RTL1-3C - 033220002 - Assignment 1

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Jan / May / Sept 202__ SEPT 2023


Student’s ID No: 033220002

Course Code BMK310/03

Course Title RETAILING

Class Code RTL1-3C

Assignment No: ASSIGNMENT 1

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When introducing a brand-new business model to the Malaysian market, such as "CosMc's,"

it is necessary to give careful thought to a variety of aspects in order to identify the most

suitable location for a store. The analysis can be broken down as follows:

Analysis of the Environment with Regard to Financial Aspects. The purpose of this study

is to evaluate the state of the economy and the potential for growth across Malaysia's many

different regions. In order to ensure the sustainable growth of businesses, it is prudent to give

some thought to areas that are typified by a stable and consistent economy. It is important to

conduct research about the amounts of discretionary income that exist within the local

community because this aspect can have a sizeable impact on the potential customers' ability

to make purchases.

Additionally , examine the spatial distribution of the population across a variety of regions,

with a particular emphasis on urban and suburban areas that are known to be conducive to the

success of McDonald's. This can help you better understand the demographic factors that

are at play. It is vital to take into account the demographic variables of age, gender, and

ethnic makeup within the community in order to properly customise the menu and marketing

strategies. This will allow for more effective customization.

Social variables refer to the understanding and analysis of cultural and societal phenomena

in various geographical locations. It is of utmost importance for McDonald's to exhibit

cultural awareness in relation to local norms and preferences. The objective of this study is to

examine prevalent trends in dining habits, with a specific emphasis on the contrasting degrees

of inclination towards fast food businesses as opposed to traditional cuisine. The objective of

this study is to examine prevalent trends in dining behaviours, with a specific emphasis on the
ssi comparative popularity of fast-food businesses vs traditional cuisine.
After that, an analysis of the Brand.An Evaluation of McDonald's Brand Presence in

Malaysia. Putting one's current reputation to good use can result in beneficial outcomes.It is

essential to perform an in-depth analysis of both the market environment in which the brand

operates and the way in which consumers view the brand as a whole in order to determine

whether or not there are potential for differentiation. This necessitates doing an examination

of the competition landscape and assessing the manner in which the brand is viewed by the

audience it is aimed at.

Analysis of the Store's Location is important for determine store location. Check for

alternative geographic trading sites. Identify possible geographic trading sites in Malaysia

that match McDonald's expansion objectives. The goal of this project is to find alternative

geographic trading sites. Determine the geographical potential of potential trading areas in

Malaysia. It is essential to take into consideration large cities and metropolitan centres such

as Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru, and Kota Kinabalu. Carry out an examination of

each region with regard to the level of economic stability it possesses, the population that is

already there, and the possibility for further expansion in the future. Conduct an analysis of

the competitive climate in each region, paying particular attention to the presence of other

fast-food chains that compete with yours and the demographics of the potential customers in

that area. Possibility that the market will reach its maximum capacity and become saturated.

Determine whether or not suitable real estate choices are accessible, as well as whether or not

it would be viable to engage into partnerships or cooperate with local organisations,

corporations, and commercial businesses. Determine furthermore whether or not it would be

possible to enter into partnerships or work with local organisations, corporations, and

commercial enterprises.

Then , conducting an Analysis of Literacy Rates. It is important to carry out an analysis of
fica literacy rates in a variety of prospective regions in order to ensure effective communication
with customers through the use of written materials such as menus and advertising

materials.Given that Malaysia is a country with a large number of different languages spoken,

it is essential to take into account the linguistic preferences that are prevalent in a number of

different regions.

In addition, when engaging in trading operations, it is essential to do a comprehensive

analysis of the local business climate in each potential location. This is one of the most

important aspects to take into consideration. The level of economic activity and the

opportunities for new business development within a certain location are two of the many

aspects that need to be taken into consideration. The presence of auxiliary facilities, such as

movie theatres, entertainment venues, or shopping outlets, that have the potential to bring

people to "CosMc's," such as "CosMc's."This study investigates the potential impact that

local business regulations and the processes involved in obtaining permits could have on the

viability of launching a restaurant in a particular location.

