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Learning Plan for Organizational Behavior

Unit of Competence: Manage Organizational Behavior

Unit Code: OB/OS/BUT/CR/01/6

Name of Trainer: [Trainer Name]

Trainer Number: [Trainer Number]

Institution: [Institution Name]

Level: Level 6

Date of Preparation: [Date]

Date of Revision: [Date]

Number of Trainees: [Number]

Class: [Class]

Total Unit Hours: 140 Hours

Number of Sessions: 70 of 2 Hours Each

Skill or Job Task:

This unit describes the competencies required to manage organizational behavior effectively. It involves
understanding and applying theories of motivation, leadership, team dynamics, organizational culture,
and change management.

Benchmark or Criteria to be used:

 Apply motivational theories to enhance employee performance.

 Demonstrate effective leadership skills.

 Analyze and improve team dynamics.

 Foster a positive organizational culture.

 Implement strategies for managing organizational change.

Week 1: Understanding Organizational Behavior

Session 1 (2 hrs): Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Learning Outcome:

 Define organizational behavior and its importance in management.

Trainer Activities:
 Welcome participants and introduce the session objectives.

 Present a lecture on the basics of organizational behavior.

 Facilitate a discussion on the relevance of organizational behavior in various industries.

Trainee Activities:

 Take notes on the lecture.

 Engage in a group discussion about the relevance of organizational behavior.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides

 Handouts summarizing key points

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Q&A session

 Reflective journal entry

Session 2 (2 hrs): Theories of Motivation

Learning Outcome:

 Apply motivational theories to enhance employee performance.

Trainer Activities:

 Present various motivational theories (e.g., Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor

 Use case studies to illustrate the application of these theories.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss case studies in small groups.

 Present findings to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Case study materials

 Whiteboard and markers

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations

 Reflective journal entry

Week 2: Leadership and Management

Session 3 (2 hrs): Leadership Styles

Learning Outcome:

 Identify and evaluate different leadership styles.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various leadership styles (e.g., autocratic, democratic, transformational).

 Provide real-world examples.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in role-playing exercises to demonstrate different leadership styles.

 Reflect on personal leadership style.

Resources & Refs:

 Leadership style handouts

 Role-playing scripts

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-playing feedback

 Self-assessment questionnaire

Session 4 (2 hrs): Effective Communication in Leadership

Learning Outcome:

 Demonstrate effective communication skills as a leader.

Trainer Activities:

 Conduct a workshop on communication techniques.

 Show video clips of effective and ineffective communication.

Trainee Activities:

 Practice communication techniques in pairs.

 Analyze video clips and discuss observations.

Resources & Refs:

 Communication workshop materials

 Video clips

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Peer feedback

 Reflective journal entry

Week 3: Team Dynamics

Session 5 (2 hrs): Building Effective Teams

Learning Outcome:

 Analyze team dynamics and strategies for building effective teams.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain Tuckman's stages of group development.

 Facilitate team-building activities.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in team-building exercises.

 Discuss the stages of team development.

Resources & Refs:

 Team-building activity materials

 Tuckman's model handouts

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Team activity feedback

 Group discussion

Session 6 (2 hrs): Conflict Resolution in Teams

Learning Outcome:

 Implement strategies for conflict resolution within teams.

Trainer Activities:

 Present conflict resolution techniques.

 Use role-playing scenarios to practice conflict resolution.

Trainee Activities:
 Engage in role-playing exercises.

 Reflect on personal conflict resolution style.

Resources & Refs:

 Conflict resolution handouts

 Role-playing scenarios

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-playing feedback

 Reflective journal entry

Week 4: Organizational Culture

Session 7 (2 hrs): Understanding Organizational Culture

Learning Outcome:

 Describe the components of organizational culture.

Trainer Activities:

 Present a lecture on organizational culture.

 Show examples of different organizational cultures.

Trainee Activities:

 Analyze the culture of their own organization.

 Share findings with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Organizational culture case studies

 Presentation slides

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Class discussion

 Reflective journal entry

Session 8 (2 hrs): Shaping Organizational Culture

Learning Outcome:

 Implement strategies to shape and change organizational culture.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain strategies for shaping organizational culture.

 Facilitate a group activity to design an ideal organizational culture.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to create a cultural change plan.

