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5/20/24, 8:20 AM Reflection and Refraction | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Reflection and Refraction

Total questions: 28
Worksheet time: 16mins
Instructor name: Johana Lestari

1. Law of reflection state that - The angle of incidence is .................. to the angle of reflection.

a) equal b) half

c) double


In the diagram, which letter represents the angle of incidence?

a) A b) B

c) D d) C

3. 1. Which of the following characteristics is NOT true about the image formed by a plane mirror?

a) C. The image formed is real. b) A. It is always upright.

c) B. It is a virtual image. d) D. The size of the image is equal to the size of the object.

4. What is true about the size of the image formed by plane mirrors with respect to the object?

a) It is the same size b) It is infinite

c) It is reduced d) It is larger

5. When light bends it is ______

a) Absorption b) refraction

c) Reflection d) optical density


Why does the straw appear to be bent?

a) light is refracted b) light is reflected

c) light is absorbed d) light is turned


What kind of wave is pictured below?

a) compressional wave b) transverse wave

c) sound wave d) mechanical wave


Which letter represents wavelength?

a) B b) A

c) D d) C


Which letter represents the wave crest?

a) B b) C

c) D d) A 1/4
5/20/24, 8:20 AM Reflection and Refraction | Quizizz


Which letter represents the wave trough?

a) B b) A

c) C d) D


Which letter represents amplitude?

a) A b) D

c) C d) B

12. What is measured from crest to crest or trough to trough?

a) Amplitude b) Wavelength

c) Origin d) Frequency

13. The number of waves that pass in a certain amount of time is called

a) wavelength b) amplitude

c) crest d) frequency

14. Sound waves are...

a) not cool b) longitudinal waves

c) cool d) transverse waves

15. The direction of a transverse waves is ____ to the disturbance/vibration.

a) less than b) at an acute angle

c) at a right angle d) equal

16. What does it mean to refract?

a) curve outward b) bounce off

c) to bend d) reflect

17. What happens when light hits a mirror?

a) it makes a color b) it reflects

c) it makes a rainbow d) it passes through


A ray of white light passes through a prism. On the other side of the prism, you see a rainbow. What is this phenomenon called?

a) Medium b) Dispersion

c) Reflection d) Refraction


The illustration shows a light ray striking an object.

In the illustration, the light ray striking the object is-

a) absorbed b) stopped

c) reflected d) refracted 2/4
5/20/24, 8:20 AM Reflection and Refraction | Quizizz


A student placed a pencil in a cup of water. The pencil appears broken because light-

a) always travels in a straight line b) reflects the pencil on the water's surface

c) makes the water in the glass evaporate d) bends when it passes through water

21. how does diffraction work

a) is the bending of light as it passes around the edge of an object b) is a beam of light stopping at a wall

c) it bounces off of light d) it goes through water and air


This image is representing what wave interaction?

a) Refraction b) Interference

c) Reflection d) Diffraction


Why does white light from the sun form a colorful rainbow when it passes through water droplets in the atmosphere?

a) Different-sized water droplets refract white light at different angles b) The colors that make up white light refract at different angles

c) White light diffracts when it encounters water d) The droplets of water in the air have different densities


What is the main difference between refraction and diffraction?

a) Refraction involves changes to the density of light; diffraction involves changes to the speed of b) Refraction involves the bending of light; diffraction involves the bending and spreading of light,
light. usually around an obstacle.

c) Refraction usually happens in the atmosphere; diffraction usually happens closer to the earth's d) Refraction is a phenomenon that affects light; diffraction is a phenomenon that affects sound.

25. Which of the following is the bending of a wave, which changes its speed.

a) Diffraction b) Refraction

c) Reflection d) Frequency


The picture best represents

a) Reflection b) Diffraction

c) Interference d) Refraction

27. Refraction is when light__________.

a) Is bounced by an object or material. b) When light speeds up to over 300,000 km/s

c) Changes speed as it travels in different materials which causes bending. 3/4
5/20/24, 8:20 AM Reflection and Refraction | Quizizz


Sonar and echolocation use ----- to detect objects under water.

a) Reflection b) Refraction 4/4

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