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Chemistry Practice Problems

The Atom and its Electronic Structure: Bohr’s Model of the

Hydrogen Atom


1. What is the wavelength (in nm) and frequency (in Hz) of a photon emitted when
an electron undergoes a change of energy of –8.69 × 10–17 J as an atom relaxes
from a high energy state to a lower energy state?

2. A photon of 956 nm is emitted from a hydrogen atom as an electron relaxes from

a high energy level (ni) to the n = 3 level. Determine the value of ni of the


1. The photon will have energy equal to the difference in energy of the electron.

ΔEelectron = E photon

Ephoton = hν

For frequency, solve for n:

E 8.69 × 10 −17 J
ν= = = 1.31 × 1017 1/s
h 6.63 × 10 − 34 J ⋅ s

For wavelength, use the equation

c = ln

3.00 × 10 8 m/s
λ= = 2.29 × 10 − 9 m
1.31 × 10 1/s

1 nm
2.29 × 10 - 9 m × = 2.29 nm
10 - 9 m
Chemistry Practice Problems

2. Step 1: Use the wavelength to determine the energy of the photon emitted.

E = hn and c = ln can be combined to give:

E = hc/l

6.63 × 10 − 34 J ⋅ s 3.00 × 10 8 m/s ) = 2.08 ×10 −19 J
10 − 9 m
956nm ×

Step 2: Obtain the change in energy of the electron as it transitions from a higher
energy state to a lower (n = 3) state.

The energy of the photon emitted as the electron relaxes from a high energy level is
equal to the energy difference of the electron.

ΔEelectron = E photon .

Since the electron is losing energy, the energy difference is negative.

DEelectron = –2.08×10–19 J.
Advanced Chemistry Practice Problems

Step 3: Determine initial energy level (ni) using the equation for a hydrogen atom:

⎛ ⎞
⎜ 1 1 ⎟
ΔE = − R H ⎜ − ⎟
⎜ n 2f ni2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎟
− 2.08 × 10 −19 J = −2.18 × 10 −18 J ⎜ −
⎜ 3 2 n 2 ⎟
⎝ i ⎠

− 2.08 × 10 −19 J 1 1
= −
− 2.18 × 10 −18 J 9 ni2

0.0954 = 0.1111 −
0.0954 − 0.1111 = −
− 0.0157 = −

= ni2

63.7 = ni2

63.7 = ni

8 = ni

As the electron transitions from the n = 8 level to the n = 3 level, it will emit a photon
with wavelength of 956 nm.

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