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Observation and research is a research technique where you observe participants and
phenomena in their most natural settings this enables researchers to see their subjects make
choices and react to situations in their natural settings as opposed to structured settings like
research labs or focus groups.
It is a fundamental method which plays a crucial role in understanding consumer behaviour
in real time settings.
shopper stop, a potential retail shop, aims to utilise observational research to create an
intricate pattern and behaviour of shoppers within their store environment.
Concealed observation can be used to analyse the behaviour of shoppers be cause and
concealed observation could have an effect on the validity of the observations.
The decision to apply a concealed or unconcealed observation technique depends on various
concealed observation relates to whether the members of the social group under study or told
that they are being investigated while unconcealed observation relates to the participants
being aware of the observer's watch.
Advantages of concealed observation
1.Research subjects are not influenced by the awareness that they are being observed.
2. It has the ability to capture genuine, uninfluenced behaviour. The knowledge of being
observed can often alter people’s behaviour, a phenomenon known as the Hawthorne effect.
Concealed observation avoids this effect
1. The disadvantage is that the method may involve interpretation by us as the observer may
unconsciously interpret the observed behaviours based on their own beliefs or prejudices.
2.Reactivity or the extent to which the observer affects the situation under observation could
be a major threat to the validity of the results of observational studies.
3. It violates the principles of informed consent, privacy, confidentiality.

Unconcealed observation
It is more obtrusive, perhaps upsetting the authenticity of the behaviour under study.
Researchers usually don't obtain informed consent from the participants.
participants privacy should be respected and they should be made sure that their observations
do not intrude upon personal or sensitive information.

While concealed observation is a powerful research tool, the ethical considerations it entails
necessitate its careful and judicious use. By providing real world, unaltered data, it serves as
an essential instrument in the repertoire of social scientists and market researchers.
Research methodology is a crucial aspect of academic and scientific studies, as it outlines the
systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the
theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of
knowledge. Within this framework, understanding the roles of mediating and moderating
variables is essential for comprehensive research design and analysis.
Mediating variable explains The relationship between two other variables. It helps to
elucidate the underlying mechanism or process through which an independent variable
influences or dependent variable. In other words, it acts as an intermediate step or pathway
between the independent and dependent variables in a relationship .
on the other hand, a moderating variable influences the strength or direction of the
relationship between an independent and dependent variable. It affects the relationship
between these variables but does not explain the mechanism through which they are related.
Let us develop a conceptual model to understand the relationship between mediating an
moderating variables based on the existing literature.
Let us examine the relationship between exercise and mental well being .
the conceptual model could be represented as follows
exercise self esteem mental well-being
in this model, exercise is the independent variable that has a direct effect on self esteem, the
mediating variable. Self esteem, in turn, influences mental well-being, the dependent
variable. This suggests that exercise may impact mental well-being indirectly through its
influence on self esteem.
Also, we propose that the age acts as a moderating variable in this relationship. Age can
affect the strength or direction of the relationship between exercise and mental well-being for
example the benefits of exercise on mental well-being might be more pronounced in younger
individuals compared to older individuals.
To examine this model, researchers could collect data on exercise frequency, self esteem
levels, mental well-being scores, and age of participants. Through statistical analysis such as
mediation analysis and moderation analysis, researchers can test whether self esteem
mediates the relationship between exercise and mental well-being, and whether age
moderates this relationship.
In summary, a mediating variable explains the relationship between an independent and
dependent variable, while a moderating variable influences the strength or direction of that
relationship. Conceptual models, such as the one described above, can help guide empirical
studies and provide a framework for understanding the interplay between mediating and
moderating variables.

in the evolving landscape of the skin care industry, understanding consumer preferences and
expectations is important for companies to stay competitive and relevant. The rise of sub
Ahmed as a disruptor, challenging unilever’s dominance, underscores this need. Consumers
are increasingly drawn to products that cater to sensitive skin and priorities natural
ingredients. To gain insights into these shifting preferences, a well structured questionnaire is
Skin care questionnaire
what is your gender?
what is your age?
are you able to find products on the market suitable for your skin type?
what cosmetic products are you using?
how important is texture?
do you like smell in your cosmetics products?
how regular do you use cosmetic products?
what is your skin type?
would you use a skin care product if you have any known allergies? how much would you
spend on your skin care products?
what would make you fall in love with our products?
is packaging important to you and why?
if you had the choice to make your own skin care product, what would this include?
what would make you buy a skin care product?
do you have a particular place where you buy your skin care products


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