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Plant Nutrition

Where do plants get their food?

Where could plants obtain carbon and energy
• Could air be the source of carbon for green plants?

• Green plants are exposed to sunlight during daylight. Could sunlight

be the source of energy for the green plants?

Photo = Light,
Synthesis = Putting together or manufacturing
A process by which green plants manufacture carbohydrates and release
oxygen from raw materials, carbon dioxide and water in the presence of
Experiment: Is sunlight necessary for
• Destarch a potted plant by placing it in the dark
for 2 days.
• Remove 1 leaf and test it for the presence of
• Sandwich a leaf that is still attached to the
plant between 2 pieces of black paper. Fasten
the papers with paper clips.
• Place the plant in strong sunlight.
• After a few hours, remove the leaf and test it
for starch.
• Note: Make a drawing of the leaf to show the
regions that are stained blue black.
Experiment: Is chlorophyll necessary for
1. Destarch a plant with
variegated leaves by placing it
in the dark for 2 days
2. Expose the plant to strong
sunlight for few hours
3. Remove one leaf and make a
drawing to show the
distribution of the green parts
4. Test for the presence of starch
5. Note: Make a drawing of the
leaf to show the regions that
are stained blue black.
Experiment: Is carbon dioxide necessary for
• Destarch 2 potted plants by placing them in
the dark for 2 days
• Enclose the pots in polythene bags and
secure the bags to the plant stems.
• Place one pot in the bell jar that does not
have the supply of carbon dioxide due to the
presence of the soda lime and potassium
• Set up a control experiment using pebbles
and water in place of soda lime and
potassium hydroxide.
• Leave these 2 pots in strong sunlight for a
few hours
• Remove a leaf from each plant and test for
the presence of starch
Essential conditions for photosynthesis
• Sunlight, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll are thus essential for
• Suitable temperature and water are also important for photosynthesis
• Inside chloroplasts, there are enzymes responsible for
photosynthesis. Hence, optimum temperature will provide faster rate
of photosynthesis
Why is Photosynthesis Important?

1. Photosynthesis makes chemical energy available to animals:

Sunlight is the source of energy for living organisms. During
photosynthesis, light energy is converted to chemical energy which is
stored within the carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is used to make fats,
proteins and other organic compounds and eventually become the
food to organisms. Hence, plants are the producers in food chain.
Why is Photosynthesis is Important?

2. Photosynthesis provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from

the air. During respiration, oxygen released by the plants is used by
organisms to release energy and at the same time produced carbon
How can we study
Basic knowledge for photosynthetic
• Glucose is formed during photosynthesis
• Excess glucose is changed to starch for storage
• For photosynthesis experiment, you need to make sure starch is
absent from the leaves at the beginning of the experiment.
Destarch: Remove starch in the leaves by placing the plants in darkness
for about 2 days. This will allow conversion of starch into glucose which
is then transported to other part of the plants.

If starch is formed in the leaves at the end of the experiment,

photosynthesis must have taken place.
Test for starch in the leaves
1. Remove a green leaf from a plant that have been
exposed to sunlight for a few hours.
2. Immediately put the leaf in boiling water for 2
3. Put the boiled leaf in a boiling tube containing
ethanol and then place the boiling tube in a beaker
of hot water (warning: turn off the Bunsen flame
before putting the tube in hot water)
4. The leaf is now very brittle. Gently remove the leaf
and put it back into the hot water. This will soften
the leaf and makes it more permeable to iodine.
5. Remove the leaf from the hot water and spread it
evenly on white tile.
6. Add few drops of iodine solution to the leaf

Iodine turns blue-black if starch is present. Iodine remains yellowish-brown when starch is not present
Limiting Factor
Factor that directly affects the rate of reaction when its quantity is changed
Investigation 1: The effect of varying light
intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
Investigation 1: The effect of varying light
intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
1. Set up the apparatus as shown on the previous slide
2. Allow some time for the plant to adapt to the conditions provided before
taking readings until the bubbles produced at a regular rate.
3. Once the bubbles are produced at regular rate, count the number of
bubbles over a period of 5 minutes
4. Repeat step 3 to get the average readings of bubbles produced
5. Repeat step 3 with different distances of light from the aquatic plants
6. Record the results
7. Plot a graph to show the rate of bubbling against distances of light and
the plant
Note: The nearer of the light source to the plant, the
higher the light intensity that the plant is exposed
Investigation 1: The effect of varying light
intensity on the rate of photosynthesis

