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Scratch Tasks 1

a) Start a new Google doc, give it the name Scratch Work and share it with your teacher

b) Put a title in the Google doc Scratch Tasks 1

b) All the tasks below ask you to work out how to do different things with the Scratch sprite. Each
time you have worked out how to do a question, you need to type the code from inside the
code blocks into your Google doc e.g. after you have done tasks 1, 2 and 3 your Google doc
should look like this:

Put the
number of
each task
Always start with
when green flag clicked

Put each code

block on a new line When you use a loop:
• indent all the code that is
inside the loop
• show where the loop

1. Make the sprite (the Cat) move forward 30 steps.

2. Make the sprite move 10 steps, wait for one second and move another 10 steps

3. Use a repeat loop to make the sprite do task 2 above 4 times

4. Make the sprite walk forward 20 steps, wait for 2 seconds and walk backwards 20 steps.

5. Turn the sprite upside down and make it move by 50 steps upside down.

6. Rotate the sprite by a quarter of a circle, make it move 50 steps then wait for one second. The
sprite should do this ten times.

7. Make the sprite move forward 30 steps, stop for half a second and then move backwards 30
steps and again pause for half a second. This should be repeated 10 times.

8. Make the sprite glide to the top right corner of the stage.

9. Make the sprite glide slowly to the top right corner of the stage, wait for 2 seconds, then glide
at a faster speed to the bottom right corner of the stage.

10. Make the sprite always look at the mouse pointer, even when you move the mouse around the
computer screen.

11. When the user clicks on the sprite make it say “Hello” for 2 seconds (don’t use sound for this
instead use the Looks code blocks)
12. Make the sprite say “Hello there” then make it think “Hmmmm” for 2 seconds then make it say
“Goodbye” and finally make it move off the side of the stage.

13. Make the sprite move 10 steps then switch costume to costume 2, then wait half a second,
then move 10 steps, then switch costume to costume 1.

14. Make the sprite do task 13 above ten times.

15. Make the sprite say “Hello there” then make it think “Hmmmm” for 2 seconds then make it say
“Goodbye” and finally make it move off the side of the stage switching between costume 1 and
costume 2 to make it look as if it is walking.

16. When the space key on the keyboard is pressed make the sprite move 50 steps.

17. When the space key is pressed make the sprite change size by 50 then wait 1 second then go
back to original size.

18. When the space key is pressed make the sprite swap between the size changed by 50 and its
original size 4 times. It should wait for second between each size change.

19. Use a forever loop to make the sprite keep moving forward 10 steps but IF it is touching the
edge it should go back to the centre. It will keep doing this over and over.

20. Use a forever loop to make the sprite keep moving forward 10 steps but IF it is touching the
edge it should go back to the centre and then should stop.

21. Add a backdrop to the stage then make the sprite do a dance routine – you decide on the
moves it should make.

22. Add a second sprite and make the 2 sprites both do a dance routine – you decide what moves
they make.

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