 Present their plan to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Cultural change handouts

 Flipcharts and markers

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations

 Reflective journal entry

Week 5: Managing Organizational Change

Session 9 (2 hrs): Theories of Change Management

Learning Outcome:

 Apply change management theories to organizational scenarios.

Trainer Activities:

 Present change management theories (e.g., Lewin's change model, Kotter's 8-step process).

 Use case studies to illustrate these theories.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss case studies in small groups.

 Present their analysis to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Change management case studies

 Presentation slides

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations

 Reflective journal entry

Session 10 (2 hrs): Implementing Change

Learning Outcome:

 Develop a change implementation plan.

Trainer Activities:

 Facilitate a workshop on creating change implementation plans.

 Provide templates and examples.

Trainee Activities:

 Create a change implementation plan for a hypothetical scenario.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Change implementation templates

 Workshop materials

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations

 Reflective journal entry

Session 11 (2 hrs): Transformational Leadership

Learning Outcome:

 Understand and apply transformational leadership principles.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on transformational leadership.

 Provide case studies of transformational leaders.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss in groups the characteristics of transformational leaders.

 Present on a chosen transformational leader.

Resources & Refs:

 Case studies, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 12 (2 hrs): Servant Leadership

Learning Outcome:

 Understand and apply servant leadership principles.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the concept of servant leadership.

 Facilitate a discussion on the impact of servant leadership.

Trainee Activities:

 Engage in group discussions.

 Role-play scenarios demonstrating servant leadership.

Resources & Refs:

 Articles on servant leadership, role-play scripts.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-play feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 7: Motivation Theories and Practices

Session 13 (2 hrs): Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Learning Outcome:

 Apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to motivate employees.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

 Discuss practical applications in the workplace.

Trainee Activities:

 Analyze case studies.

 Create a motivation plan using Maslow's theory.

Resources & Refs:

 Case studies, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussion, motivation plan presentation.

Session 14 (2 hrs): Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Learning Outcome:

 Apply Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory to enhance job satisfaction.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain Herzberg's theory.

 Provide examples of hygiene and motivator factors.

Trainee Activities:

 Identify hygiene and motivator factors in their workplace.

 Discuss in groups and present findings.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, handouts.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 8: Managing Team Dynamics

Session 15 (2 hrs): Team Roles and Responsibilities

Learning Outcome:

 Define and allocate team roles and responsibilities.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on team roles and responsibilities.

 Facilitate a group activity to assign roles.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in group activities.

 Discuss the importance of each role.

Resources & Refs:

 Role assignment templates, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group activity feedback, reflective journal entry.

Session 16 (2 hrs): Team Development Stages

Learning Outcome:

 Apply Tuckman's stages of team development.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain Tuckman's model.

 Discuss examples of teams at different stages.

Trainee Activities:

 Identify the current stage of their teams.

 Create action plans to progress to the next stage.

Resources & Refs:

 Tuckman's model handouts, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, action plan presentations.

Week 9: Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

Session 17 (2 hrs): Understanding Conflict

Learning Outcome:

 Identify sources and types of conflict in organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on conflict sources and types.

 Facilitate a discussion on personal experiences of conflict.

Trainee Activities:

 Share conflict experiences.

 Analyze conflict case studies in groups.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group analysis, reflective journal entry.

Session 18 (2 hrs): Conflict Resolution Techniques

Learning Outcome:

 Apply conflict resolution techniques in the workplace.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various conflict resolution techniques.

 Provide role-play scenarios for practice.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in role-playing exercises.

 Reflect on conflict resolution strategies.

Resources & Refs:

 Conflict resolution handouts, role-play scripts.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-play feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 10: Organizational Culture

Session 19 (2 hrs): Assessing Organizational Culture

Learning Outcome:

 Assess the culture of an organization.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on methods to assess organizational culture.

 Provide tools and techniques for assessment.

Trainee Activities:

 Conduct a cultural assessment of their organizations.

 Present findings to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Cultural assessment tools, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Cultural assessment presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 20 (2 hrs): Shaping and Sustaining Culture

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategies to shape and sustain organizational culture.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain strategies to shape and sustain culture.

 Facilitate a group activity to design culture-building initiatives.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to create culture-building plans.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Strategy handouts, group activity materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 11: Change Management

Session 21 (2 hrs): Change Management Models

Learning Outcome:

 Understand and apply change management models.