As the distances of the lamp from

the plant is increasing, the number
of bubbles produced is decreasing.
Investigation 1: The effect of varying light
intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
• As the light intensity is increasing, the rate
of photosynthesis is increasing as there is
more light trapped by chlorophyll
• Hence, light intensity is the limiting factor
• At a certain point, the rate of
photosynthesis is constant even though
the light intensity is increasing.
• This is because light intensity is no longer
the limiting factor
• The limiting factors might be the
concentration of carbon dioxide and
Investigation 2: The effect of varying concentration
of carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis
Investigation 2: The effect of varying concentration
of carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in previous slide
2. Place the distance of the lamp 10 cm away from the plant. Keep this distant
constant throughout the investigation
3. Conduct the investigation at room temperature
4. Allow some time for the plant to adapt to the conditions provided before
taking readings until the bubbles produced at a regular rate
5. Once the bubbles are produced at regular rates, start the experiment at
different concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution from 0.01M
until 0.1M at 0.02M intervals. Count the number of bubbles produced at each
6. Repeat 3 times for each concentration to obtain the average readings
7. Plot the result of bubbles produced against the concentration of solution
Investigation 2: The effect of varying concentration
of carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis
• As the concentration of sodium hydrogen
carbonate solution is increasing, the
number of bubbles produced is increasing
• Sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
increases the availability of carbon dioxide
and hence, the rate of photosynthesis is
• This is because the concentration of carbon
dioxide is the limiting factor
• As the concentration of carbon dioxide is
increasing, the concentration of carbon
dioxide is no longer the limiting factor.
• Other factors such as temperature and light
intensity might be the limiting factor
Investigation 3: The effect of varying the
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
Investigation 3: The effect of varying the
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
1. Set up the apparatus as shown from the previous slide
2. Place a lamp 10 cm away from the plant. Keep this distance constant
throughout the investigation
3. Set the temperature to 5⁰C
4. Allow some time for the plant to adapt to the conditions provided before
taking readings until the bubbles produced at a regular rate
5. After the rate of bubbles produced is constant, count the number of bubbles
produced. Repeat this experiment 3 times to get the average readings
6. Repeat step 5 with different temperatures: 10⁰C, 25⁰C, 36⁰C, 45⁰C, 60⁰C and
7. Records the result
8. Plot a graph to show the rate of bubble produce against temperature
Investigation 3: The effect of varying the
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
Investigation 3: The effect of varying the
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
Investigation 3: The effect of varying the
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is an enzyme-controlled
Investigation 3: The effect of varying the
temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
• At low temperature, the rate of photosynthesis
is slow. This is because the enzymes are
• As temperature is increasing, the rate of
photosynthesis is increasing. This is because the
enzyme activity is also increasing due to the
gaining of kinetic energy between substrate
and enzyme molecules and this will increase
the collision between the molecules.
• At the optimum temperature, the rate of
photosynthesis is the fastest because this
temperature allow the enzymes to work best
• As the temperature increase beyond the
optimum temperature, the rate of
photosynthesis is decreasing. This is because
some of the enzymes are denatured
• At very high temperature, the rate of
photosynthesis is zero due to all enzymes are
Limiting Factor
• The limiting factor at A is the light
• At B to C, the limiting factor is the
temperature. This is because
when the temperature is increase
from 15⁰C to 25⁰C, the rate of
photosynthesis is increasing.
• At D to E, the limiting factor is the
concentration of carbon dioxide.
Fates of Glucose
• Glucose is used immediately by plant
cells during respiration to release
• Glucose is also used for the formation of
cellulose in cell walls
• Phloem in plant, can only transport
sucrose. Hence, glucose is converted
into sucrose to be transported to
storage organs
• In storage organs, sucrose is converted
into starch for temporary storage
• At night, inside storage organs, starch is
reconverted into glucose to be used for
• At night, starch can also be reconverted
into sucrose to be transported away
from the storage organs.
• Glucose can combine with nitrates to
form into amino acids. Amino acids can
combine to form protein to make new
protoplasm or stored as proteins.
• Glucose can also be converted into fats
for storage inside storage organs.
Leaf Structure and Function
External Features of the Leaf
• Lamina:
1. The lamina has large flat surface compared to its
volume. This enables it to obtain maximum amount
of sunlight for photosynthesis.
2. It is also thin, to allow rapid diffusion of carbon
dioxide to the inner cells.
• Petiole:
1. The petiole holds the lamina away from the stem
that allow the lamina to obtains efficient amount of
sunlight and air
• Veins:
1. Veins can carry water and mineral ions to the cells
in the lamina
2. Veins can also carry manufactured food from the
cells in the leaf to other parts of the plants
Internal Structures of Lamina
Internal Structures of Lamina
• Cuticle:
1. Non-cellular waxy and
transparent layer that allows the
penetration of sunlight during
2. It is also a water-resistant layer
that prevents the excessive
evaporation of water
• Upper epidermis:
1. They do not have chloroplasts
2. They protect the enclosed leaf
Internal Structures of Lamina
• Palisade mesophyll cells:
1. They consist of one or two
layers of closely packed, long
and cylindrical cells.
2. They contain abundant of
chloroplasts containing
chlorophyll that allow
maximum absorption of
sunlight. Hence, palisade
mesophyll cells are the main
site of photosynthesis
Internal Structures of Lamina
• Spongy mesophyll cell:
1. The cells are irregular in
2. They have numerous large
intercellular air spaces that
allow rapid diffusion of gases
through the leaf
3. They have fewer number of
chloroplasts to carry out
Internal Structures of Lamina
• Lower epidermis:
1. Lower epidermis consists of
single layer of closely packed cells
that are covered by cuticle which
reduces the water loss from the
2. They contain many minute
openings called stomata that are
important for gas exchange
Internal Structures of Lamina
• Mesophyll cells:
1. All the mesophyll cells are
covered with a thin film of
moisture that allow carbon
dioxide to dissolve in it
2. Vascular bundles are present
Xylem: To transport water and
mineral ions from the roots to the
Phloem: To translocate sucrose and
amino acids from the leaf to other
parts of the plant
Opening of Stomata
1. The concentration of potassium ions
increases in the guard cells
2. This will lower down the concentration of
water inside the guard cells
3. Hence, water molecules will enter the
guard cells from high water potential to
low water potential inside the guard cells
down the water potential gradient by
4. Guard cells will become turgid and
becoming more curved to open the
Closing of the Stomata
1. Potassium ions inside the guard cells
diffuse out from the guard cells
2. This will increase the water potential
inside the guard cells
3. As a result, water molecules will
diffuse out from the guard cells from
its high water potential to low water
potential down the water potential
gradient by osmosis
4. Guard cells become flaccid and hence,
closing the stomatal pores
The Intake of Carbon Dioxide
• During photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide in the leaves is rapidly used up.
• This will set up the concentration gradient as there is low concentration of
carbon dioxide inside the leaf than the atmospheric air.
• Therefore, the carbon dioxide will diffuse into the air spaces of the leaf via
the stomata from their high concentration to their low concentration,
down their concentration gradient.
• The surface of the mesophyll cells are always covered by a thin film of
water that allow carbon dioxide to dissolve in it.
• The dissolved carbon dioxide then diffuse into the photosynthetic cells as a
The Uptake of Water

