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The Vitaceae family is widely recognized for its grapes and holds significant
ecological value as prominent climbers in both tropical and temperate forests (Wen et al.,
2013). One of the most species-rich genera in the commercially and agronomically
significant Vitaceae family is Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch (Habib et al., 2017). As the host
plant of the parasitic species Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae), which possesses the largest blossom of
any flowering plant in the world, Tetrastigma is also well-known throughout Southeast Asia
(Wen, 2007; Lianah et al., 2015).

There were about ninety-five species in Tetrastigma, which are found throughout the
Asian tropics and subtropics, ranging from Australia to China, from India to Southeast Asia,
and east to Fiji (Wen, 2007; Chen et al., 2011; Trias-Blasi et al., 2012). It thrives in the wet,
shaded hillsides and valleys of primary rainforests (Lianah et al., 2015). Tetrastigma
harmandii Planch contains ellipsoid seeds (Kochaiphat et al., 2016), rusty brown globose
fruits (Pelser et al., 2016), glossy dark green leaflets, simple tendrils, and pedately compound
leaves with 3(5)6 leaflets with indistinct, flat secondary venation on the adaxial leaf side. T.
was reported in the Philippines by Yahya et al. (2010). Harmandii, the only host plant on
Mount Makiling that is home to Rafflesia lagascae (also known as R. manillana).

In the northern part of the Philippines, harmandii—also referred to as “ariwat” in the

Ilocos Region (Vanoverbergh, 1927) and “ayo” in other regions—is used as an indigenous
vegetable in souring Filipino and Ilokano meals (Maghirang et al., 2018). Its leaves and sour
fruits can be used to make preservatives. It is used as a vegetable, although not much is
known about its nutritional value. Regarding its therapeutic attributes, it is recognized to
possess phenols, terpenoids, tannins, saponins, anti-scabies, and diuretic qualities (Opeña et
al., 2021). (Brown, 1920). Urinary tract disorders can also be treated with it (Quisumbing,
1951; Carag and Buot, 2017).
The purpose of this study Is to determine the effects of powdered ariwat (Tetrastigma
Harmandii Planchtt) on the souring process. The powdered ariwat were used as a substitute
for commonly used and commercially available souring agents, substituting ariwat leaves for
the main ingredients in the production of food-grade or commercial souring agents. The
sensory elements that ariwat leaves behind include taste, texture, color, and scent.
Figure 1.1displays the flow of the study. There will be three components: the input,
process and the output.
The input reflects the different variables that will be used in making Ariwat powder.

The focus of the process will evaluate the sensory quality of Ariwat powder in terms
of taste, texture, appearance and color.
Input Process Output

Removing the seed Tetrastigma
1klg. of Ariwat Drying the ariwat fruit Harmandii Planch
fruit (Ariwat)Fruit
Powder as
Packing Homemade
Stewed Mix

1.In order to improve flavor profiles and nutritional content without sacrificing the
authenticity of traditional dishes, how can home cooks creatively combine Tetrastigma
Harmandii Planch fruit powder into different stewed mix recipes?
2.How should Tetrastigma Harmandii Planch fruit powder be stored to preserve its
efficacy and quality for use in homemade stewed mix in the future?
3.Is it possible to replace specific ingredients in stewed mix recipes using Tetrastigma
Harmandii Planch fruit powder?
This study will focus on providing a comprehensive understanding of ariwat powder,
its origins, unique characteristics, and the impact. It has on Filipino culture and culinary
preferences. The study aims to explore the factors contributing to the popularity of this sour
powder and its potential for growth in both local and international markets.


The finding of this study was to ensure the taste of ariwat powder that can be an
alternative for commercial sour mix.
Specially this research will benefit the following
To the Parents: The product may help parents prepare food for their children which
are nutritious and affordable and provide health benefits.
To the Consumers: This product will be healthy as part of their diet for it is from
natural ingredients. It will be convenient, practical and natural without affecting one’s health.
To the Students: The product may give them the choice of sour mix in a healthier diet
and a budget affordable to them.
To Future student Researcherss: Results of the study would benefits not only the
researchers but also other like student, and even consumers. The results can serve as to the
student and researcherss when they come up with related researcherss.

To the Entrepreneurs: They are given the opportunity to produce the product and
engage in entrepreneurial activity which will contribute to their economic condition and their
living in general.
To the Faculty teaching cooking classes: The output can be improved in so many
ways and ariwat will be utilize in providing guide in preparing sumptuous sour mix, or
preserve for further studies.

To help readers comprehend, the following concepts are defined operationally.
Tetrastigma :Tetrastigma is a genus of plants in the grape family, Vitaceae. The plants
are lianas that climb with tendrils and have palmately compound leaves. Plants are dioecious,
with separate male and female plants; female flowers are characterized by their four-lobed
Vitacea Family: a family of woody or herbaceous vines having simple, palmate, or
pinnate leaves, usually tendril-bearing stems, and small greenish clustered flowers succeeded
by a several-seeded berry see cissus, parthenocissus, vitis.

