2019 10-APRIL PART-2 Conveyancing

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10 APRIL 2019 2 Our 14:00-16:15 10 APRIL 2019 2 Hours 14:00-16: 15

Kandidate kry 15 minute om die vraestel deurte lees voor Candidates are allowed 15 minutes to peruse the paper
hulle begin skryf. Geen kandidaat mag tydens hierdie tyd before starting to answer the questions. No candidate
in die antwoordboek begin skryf nie. Die eksamen van may start writing in the answerbook during this period.
2 uur volg dan. The examination of 2 hours then follows.


1. Skryf asseblief die nommerwataan u toegeken is op die omslag 1. Please write the number allocated to you on the cover of your
van u antwoordboek. answer book.

2. Kandidate moetleesbaaren netjies skryf. Watvirdie kandidaat 2. Candidates must write legibly and neaUy. What may appear
(wat aan sy eie handskrif gewoond is) leesbaar mag lyk, is nie to a candidate (being accustomed to his own handwriting) to
altyd leesbaar vir die eksaminatore nie. Daar kan nie van die be legible, may not be legible to the examiners who cannot be
eksaminatore verwag word om skrif te ontsyfer nie, nog minder expected to guess what has been written, nor would it be
is dit regverdig (teenoor ander kandidate) om te verwag dat die correct or fair (to other cand0idates) to 0expect the examiners
eksaminatore dit moet doen. lndien die handskrif van die to do so. If a candidate's handwriting is not clearly legible to
kandidaat nie duidelik leesbaarvirdieeksaminatore is nie, loop the examiners, the candidate runs the risk of losing many
die kandidaatgevaarom baiepunteteverloor. GEBRUIK SLEGS marks. ANSWERS MUST BE WRITTEN ONLY IN INK OR

3. Gebruik asseblief net een kant van elke bladsy. 3. Please use only one side of each page.

4. Aangesien baie van die vrae op artikels en/of regulasies van die 4. As many of the questions are based on sections and/or
betrokke Wette gebaseer is, sal die antwoorde vanselfsprekend regulations of the relevant Acts, the answers thereto will
of korrek of verkeerd wees. obviously be either correct or incorrect.

5. Tensy daar 'n spesiale rede bestaan, word 'n kandidaat nie vir 5. Except if a special reason exists, a candidate will not be
'n monderling ingeroep as 'n totaal van 50% en meer behaal is required to do an oral if 50% aggregate or more is attained. If
nie. lndien 'n kandidaat 'n totaal van tussen 40% en 49% behaal a candidate achieves an aggregate of between 40% and 49%
slaag hulle niedie eksamen nie en sal hy/sy'n mondelinge moet he/she will have failed the examination and will be required to
afle ten einde die eksaminatore te oortuig dat hy/sy wel oor do an oral in order to convince the examiners that he/she does
voldoende kennis beskikomdieeksamen te slaag. Kandidatewat have sufficient knowledge to pass the exam. Candidates who
minder as40% behaal sal nie kwalifiseer vir'n mondeling nie en attain less than 40% will not qualify for an oral and will have
druip dus hierdie eksamen. failed this examination.


100 100
VRAAG 1 [12) QUESTION 1 [12)

1.1 U klient, Chris Blyth, het Erf 919 Misty 1.1 Your client, Chris Blyth, has sold Erf 919
Point verkoop en in die koopkontrak (wat Misty Point and in the deed of sale (which
nie deur u opgestel is nie) word die koper was not prepared by you) the purchaser
beskryfas "David Wright in sy hoedanigheid is described as "David Wright in his
as trustee vir 'n maatskappy wat gestig capacity as trustee for a company to be
staan te word" en daar is geen voorsiening formed" and there is no provision in the
in die ooreenkoms waardeur David Wright contract for David Wright to be
persoonlik aanspreeklik sal wees ingeval personally bound in the event of the
die maatskappy nie gestig word nie. Die company not being formed. The
maatskappy is inderdaad gestig drie company was in fact formed three weeks
weke na datum van verkoping. after the date of sale.

