SS2 2 Marks

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(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade


1. What is a group discussion?
Group discussion is when a group of people comes together to discuss a certain
topic. It is a process where exchange of ideas and opinions take place.
2. What are the types of GD?
 Factual topics
 Abstract topics
 Controversial topics
 Case-study based
3. What are factual group discussions?
These group discussions are about practical things and judge how a candidate
processes information and analyses day-to-day topics or socio-economic issues.
4. What are abstract group discussions?
These group discussions are about intangible topics. In these, the interviewers
observe if a candidate can handle the given topic with lateral thinking and creativity.
5. What is Case-study based group discussions?
These group discussions simulate real-life situations. The panelists give the group
the details of a hypothetical situation and then the group has to resolve the situation
6. What are opinion-based group discussions?
These group discussions test how candidates put forward their opinions and
views. These group discussions are less about facts and more about opinions.
7. What are the prominent benefits of a GD?
 Stimulation of thinking
 Expansion of knowledge
 Language skills
 People-handling skills
 Team spirit
8. What are the vital pre-requisites of a GD?
 Planning and preparation
 Communication skills
 Body language and personal appearance
 Alertness and presence of mind
 Creative thinking
9. What are the 4 prominent skills that are assessed in a GD?
 Interpersonal
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

 Communication
 Leadership
 Team building
10. Mention any two do’s in a GD.
Refer to the Lecture notes of Unit 1
11. Mention any two don’ts in a GD.
Refer to the Lecture notes of Unit 1
12. Mention any two tips to be followed in a GD.
Refer to the Lecture notes of Unit 1
13. Mention any 5 initiation techniques.
 State the topic
 Quotes
 Definition
 Question
 Shock statement
14. What are the two roles to be taken in a GD?
 Participant
 Moderator
15. What is the role of a moderator?
This person being a team player controls the GD, and leads GD on track. He is the
one who prevents participants from interrupting in-between or argues in between.
16. How to summarize a GD?
 It must incorporate all the important points that are discussed during the GD.
 It should have to brief and concise.
17. State any four importance of Group Discussion.
 To judge if a candidate is fit for a job
 To test if the candidate is a good team player
 To assess the candidate’s communication skills
 To evaluate the body language and the posture of candidate
18. Why initiation is important in a GD?
Taking initiative is a mark of excellent leadership skills. In the beginning, panel
members see if you try to start the conversation and establish its flow. If you are unable
to do that, they also check if you wait for the right moment and take that chance to
introduce your idea in a better way.
19. Why is summarization and conclusion important in GD?
At the end of a group discussion, you may have to provide some conclusion. Try
to summarize the points and provide a valid outcome or a judgment for the best results.
20. Why leadership count a lot in GD?
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

The panelists usually see if you start with your own viewpoint or ask others for
their opinions. Helping others understand the subject matter and considering their
perspectives proves your leadership acumen. Panelists also give bonus points if you can
capitalize on other's viewpoints, adjust the conversation's flow and direct it towards
actionable decisions.

UNIT II – Interview-Handling Skills

1. What are the component parts in interview handling?
 Introduction/Greeting
 Employer questioning
 Applicant prepared questions
 Closing
2. What are the first impressions that will count in an interview?
a. Appearance is important
b. Good eye contact
c. Firm handshake
3. How an introduction should have to be in an interview?
a. Slow, clear pronunciation of name
b. Make small talk
4. What is a behavior based interviewing?
Recruiters ask for examples that demonstrate your level of skill with a behavior
that is important to the firm.
5. How to prepare for an interview?
 Research the company
 Review your resume
 Prepare STAR responses
 Prepare questions for interviewer
 Prepare yourself
6. What are some common areas to be covered in behavioral interviews?
 Leadership
 Teamwork
 Initiative
 Analytical Ability
 Creativity/Innovation
 Problem Solving Skills
7. List the prominent 5 important interview techniques to be followed.
 Make a good first impression
 Dress appropriately
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

 Improve interview skills required

 Use the STAR technique to answer questions
 Express gratitude after the interview
8. What is the STAR method while interviewing?
STAR stands for situation, task, action and result. With this technique, you can use
real-life examples to give clear and concise answers.
9. What is a abbreviation STAR technique in interview stand for?
a. S ituation
b. T ask
c. A ctions
d. R esults
10. What are the steps in STAR technique to be followed while answering?
 Explain a challenge or situation you faced
 Describe your responsibility or role in the situation of challenge
 Explain what actions you took to solve the problem
 Give details about the outcome you reached with your actions
11. List some of the Common Questions to Prepare For during an interview.
Refer to the Lecture Notes of Unit II.
12. List the ideas to be included when the interviewer asks the candidate to walk through
the resume.
 Tie your story to their business needs
 Demonstrate 2 or 3 strengths related to position or why you chose IU
 How you can contribute to company
13. List the points that should not be included in introducing the self in an interview?
 Personal/family information
 Politics
14. How strengths should have to be expressed in an interview?
 Relate them to the job
 Give examples of where you have demonstrated them
 How were they developed
15. How weakness should have to be expressed in an interview?
 Admit you have one
 Identify what you are doing to improve or learned from this weakness
 Detail the results or time frame expected
16. How to do research on the Company?
 Know the industry
 Know the company
 Know the job duties
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