Stew mix: A stew is a combination of solid food ingredients that have been cooked in
After taste: In this study, the term “after taste” refers to the flavor and aroma of the
specially made ariwat powder that lingers after consumption. The diversity of ingredients
utilized and the intensity and weight of the ariwat.
Texture: This describes how food feels in the mouth. Texture in this study refers to a
Color: Any dye, pigment, or anything that adds color is referred to as food coloring or
a color additive. When it’s mixed with food or beverages. They are available in a variety of
forms, including pastes, liquids, powders, and gases. There are commercial uses for food
Aroma: the perception and analysis of odors or scents.
Several literary works are presented in this chapter, which also examines international
and domestic sources. By selecting the most significant and pertinent aspects to take into
account, this literature evaluation helped researchers find new directions.

Planch’s Tetrastigma harmandii. Tetrastigma harmandii is identified by a combination
of features such as glossy dark green leaflets with very faint secondary nerves, unforked
tendrils, a rather compact tomentose inflorescence, light brown fruits, and pedately
compound leaves, which typically have five leaflets (Planchon, 1887; Merrill, 1912b, 1916).
Our specimens closely correspond to this species, especially as noted for T. harmandii, which
are utilized in cooking as a souring agent (Merrill, 1916; Brown, 1920). Shoots lacking
reproductive organs and solely bearing trifoliolate leaves are often mistaken for T. Gagnep
loheri. S.L. (see below), as certain individuals of that species also have highly glossy leaves
devoid of noticeable secondary veins.
According to Yahya et al. (2010), T. harmandii, the only host plant on Mount
Makiling that is home to Rafflesia lagascae (also known as R. manillana). Since vouchers
were lost, we were unable to confirm this identification and could not locate this species as
R’s host plant. Lagascae in the Philippines, maybe atop Mount Makiling.
Vitaceae family is well-known for grapes and is ecologically important as major
climbers in tropical and temperate forests (Wen et al., 2013). Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch is one
of the most species-rich genera of the economically and agronomically important Vitaceae
family (Habib et al., 2017). Tetrastigma is also famous in Southeast Asia for being the host
plant of Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae) a parasitic genus that has the largest flower of all the
flowering plants in the world (Wen, 2007; Lianah et al., 2015).
One of the most species-rich genera in the commercially and agronomically
significant Vitaceae family is Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch (Habib et al. 2017). According to
Chen et al. (2011), the genus is distinguished by its dioecious reproductive system,
unbranched to digitately branching tendrils, and 4-lobed stigmas in female flowers. In
Southeast Asia, Tetrastigma is renowned for being the host plant of Rafflesia (Wen 2007;
Lianah et al. 2015). On Mt. Makiling, Laguna, Philippines, Tetrastigma harmandii was
identified as the only host plant of Rafflesia lagascae (also known as R. manillana) (Yahya et
al. 2010). In wet, shaded primary rainforests, hillsides and valleys are ideal habitats for
Tetrastigma species (Lianah et al. 2015). There are roughly 24 Tetrastigma species in the
Philippines, of which 15 are found in the country.Divergences with other Asian species were
shown by species in the genera at different points in time (Wen et al. 2013). Wen et al. (2013)
and Pelser et al. (2016) reported on the diversity, physical traits, and geographic distribution
of Tetrastigma species in the Philippines.

Pharmacological and phytochemical investigations have been conducted recently on

various Tetrastigma species. Current research in pharmacology revealed that T.
Antiproliferative, antitumor, antivirus, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, liver protective, and
immunoregulation activities were just a few of the many pharmacological properties of
hemsleyanum (Zhong et al. 2006; Xu et al. 2008; Yang and Wu, 2009; Ma et al. 2012; Wang
et al. 2018; Ding et al. 2019; Ru et al. 2019). Steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, and
tannins have all been identified in Tetrastigma glabratum plant extract (Lianah et al. 2015),
whereas T. Alkaloids, phytosteroids, saponin, diterpenes, cardiac glycosides, carbohydrates,
fixed oils, and lipids were found in the leucostaphylum (Adarsh et al. 2013). Particularly the
T, common species of Tetrastigma in the Philippines. The herb harmandii is used to souver
fish (Maghirang et al. 2018) it was discovered to have diuretic and anti-scabies qualities
(Brown, 1920), as well as the ability to treat urinary tract infections (Quisumbing, 1951;
Carag and Buot, 2017).

Several indigenous societies in many parts of the globe rely on traditional and wild
plants as their primary food source to mitigate food insecurity (Lugo-Morin 2020). Wild food
plants are primary components of traditional and indigenous food systems that are neither
cultivated nor domesticated, but they naturally thrive and reproduce in their natural habitats
(Pawera et al. 2020; Ahmed et al. 2022). They are the primary sources of fruits, vegetables,
root crops and nuts that are essential to ensure a sufficient food supply for the locals
(Heywood 2011). They are commonly found in forests, field margins, grasslands, woodlands
and barren lands.