1.1 .1 Lys die dokumente met betrekking tot 1.1.1 L ist the documents relating to the
die maatskappy wat u as transport­ company which you, as conveyancer,
besorger sou verlang om u self tevrede would call for in order to satisfy yourself
te stel dat 'n bindende ooreenkoms that a binding contract exists in terms of
bestaan ingevolge waarvan u mag which you may procure registration of
voortgaan met registrasie van oordrag. transfer. (4)
1.1.2 lndien daar in hierdie spesifieke geval 1.1.2 If, having regard to this particular matter,
regtens spesiale vereistes bestaan met there are any special requirements of
betrekking tot enige van hierdie dokumente, law in relation to any of those documents,
word daar van u verlang om sodanige specify those requirements. (3)
vereistes te vermeld. (3)

1.1.3 Is daar regtens enige spesiale vereiste 1.1.3 In the circumstances of this transaction,
wat, indien dit nie nagekom word nie, is there any special requirement of law
hierdie transaksie ongeldig sal maak? which, if not met, will invalidate the
(2) transaction? (2)

1.2 lndien u die koopooreenkoms opgestel 1.2 If you had prepared the deed of sale,
het, sou u enige spesiale vereistes would you have inserted any special
ingevoeg het ten einde die verkoper te provisions in order to protect the seller
beskerm en/of ten einde 'n groter and/or in order to provide greater
buigsaamheid vir die stigting van die flexibility in the formation of the
maatskappy te verskaf? lndien u company? If your answer is in the
antwoord positief is, moet u kortliks affirmative, you are not required to draft
aandui wat hierdie vereistes is maar daar any specific clauses, but merely to
word nie van u verlang om enige indicate briefly what those provisions
spesifieke klousule op te stel nie. (3) would be. (3)


A verkoop sy onroerende eiendom aan B. B het A sold his immovable property to B. B performed
ten volle presteer ingevolge die vervreemdings­ in full in terms of the deed of alienation and the
akte en die betrokke grond word aanhorn oorgedra. land in question has been transferred to him.
100 100
Ses maande na datum van oordrag word gevind Six months subsequent to the date of transfer,
dat die vervreemding nie in sekere gevalle it was found that the alienation did not comply
voldoen het aan die bepalings van Artikel 2(1) in certain respects with the provisions of Section
van die Wet op Vervreemding van Grond, Nr. 2(1) of the Alienation of Land Act, No. 68 of
68 van 1981 nie. Is die oordrag vatbaar om ter 1981. Is the transfer susceptible to being set
syde gestel te word of gekanselleer te word op aside or cancelled on this ground? Motivate
sterkte hiervan? Motiveer u antwoord. your answer.

VRAAG 3 [3] QUESTION 3 [3]

John Smith verkoop sy halwe onverdeelde John Smith sold an undivided half share in and
aandeel in en tot Erf 219 Durban vir die bedrag to Erf219 Durban for the sum of R1 100 000,00
van R1 100 000,00 aan Joe Bloggs op 15 to Joe Bloggs on the 15th November 2017.
November 2017. Bereken die hereregte betaal­ Calculate the Transfer Duty payable. Furnish
baar. Verskaf besonderhede van die berekening. details of the calculation.


'n Eiendom word verkoop deur die eksekuteur A property has been sold by the executor of an
in 'n boedel. U verlang 'n Artikel 42(2) endos­ estate. You require a Section 42(2) endorse­
sement in terme van die Boedelwet Nr. 66 van ment in terms of the Estates Act No. 66 of 1965
1965 van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof from the Master of the Supreme Court before
voordat u kan voortgaan met die oordrag van you can transfer the property. Which documents
die eiendom. Welke dokumente verlang die will the Master request you to lodge with him
Meester om by horn ingedien te word voordat before he furnishes that endorsement?
hy die endossement gee?

VRAAG 5 [8] QUESTION 5 [8]

X besit 'n eenheid in 'n deeltitelontwikkeling X owns a unit in a sectional title development
skema. Die gedeelte wat deel vorm van die scheme. The section forming part of the unit is
eenheid is 'n baie groat woonstel op die a very large flat on the ground floor of the
grondvloer van die gebou. Dit grens aan 'n greet building. It has adjoining it a large garden area,
tuinarea wat aan X gesedeer is as 'n uitsluitlike which has been ceded to X as an exclusive use
gebruiksgebied. Die woonstel het te groat area. The flat has become too large for X. He
geword vir X. Hy is van voomeme om dit te onder­ proposes to arrange for it to be subdivided into
verdeel in twee dele. Hy is verder van voorneme two sections. He proposes to retain one of
om een van hierdie dele te behou en om die ander these and to sell the other to his friend Y.
aan sy vriend Y te verkoop. lnsgelyks verlang X Similarly, X no longer requires the large garden
nie meer die groot tuinarea nie en wil hy ook area and he proposes to similarly divide that
hierdie uitsluitlike gebruiksgebied verdeel in twee exclusive use are into two portions, of which he
gedeeltes waarvan hy een sal behou. Hy is van will retain one. He proposes to vest the other
voorneme om die ander gedeelte aan Y oor te portion in Y. Explain briefly the steps which
dra. Verduidelik kortliks die stappe wat geneem would have to be taken to implement this
meet word om hierdie voorstel te implimenteer proposal and to ensure that both X and Y will in
en te verseker dat beide X en Y mettertyd die due course end up as the registered owners of
geregistreerde eienaars van hulle onderskeie their respective smaller flats and of their
kleiner woonstelle en onderskeie kleiner uit­ respective smaller exclusive use areas.
sluitlike gebruiksgebiede sat word.
100 100
VRAAG6 [4 ] QUESTION 6 [4]
A is die geregistreerde eienaar van vier A is the registered owner of four properties by
eiendomme kragtens een transportakte. Een van one deed of transfer. One of those properties has
hierdie eiendomme is verkry deur die Staat vir been acquired by the State for R1 500 000,00.
R1 500 000,00. Die Staat verlang om op die The State wishes to obtain title to that property
mees koste-effektiewe wyse titel van die by the most cost effective means. Can this be
eiendom te verkry. Kan die oordrag bewerk­ achieved without preparation of a new Deed of
stellig word sender die voorbereiding van 'n nuwe Transfer and if so, how will you achieve this?
Transportakte en indien wel, hoe sal u dit