Trainer Activities:

 Present various change management models.

 Discuss their applications with examples.

Trainee Activities:

 Analyze case studies using different models.

 Present findings and discuss in groups.

Resources & Refs:

 Change management model handouts, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, case study presentations.

Session 22 (2 hrs): Developing Change Plans

Learning Outcome:

 Develop and implement effective change plans.

Trainer Activities:

 Conduct a workshop on creating change plans.

 Provide examples and templates.

Trainee Activities:

 Create a change plan for a hypothetical scenario.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Change plan templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 12: Managing Perceptions, Personalities, and Emotions

Session 23 (2 hrs): Understanding Perceptions

Learning Outcome:

 Analyze how perceptions affect behavior in the workplace.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on the role of perceptions.

 Provide exercises to understand perception biases.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in perception exercises.

 Discuss how perceptions influence behavior.

Resources & Refs:

 Perception exercises, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 24 (2 hrs): Managing Personalities and Emotions

Learning Outcome:

 Implement strategies to manage personalities and emotions at work.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the impact of personalities and emotions.

 Facilitate role-playing scenarios to manage different personalities.

Trainee Activities:

 Engage in role-playing exercises.

 Reflect on strategies to manage emotions and personalities.

Resources & Refs:

 Personality and emotion handouts, role-play scripts.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-play feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 13: Managing Values and Attitudes

Session 25 (2 hrs): Understanding Values and Attitudes

Learning Outcome:

 Describe how values and attitudes influence behavior.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on values and attitudes.

 Facilitate a discussion on their impact in the workplace.

Trainee Activities:

 Share personal values and attitudes.

 Discuss how these influence their behavior at work.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, discussion guides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 26 (2 hrs): Aligning Individual and Organizational Values

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategies to align individual and organizational values.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the importance of value alignment.

 Facilitate a workshop to align personal and organizational values.

Trainee Activities:

 Create action plans for value alignment.

 Present their plans to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Alignment workshop materials, action plan templates.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Action plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 14: Managing Workplace Stress

Session 27 (2 hrs): Identifying Stress Factors

Learning Outcome:

 Identify factors that contribute to workplace stress.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on common workplace stressors.

 Facilitate a discussion on personal experiences with stress.

Trainee Activities:

 Share and discuss personal stressors.

 Analyze case studies on workplace stress.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, case study materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 28 (2 hrs): Stress Management Techniques

Learning Outcome:

 Apply techniques to manage and reduce stress.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various stress management techniques.

 Conduct a workshop to practice these techniques.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in stress management exercises.

 Develop a personal stress management plan.

Resources & Refs:

 Stress management handouts, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Personal plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 15: Diversity and Inclusion

Session 29 (2 hrs): Understanding Diversity

Learning Outcome:

 Define diversity and its importance in the workplace.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on the concept of diversity.

 Provide examples of diverse workplaces.

Trainee Activities:

 Share personal experiences with diversity.

 Discuss the benefits of a diverse workforce.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, diversity case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 30 (2 hrs): Implementing Inclusion Strategies

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategies to promote inclusion in the workplace.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various inclusion strategies.

 Facilitate a group activity to design inclusion initiatives.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to create inclusion plans.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Inclusion strategy handouts, group activity materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 16: Ethical Behavior in Organizations

Session 31 (2 hrs): Understanding Ethics in the Workplace

Learning Outcome:

 Explain the importance of ethical behavior in organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on workplace ethics.

 Provide examples of ethical and unethical behavior.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss the impact of ethics on organizational success.

 Share personal experiences with ethical dilemmas.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 32 (2 hrs): Developing Ethical Policies

Learning Outcome:

 Create and implement ethical policies in organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the process of developing ethical policies.

 Facilitate a workshop to create sample policies.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop ethical policies.

 Present their policies to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Policy development templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Policy presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 17: Organizational Development

Session 33 (2 hrs): Introduction to Organizational Development

Learning Outcome:

 Define organizational development and its key concepts.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on organizational development.

 Provide examples of successful organizational development initiatives.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss the importance of organizational development.

 Share experiences of organizational changes.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 34 (2 hrs): Strategies for Organizational Development

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategies to facilitate organizational development.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various organizational development strategies.

