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Dimesion of Retaining Wall

Soil properties (assumption) :

Ƴ = 14.42 kN/m3
ɸ = 40.8 deg
c = 0.59 kg/cm2
Masonry Properties
Ƴ = 22.00 kN/m3

Ka = tan² (45 - ɸ/2)

ka = 0.21

Kp = 1/Ka
Kp = 4.77

Fence Load (P1)
P1 = 4.78 kN

C.2. Check Stability of Retaining Wall for Sliding, Overturning and Soil Bearing

Vertical and horizontal load for 1 m length of retaining wall

No Description of Load Loads (kN) Distance center load from Moment at A (kNm)
point A (m) (loads * distance)
0.6*0.25*22*1 x1 = 0.300 Mw1 = W1 * x1
1 Weight of slab, W1
= 3.30 = 0.99
0.30*0.75*22*1 x2 = 0.450 Mw2 = W2 * x2
2 Weight of stem 1, W2
= 4.95 = 2.23
0.5*0.15*0.75*22*1 x3 = 0.250 Mw3 = W3 * x3
3 Weight of stem 2, W3
= 1.24 = 0.31
Active earth pressure Ea1 = 1/2*14.42*0.21*1.0^2 y1 = -0.333 MEa1 = Ea1 * y1
1/2.Ƴ.Ka.H2 = 1.51 = -0.50
x4 = 0.450 MP1 = P1 * x4
5 Weight of Fence, P1
= 4.78 = 2.15
Total weight (P) = Total Moment (M) =
14.272 5.680
(W1+W2+W3+P1) (Mw1+Mw2+Mw3+MP1)
C.2.1 Stability Check for Overturning Moment at Retaining Wall

Overturning moment due to active earth pressure (Mo) = 0.50 kNm

Moment against overturning due to gravity load (Mr) = 5.68 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning =
SF = = 11.286 > 2 ……. OK

C.2.2 Stability Check for Sliding at Retaining Wall

Resisting force Rh = cd . B + W tan δb

Where : cd = Adhesion between base of grafity wall and soil (assumed cd 35 kN/m2)
B = Width of grafity wall (m) = 0.60 Meter
W = Weight of grafity wall and soil
δb = internal friction angle

Rh = 35 x 0.6 + 14.27 x Tan (40.8)

= 33.32 kN

Total horizontal force tending to slide the wall, H = Ea1 = 1.51

Factor of safety against sliding =

= 22.0463 > 1.5 ……. OK

C.2.3 Check Eccentricity

B = 0.60 m
W1 = 3.30 kN
W2 = 4.95 kN
W3 = 1.24 kN
Ea1 = 1.51 kN
P1 = 4.78 kN
a = 0.000 m
b = 0.150 m
c = -0.050 m
d = -0.333 m
e = 0.150 m

(W1+W2)*x = W1*a+W2*b+W3*c+Ea1*d+P1*e
x = W1*a+W2*b+W3*c+Ea1*d+P1*e
= W1+W2+W3+Ea1+P1
x = 0.05670

x shall be less than 1/6B

x = 0.05670 m
1/6B = 0.1000 m
x ≤ 1/6 B ….......OK
0.057 ≤ 0.1 …......OK
C.2.4 Stability Check for Soil Bearing Capacity

P/A-M/W (kN/m2)
P/A+M/W (kN/m2)
Point 0 is center of retaining wall slab
Moment at center of slab (point 0) calculated to check additional soil pressure due to moment.
Moment at point 0 is:

Distance center load from Moment at A (kNm)

No Description of Load Loads (kN)
point 0 (m) (loads * distance)**
0.6*0.25*22*1 x1 = 0.000 Mw1 = W1 * x1
1 Weight of slab, W1
= 3.30 = 0.00
0.30*0.75*22*1 x2 = 0.150 Mw2 = W2 * x2
2 Weight of stem 1, W2
= 4.95 = 0.74
0.5*0.15*0.75*22*1 x3 = -0.050 Mw3 = W3 * x3
3 Weight of stem 2, W3
= 1.24 = -0.06
Active earth pressure Ea1 = 1/2*14.42*0.21*1.0^2 y1 = -0.333 Mea = Ea1 * y1
1/2.Ƴ.Ka.H2 = 1.51 = -0.50
Passive earth pressure Ep = x4 = 0.150 MP1 =P1 * x4
1/2.Ƴ.Kp.H2 = 4.78 = 0.72
Total Moment (M) =
Note **: moment value (+) and (-) is only to show moment direction.

Total weight retaining wall including soil and fence = 14.27 kN (W)
Total moment at retaining wall (M) = 0.89 kNm (M)
Slab area with 1m length consideration (A) = 0.60 m2 (B x 1m)
Section Modulus (W) = 0.06 m3 (1/6 x A x B^2)

Maximum pressure at bottom of slab:

P/A+M/W = 38.702 kN/m2
Minimum pressure at bottom of slab:
P/A-M/W = 8.87 kN/m2
Check soil pressure at bottom of slab with allowable bearing capacity:
Maximum pressure = 38.70 < qall = 155.20 …OK
Minimum pressure = 8.87 >0 …OK

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