Find out how accessible each specific site is by looking at the following variables such as

Transportation Infrastructure refers to the Roads This study's objectives are to conduct an

analysis of the road network, investigate the patterns of traffic, and determine how close the

road system is to major roads. The key foci of this inquiry are the ease of access and

convenience offered by a variety of public transport options. These options include buses,

trains, and MRT stations, among others. Accessibility for those travelling on foot Carry out

an investigation to evaluate the extent to which the neighbourhood provides amenities for

pedestrians and report your findings. This should include an assessment of the number of

crosswalks and sidewalks, as well as their level of quality, in the area.

One ought to determine whether prospective regions have the essential amenities available.

Cla For example , the parking facilities. It an Assessment of the Accessibility of Parking Spaces
for Cars and Motorcycles, Prominent Modes of Transportation in Malaysia. The sitting Areas

is essential to Determine whether or not there is sufficient sitting both indoors and outside,

taking into consideration the number of potential customers. The purpose of this research is

to determine the degree to which public restrooms are easily accessible and the degree to

which eateries are required to provide them.

With the aid of this thorough examination of these six variables, McDonald's Malaysia will

be able to decide where best to launch "CosMc's" in the Malaysian market. It's critical to

strike a balance between these elements and give priority to those that are consistent with the

goals of the brand and its target market. Furthermore, market research and surveys carried out

on the ground can offer insightful information on regional trends and preferences. After

gathering information and performing in-depth analysis based on these variables, establish a

ranking or scoring system to evaluate possible locations. Achieving a balance between

elements such as accessibility, economic potential, and consistency with the "CosMc's"

philosophy is crucial. Furthermore, carry out polls or focus groups to get local opinions and

preferences, which might offer insightful information for the choice that is ultimately made.


As McDonald's "CosMc's" expands into the Malaysian market, it will require a robust retail
ssi operations strategy. The analysis covers personnel and operational functions in the context of
managing the store effectively. The first step McDonald's needs to take is to hire and train the

right staff to manage its stores.

It is important to find the right personnel and train them through localization. It is vital that

Malaysia has a diverse and inclusive workforce that is representative of its multicultural

culture. Customer relations and service can be enhanced when employees are sensitive to

cultural nuances, languages, and dietary preferences. Having a diverse and inclusive

workforce also allows businesses to tap into a larger talent pool, leading to better recruitment

and more creative ideas. Furthermore, it can create a workplace that is more tolerant and

accepting of different cultures, which can in turn lead to improved job satisfaction and

loyalty. For example, a company with a more diverse workforce may be more likely to hire

employees from different backgrounds, which could result in better customer service.

A recruitment process is used to find the right personnel and train them. Recruitment is

important due to Malaysia's multilingualism and diverse culture. Employees should be able to

communicate effectively in English, Malay, and potentially other languages spoken by the

locals. It is beneficial to hire individuals with previous customer service experience. This will

ensure that employees can quickly learn the company's expectations and protocols, as well as

how to handle customer inquiries in their native language. Additionally, having customer

service experience will enable employees to provide better customer service, as they will

have a better understanding of the local culture and customs. For instance, a company located

in a Spanish-speaking country may find it beneficial to hire a customer service representative

who is native Spanish speaker, as they will be able to provide more accurate and efficient
ssi communication.
Finding and training the right personnel is done through training. A comprehensive training

program incorporating cultural sensitivity and outstanding customer service should be

developed. A comprehensive CosMcs training program should cover standard operating

procedures as well as aspects specific to the concept. Training should be provided on menu

offerings and customer engagement techniques on a regular basis to keep employees up-to-

date. This is important because it ensures that employees are aware of the latest changes

within the company, as well as any cultural or legal considerations that might affect the way

they interact with customers. Additionally, regular training helps to ensure that employees

have the necessary skills to effectively service customers and that they know the expectations

of the company. For example, CosMcs employees should be trained to greet customers with a

smile, be knowledgeable about the menu, and be knowledgeable about any special

promotions or discounts available.