• Xylem will transport water from the roots to the leaf.

• In the leaf, once water is out from the xylem, the water will move
from one mesophyll cell to another by osmosis.
• Xylem:
1. Xylem vessels are long and
hollow tubes formed out from
xylem cells.
2. Xylem vessels have no cross-
walls or protoplasm.
3. On the walls of the xylem,
there is the deposition of lignin
that can strengthen the walls
and prevent the collapse of the
vessels. Hence, lignin provide
mechanical support to the
• Xylem:
1. Xylem vessels are long and
hollow tubes formed out from
xylem cells.
2. Xylem vessels have no cross-
walls or protoplasm.
3. On the walls of the xylem,
there is the deposition of lignin
that can strengthen the walls
and prevent the collapse of the
vessels. Hence, lignin provide
mechanical support to the
Adaptation of Leaf for Photosynthesis
Structure Function
Petiole (Leaf stalk) It holds the leaf in position to absorb maximum amount of sunlight
Thin, flat lamina -It allows maximum absorption of sunlight
-It allows rapid diffusion of carbon dioxide into the inner cells
-It allows easy penetration of sunlight into the mesophyll cells
Waxy cuticle It reduces water loss from the leaf
Stomata During daylight, stomata allow carbon dioxide to diffuse into the leaf and oxygen to diffuse out from
the leaf
Chloroplasts in all Containing chlorophyll that can trap sunlight and convert light energy into chemical energy stored
mesophyll cells inside the sugar
Abundant of chloroplasts There is more light absorption near the surface of the leaf – Main site of photosynthesis
in palisade mesophyll cells
Interconnecting system of Allow rapid diffusion of carbon dioxide into mesophyll cells
air spaces in the spongy
mesophyll cells
Vascular bundles Xylem can transport water and mineral ions from the roots to the leaf
Phloem can transport sucrose and amino acids from the leaf to storage organs
Nitrate ions
Nitrate ions is important to make protein in plants.

Proteins are important for the growth of the plants.

Lack of protein in plants will make the plant to suffer from stunted
Magnesium Ions
Magnesium ions is important to make chlorophyll

Lack of magnesium ions in plants, will lead to yellowing of the leaves

(chlorosis of the leaves)
Instruction: Copy questions and answer [Total:20]
1. State the effect on a plant of the lack of: [4]
i. nitrates
ii. Magnesium
2. Explain the importance of these to the plant: [4]
i. Chlorophyll
ii. Root hairs
3. Describe: [4]
i. Chlorophyll
ii. Chloroplasts
4. Describe and explain how:
i. Temperature
ii. Light intensity
Affect the rate of photosynthesis [8]
Thank you

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