'n Volmag om oordrag te passeer van 'n eiendom A power of attorney to pass transfer of a
in die Republiek van Suid Afrika word aan u property in the Republic of South Africa is
oorhandig. U moet die oordrag registreer. Die handed to you. You are to register the transfer.
volmag is onderteken voor twee getuies in 'n The power of attorney was signed before two
vreemde land. Is dit in orde? Bespreek kortliks. witnesses in a foreign country. Is this in order?
Discuss briefly.


U klient Mortgage Finance (Edms) Bpk gee aan Your client, Mortgage Finance (Pty) Ltd,
u opdrag om toe te sien tot die registrasie van instructs you to attend to the registration of a
'n verband in sy guns deur Nigel Rudman vir die bond in its favour by Nigel Rudman for the sum
bedrag van R4 100 000,00. Die doel van die of R4 100 000,00. The purpose of the loan to
lening aan Rudman is om horn te voorsien met Rudman is to provide him with capital for the
kapitaal vir die oprigting van 'n woonhuis op Erf construction of a dwelling on Erf 5331 Sea View.
5331 Sea View. Die kapitaalbedrag van die The capital amount of the bond is to be
verband sal uitbetaal word in paaiemente teen advanced in instalments against certificates of
lewering van sertifikate van hoe die bouwerk building progress signed by the architect who
vorder, geteken deur 'n argitek wat die planne drew the plans for the dwelling and who will
opgestel het vir die woning en wat oor die supervise the construction.
konstruksiewerk sal toesig hou.

U klient raadpleeg u om te verseker dat sy Your client has called upon you to ensure that
belange ten volle beskerm word teen enige eise its interests are fully protected relating to any
of regte wat die boukontrakteur mag he en om of the rights of the building contractor and to
sodanige addisionele dokumente op te stel as prepare such additional documents as may be
wat duidelikerwys nodig mag wees om sy clearly necessary in order to protect its security
sekuriteit te beskerm teen eise van die against claims by the building contractor. You
boukontrakteur. U opdrag is verder om u klient are also instructed to protect your client against
te beskerm teen die risiko verbonde aan risks associated with the building operations
konstruksie. Welke dokumente, bo en behalwe What documents, in addition to the bond itself
die verbandakte self (en natuurlik die volmag) (and, obviously, the power of attorney), would
sou u opstel? you prepare?

100 100
John Smith is van voorneme om Erf 345 John Smith wishes to purchase Erf345 Petrus­
Petrusville aan te koop. Hy verlang egter dat ville. However, he wishes the property to be
die eiendom getransporteer moet word aan 'n transferred to a trust which he is about to form
trust wat hy nog moet stig vir die voordeel van for the benefit of his children. What must be
sy kinders. Wat moet gedoen word voordat die done before the trustees may sign the deed of
trustees die koopkontrak en enige ander sale and any other documents required for the
dokumente wat benodig word vir die registrasie purpose of registration of transfer?
van oordrag mag teken?

VRAAG10 [3] QUESTION 10 [3]

A is die eienaar van 'n eiendom wat A is the owner of a property which is agricultural
landbougrond is soos gedefinieer in Wet 70 van land as defined in Act No. 70 of 1970.

