Employability Learning Plan

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Session 1: Introduction to Self-Management

Learning Outcomes: Understand personal vision, mission, and goals. Group Work: Formulate personal
vision and mission statements. Assessment: Written vision and mission statement. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Definition and importance of personal vision and mission (20 mins)

 Group activity (30 mins)

 Presentations and discussions (30 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 2: Managing Emotions

Learning Outcomes: Manage emotions in the workplace. Group Work: Role-play scenarios for managing
emotions. Assessment: Observation and feedback. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Types of emotions at work and their impact (20 mins)

 Group role-play (40 mins)

 Discussion on role-play outcomes (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 3: Evaluating Individual Performance

Learning Outcomes: Evaluate and monitor personal performance. Group Work: Peer evaluations using
set criteria. Assessment: Peer evaluation forms. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Methods of performance evaluation (20 mins)

 Group activity: Peer evaluations (40 mins)

 Discussion on evaluations (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 4: Developing Assertiveness

Learning Outcomes: Develop and maintain assertiveness. Group Work: Assertiveness training exercises.
Assessment: Observation and feedback. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of assertiveness (20 mins)

 Group exercises (40 mins)

 Role-play and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 5: Accountability and Responsibility

Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate accountability and responsibility. Group Work: Case studies on
accountability. Assessment: Case study analysis. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Concepts of accountability and responsibility (20 mins)

 Group case study analysis (40 mins)

 Presentations and discussions (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 6: Building Self-Esteem and Positive Self-Image

Learning Outcomes: Develop self-esteem and a positive self-image. Group Work: Self-esteem building
exercises. Assessment: Self-assessment questionnaire. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of self-esteem and self-image (20 mins)

 Group exercises (40 mins)

 Discussion on outcomes (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 7: Time Management

Learning Outcomes: Manage time effectively. Group Work: Time management planning. Assessment:
Time management plans. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Principles of time management (20 mins)

 Group planning activity (40 mins)

 Review and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 8: Workplace Punctuality and Attendance

Learning Outcomes: Observe punctuality and attendance. Group Work: Simulated workplace
attendance tracking. Assessment: Attendance logs. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of punctuality and attendance (20 mins)

 Group activity: Attendance tracking (40 mins)

 Discussion on results (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 9: Setting Personal and Professional Goals

Learning Outcomes: Set and manage personal and professional goals. Group Work: Goal setting
workshop. Assessment: Written goal statements. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Goal setting techniques (20 mins)

 Group workshop (40 mins)

 Presentations and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 10: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Learning Outcomes: Identify and leverage strengths and weaknesses. Group Work: SWOT analysis.
Assessment: Completed SWOT analysis. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Understanding SWOT (20 mins)

 Group SWOT activity (40 mins)

 Discussion on findings (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 11: Handling Criticism

Learning Outcomes: Manage and respond to criticism effectively. Group Work: Role-play receiving and
giving feedback. Assessment: Observation and feedback. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Techniques for handling criticism (20 mins)

 Group role-play (40 mins)

 Discussion on role-play (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 12: Interpersonal Communication

Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication. Group Work: Communication
skills exercises. Assessment: Observation and peer feedback. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of interpersonal communication (20 mins)

 Group exercises (40 mins)

 Discussion and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 13: Organizing Work Activities

Learning Outcomes: Organize and coordinate work activities. Group Work: Project planning activity.
Assessment: Project plans. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Techniques for organizing work (20 mins)

 Group project planning (40 mins)

 Review and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 14: Stress Management

Learning Outcomes: Manage stress in the workplace. Group Work: Stress management workshops.
Assessment: Stress management plans. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Understanding stress and its effects (20 mins)

 Group workshops (40 mins)

 Discussion on strategies (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 15: Integrating Personal and Organizational Goals

Learning Outcomes: Align personal objectives with organizational goals. Group Work: Goal alignment
exercises. Assessment: Written alignment plans. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of goal alignment (20 mins)

 Group exercises (40 mins)

 Review and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 16: Setting Work Priorities

Learning Outcomes: Set and manage work priorities. Group Work: Priority setting exercises.
Assessment: Priority lists. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Techniques for setting priorities (20 mins)

 Group exercises (40 mins)

 Discussion on outcomes (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 17: Collecting and Evaluating Feedback

Learning Outcomes: Collect and use feedback effectively. Group Work: Feedback collection exercises.
Assessment: Feedback reports. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Methods of collecting feedback (20 mins)

 Group exercises (40 mins)

 Discussion and analysis (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 18: Work-Life Balance

Learning Outcomes: Balance work and personal life. Group Work: Work-life balance planning.
Assessment: Balance plans. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of work-life balance (20 mins)

 Group planning activity (40 mins)

 Review and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 19: Avoiding Substance Abuse

Learning Outcomes: Avoid drug and substance abuse. Group Work: Awareness campaigns. Assessment:
Campaign materials. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Effects of substance abuse (20 mins)

 Group campaign creation (40 mins)

 Presentation and discussion (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 20: Awareness of HIV and AIDS

Learning Outcomes: Understand and prevent HIV and AIDS. Group Work: Awareness sessions.
Assessment: Awareness materials. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Facts about HIV and AIDS (20 mins)

 Group awareness creation (40 mins)

 Presentation and discussion (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 21: Safety Consciousness

Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate safety consciousness. Group Work: Safety drills. Assessment:
Participation in drills. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Importance of workplace safety (20 mins)

 Group safety drills (40 mins)

 Discussion and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 22: Dealing with Emerging Issues

Learning Outcomes: Address emerging workplace issues. Group Work: Scenario analysis. Assessment:
Scenario reports. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Identification of emerging issues (20 mins)

 Group scenario analysis (40 mins)

 Discussion on solutions (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 23: Identifying Training Needs

Learning Outcomes: Identify personal training needs. Group Work: Training needs analysis. Assessment:
Training needs reports. Session Plan:
 Introduction (10 mins)

 Methods of identifying training needs (20 mins)

 Group analysis activity (40 mins)

 Discussion on findings (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 24: Managing Own Learning

Learning Outcomes: Manage personal learning effectively. Group Work: Learning plan creation.
Assessment: Learning plans. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Techniques for managing learning (20 mins)

 Group planning activity (40 mins)

 Review and feedback (20 mins)

 Conclusion and Q&A (10 mins)

Session 25: Review and Assessment

Learning Outcomes: Review and assess employability skills learned. Group Work: Comprehensive
review and presentations. Assessment: Final presentations and written assessments. Session Plan:

 Introduction (10 mins)

 Comprehensive review of topics (20 mins)

 Group preparation for final presentation (40 mins)

 Final presentations (20 mins)

 Conclusion and feedback (10 mins)

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