Requirements For Final Report and Exam

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- Understand the data

- Design data warehouse, star schema
- Insert data to the data warehouse
- Use intelligence tool to analyze the data


- The list of the topics is not limited.

- Students present his/her project (MS PowerPoints) and answer questions
- All students must submit their works to Microsoft Teams two days before exam date.
- The file to submit is in .ZIP format, including source code, report and presentation file
- Copying code is strictly prohibited

1. Requirements for projects:

- Understand the dataset, ask questions in business cases in order to design the Dim-
Fact in data warehouse
- Using SQL Server, MySQL and its scripts to create databases (ERD and Dim-Fact)
- Students are required to master SQL language skills.
- Students are required to master skills in designing data warehouse
- Encourage to use intelligence tools such as Tableau, Power BI, etc. to analyze the data
and to build charts or dashboards to answer questions.
- Write a report and submit along with the source code (SQL scripts)

2. The contents in report


- Problem Overview (data description and requirements)

- Project Objectives
- Business questions

Database prepare - Data design

- ETL design and development
- Configurations

Building data - Choose Business processes

warehouse - Dimensional modeling

Business analytics - Answer business questions

Results & Implications

-Explain code and discuss about the results

3. Presentation (for Final Exam)

- Summarizing your work using MS PowerPoint: What is your project; How you solve
problems in your project; etc.
- Each student has 10 minutes to present and 5-10 minutes for Questions and Answers

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