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Reacliveiwen annin

ouerlow path shokest path

>Jey losse
economic path.

opima powen low: a x powen non one pale ko

okhen place.
Ly La khiy we reduce the loss4
9o181 3eackie Pou
o educe losse e

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h a t p e d Copacik8Y G Se CapaCikTL

optimi3ing he powe Mows
Opkimiing the eiecie ng
opEimizig h a Aosse
optimi^ ing h u Cost
optimiing the Qunlib d

then Cwe Can
h e obiectivey Selecked
Once suikoble solukior-
the problem and oPply

Econenic Planmig d opacikoE The economic planning
seleck and"
Capa cce 8y ín cluda the opkimal. siye d copociLI
Seleck h e opkima Jo calion dL Capa cLGT. JL we an
Select ho Copa cikoy in mo economi a uoa uoe Can

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oo mpove heedo PF and oko on, n8nally
Suppy Company ow a
Eandod sdltwod prog7y
an selecting t Capa cikõy
Copacik31 placemenk opions

Placemont sihen objeckives

ISo KVAR improve Joss
200 FVAR impove volka|
A mininiying faelen

pevice PF A
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Gienwolly all the ukikiy Lollow th Lollowing

Pocedumes Lai suikoble CapacikõS In h
placing h
Subation g tn the ras. ak Jlo ad sidi Tn th dytu-
kution T[Fi have t e
sating d K/uuov. G thein KVA
apo TG ane n8lmally 25KVA, 63 KVA 1o0kVA khe apaka
BE nonalsnSuggeed 1o hs pting y kR, S¥AR
36 kVAR

ine opacitoY-Some times apa ito alone os be

7 o n d to maet t h kVAR 7egunemes d t h loods

Thege Capacik8 a a dinedy mounked on th po Theu

apa cik8y e '2 pey Ifixed
imm Coapacik 6
auko vakially Swikched
ijpe bank CoPacit0J

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Samson pro poscd a CaacikT9. NeI9or
method Callod o e l a metnod
Emeans pla cing the apaeito at ruk nethod.
touarg pojnt dyante d tu-

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