17. How a closing note should have to be in an interview?

 Always thank them for the interview
 Clarify if they haven’t told you next steps
 End with you are looking forward to hearing from them and really enjoyed
talking to them.
18. What are the 3 P’s in any interview handling?
a. Prepare STARs
b. Prepare questions for interview
c. Practice delivery
19. What are the areas that should have to be looked into while preparing on the
questions for an interview?
a. Corporate values
b. Anticipated responsibilities
c. Employment trends
d. Measures of work performance
e. Work environment
f. Quality of work
g. Personality factors
20. What are the phrases to be included while you need more time in an interview to
 Good question, let me think about that a minute.
 So, you are asking if…..
 Can you repeat that question, please?

UNIT III- Presentation Skills

1. What are the three things to keep in mind before presentation?
 Tell people what you are going to say.
 Tell them
 Tell them what you have said.
2. List the effective teaching aids in a presentation.
 Flipcharts
 Power Point
 Demonstration
3. Enumerate the advantages of using PowerPoint for a presentation.
 Quick, easy and simple
 Prepare in advance
 Good for large audience
4. What are the dos in a good presentation?
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

 Take a deep breath

 Speak clearly
 Smile and have fun
 Remember the audiences are on your side
5. Identify the don’ts in a presentation.
 Don’t rush while delivering
 Don’t fiddle with things
 Don’t use inappropriate language
6. Enumerate the disadvantages of using PowerPoint for a presentation.
 It can be tedious
 It won’t be dynamic
 It’s easy to overload with information
7. Why the presentation skill is most important.
Presentation skills are pretty important when it comes to interview because this
shows how effective you can put forward your view which is going to be the main selling
point of your idea.
8. What positions in the workplace need good presentation skills?
There are no specific positions as such because when it come to job and interview
every applicant must present their ideas in a captivating way which is the base for
filtration during interview.
9. How to plan a presentation.
 Search for the present trends
 Identify the catchy topic you want to present on
 Rework on the existing ideas on that topic
 Use different delivering methods.
10. How to give a successful presentation.
 Keep it brief
 Have a good eye contact
 Be clear enough
 Expose examples
11. Why assess the presentation skills.
Presentation skill can be one important metric to assess how the candidate can
logically and creatively market a selling point.
12. How to evaluate candidate’s presentation skills.
A candidate’s presentation skill can be assessed by how the content was delivered
effectively and how far the audience can understand the context of the presentation.
13. How to make the presentation more interesting?
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

The presentation can be made more interesting by making it more interactive. The
presenter can shoot out questions to the audience and acknowledge the response
14. How to effectively engage the audience in a presentation.
To engage the audience effectively, the presenter can relate the topic to the real
time examples and also expose the relevance of the audience themselves and also the
current setting.
15. What is a presentation skill?
A presentation is a means of communication which can be adapted to various
speaking situations, such as talking to a group or briefing a team or addressing a meeting.
16. How to prepare for a presentation?
 Structure
 Visual Aids
 Voice
 Questions
17. How to structure a presentation?
 Objective
 Introduction
 Main content
 Summary
 Questions
18. How the ideal voice should be for an effective delivery of the content.
 Louder and clearer than normal
 Emphasize on the main point
 Vary the pitch and modulation
19. List the visual aids that can be used in a presentation?
 Charts and Graphs
 Handouts
 Demonstration
 Diagrams
 Video or Audio
20. Explain in brief any experience of attending an interview.
(Answer of the student).

UNIT IV- Etiquette

1. What is etiquette?
The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a
particular profession or group is called Etiquette.
2. List the types of etiquettes.
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

 Basic
 Dress
 Dining
 Telephone
 Work place
3. Enumerate the basic etiquette that should be followed
 Be kind
 Keep Smiling
 Give respect to others
 Greet others
4. List the dressing etiquette.
 Avoid tight-fitting clothes
 Avoid transparent clothes
 Avoid t-shirts
 Wear clean, neatly maintained shirts
5. What is the dining etiquette to be followed?
 Never blow on any hot liquid.
 Never chew your food loudly.
 Stir your beverage only once or twice.
 Express appreciation for the meal.
6. List the telephonic etiquette.
 Greet the caller.
 Introduce yourself
 Speak with appropriate pause.
 Don’t speak to anyone else while on a call.
7. How to effectively answer a call?
 Identify yourself
 Do not slam or cut the phone abruptly
 Convey sincere interest and be empathetic
 Listen carefully
8. How to place a telephonic call?
 Dial the correct number
 Identify yourself
 Make sure you are talking to the right person
9. What is the professional etiquette?
 Keep yourself presentable
 Establish cordial and respectful relationship
 Address your authorities formally
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