10.1 Mag A 'n gedeelte van sy eiendom aan B 10.1 May A sell a portion of his property to B
verkoop onderhewig aan die opskortende subject to the suspensive condition that
voorwaarde dat die Minister se toe­ the Minister's consent to subdivision be
stemming tot onderverdeling verkry obtained? Motivate your answer briefly.
word? Motiveer u antwoord kortliks. (1)

10.2 Mag A 'n lewenslange vruggebruik oor 10.2 May A register a life usufruct over his
sy eiendom registreer ten gunste van sy property in favour of his father and
vader en moeder wat getroud is buite mother who are married out of community
gemeenskap van goed met mekaar? of property? Motivate your answer
Motiveer u antwoord kortliks. (2) briefly. (2)

VRAAG11 [2] QUESTION 11 [2]

U word opdrag gegee om 'n eiendom aan B oor You are instructed to transfer a property to B.
te dra. Die titelakte dra 'n endossement The title deed bears an endorsement in terms
ingevolge Artikel 20 van die Wet op of section 20 of the Alienation of Land Act,
Vervreemding van Grand waarin X as die koper reflecting X as purchaser. May you proceed to
aangedui word. Mag u voortgaan om die register the property in the name of B? Motivate
eiendom in die naam van B te registreer? your answer briefly.
Motiveer u antwoord kortliks.

VRAAG12 [2] QUESTION 12 [2]

Mag A homself verbind as borg vir sy May A bind himself as surety for his life long
lewenslange vriend B sonder sy (A) vrou se friend B without his (A) wife's consent if he is
toestemming indien hy getroud is in gemeenskap married in community of property? A married
van goed? A is met sy vrou getroud in 1979. his wife in 1979. Motivate your answer briefly.
Motiveer u antwoord kortliks.

100 100
VRAAG13 [6] QUESTION 13 [6]
'n Klient is van voomeme om 'n eiendom te verkry A client intends acquiring a property for use by
vir die gebruik deur horn as 'n woonhuis. Hy him as a dwelling. He seeks your advise as to
verlang u advies met betrekking tot die whether, from a transfer duty and capital gains
hereregte- en kapitaalwinsbelastingimplikasies, tax point of view, it will make any difference
of dit enige verskil sal maak indien hy in sy whether he acquires the property in his own
persoonlike naam koop of 'n maatskappy sou name or uses a company as the vehicle with
gebruik as die middel waarmee die eiendom which to purchase the property.
gekoop moet word.
VRAAG14 [4] QUESTION 14 [4]
Watter tipe bates wat nie deel vorm van 'n What form of assets not forming part of a
bestorwe boedel nie, mag ingebring word om deceased estate may be introduced to effect
'n gelykmaking te bewerkstelling in 'n her­ an equalisation in a redistribution agreement?
VRAAG15 [8] QUESTION 15 [8]
15.1 A het regsgeldiglik 'n eenheid gekoop in 15.1 A has lawfully bought a unit in a sectional
'n deeltitelskema welke skema nog title scheme which scheme is still to be
geregistreer moet word. Bespreek al die registered. Discuss all the possibilities
moontlikhede wat regtens toegelaat that are allowed by law regarding the
word betreffende die betaling van 'n payment of a deposit on account of the
deposito ten opsigte van die koopprys purchase price of the unit in terms of the
van die eenheid in terme van die Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981.
bepalings van die Wet op Vervreemding (5)
van Grond 68 van 1981. ( 5)
15.2 A het 'n woonhuis gekoop van B 15.2 A has bought a dwelling from B in terms
ingevolge 'n kontrak soos gedefinieer in of a contract as defined in the Alienation
die Wet op Vervreemding van Grond. of Land Act. May B accept any payments
Mag B enige betalings ten opsigte van on account of the purchase price on
die koopprys by ondertekening van die signature of the agreement? Discuss
ooreenkoms aanvaar? Bespreek briefly. ( 3)
kortliks. (3)
VRAAG16 [� QUESTION 16 [5]
Bespreek of Artikel 38 van die Registrasie van Discuss whether the provisions of Section 38 of
Aktes Wet, 47 van 1937 van toepassing sal the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 can be
wees om 'n afskrif van die verbandakte wat applied to obtain a copy of a mortgage bond,
vernietig of verlore is te bekom indien die klient, where the office copy of such bond and the
sowel as die Registrateur van Aktes se afskrif clients copy is lost or destroyed.
verlore of vernietig is.
VRAAG17 [3] QUESTION 17 [3]
Waar daar 'n spelfout in die name van die partye Where there is an error in the spelling of the
tot 'n huweliksvoorwaardekontrak is, hoe sal names of a art to an antenu tial contract,
100 100
daarte werk gegaan word om die fout in registrasie how must one go about affecting the amendment
regte stel indien die klientse afskrifvan die huweliks­ of such error in registration, where the client's
voorwaardekontrak nie gevind kan word nie. copy of the antenuptial contract cannot be found.

