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Here we need to be clear with who the speaker of the language actually are.

There will be the

native speakers and second language speakers who we can considered as the speakers of the
language. The only difference is that native speakers are those who grew up speaking the
particular language and second language learners are those who acquire the language later in

There are some differences between having the native speaker as the teacher and having the
second language learner as the teacher. For the case of the native speaker, he or she can be a
great help when it comes to the natural usage of language and grammar pattern. On the other
hand, the second language learner as the teacher will be able to understand more about how
the learners feel about acquiring the new language as their new identity more than the native
speaker teachers as they have been there and done that before.

But the most important thing above of all is that the language teacher must have a good
command of both content and techniques which are needed to deliver the effective and
successful lessons for learning to take place. Like the example described in the module 1, the
cake as the content and the way of giving the cake as the technique, how much content
knowledge a teacher has, without the proper technique, the teaching might not be as successful
as it should be.

In order to achieve the effective and successful teaching, a teacher must equip proper usage of
body language, teacher talk and scaffolding whenever they teach or deliver a lesson. On top of
that, the teacher also need to notice the different learning types and styles of students. Only
then, the teacher will be able to adjust one's own lessons to best-match with their own students.
If the teacher failed to detect the proximal development zone of learners or students, therer is a
high chance that he or she mighth also fail to provide the i + 1 input to the students for learning
to actually take place.

When the teacher isn't familiar with the effective teaching technique, it is highly likely that he or
she might be a far cry from approaching the language using both zoom and diffuse mode. One
might excessively focus on the explanation of grammar pattern and vocabulary, increasing the
teacher talking time unknowningly while giving no chance for students to actually practice the
language in the classroom.

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