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Agency Quotable

• Stephan Stepanovitch Chubukov
A landowner,an old man having a daughter who he wants to get married soon
• Natayala Stepanova
Stephan’s daughter,25 years old
• Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov
A neighbour of chubukov,a large and hearty but very suspicious,landowner.
This chapter revolves around the two landowners-Stephan Stepanovitch
Chubukov and Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov.Stephan is an old man having
daughter Natayala Stepanovitch for whom their neighbhour Ivan comes to
propose her.Stephan is happy that Ivan comes to propose her daughter and
when Ivan goes and is to propose her gets involved in an argument regarding a
land and tend to kick out Ivan out of her house.But when she gets to know about
the proposal,she was utterly shocked.What will she do now?Will she call Ivan
No.I've come
only to see
We just get along somehow,my you,honoured
angel.thanks to your prayers,and
My dear fellow,whom i so on.Sit down please do.Now you Stephan
see!Ivan Vassilevitch!I know,you shouldn't forget all Stepanvitch
am extermely glad!Now about your neighbhours,my
this is a suprise darling.My dear fellow,why are you
Thank you!And darling..How are you? so formal why are you so formal in
your get-up!
how you be
getting on?

Welll,you see its like this.I've

come to you,honoured
then why are you in (aloud)What
evening dress,my Stepan Stepanovitch,to is it my
precious?As if you're trouble you with a request. beauty?
paying a New year's (in mind)He's come
to borrow
Eve visit! money.Shan't give
Not once or twice have I aleardy him any
had the privelige of applying to you
for help,and you have always so to
speak,.I must ask your pardon,I am
getting excited.I shall drink some
water,honoured stephan
You see,Honoured stephanvitch..I One moment..this very
beg pardon Honouritch..I mean
go I'm awfully excited as you will
minute.the fact is I've come to

't go und please notice..In short,you alone

ask the hand of your
n ro t daughter.Natayala
,do nd it i can help me,through I dont marriage
Oh nd a g!Sp ? deserve it,of course..and havent
n l
rou .darli t!wel
any right to count on your
it ou

(int d,an rt of I've b een m

gla t so ov) ts b .
kis a long
tha es lomtime.I desire

err d so thin een y c


ept on g(e ho on
I'll go and call

ing ...Ye mb pin tinu

Natasha and all

)My s in ra g fo al

dea dee ces a r it

r fe d,a nd
I have the

llow nd a
(joyfully)By jove!Ivan

..I'm ll
Vassilevitch!Say it honour to ask-

again-I didnt hear it

(sheds a gel,as if you weth-His help

you,my god give you bo d so much
son.May ve and so on,an
and his

hope..W an way for?I'mely off my

idiotic m th joy,absolut



t am I be

I've alwa my own

having my

ys loved
in this
darling,and... as if she wont
Honoured Stephan consent!She's in
Stepanovitch,do you love;egad,she's like a
think i may count on lovesick cat,and so
her consent? on.Shan't be long!

It's cold..I'm trembling all over,just as if

i'd got an examination before me.The
great thing is,I must have my mind
made up.If i give myself time to think,to
hesitate,,to talk a lot,to look for an
ideal,or for real love,then I'll never get
married.Brr..It's cold

Natayal Steponaova enters..

Natayala Stepanova is an excellent housekeeper,not How do you

bad-looking,well-educated.What more do i want?But
I'm getting a noise in my ears from excitment.And its
impossible for me not to maary.In the first place,I'm
But the very worst of all is the way I sleep.I
no ssoner get into bed and begin to go
aleardy 35-a critical age,so to speak.In the second
place,I ought to lead a quiet and regular life.I suffer
Well there!It's you,and
papa said,"Go, there's
off,when suddenly something in my left from palpitations,I'm excitable and always getting
shoulder gives a pull,and I can fee; it in my awfully upset:at this very moment my lips are a merchant come for
shoulder and head..I jump up like a
lunatic,walk about a bit and lie down
trembling,and there's a twitch in my right eyebrow his goods"How do you
again,but as soon as I begin to get off to
sleep there's another pull!And this may
do Ivan Vassilvitch
happen twenty times..
You must excuse my apron
and neglige.We're shelling
peas for drying.Why havent
Wont you have No,thank you.I've
had some
you beem hear for such a
long time?Sit down..
some lunch? aleardy.

