilities of the husband are twofold: to
respect and protect the self-esteem of his wife, and to fulfill all
her needs, both tangible and intangible. A husband must ensure
that his wife feels secure, valued, and respected at all times. He
should never do or say anything that undermines her dignity or
causes her psychological distress.

Additionally, the husband is obligated to provide for all his

wife's requirements, whether it is food, clothing, shelter, or
emotional support. He must be attentive to her needs and strive
to make her content and happy. The husband's role is not one of
dominance, but of care and facilitation of his wife's wellbeing.

Responsibilities of the Wife

For the wife, the foremost responsibility is to follow and support
her husband with sincerity and pleasure. This is not a forced
obedience, but a willing submission rooted in the understanding
of the divinely ordained order of relationships. The wife should
also maintain the confidentiality and trust within the marriage,
safeguarding any secrets or sensitive information.

Additionally, the wife must prioritize her roles as a wife and

mother over any other pursuits or responsibilities. While she may
have other talents and ambitions, these should be balanced and
aligned with her primary duties within the household. The wife's
contribution to the family's wellbeing and the upbringing of
children is of paramount importance.

Maintaining a Healthy Relationship

For a marriage to thrive, both spouses must cultivate an attitude
of forgiveness, gratitude, and mutual understanding. They should
make conscious efforts to spend quality time together,
communicate openly, and address any issues or conflicts with
wisdom and compassion.

It is crucial for the husband and wife to maintain the proper order
of relationships, where the spouse takes precedence over all
other relationships, except the relationship with Allah. This order
must be reflected in their priorities, decision-making, and the
way they value and support each other.

Furthermore, both the husband and wife should strive to be each

other's closest confidants and mentors. They should see each
other as their best friends and the most beautiful individuals in
the universe. This deep level of trust, appreciation, and
companionship is the hallmark of a successful and fulfilling

By understanding the purpose of marriage and embracing the

responsibilities that come with it, couples can build a
relationship that is not only a source of personal happiness but
also a means of attaining the pleasure of Allah and contributing
to the betterment of society.

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