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UMBC: Spring2024:

Stat351 worksheet 3

1. The following is hypothetical data on pair of observations (xi , yi ). For this data:
(a) Obtain the sample variances of each of the variables.
(b) Obtain the correlation coefficient between x and x, ρx,y and interpret it
(c) Suppose that new variable W was derived from X as w = 3.5 × x − 10. Then, obtain the
mean and variance of the new variable w.

obs x y xy x2 y2 w
1 6.8 1.61 10.948 46.24 2.5921 13.8
2 14.63 17.64 258.0732 214.0369 311.1696 41.205
3 8.3 13.69 113.627 68.89 187.4161 19.05
4 9.48 11.79 111.7692 89.8704 139.0041 23.18
5 6.87 8.63 59.2881 47.1969 74.4769 14.045
6 8.41 4.85 40.7885 70.7281 23.5225 19.435
7 7.14 11.84 84.5376 50.9796 140.1856 14.99
8 9.79 17.02 166.6258 95.8441 289.6804 24.265
9 8.19 16.74 137.1006 67.0761 280.2276 18.665
10 9.41 7 65.87 88.5481 49 22.935
11 8.36 15.29 127.8244 69.8896 233.7841 19.26
12 11.74 16.73 196.4102 137.8276 279.8929 31.09
13 9.64 24.6 237.144 92.9296 605.16 23.74
14 8.8 14.12 124.256 77.44 199.3744 20.8
15 5.87 8.58 50.3646 34.4569 73.6164 10.545
16 14.13 10.31 145.6803 199.6569 106.2961 39.455
17 6.47 13.47 87.1509 41.8609 181.4409 12.645
tot 154.03 213.91 2017.4584 1493.4717 3176.8397 529.105

2. The following is data on certain numerical variable recorded for 10 observation.
26 23 29 31 24 22 15 31 30 20
(a) the Coefficient of variation and comment on the dispersion of the data
(b) Find the third and eighth deciles (30th and 80th ) percentile of the data
(c) calculate the 85th percentile of this data

3. Calculate the 3rd and 6th deciles of the data.

7 18 12 17 29 18 4 27 30 2 4 10 21 5 8

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