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Eye Anatomy Function and Disease

Study: Ophthalmology
Physician: Ophthalmologist
Function: Vision
The eye ball is oval in shape. The eye ball is the organ of sight. It
is contained in the bony orbit and protected by appendages such as
eyelids, eyebrows, conjunctiva and lacrymal apparatus.

The layers of eye:

❖ Sclera: Tough outer fibrous layer of eye. It forms the white of the
eye. It protects the delicate structures helps to maintain the shape
of the eyeball.
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❖ Choroid: Middle vascular layer – contains blood vessels.

❖ Retina: Inner most layer. It contains nerve cells and
Two types of photoreceptors in retina are rods & cones.
• Rods are active at low light level and they are responsible for black
& white vision.

• Cones are active at bright light and they are responsible for colour

In examining the eye ball from front to back, the following parts
are seen.
❖ Cornea: The transparent front portion continuous with the sclera.
It consists of several layers. The superficial layer is stratified
epithelium continuous with the conjunctiva.
❖ Anterior chamber: Between cornea & Iris.
❖ Iris: The colour curtain infront of the lens which is continuous with
choroid. Iris consist of two sets of voluntary muscle fibers- one set
contracts the pupil and other set dilates the pupil.
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❖ Pupil: The dark central spot which is an opening in the

Iris through which light reaches the retina.
❖ Posterior chamber: Between iris & lens. Both anterior & posterior
chambers are filled with aqueous humour.
❖ Aqueous humour: This fluid is derived from ciliary body & it is
reabsorbed into the blood stream at an angle between Iris & cornea.
❖ Lens: A biconvex transparent body. It lies behind the Iris. It has
suspensory ligament by which lens is attached to the ciliary body.
❖ Vitreous humour: The remaining back portion of the eyeball
extending from the lens to the retina, is filled with a jelly like
albuminous fluid.
❖ Optic Nerve: Supplies the eye. The point where it emerges from
eye is optic disc.
❖ Conjunctiva: The mucous membrane lining the eyelids &
covering the front of the sclera.
❖ Lacrimal apparatus: The lacrimal glands are compound
racemose gland situated at upper outer corner of the orbital cavity
and secretes the tears.

✓ Rays of light from object enters into cornea, aqueous humour, lens,
vitreous humour and reaches the retina.
✓ Stimulates the nerve endings in retina (rods & cones – visual
✓ Stimuli pass along the optic nerve to the visual area of brain
✓ Sight is interpreted


❖ Diplopia- Double vision

❖ Esotropia- Inward turning of one or both eye
❖ Exotropia - Outward turning of one or both eye
❖ Astigmatism - Eye or lens not in spherical shape
❖ Photophobia - Sensitivity to light
❖ Amblyopia - Decreased vision in single eye
❖ Blepharitis - Inflammation of eyelids
❖ Retinopathy - Disease of retina
❖ Entropion - Inward folds of eyelids
❖ Exotropion - Outward folds of eyelids
❖ Deuteranopia - Colour blindness
❖ Nyctalopia - Night blindness
❖ Myopia - Short sight
❖ Hypermetropia - Long sight
❖ Presbyopia - Defect of accommodation. The lens
fails to focus theimage of a near object. Common in
old age
❖ Conjunctivitis - Inflammation of conjunctiva due
to variety oforganism
❖ Trachoma - It is an infectious disease caused by
Chlamydia trachomatis
❖ Cataract - Opacity of the lens may be partial or
❖ Glaucoma - Increase in intraocular pressure

▪ Corneal Topographer: Provides three
dimensional views of thecornea.
▪ Visual field analyzer: Visual field defects are noted
in glaucoma
, stroke , macular degeneration and many more
▪ Laser polarimeter: Detects damage from
glaucoma at its earlieststages.
• Refractive error correction: By using spectacles,
contact lenses.
• Laser surgery: LASIK
• Corneal transplantation

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