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Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 1 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

This example gives the details for the verification of a simple beam under
end moments. The beam is laterally restrained at the supports only.

1 1
MA MB= −ψ MA


1 : Lateral restraint

With 0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1

The sign convention for applied moments is positive anticlockwise, as viewed

on the page. Thus the moments in this example are negative at end A and
positive at end B.
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The convention for internal bending moments is that positive moment induces
compression in the top flange. ψ is the ratio between the internal bending
moments at the two ends and in this example its value is positive.

The beam is a I-rolled profile in bending about the strong axis. It is laterally
restrained at the supports only. This example includes :
- the classification of the cross-section,
- the calculation of bending resistance, including the simplified
method for lateral torsional buckling,
- the calculation of shear resistance,
- the calculation of the deflection at serviceability limit state.
Class 4 cross-sections are not covered.

Partial safety factors

• γG = 1,35 (permanent loads) EN 1990
• γQ = 1,50 (variable loads)
EN 1993-1-1
Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

• γM0 = 1,0
§ 6.1 (1)
• γM1 = 1,0
Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 2 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Basic data
Design a non composite beam of a multi-storey building according to the data
given below. The beam is assumed to be laterally supported at the ends only.

• Span length : L = 9,80 m

• End moment (A) due to permanent load :
MG,A = -5 kNm
• End moment (B) due to permanent load :
MG,B = 5 kNm
• End moment at support (A) due to variable load :
MQ,A = -55 kNm
• End moment at support (B) due to variable load :
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MQ,B = 35,2 kNm

• Steel grade : S355

Try IPE 500 – Steel grade S355 tf

z Euronorm
Depth h = 500 mm
Width b = 200 mm tw

Web thickness tw = 10,2 mm y y

Flange thickness tf = 16 mm
Fillet r = 21 mm

Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 3 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Section area A = 115,5 cm2

Second moment of area /yy Iy = 48200 cm4
Second moment of area /zz Iz = 2142 cm4
Torsion constant It = 89,29 cm4
Warping constant Iw = 1249000 cm6
Elastic modulus /yy Wel,y = 1928 cm3
Plastic modulus /yy Wpl,y = 2194 cm3
Radius of gyration /zz iz = 4,31 cm

The self-weight is neglected.

ULS Combination :
Bending moment at support (A) :
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-(γG MG,A + γQ MQ,A) = -[1,35 × (-5) + 1,50 × (-55)] = 89,3 kNm EN 1990
Bending moment at support (B) :
γG MG,B + γQ MQ,B = 1,35 × 5 + 1,50 × 35,2 = 59,5 kNm 6.10
Ratio of bending moments at the ends : ψ = 59,5 / 89,3 = 0,666

Moment diagram

Maximum moment occurs at support A :

My,Ed = +89,3 kNm

Shear force diagram

Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Shear force is constant along the beam :

Vz,Ed = (89,3 – 59,5) / 9,80 = 3,04 kN
Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 4 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Yield strength
Steel grade S355 EN 1993-1-1
2 Table 3.1
The maximum thickness is 16 mm < 40 mm, so : fy = 355 N/mm
Note : The National Annex may impose either the values of fy from the
Table 3.1 or the values from the product standard.

Section classification :
235 EN 1993-1-1
The parameter ε is derived from the yield strength : ε = = 0,81 Table 5.2
f y [N/mm 2 ]
(sheet 2 of 3)
Outstand flange : flange under uniform compression
c = (b – tw – 2 r) / 2 = (200 – 10,2 – 2 × 21) / 2 = 73,9 mm
c/tf = 73,9 / 16 = 4,62 ≤ 9 ε = 7,29 Class 1
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Internal compression part : web under pure bending EN 1993-1-1

c = h – 2 tf – 2 r = 500 – 2 × 16 – 2 × 21 = 426 mm Table 5.2
(sheet 1 of 3)
c / tw = 426 / 10,2 = 41,76 < 72 ε = 58,32Class 1
The class of the cross-section is the highest class (i.e. the least favourable)
between the flange and the web, here : Class 1
So the ULS verifications should be based on the plastic resistance of the
cross-section since the Class is 1

Moment resistance
The design resistance for bending of a cross section is given by : EN 1993-1-1
§ 6.2.5
Mc,Rd = Mpl,Rd = Wpl,y fy / γM0 = (2194 × 355 / 1,0) / 1000
Mc,Rd = 778,87 kNm
My,Ed / Mc,Rd = 89,3 / 778,87 = 0,115 < 1 OK

Reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling

To determine the design buckling resistance moment of a laterally
unrestrained beam, the reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling must be
Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

determined. The following calculation determines this factor by a simplified

method for lateral torsional buckling. This method avoids calculating the
elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling.
Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 5 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Non-dimensional slenderness
The non-dimensional slenderness may be obtained from the simplified
method for steel grade S355:
L/iz 980/4,31
λ LT = = = 2,675 See SN002
85 85

For rolled profiles, λ LT,0 = 0,4 EN 1993-1-1

Note : The value of λ LT,0 may be given in the National Annex. The
recommended value is 0,4.
So λ LT = 2,675 > λ LT,0 = 0,4

Reduction factor
For rolled sections, the reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling is EN 1993-1-1
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calculated from : §

⎧ χ LT ≤ 1.0
1 ⎪
χ LT = 2
but ⎨ χ ≤ 1
φLT + φLT
− β λ LT ⎪⎩ LT λ 2LT

[ (
where : φLT = 0,5 1 + α LT λ LT − λ LT,0 + β λ LT) 2
αLT is the imperfection factor for LTB. When applying the method for rolled EN 1993-1-1
profiles, the LTB curve has to be selected from the table 6.5 : Table 6.5
For h/b = 500 / 200 = 2,5 > 2 use curve c (αLT = 0,49) Table 6.3

λ LT,0 = 0,4 and β = 0,75

Note : The values of λ LT,0 and β may be given in the National Annex. The
recommended values are 0,4 and 0,75 respectively.

