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“How To Build Up Discussion”



CAHYA (PO713201221010)
MUH. HADRYAN PUTRA B. (PO713201221021)
ST AINUN ALFATH M.T (PO713201221040)
ZULFA MARYAM S. (PO713201221043)


1. What is effective discussion
An effective group discussion is defined as a critical dialogue about a certain topic, or
possibly a variety of topics, held in a group of sufficient size to allow all participants
to participate. A leader isn’t necessary for a group of two or three to have a succesfull
debate. But if the number exceeds five or six, a eader or facilitator might be usefull.

2. Ellements of discussion
All member of the group have the opportunity to speak, freely expressing their own
ideas and feelings, and to pursue and complete their thougtrs all members of the group
can openly hear others ideas and feeling, a succesfull groupm conversation is one in
which a wide range of views and perspectives are heard and considered. This enables
the group so achieve its goal, if one exises, or to develop a foundation for continued
discussion or addinoal interaction and collaboration among its members.

3. The Purpose Of Discussion

Group discussion objectives, such as: Creating new situations – and analyzing an
issue without thinking about specific goals but rather understanding – developing
strategic plans discussing policies and policy changes – communicating problems and
differences between individuals or groups – Holding publish hearings regarding
proposed regulations.

4. How To Establish The discussing

The ground ruled of a group discussion are the paremeters that assist keep the
conversation on topic and keep it from devolving into name calling or simple
a. No name – calling, angry outburst
b. There will be no dispute directed at people.
c. Please don’t interrupt
d. Respect the time of group
e. Take all comments seriously and attempt to give them a fair evaluation

5. How to take participations in discussion

a. Treating an members of the group tith respect.
b. Maintain on open and accessible body posture, smile when appropriate, and pay
close attention to everyone.
c. Thank you for participating in the debate and providing positive feedback
d. Deserve peoples behaviers and sentiments and reply appropriately.
e. Use questions that can be should elicit some level of thought from members of the

Baharuddin K, S. A. (2022). Practical Guideline Book. In Aplikasi Dalam Penerapan Nursing Care Plan
Bagi Mahasiswa (pp. 14-21). Makassar: Nas Media Pustaka.

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