 Facilitate a workshop to create development plans.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop organizational development plans.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Strategy handouts, development plan templates.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 18: Employee Engagement

Session 35 (2 hrs): Understanding Employee Engagement

Learning Outcome:

 Define employee engagement and its importance.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on employee engagement.

 Provide examples of engagement initiatives.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss the impact of engagement on performance.

 Share experiences of engagement initiatives.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 36 (2 hrs): Strategies to Enhance Engagement

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategies to enhance employee engagement.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various engagement strategies.

 Facilitate a workshop to create engagement plans.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop engagement plans.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Strategy handouts, engagement plan templates.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 19: Performance Management

Session 37 (2 hrs): Understanding Performance Management

Learning Outcome:

 Explain the concept and importance of performance management.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on performance management.

 Provide examples of performance management systems.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss the benefits of performance management.

 Share experiences with performance management systems.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 38 (2 hrs): Implementing Performance Management Systems

Learning Outcome:

 Develop and implement performance management systems.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the process of creating performance management systems.

 Facilitate a workshop to design performance management plans.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop performance management plans.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Performance management templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 20: Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior

Session 39 (2 hrs): Organizational Behavior Research

Learning Outcome:

 Conduct research on organizational behavior topics.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain research methodologies.

 Provide guidance on conducting organizational behavior research.

Trainee Activities:

 Conduct research on a chosen topic.

 Present findings to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Research methodology handouts, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Research presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 40 (2 hrs): Future Trends in Organizational Behavior

Learning Outcome:

 Identify and analyze future trends in organizational behavior.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on future trends.

 Facilitate a discussion on the impact of these trends.

Trainee Activities:

 Research and present on a future trend.

 Discuss the implications of these trends for organizations.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, research materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Trend presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 21: Review and Reflect

Session 41 (2 hrs): Review of Key Concepts

Learning Outcome:

 Review and consolidate understanding of key organizational behavior concepts.

Trainer Activities:

 Facilitate a review session.

 Provide a summary of key concepts covered.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in review activities.

 Discuss areas of strength and improvement.

Resources & Refs:

 Summary handouts, review materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 42 (2 hrs): Reflective Practice

Learning Outcome:

 Reflect on personal learning and development.

Trainer Activities:

 Facilitate a reflective practice session.

 Provide guidance on reflective techniques.

Trainee Activities:

 Reflect on their learning journey.

 Share reflections with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Reflective practice handouts, discussion guides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Reflective journal entries, group discussions.

Week 22: Applied Organizational Behavior

Session 43 (2 hrs): Case Study Analysis

Learning Outcome:

 Apply organizational behavior concepts to case studies.

Trainer Activities:

 Provide case studies for analysis.

 Facilitate group discussions.

Trainee Activities:

 Analyze case studies in groups.

 Present their analysis to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Case study materials, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 44 (2 hrs): Problem-Solving in Organizational Behavior

Learning Outcome:

 Develop problem-solving skills in organizational behavior.

Trainer Activities:

 Present problem-solving techniques.

 Facilitate a problem-solving workshop.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in problem-solving activities.

 Share solutions with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Problem-solving handouts, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Activity feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 23: Organizational Behavior Capstone Project

Session 45 (2 hrs): Project Planning

Learning Outcome:

 Plan and initiate a capstone project in organizational behavior.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the capstone project requirements.

 Provide guidance on project planning.

Trainee Activities:

 Develop a project plan.

 Share and discuss their plans with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Project planning templates, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Project plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 46 (2 hrs): Project Implementation

Learning Outcome:

 Implement the capstone project.

Trainer Activities:

 Provide support and guidance during project implementation.

 Facilitate peer feedback sessions.

Trainee Activities:

 Work on their capstone projects.

 Share progress and receive feedback.

Resources & Refs:

 Project implementation materials, feedback forms.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Project progress presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 24: Final Review and Presentation

Session 47 (2 hrs): Final Project Review

Learning Outcome:

 Review and refine the capstone project.

Trainer Activities:

 Facilitate a review session.

 Provide feedback on project drafts.

Trainee Activities:

 Review and refine their projects.

 Prepare for final presentations.

Resources & Refs:

 Review materials, feedback forms.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Project review feedback, reflective journal entry.

Session 48 (2 hrs): Final Presentations

Learning Outcome:

 Present the capstone project.