I shall try to brief..You must know,honoured natayala

Then smoke.Here are the matches.The stepanova that i have long since my childhood,in fact,had
weather is splendid now,but yesterday it was

What's the
the privelige of knowing your family.My late aunt and her
so wet that the workmen didnt do anything
(excited)You see,honoured husband,from whom,as you know,I inherited my
all day.How much hay you have you stacked?
Just think,I felt greedy and had a whole field Natayala Stepanova..the fact land,always had the greatest respect for your father and
cut,and now I'm not all pleased about it
because I'm afraid my hay may rot.I ought to
have waited a bit.But what's this?Why,you're
is,I've made up my mind to ask you
to hear me out...Of course you'll be matter? your late mother.The lomovs and the Chubukovs have
always had the most freindly,and I might almost say the
most affectionate,regard for each other.And,as you
in evening dress!Well,I never!Are you going to
a ball or what?Though i must say you look
better.Tell me,why are you got up like that?
suprised and perhaps even
angry.but a..(aside)It's awfully cold! (pause)Well? know,my land is a near neighbhour of yours.You will
remeber that,my Oxen meadows touch your birchwoods
ha Yes yes..They're No you're
Me a t ar ours. mistaken,honoured
ad bo e y How?I am speaking of Natayala

yo re. ew
Excuse my ow ut ou those Oxen meadows Stepanovna,they're
? t

tha u m How
yo s ar Oxe alk
intrrupting you,You which are wedged in mine

do befo er kn
say,"my Oxen ur e o n i n No..Mine,honoured
Yes mine. between your

t o ake
s! rs g Natayala birchwoods and the
Meadows".But are .N Stepanova.

burnt marsh.

they yours? ot

tha ll,I ne
But you can see from the documents,honoured
No,it isnt at all like that!Both Natayala Stepnoava.Oxen meadows,its true,were once
the subject to dispute,but how everybody knows that
grandfather and freat-grandfather they are mine.Ther's nothing to argue about.You seemy
aunts grandmother gave the free use of these meadows
Just think,,Ivan reckoned that their land extended in perpetuity to the peasents of your father's
How long?As to burnt Marsh-which means that grandfather,in return for which they were make to make
Vassilevitch!How Oxen meadows were ours.I dont
bricks for her.The peasents belonging to your father's
long as I grandfather had the free use of meadows for 40
long have they see what there is to argue
years,and had got into the habit of regarding them as
remeber!! their own,when it happened that....
been yours? about.It's simply silly!
wontget me to
believe it?
Really you
Hear me out,I implore you!The peasents of your father's
grandfather,as I have aleardy had the honour of
explaining to you,used to bake bricks for my aunts
I'll show grandmother.Now my aunts grandmother,wishing to
make them pleasent
I cant make a
you the No!you're simpling joking or head or tall of
documents making fun of me.What a all this about
suprise!We've had the lad for
aunts and
.Natayala nearly 300 years and then we're
suddenly told that isnt ours!Ivan grandmother
Steponava Vassilevitch,I can hardly believe
my own ears.These Meadows s.The
arent worth much to me.They only meadows are
come to me for five dessiants,and
are worth perhaps 300 ours..that's all
robules,but I cant stand
unfairness.Say what you will,I cant
stand unfairness