In order to find the right personnel and train them, local knowledge is used. Provide

employees with information about local tastes and preferences, including popular dishes and

cultural events. The information can help tailor the "CosMc's" menu and promotions to suit

the needs of the consumers. Knowing local preferences can help ensure that customers are

able to find what they are looking for and can also help the business to tailor their menu and

promotions to better suit the needs of their customers. This can also help to create a sense of

familiarity and belonging between the company and its customers, which can lead to

increased loyalty and customer satisfaction. For example, if the data shows that customers in

a certain area prefer dishes that contain local ingredients, CosMc's can incorporate this into
ssi their menu and advertise the items in the targeted area.
Diversity and Inclusion are essential for finding the right employees and training them.

Ensure that both employees and customers enjoy a diverse and inclusive work environment.

The workforce should reflect the local demographics. A diverse and inclusive work

environment can help employers find top talent, create a more inclusive workplace, and foster

innovation. It can also help to create a better customer experience, as customers feel more

comfortable and welcomed when surrounded by people they can relate to. Furthermore, it can

help to create a competitive edge, as companies that embrace diversity and inclusion are often

seen as more attractive to potential employees and customers. For instance, companies that

promote diversity and inclusion initiatives are more likely to attract top talent, as job seekers

are more likely to choose a company that values diversity.

In order for the store to run effectively, there are many operations functions involved.

The scheduling of employees is an important part of managing a store. Utilize workforce

management software to optimize scheduling with peak hours and seasonality in mind.

Create flexible scheduling systems that accommodate religious holidays and cultural

celebrations. Employees should have access to transparent channels of communication to

request time off and swap shifts. Doing so will help ensure that the store does not experience

any staffing shortages during peak times, and that its employees feel respected and

understood. Additionally, it will reduce the costs associated with overtime pay and shift

replacements, as employees will be able to better manage their free time. For example, a store

could provide a mobile app that allows employees to request time off or swap shifts in real-

time, or they could set up a web form where employees can submit their requests.

Management of a store includes store maintenance. Inspections and maintenance of the

restaurant are required on a regular basis to maintain safety and hygiene standards. Air
conditioning and pest control are especially important in Malaysia, due to its tropical climate.
In order to reduce operating costs and align with sustainability trends, use energy-efficient

systems and eco-friendly practices. Regular check-ups of the store equipment, such as

refrigeration, lighting, and plumbing, are also important to ensure the store is running

smoothly and to avoid any unexpected breakdowns. Regular inspections of the store exterior

and the parking lot are necessary to ensure the safety and security of customers. For example,

parking lot lighting should be checked to make sure all lights are working and that any

potential hazards, such as potholes or ice patches, are dealt with quickly.

One of the functions of store management is to reduce inventory shrinkage. Ensure that

inventory control measures are strong in order to minimize waste and shrinkage. Due to

Malaysia's diverse cuisine, inventory management can be challenging. Monitor sales trends,

identify shrinkage areas, and track expiration dates with inventory management

software. Regularly auditing inventory and training staff on loss prevention tactics are

essential to identifying and resolving discrepancies as quickly as possible. This is important

because it can help to reduce costs associated with lost inventory, prevent inaccurate

ordering, and ensure that customers receive the product they order in a timely manner.

Without proper inventory management measures, businesses can easily overstock or under

stock, leading to lost sales or overstocking, both of which can be very costly. For example, if

a business overstocks an item, it will need to dispose of it, incurring additional costs, or if it

under stocks, it may not be able to fulfill customer orders in a timely manner, resulting in lost


One of the functions of store management is local sourcing. To ensure freshness and reduce

supply chain complexities, consider sourcing ingredients locally whenever possible. In order

to appeal to local tastes, emphasize items that are grown or produced in Malaysia on the
"CosMc's" menu. Local sourcing provides many benefits to the store, including shorter lead
times, reduced shipping costs, and a better ability to customize the menu to local tastes.

Additionally, local sourcing can be a more sustainable option, as it helps to reduce the

amount of energy and resources used in importing ingredients. For example, CoMc's could

feature local dishes such as the Nasi Lemak, a popular Malaysian dish made with rice,

coconut milk, sambal, and other ingredients.


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