We obtain : [
φ LT = 0,5 1 + 0,49 (2,675 − 0,4 ) + 0,75 × (2,675) 2 ] = 3,741

and : χ LT = = 0,150
Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

3,741 + (3,741) 2 − 0,75 × (2,675) 2

Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 6 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Then, we check : χLT = 0,150 < 1,0

but : χLT = 0,150 > 1 / λ LT = 0,140
So : χLT = 0,140

The influence of the moment distribution on the design buckling resistance EN 1993-1-1
moment of the beam is taken into account through the f-factor : § (2)

[ (
f = 1 − 0,5 (1 − k c )1 − 2 λ LT − 0,8 )]
but ≤ 1
EN 1993-1-1
where : ψ = 59,5 / 89,3 = 0,666 Table 6.6
1 1
kc = = = 0 ,9
1,33 − 0 ,33 ×ψ 1,33-0 ,33 × 0 ,666
So : f = 1 – 0,5 (1 – 0,90) [1 – 2 × (2,675 – 0,8)2] = 1,301 ≥ 1 so f = 1,0
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We obtain : χLT,mod = χLT / f = 0,140 / 1,0 = 0,140

Design buckling resistance moment

Mb,Rd = χLT,mod Wpl,y fy / γM1
Mb,Rd = (0,140 × 2194000 × 355 / 1,0) × 10-6 = 109 kNm EN 1993-1-1
My,Ed / Mb,Rd = 89,3 / 109 = 0,819 < 1 OK

Shear Resistance
In the absence of torsion, the shear plastic resistance depends on the shear
area, which is given by: EN 1993-1-1
Av,z = A – 2 b tf + (tw + 2 r) tf § 6.2.6 (3)
Av,z = 11550 – 2 × 200 × 16 + (10,2 + 2 × 21) × 16 = 5985 mm2

Shear plastic resistance EN 1993-1-1

§ 6.2.6 (2)
Av, z ( f y / 3 ) 5985 × (355 / 3 ) × 10−3
Vpl, z, Rd = = = 1226 kN
γ M0 1,0
Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Vz,Ed / Vpl,z,Rd = 3,04 / 1226 = 0,002 < 1 OK

Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX011a-EN-EU Sheet 7 of 7

Title Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Eurocode Ref EN 1993-1-1

Made by Arnaud Lemaire Date March 2005
Checked by Alain Bureau Date March 2005

Note that the verification to shear buckling is not required when :

hw / tw ≤ 72 ε / η EN 1993-1-1
§ 6.2.6 (6)
η may be conservatively taken as equal to 1,0
hw / tw = (500 – 2 × 16) / 10,2 = 45,9 < 72 × 0,81 / 1,0 = 58,3

Serviceability Limit State verification

SLS Combination EN 1990
§ 6.5.3
Bending moment at support A :
-(MG,A + MQ,A) = -(-5 – 55) = 60 kNm
Bending moment at support B :
MG,B + MQ,B = 5 + 35,2 = 40,2 kNm

Deflection due to end moments :

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The maximum deflection is calculated from the values of the end moments
and the beam properties. The position of maximum deflection is given by:
ψ +2
xmax = L
3 + 3(1 + ψ + ψ 2 )
0,67 + 2
xmax = × 9,8 = 4,739 m
3 + 3(1 + 0,67 + 0,67 2 )
The maximum deflection is given by:
MA ⎡ψ − 1 3 1 2 2 +ψ ⎤
w= ⎢⎣ 6 L x max + x max − Lx max ⎥
EI 2 6 ⎦
60 ×106 ⎡ 0,67 − 1 1 2 + 0,67 ⎤
w= 4 ⎢
47393 + 47392 − 9800 × 4739⎥
210000 × 48200 ×10 ⎣ 6 × 9800 2 6 ⎦
= 5,9 mm
This deflection may be expressed as L/1690

Note 1 : The limits of deflection should be specified by the client. The EN 1993-1-1
National Annex may specify some limits. Here the result may be § 7.2.1
Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

considered as fully satisfactory.

Note 2 : Concerning the vibration, the National Annex may specify limits EN 1993-1-1
concerning the frequency. Here the total deflection is so low that § 7.2.3
there is no problem of vibration.
Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments

Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments


Quality Record

RESOURCE TITLE Example: Unrestrained beam with end moments



Name Company Date

Created by Arnaud Lemaire CTICM 13/04/05

Technical content checked by Alain Bureau CTICM 13/04/05

Editorial content checked by D C Iles SCI 24/8/05

Technical content endorsed by the

following STEEL Partners:

1. UK G W Owens SCI 7/7/05

2. France A Bureau CTICM 17/8/05

3. Germany A Olsson SBI 8/8/05

4. Sweden C Muller RWTH 10/8/05

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5. Spain J Chica Labein 12/8/05

Resource approved by Technical G W Owens SCI 7/7/06



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Created on Wednesday, November 09, 2011

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