for rs!Y Then you make outthat I'm a
2 d ou
c landgrabber?Madam,never in my
jac and ays an g
ou ket put on e o o life i have grabbed anyone's else
w rs s,b on n n
do ant ,ours ut I fift d,yo prov
nt an ,O te ee u c ing
land and I shan't allow anybody
It's not My mowers will be
to accuse me of having done so.
wa yth UR ll y n d an it
n in S ou re g (drinks water)OXEN MEADOWS true!!They're there very this day
mi t to g of !I do the ss o ARE OURS!! ours!
ne giv yo nt y'r
.So e a ur wa e
Min th ny s a nt It
er th nd
e! ing I pr 's no
my ove t t
e a If y ng ,b t
th pres u lik n t I
ak le. ti ws n

th mo it!I' rue!!
pr am me ava ala
m icip ac ado .I do
o o u

nt I'll

e M we ll s I'll
nt on tay

em e e,

I e r e
ve ado s out nd
wa Step Na

I can make you a present of

them myself,because they're
M ry ws to
mine!Your behaviour,Ivan da th
vassilevitch,is strange,to say y is
the least!Up to this we have
always thought of you as a
good neighbhour,a friend:last
year we lent you our threshing-
machine,although on that What?
account we had to put off our
own threshing-machine till
novemebr,but you behave to us
as if we were gypsies.Giving me
my own
land,indeed!No,really,thats not
at all neighbhourly!In my
opinion,its even impudent,if you
want to know.
I'll give it to them on the

DA !!
Please dont shout!You OXEN MEADOWS ARE
can shout yourself
hoarse in your own MINE!You underatand!Mine!
house but here i may
ask you to restrain

If i is aw tuio snt diff EN E!


th pita e wa in a s)OX MIN

pa insid you !(yel ARE

t w fu ns up er

as l,e ,if m se ent

ta way OW

n't xc

,am ruc y w ,I'd


da iati hole
m ng

While they're busing in arguing Chubukov enters.

stepanovitch,how can they be
t Excuse me,my precious.You
your's?Do to be a reasonable
Papa,please tell tis forget just this that the peasents
man!My aunt's grandmother gave
u didnt pay your grandmother and
gentlemen who yo
the Meadows for the temporary

to ine!!
and free use of your grandfather's all that,because the meadows
owns oxen were in dispute and so on..And
peasents.The peasents used the
it m
ove y're
land of your 40 years and got now everybody knows that
meadows,we or acustomed to it as it was their they're ours.It means that you
he? own,when it happened that..
p r
I'll the
What's the matter?What havent seen the plan
are you shouting for?

he s
n g,t s i
rli ow
Da ead urs
m o
Lomov was continously arguing with chubukov and Natayala.He
said them as grabber which triggered and natayala eventually
told her dad to send there peasents to the Oxen
meadows.Lomov eventualy says that he would take this matter
to the court and chubukov started accusing his family..Both
Chubukov and lomov start opening darksides of their
family.During this lomov health was going severe and eventually
leaves the house of chubukov.After lomov is gone father and
daughten says abusive things to lomov and chubukov tells
Natayala theat lomov came to propse her..Eventually they call
back lomov..When he came back the arguement which they had
earlier Natayala just accept that Meadows is of
lomov..Unfortunately,they enter into another arguemet of
between a squeezer and a Guess.Then the arguement again
mixes with spilling pastlives of both families.Lomov's health was
at riks at the same time!!Eventually lomov lose his
consciousnes and lie down on a chair..
He's dead.Ivan
Vassilevitch!What So lomov is dead!Water!A doctor!(lifts a
have u dont to me? tumbler of water)Drink thi!No,he doent
drink.It means he's dead,and all that.I'm
He's dead.A doctor!A the most unhappy of men!Why dont I put a
doctor! bullet into my brain?why havent i cut my
throat yet?What am i waiting for?Give me
Who's dead?(looks at a knife!Give me a pistol!!(lomov moves)He
lomov) sems to be coming round.Drink some
water!That's right.
I see stars..mist..where
am i?

rest story in the text!!

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