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6/1/24, 8:25 AM IGCSE Global Revision Concepts Physics U1-6 | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

IGCSE Global Revision Concepts Physics U1-

6 Class
Total questions: 11
Worksheet time: 6mins
Instructor name: Paul Martin

1. Why is energy lost when a car moves?

a) power b) friction
c) elasticity d) momentum

2. When energy is wasted, what energy is it most often converted to?

a) heat b) sound
c) light d) movement

3. How do I calculate the distance covered from a velocity graph?

a) the area under the graph b) the area over the graph
c) the gradient of velocity d) the slope of the graph

4. What is the difference between a gas and a liquid?

a) molecules in gases are closer, and have b) molecules in gases are more separate, and
more energy have more energy
c) molecules in gases are more closer, and d) molecules in gases are more separate, and
have less energy have less energy

5. Which can be compressed, a liquid or a gas?

a) none, because forces are strong b) liquid, because forces are weaker
c) gas, because forces are weaker d) both, , because forces are weak

6. How do molecules of gases move when they cool down?

a) they don´t move b) slower

c) sideways d) faster 1/4
6/1/24, 8:25 AM IGCSE Global Revision Concepts Physics U1-6 | Quizizz

7. What are the particles of a solid like?

a) fixed, in patterns, far apart b) fixed, ordered randomly, close together

c) fixed, in patterns, close together d) they move, in patterns, close together

8. What is energy used for when melting a substance?

a) energy is used to create bonds b) energy is used to break bonds

c) energy is used to freeze the bonds d) for nothing

9. What characteristics of the wave are volume and pitch?

a) volume is the opposite of wavelength and b) volume is the opposite of amplitude and
pitch is amplitude pitch is wavelength
c) volume is amplitude and pitch is the d) volume is the opposite of amplitude and
opposite of wavelength pitch is the opposite of wavelength

10. What is the speed of sound in air?

a) 33m/s b) 3.3m/s
c) 3300m/s d) 330m/s

11. When there is an explosion underground, why do we hear two sounds?

a) first we hear sound travelling through the b) first we hear sound travelling through the
ground, then the sound travelling through air, then the sound travelling through
outer space outer space
c) first we hear sound travelling through the d) first we hear sound travelling through the
ground, then the sound travelling through air, then the sound travelling through the
the air ground 2/4
6/1/24, 8:25 AM IGCSE Global Revision Concepts Physics U1-6 | Quizizz

Answer Keys

1. b) friction 2. a) heat 3. a) the area under the


4. b) molecules in gases are 5. c) gas, because forces are 6. b) slower

more separate, and weaker
have more energy

7. c) fixed, in patterns, close 8. b) energy is used to break 9. c) volume is amplitude

together bonds and pitch is the
opposite of wavelength

10. d) 330m/s 11. c) first we hear sound

travelling through the
ground, then the
sound travelling
through the air 3/4
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