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AI Quiz 2 Tot al point s 28/30

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Ram Pandian G

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What is t he process of t raining a machine learning model on a dat aset *2/2


a) Instruction

b) Tutoring

c) Learning

d) Training
Which t ype of machine learning algorit hm is inspired by t he st ruct ure and *2/2
funct ion of t he human brain?

a) Genetic algorithms

b) Decision trees

c) Support Vector Machines (SVM)

d) Artificial neural networks

What is t he t erm for AI syst ems t hat can mimic human-like physical *2/2
movement s and t asks?

a) Natural robots

b) Humanoids

c) Androids

d) Mechanoids

Which famous AI-powered chat bot was developed by Facebook? * 2/2

a) Bixby

b) Siri

c) Alexa

d) M
What is t he process of convert ing spoken language int o writ t en t ext *2/2

a) Speech recognition

b) Voice- to- text conversion

c) Audio translation

d) Linguistic conversion

Which AI t echnique is used t o classify dat a int o predefined cat egories or *2/2

a) Regression

b) Clustering

c) Classification

d) Forecasting

What is t he t erm for a t ype of AI t hat can modify it s own code and *2/2
improve it s funct ionalit y?

a) Self- improving AI

b) Evolving AI

c) Meta AI

d) Genetic AI
Which AI applicat ion is used t o analyze and int erpret visual informat ion *2/2
from t he world?

a) Image recognition

b) Natural language processing

c) Speech synthesis

d) Sentiment analysis

Which company's AI-powered assist ant is known as "Google Assist ant "? * 2/2

a) Microsoft

b) Apple

c) Google

d) Amazon

Which AI t echnique is used t o make sequent ial decisions in an *2/2

environment t o maximize rewards?

a) Supervised learning

b) Reinforcement learning

c) Unsupervised learning

d) Semi- supervised learning

What is t he branch of AI t hat deals wit h creat ing algorit hms for decision- *2/2

a) Expert systems

b) Logic engineering

c) Rule- based AI

d) Decision science

Which AI applicat ion allows a comput er t o underst and and generat e *2/2
human-like t ext ?

a) Natural language processing

b) Speech recognition

c) Machine translation

d) Language generation

Which AI-powered board game feat ures a 19x19 grid and requires *2/2
st rat egic t hinking?

a) Chess

b) Checkers

c) Go

d) Scrabble
Which AI applicat ion can underst and and int erpret human emot ions in t ext *0/2
or speech?

a) Emotion detection

b) Sentiment analysis

c) Emotional intelligence

d) Affective computing

Correct answer

b) Sentiment analysis

What is t he t erm for a set of labeled examples used t o t rain a machine *2/2
learning model?

a) Dataset

b) Test set

c) Feature set

d) Target set

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