Trainer Activities:

 Organize the presentation session.

 Provide final feedback.

Trainee Activities:

 Present their capstone projects.

 Participate in a peer feedback session.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, feedback forms.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Project presentations, peer feedback.

Week 25: Evaluation and Closure

Session 49 (2 hrs): Course Evaluation

Learning Outcome:

 Evaluate the course and provide feedback.

Trainer Activities:

 Distribute course evaluation forms.

 Facilitate a discussion on course feedback.

Trainee Activities:

 Complete course evaluation forms.

 Discuss their feedback with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Evaluation forms, discussion guides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Course evaluation feedback, reflective journal entry.

Session 50 (2 hrs): Celebration and Closure

Learning Outcome:

 Celebrate the completion of the course and reflect on achievements.

Trainer Activities:

 Organize a celebration event.

 Facilitate a final reflection session.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in the celebration.

 Share final reflections on their learning journey.

Resources & Refs:

 Celebration materials, reflection guides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Final reflections, group discussions.

Session 51 (2 hrs): Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Learning Outcome:

 Understand the role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on emotional intelligence and leadership.

 Provide examples of emotionally intelligent leaders.

Trainee Activities:

 Assess their own emotional intelligence.

 Discuss the impact of emotional intelligence on leadership.

Resources & Refs:

 Emotional intelligence assessment tools, case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Self-assessment reports, reflective journal entry.

Session 52 (2 hrs): Advanced Communication Skills

Learning Outcome:

 Develop advanced communication skills for organizational effectiveness.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain advanced communication techniques.

 Facilitate communication exercises and role-playing.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in communication exercises.

 Share feedback on communication effectiveness.

Resources & Refs:

 Communication handouts, role-playing scenarios.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Exercise feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 26: Global Organizational Behavior

Session 53 (2 hrs): Cross-Cultural Management

Learning Outcome:

 Understand and manage cross-cultural differences in organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on cross-cultural management.

 Provide case studies of cross-cultural interactions.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss challenges and solutions in cross-cultural management.

 Share personal experiences with cross-cultural teams.

Resources & Refs:

 Case studies, cross-cultural management handouts.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 54 (2 hrs): Global Leadership

Learning Outcome:

 Identify key traits and strategies for effective global leadership.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain global leadership concepts and strategies.

 Provide examples of successful global leaders.

Trainee Activities:

 Analyze the leadership styles of global leaders.

 Discuss how to apply these strategies in their own context.

Resources & Refs:

 Leadership case studies, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Week 27: Technology and Organizational Behavior

Session 55 (2 hrs): Technology in the Workplace

Learning Outcome:

 Understand the impact of technology on organizational behavior.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on the role of technology in the workplace.

 Provide examples of technological advancements and their effects.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss the pros and cons of technology in their own organizations.

 Share experiences with workplace technology.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, technology case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 56 (2 hrs): Managing Remote Teams

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategies for managing remote and virtual teams.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain best practices for managing remote teams.

 Facilitate discussions on remote team challenges and solutions.

Trainee Activities:

 Share their experiences managing or being part of remote teams.

 Develop a remote team management plan.

Resources & Refs:

 Remote management guides, discussion materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 28: Innovation and Creativity

Session 57 (2 hrs): Design Thinking

Learning Outcome:

 Apply design thinking principles to organizational challenges.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the design thinking process.

 Facilitate a workshop on design thinking.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in a design thinking workshop.

 Develop solutions to organizational challenges using design thinking.

Resources & Refs:

 Design thinking templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Workshop feedback, reflective journal entry.

Session 58 (2 hrs): Building a Culture of Innovation

Learning Outcome:

 Identify strategies to foster a culture of innovation in organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on building an innovative culture.

 Provide examples of innovative organizations.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss strategies to encourage innovation in their organizations.

 Develop an action plan to foster innovation.

Resources & Refs:

 Innovation strategy handouts, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Action plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 29: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Session 59 (2 hrs): Business Ethics

Learning Outcome:

 Understand the importance of ethical behavior in business.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on business ethics principles.

 Provide examples of ethical dilemmas in business.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss ethical dilemmas they have encountered.

 Develop solutions to ethical dilemmas presented in case studies.