VRAAG18 [2] QUESTION18 [2]

Is dit toelaatbaar dat die regspersoon van 'n May the Body Corporate of a sectional title
deeltitelskema slegs bestaan uit een eienaar? scheme consist of only one owner? Discuss.

VRAAG19 [2] QUESTION19 [2]

Hoeveel afskrifte van Vorm W moet ingedien How many copies of form W must be lodged
word by die Registrateur van Aktes vir die with the Registrar of Deeds for the formation of
instelling van die regspersoon in terme vanArtikel the Body Corporate, in terms of Section 2 of
2 van die Deeltitelskema Bestuurswet No. 8 van the Sectional Title Scheme Management Act 8
2011? of 2011.

VRAAG20 [3] QUESTION20 [3]

lndien 'n volmag om transport te verleen uitgevoer Where a power of attorney to pass transfer of
is in Windhoek (Namibie), watter prosedure moet immovable property has been executed in
gevolg word om die volmag te waarmerk, in Windhoek (Namibia), how must such power of
terme van die reels van waarmerking? Bespreek. attorney be authenticated, in terms of the rules
of authentication. Discuss.

VRAAG21 [7] QUESTION21 [7]

(i) ABC (Edms) Bpk se naam is verander (i) ABC (Pty) Ltd has changed its name to
na XYZ (Edms) Bpk in 2008. Bespreek XYZ (Pty) Ltd in 2008. Discuss how you
hoe u te werk sal gaan om die naams­ would go about affecting the registration
verandering teen die titelakte aan te of the change of name against the title
teken wat geregistreer is in die naam deed of the land registered in the name
vanABC (Edms) Bpk en bespreek watter of ABC (Pty) Ltd, and discuss also the
dokumente u sal indien. (2) documents that need to be lodged.

(ii) lndien die naamsverandering van ABC (ii) Had the name of the ABC (Pty) Ltd been
(Edms) Bpk plaasgevind het in 2017, sal changed in 2017 would your answer in
u antwoord dieselfde wees as in (i) (i) above remain the same? Discuss.
hierbo? Bespreek. (2) (2)

(iii) lndien die eiendom beswaar is, sal dit (iii) Had the land in question been mortgaged,
nodig wees om die verbandakte asook would it have been necessary to lodge
die verbandhouer se toestemming in te the bond as well as the bondholder's
dien? Bespreek. (3) consent? Discuss. (3)

100 100

VRAAG22 [4] QUESTION 22 [4]

A verkoop sy onroerende eiendom aan B, en daar A has sold his immovable property to B and
word gelyktydig 'n verband geregistreer vir die simultaneously a bond for the balance of the
balanskoopprys ten bedrae van R 25 000,00 purchase price of R 25 000,00 will be registered
ten gunste van A. Bespreek of dit nodig sal in favour of A. Discuss whether it would be
wees vir A om as 'n kredietverskaffer te necessary for A to register as a credit provider
registreer, in terme van die Nasionale Krediet in terms of the National Credit Act No. 34 of
Wet, 34 van 2005? 2005.

VRAAG23 [4] QUESTION 23 [4]

Bespreek met verwysing na gesag of die Discuss with reference to authority whether the
volgende dokumente as 'n ware afskrif following documents can be certified a true copy
gesertifiseer kan word deur 'n Aktebesorger of of the original by a Conveyancer or Notary.
'n Notaris:

(i) Hofbevel; (1) (i) Order of court; (1 )

(ii) Naasbestaande beedigde verklaring; (ii) Affidavit of next of kin; ( 1)
(1) (iii) Death certificate; (1)
(iii) Doodsertifikaat; (1) (iv) Marriage Certificate. (1)
(iv) Huweliksertifikaat. (1)

VRAAG24 [3] QUESTION 24 [3]

ABC (Edms) Bpk is gelikwideer en is die ABC (Pty) Ltd has been liquidated and is the
geregistreerde eienaar van 'n Erf in 'n registered owner of an Erf in a township subject
dorpsgebied onderhewig aan 'n geregistreerde to a registered mortgage bond in favour of a
verband ten gunste van 'n bank. Die likwidateur bank. The liquidator of ABC (Pty) Ltd is attending
van ABC (Edms) Bpk is gemoeid met die to the transfer of the erf. Discuss whether the
oordrag van die Erf. Bespreek of die verband mortgage bond must be lodged for disposal.
ingedien moet word vir afhandeling.


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