PR1 Script

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Good Day Respective Panelist. As for today since we do not have the luxury of time to make this
presentation even more effective we are going to propose the important details of our research. I
Carl Andrei Lacatan together with my groupmates (name nyo) will execute this presentation.

As for the content of our presentation or proposal we are going to discuss the title, introduction
of the topic. Within the introduction of the ctopic we are also going to discuss the purpose of the
study and the background of the study. Second, the statement of the problem. Third the
significance of this study. And lastly, the scope and delimitations of the study. First, the
introduction. (babasahin yung nasa ppt) we humbly and confidently want to conduct this research
because, as what ive read a while ago this is timely and relevant not just here in our school but
also in other schools maybe here in our country.


(babasahin lang yung ppt) The main reason of why we chose to conduct this study its because the
future of the students depends in some other way with their learning environment, so that we aim
to conduct this research as this may turn impossible to possible.


This particular issue is evident on grade 12 Architecture students in Marcelo, wherein some of
the students lack the essential materials that is needed in order to accomplish their given task and


This research aims to explore the negative repercussions in lacking of essential school materials
faced by grade 12 architecture students of Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School during the
school year 2023-2024. The results of this study may serve as a basis and for the policymakers to
look for students.
(Specific Problems) Specifically, this seeks to answer these questions;
1. What are the possible repercussions of being unable to provide such school
This research will look at what bad things happen when students don't have the materials
they need such as lower grades, more stress, and difficulty completing projects.
2. How do students handle these negative repercussions?
This research will find out how students deal with these problems such as alternative
ways they use to finish their work and who helps them.

3. What could be the possible solutions & adhere these repercussions?

This research will suggest ways to fix these problems. This may involve ideas for better
distribution of materials, partnerships with local businesses for donations, or school
programs to help students in need.

This research aims to provide a detailed understanding of the issue and to offer recommendations
that can significantly improve the educational experience and success of these students.


The study aims to look at how Grade 12 Architecture students at Marcelo H. Del Pilar National
High School are affected by not having enough school materials. It examines how this problem
impacts their grades, mental health, stress levels, and overall well-being.

And that wraps up our research title proposal, now we are confidently accepting question if
theres any and will try our best to give off our nicest answers.
Possible Questions:
1. Why did you choose this topic?
Answer: We picked this topic because we saw that many grade 12 architecture students don't
have the materials they need. This seems to hurt their grades and makes school harder for them.
We want to find ways to help them get the materials they need.
2. How did you find out which materials are missing?
Answer: We asked students and teachers about the materials they often lack. This helped us
understand which items are most important and needed.
3. What bad things happen when students don’t have these materials?
Answer: When students don't have the materials they need, their grades can drop, they feel more
stressed, and they might not be as interested in their schoolwork. This can hurt their chances for
the future.
4. How will you collect and study your data?
Answer: We will give out surveys to grade 12 architecture students to get facts about the
problem. We'll also talk to some students and teachers to get more detailed stories. Then, we'll
look at all this information to find patterns and conclusions.
5. What problems might you face in your research?
Answer: We might have trouble getting enough students to fill out surveys or getting honest
answers. We might also have scheduling issues for interviews. We'll try to solve these problems
by being flexible and ensuring participants know their answers are private.
6. How will you make sure your findings are accurate?
Answer: We'll use the same questions for everyone to keep it fair. We'll also check our findings
with other data, like grades, to make sure they match up.
7. What solutions are you thinking about to fix this problem?
Answer: We're thinking about better ways to give out materials, asking the higher ups to donate
supplies, and creating school programs to help students who need materials.
8. How will your research help students and the school?
Answer: Our research will show how important it is for students to have the right materials. This
can help the school understand what’s needed and take steps to make sure students have what
they need to do well in school.
9. What will you do after finishing this research?
Answer: After finishing, we'll share our findings with the school. We'll suggest solutions and
work with them to put these ideas into action. We also hope to publish our results to help others
understand and solve similar problems.
10. How will you check if your solutions are working?
Answer: We'll ask students and teachers again after the solutions are in place to see if things
have improved. We’ll compare their grades and stress levels before and after to see if there’s a
positive change.
11. What is the scope of your study?
Answer: Our study focuses on grade 12 architecture students at Marcelo H. Del Pilar National
High School during the 2023-2024 school year. We are specifically looking at how the lack of
essential school materials affects their academic performance and well-being.
12. How will you ensure that your sample size is adequate?
Answer: We will aim to include as many grade 12 architecture students as possible in our
surveys and interviews. We will also work with teachers to encourage participation and ensure
we have a diverse group of students to get a representative sample.
13. How will you address any ethical concerns in your research?
Answer: We will make sure all participants understand the purpose of our study and that their
participation is voluntary. We will keep all responses confidential and make sure students know
they can leave at any time without any negative consequences.
14. How might the lack of materials affect students differently?
Answer: The lack of materials might affect students differently based on their personal
circumstances. Some students might have more support at home or be able to buy their own
materials, while others might rely entirely on the school. We will look at these differences in our
15. What kind of materials are most commonly missing?
Answer: Based on our preliminary research, the most commonly missing materials include
drawing tools, specialized paper, and architectural software. These are essential for completing
assignments and projects in architecture.
16. What steps will you take to analyze your data?
Answer: We will use qualitative analysis to find common themes and insights.
17. What makes your research unique or different from previous studies?
Answer: Our research is unique because it focuses specifically on grade 12 architecture students
and the specific challenges they face with missing materials. We also aim to provide actionable
solutions tailored to our school’s context.
18. How do you plan to communicate your findings to the school and policymakers?
Answer: We will create a detailed report and present it to the school administration and
policymakers. We will also prepare a summary with key findings and recommendations to make
it easier for them to understand and act on our suggestions.
19. What impact do you hope your study will have in the long term?
Answer: We hope our study will lead to better support for students in need, improved academic
performance, and a more equitable learning environment. In the long term, this could help
students achieve their full potential and prepare better for their future careers.
20. How will you involve the community or other stakeholders in your research?
Answer: We plan to involve the community by seeking partnerships with local businesses for
donations and support. We will also engage parents, teachers, and school staff to gather a wide
range of perspectives and ensure our solutions are practical and well-supported.
21. How will you handle any unexpected findings or challenges during your research?
Answer: We will remain flexible and adapt our methods as needed. If we encounter unexpected
findings, we will explore them further to understand their implications. We will also regularly
review our progress and make adjustments to our plan to address any challenges.
22. What are the limitations of your study?
Answer: One limitation is that our study focuses on a specific group of students at one school,
which might not represent all students facing similar issues. Additionally, our findings will
depend on the honesty and willingness of participants to share their experiences.
23. Why is it important to focus on architecture students specifically?
Answer: Architecture students require specific tools and materials that are essential for their
coursework. Missing these items can severely hinder their ability to complete projects and learn
important skills, making it crucial to focus on their needs.
24. How will you ensure your recommendations are practical and feasible?
Answer: We will consider the resources available to the school and the community when
making our recommendations. We will also discuss our ideas with teachers, administrators, and
other stakeholders to ensure they are realistic and can be implemented effectively.
25. How do you plan to measure the success of your recommendations if implemented?
Answer: We will propose setting up follow-up surveys and interviews to track changes in
students’ academic performance, stress levels, and access to materials. We will compare these
results to the baseline data collected during our study to measure improvements.

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