Resources & Refs:

 Case studies, ethics handouts.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 60 (2 hrs): Corporate Social Responsibility

Learning Outcome:

 Develop and implement CSR strategies.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the concept and importance of CSR.

 Facilitate a workshop to create CSR strategies.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop CSR strategies.

 Share and discuss their strategies with the class.

Resources & Refs:

 CSR strategy templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Strategy presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 61 (2 hrs): Servant Leadership

Learning Outcome:

 Understand the principles and benefits of servant leadership.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the concept of servant leadership.

 Provide examples of servant leaders and their impact.

Trainee Activities:

 Discuss how servant leadership can be applied in their organizations.

 Share experiences with different leadership styles.

Resources & Refs:

 Presentation slides, servant leadership case studies.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, reflective journal entry.

Session 62 (2 hrs): Transformational Leadership

Learning Outcome:

 Identify and practice transformational leadership techniques.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on transformational leadership.

 Facilitate role-playing exercises to practice these techniques.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in role-playing exercises.

 Discuss the outcomes and insights from the exercises.

Resources & Refs:

 Role-playing scenarios, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-playing feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 27: Advanced Conflict Resolution

Session 63 (2 hrs): Conflict Resolution Techniques

Learning Outcome:

 Learn and apply advanced conflict resolution techniques.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain various conflict resolution techniques.

 Facilitate a workshop to practice these techniques.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in conflict resolution role-playing exercises.

 Discuss the effectiveness of different techniques.

Resources & Refs:

 Conflict resolution handouts, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Role-playing feedback, reflective journal entry.

Session 64 (2 hrs): Mediation Skills

Learning Outcome:

 Develop and practice mediation skills.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the role of a mediator in conflict resolution.

 Facilitate mediation role-playing exercises.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in mediation exercises.

 Share experiences and insights from the mediation process.

Resources & Refs:

 Mediation guides, role-playing scenarios.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Mediation feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 28: Organizational Culture and Change Management

Session 65 (2 hrs): Analyzing Organizational Culture

Learning Outcome:

 Analyze and understand the elements of organizational culture.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on organizational culture.

 Provide tools for analyzing culture.

Trainee Activities:

 Conduct a culture analysis of their own organizations.

 Share and discuss their findings.

Resources & Refs:

 Culture analysis tools, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Group discussions, culture analysis reports.

Session 66 (2 hrs): Change Management Strategies

Learning Outcome:

 Develop effective change management strategies.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain change management theories and models.

 Facilitate a workshop to create change management plans.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop change management strategies.

 Present their strategies to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Change management templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Strategy presentations, reflective journal entry.

Week 29: Innovation and Creativity

Session 67 (2 hrs): Fostering Innovation

Learning Outcome:

 Identify ways to foster innovation within organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Lecture on innovation theories and practices.

 Facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate innovative ideas.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in brainstorming sessions.

 Discuss how to implement innovative ideas in their organizations.

Resources & Refs:

 Brainstorming materials, presentation slides.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Idea presentations, reflective journal entry.

Session 68 (2 hrs): Creative Problem Solving

Learning Outcome:

 Apply creative problem-solving techniques to organizational challenges.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain creative problem-solving techniques.

 Facilitate exercises to practice these techniques.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in problem-solving exercises.

 Share solutions and discuss their effectiveness.

Resources & Refs:

 Problem-solving guides, exercise materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Exercise feedback, reflective journal entry.

Week 30: Strategic Thinking and Planning

Session 69 (2 hrs): Strategic Thinking

Learning Outcome:

 Develop strategic thinking skills.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the principles of strategic thinking.

 Facilitate exercises to practice strategic thinking.

Trainee Activities:

 Participate in strategic thinking exercises.

 Discuss how to apply strategic thinking in their roles.

Resources & Refs:

 Strategic thinking guides, exercise materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Exercise feedback, reflective journal entry.

Session 70 (2 hrs): Strategic Planning

Learning Outcome:

 Create strategic plans for their organizations.

Trainer Activities:

 Explain the strategic planning process.

 Facilitate a workshop to develop strategic plans.

Trainee Activities:

 Work in groups to develop strategic plans.

 Present their plans to the class.

Resources & Refs:

 Strategic planning templates, workshop materials.

Learning Checks/Assessments:

 Plan presentations, reflective journal entry.

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