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Page 1 of 7 BOT2601
May/June 2024


May/June 2024


Plant Anatomy, Structure and Function

100 Marks
Duration: Two (2) Hours 45 Minutes

First: Dr LT Mankga
Second: Mr AR Mudau


Page 2 of 7 BOT2601
May/June 2024

This paper consists of SEVEN (7) pages.

• This is a Take Home Exam
• You will require a PC, laptop, or tablet. Smartphones can be used to photograph (scan) handwritten
pages and collate into a file for upload. Smartphones can also be used as Wi-Fi hotspots to create
• You have 2 hours 45 minutes to answer all the required questions and upload the answer sheet.
• Clearly indicate your student number and all the required information on the front page of your answer
• Write your student number on every page of your answer sheet.
• Read each question carefully before you answer and take note of the mark allocation per question to
determine how comprehensive your answer should be.
• Make sure your writing is neat and easy to read.
• Only one submission opportunity will be accepted. The onus is on the student to ensure the correct
document is uploaded.
• Scan, upload your answer sheet. Submission must be done through myExams ONLY! Any examination
answer sheet submitted to the lecturer’s e-mail will not be considered and thus will be considered as
‘absent examination’.
• Submission of a document on or before the deadline means the student was present for the exam.
• Failure to submit a completed examination answer sheet on or before the submission deadline will be
regarded as absent for this exam period.
• In placing your student number on the document submitted you are legally indicating this is your
unaided work. If at any stage of the evaluation it is found that an individual other than yourself
compiled or help prepare the answers the lecturer can insist on confirming your understanding via
video oral examination
• Avoiding Plagiarism, make sure you use your own words, any plagiarism will result in a final mark of
ZERO. I will not accept any explanation relating to plagiarism so make sure you understand what is
meant by plagiarism and make sure you do NOT do it.
• The Disciplinary Code for students is given to all students at registration. You are advised to study the
Code. Also, read the University’s Policy on copyright infringement and plagiarism.

The Invigilator
Day of the assessment instructions:
• Please remember to keep your cell phone fully charged for the duration of the assessment.
• Please log into The Invigilator App if you have not done so yet. You need to be connected to the internet
in order to log in.


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May/June 2024

• Scan the QR code below once the examination starts. If you encounter difficulty with scanning of the QR
code, you can also enter the QR access code as indicated at the bottom of the QR code to start the online
• Once the QR code is scanned, avoid any disturbances by putting your phone on airplane mode. No
internet connection is needed during the assessment.
• Keep the Invigilator app open at all times on your cell phone during the assessment.
• You may place your cell phone next to you. Your cell phone does not need to face you however should
be close enough to hear the notifications from The Invigilator App.
• The Invigilator App will notify you when an action is required.
• In order to receive notifications do not put your cell phone on silent mode and ensure media volume is
turned up.
• When an action is required, a notification beep will be heard, and an instruction will be visible.
• Please take note that once the examination time is over, firstly focus on scanning and uploading your
script to your assessment platforms. Uploading your script is time sensitive.
• Once your script is uploaded on your assessment platform, you may switch on your data to start the
uploading process on The Invigilator App.
• All the Best with your studies.!



Exam Access Code: 0acd959a


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May/June 2024

Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions. Write only the number
of the question with the correct option (i.e. letter a, b, c, d, or e) next to it. Each answer
must be on a separate line in your answer book. Example: 1.1 a

1.1. Which tissue function to protect and prevent water loss in the epidermis?
A. Ground tissue.
B. Dermal tissue.
C. Vascular tissue.
D. Sclerenchyma tissue.
E. Collenchyma tissue.

1.2. The responsible tissues for transporting food, water & minerals within vascular
tissues are…..
A. ground and dermal tissues.
B. parenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues.
C. xylem and Phloem tissues.
D. collenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues.
E. parenchyma and collenchyma tissues.

1.3. The arrangements of vascular tissues in non-woody plants occurs mostly in the
form of….
A. vascular bundles.
B. xylem cells.
C. phloem cells.
D. procambium.
E. dermal cells.
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May/June 2024

1.4. The epidermis of all aerial organs such as leaves, stems, floral parts and fruits are
typically provided with specialized openings called …..
A. pores.
B. stomata.
C. cuticle.
D. glandular hairs.
E. lithocysts.

1.5. Which type of primary tissue gives rise to primary vascular tissues?
A. Protoderm.
B. Procambium.
C. Ground meristem.
D. Shoot apical meristem.
E. Root apical meristem.

1.6. Sieve cells are characterized by a….

A. dead hairs that play a different role in leaves.
B. lateral roots that originate within parent root.
C. long, slender sieve element with specialised sieve area.
D. pointed ridge cells that serve as a trapping trichomes
E. many slender sieve cells with dead hairs

1.7. Which one is NOT the function of cuticle?

A. Retard water loss.
B. Accelerates water loss.
C. Regulates water loss.
D. Covers the inner walls of epidermal cells of leaves and stems.
E. Covers the walls within the epidermal cells.
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1.8. The lateral roots form within the parent root……

A. pericycle.
B. apical meristem.
C. root apex.
D. lateral organs.
E. epidermis of the main root.
1.9. Adventitious roots may form…
A. from pericycle.
B. from rhizodermis.
C. along xylem rays.
D. from root caps.
E. from the ground meristem.

1.10 The primary function of intercellular spaces in most plant tissues is to...
A. allow for the movement of organic compounds.
B. provide space for the addition of secondary wall materials to cells.
C. facilitate gaseous exchange of cells.
D. maintain turgor pressure.
E. provide extracellular storage.

2 X 10 = [20]

2.1 . Distinguish anatomical differences between C3 and C4 plants. (10)

2.2 . Explain in your own words how kranz anatomy is related to a type of
photosynthesis (C4) that is more effective than the C3 type. (15)

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3.1. Plants have a wide range of anatomical adaptations and strategies that enable
them to survive harsh conditions. Give a short summary of leaf anatomy
for hydromorphic leaves and halophytic leaves. (20)
3.2. Plants were fumigated with hydrogen fluoride (HF) and the other plants were
fumigated with CO2. After few days the other set of plants show shrinkage
while the other set of plants show significant increase in leaf thickness. Discuss
the results of this experiment. (20)



4.1. Name FIVE features of the mesophyll of Pinus. (5)

4.2. Experiment conducted by Buisson and Lee (1993) on the effects of simulated
canopy shade demonstrated that leaves of Carica papaya grown under reduced
irradiance was significantly thinner with lower specific weight. Evaluate the
experiment result of Buisson and Lee. (10)

Total Marks: 100


UNISA 2024

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