In times of food shortage, indigenous wild flora may be eaten only occasionally and
more often by children (Lemke and Delormier 2017) and marginalized groups of society
(Kuhnlein and Chotiboriboon 2022). However, amid an extreme scarcity of food, indigenous
wild plants may become widely consumed as a supplement to staple food and as emergency
food (Duguma 2020). They also play a significant role in the subsistence of many human
populations, particularly when family finances are insufficient to buy adequate food or when
market access is challenging (Borelli et al. 2020). Thus, using indigenous wild plants is an
essential local survival strategy (Berihun and Molla 2017).

Indigenous wild plants offer numerous benefits and are gaining relevance in our
society today. They provideessential nutrients and bioactive compounds (Mbhenyane 2017;
Punchay et al. 2020). Because of their health- promoting properties, they are frequently
regarded as functional foods (Motti 2022). In some cases, they also address the cultural needs
and maintain the cultural heritage of the local inhabitants (Durst and Bayasgalanbat 2014).
Indigenous wild plants can develop independently using only the energy and materials in the
surroundings. They are maintained every growing season and can survive. Within the year
without expensive inputs or intervention from human beings. They can be collected and
harvested with no monetary amount expended. Moreover, they are less damaging to the
environment because they do not require fertilizers and pesticides.

A number of research studies on indigenous wild plant resources were conducted in

some provinces of the Philippines, such as in Ilocos Norte (Antonio et al. 2011), Benguet
(Chua-Barcelo 2014), Kalinga Mt. Province (Tombali 2016), Guimaras (Ong and Kim 2017),
Southern Palawan (Bernadas and Peralta 2017) and Cebu Island (Rosales et al. 2018).
Nonetheless, the purpose and value of indigenous wild plant resources have never been fully
explored in Northwestern Cagayan, Philippines. The traditional knowledge, practice, and skill
linked with these plants have been neglected, and these wild plants’ role in rural livelihoods
has yet to be commonly acknowledged (Ashagre et al. 2016).

Indigenous wild food plants can play an essential role in reducing poverty, ensuring
food security, increasing agricultural diversification, generating income and alleviating
malnutrition (Ashagre et al. 2016). However, due to the rapid population growth, scarcity of
fertile land for cultivation, and high prices of available staple foods, poor people recurrently
gather indigenous wild food plants (Abera 2022), disrupting their continuous supply. As
natural habitats are also under increased pressure due to development and agricultural
expansion, the supply and access to these food sources may also decline (Mbhenyane 2017).
This situation could threaten the biodiversity of local plants as some indigenous wild food
resources could be selectively conserved and managed by the local inhabitants

The dependence of the rural farming communities on conventional plants has kept the
practice of eating indigenous wild plants in Northwestern Cagayan, Philippines. The
consumption of these plants is still prevalent in many impoverished communities up to this
time. These plants form a significant share in their traditional dishes, particularly during long
periods of drought and famine as well as in times of disasters and crises.
This chapter will include the researcher’s presentation of the research design,
sampling strategy and sample, data collection techniques, data analysis, and statistical
analysis applied to the study.


The descriptive research approach was employed in this study to identify the new
product management; it provides information on data that will carrying out the product’s
acceptance assessment (Alberto et al., 2011).
As stated by Seltiz et al. A research using the descriptive method places a lot of
attention on the finding of concepts and insights.
Research that is descriptive characterizes and explains reality. It is preoccupied with
circumstances. Of existing relationships, prevailing practices, beliefs, ongoing processes, and
impacts that are being noticed, or emerging trends. The descriptive research procedure
proceeds beyond additional data tabulation.


In the sampling procedure, convenience sampling was used to determine the thirty
(30) respondents from Pinaripad National High School students (Pilot test) and ten (10)
teachers and non-teaching staff of Pinaripad National High School (Final test).


Data method methods encompassed product distribution and manufacturing
processes. Allowing them to rate and complete a sensory assessment of the product after
receiving written consent supplied to Pinaripad National High School’s administration, and
the researchers allowed the responders use the provided instrument to evaluate the product.
The information to be gathered will then be statistical analysis is required.

The researchers administered the test to 30 students and 10 teachers and non-teaching
staff in PNHS as the respondents of the study.
A formal request for authorization to conduct the study has been made to the
administration. After receiving approval, the researchers conducted the acceptability test.
There was ample time for the respondents to complete the acceptance test.
The data obtained from the test was used to treat the frequency counts; Percentage and
rating scale were employed to present the qualitative interpretation of the work sample.
In determining the result of ariwat powder the rubric assessment and weighted mean
was used.

Stewed Mix
1st Trial 2nd Trial 3rd Trial




After taste

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