 Speak positively.
10. How to carry forward the professional meetings?
 Be punctual
 Do not interrupt the speaker
 Keep the conversation brief
 Be professional in your approach
11. How to be professional in your workplace?
 Be pleasant
 Be in a formal attire
 Be flexible
 Give credit to everyone.
12. Enumerate the effective E-mail etiquettes to be followed.
 Organize your mailbox
 Classify your E-mails in terms of importance, urgency and confidentiality
13. How an effective E-mail should be?
 Never use capital letters
 Keep your E-mail short and brief
 Proof-read your E-mail before sending
14. Why is it important to be punctual when meeting someone else for a business event?
It is very important to arrive on time when meeting someone else at a business
event because it shows that you value their time as much as you value yours. If you are
running late, you should always call ahead to let them know so they aren’t waiting
15. What are some small things people can do to make their emails look more professional?
It is must to use proper grammar and spelling when sending a mail. It makes the
message clearer and easier to understand. Including a subject will give an understanding
of what the mail holds.
16. Explain any real time examples where you’ve learnt the importance of Etiquette
(Answer of the students).
17. Explain the two strong needs for etiquette following.
 Etiquette makes you a cultured individual who leaves his mark wherever he goes.
 It teaches you the way to talk, walk and most importantly behave in the society.
18. What is corporate etiquette?
Corporate Etiquette refers to set of rules an individual must follow while he is at
19. Explain any two Do’s in a workplace.
 Put your hand phone in the silent or vibrating mode at the workplace
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

 Take care of your pitch and tone at the workplace

20. Explain any two don’ts in a workplace.
 Never adopt a casual attitude at work.
 Don’t peep into other’s cubicles and workstations
UNIT V -Ethics and Values
1. What are ethics?
Ethics is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action for a man. It
is the study of right or wrong in human endeavors.
2. What are values?
Values are that which we seek to achieve or maintain in life according to the standard of
evolution. Values are the end to which we act. It defined the relationship between a
person and a goal.
3. What are the differences between ethics and values?
Ethics refers to the guidelines for conduct that address questions of morality. Value
provides the principles and ideals upon which judgment is made of what is more
4. List the six pillars of characters.
 Trustworthiness
 Responsibility
 Respect
 Fairness
 Citizenship
 Caring
5. How the person is said to be trustworthy?
The person is said to be trustworthy when you can place trust on him and have
confidence that trust will not be betrayed. The person can prove their trustworthiness by
fulfilling an assigned responsibility.
6. What is integrity?
Integrity is the virtue of practicing what one preaches. He should understand, accept and
live by a principle, rather just preaching it.
7. Define responsibility.
Responsibility can be defined as assuming accountability for a task, decision or action.
He is said to be responsible when he accepts the consequence of something.
8. List the attributes of responsibility.
 Diligence
 Perseverance
 Accountability
 Pursuit of excellence
9. Define respect.
Respect is a courteous expression of esteem or regard. It is showing honor or
consideration. It is the specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one
10. Brief: Civility and Courtesy
(An Autonomous Institution)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi &
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘A’ Grade

Civility is the art of showing regards for others. It is to use respectful language and being
nice to one another.
Courtesy is a polite behavior adapted by an individual to others. It is being kind and nice
to the people around him.
11. Define acceptance.
Acceptance is a person’s assent to the reality of the situation, recognizing a process or
condition without attempting to change it, protest or exit.
12. What is tolerance?
Tolerance is the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental
conditions. It is the willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others.
13. Contrast and compare dignity and decency.
Dignity is having self-respect and it is very crucial to have self respect whereas decency
refers to conforming to the standards of propriety and morality and it is the quality of
being respectable.
14. What is the importance of fairness?
Fairness is the ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty. Fairness
is treating other person equally.
15. What is meant by citizenship?
Citizenship refers to the belongingness to a particular nation. Each citizen should do their
duties like voting, involving in community affair, protecting the environment and
working for peace.
16. How to care for others?
Putting the needs of others before yours is the way of caring. To care is to feel and show
concern for others.
17. Explain any real time examples where you’ve learnt the importance of Ethics.
(Answer of the students)
18. Explain any real time examples where you’ve learnt the importance of Values.
(Answer of the students)
19. Mention some of the common workplace Ethics.
Some common workplace ethics include trustworthiness, accountability, respect,
transparency, and integrity.
20. Mention any five ways to develop Ethics in real life.
 Clear goals and objectives
 Having proper mentorship
 Creating right work environment
 Understanding the needs
 Practicing professionalism

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