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6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz


IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7)

hard Class
Total questions: 28
Worksheet time: 14mins
Instructor name: Paul Martin

1. U1 How many cm² are in 300hm²? ("^" means "to the power of")

a) 3·10^4 b) 3·10^-2

c) 3·10^10 d) 3·10^-4

2. U1 How many km/h is 20m/s?

a) 5.55km/h b) 1.2km/h

c) 333.33km/h d) 72km/h

3. U1 What apparatus can measure density of a liquid?

a) Displacement can b) Beam balance

c) Densiometer d) Hydrometer

4. U1 How many mm^3 are 60hL? ("^" means "to the power of")

a) 6·10^4 b) 6·10^9

c) 6·10^6 d) 6·10^18


U2 Calculate the distance this object travelled.

a) 400m b) 120m

c) 80m d) 200m 1/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz


U2 Calculate the acceleration in section C

a) 15m/s² b) 360m/s²

c) 6.66m/s² d) 6.25m/s²


U2 Calculate the resultant force

a) 7.21N b) 10N

c) 52N d) 3.16N

8. U2 A 2kg ball travelling at 6m/s bumps into a stationary 3kg ball and bounces elastically backwards
at 1m/s. If there is no friction or energy loss, what is the velocity of the heavier ball after the collision?

a) 4.66m/s b) 6.66m/s

c) 5m/s d) 3.33m/s 2/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz


U3 Calculate force B of the piston in this diagram:

a) 12N b) 4N

c) 100N d) 20N


U3 What is the minimum pressure (Pa) this block can make on the ground if it´s mass is 10kg?

a) 0.83 b) 0.5

c) 8.33 d) 5 3/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz


U3 This container is filled with salty water (density=0.001kg/m^3). What is the maximum pressure
we can find inside?

a) 0.05Pa b) 0.075Pa

c) 0.03Pa d) 0.6Pa


U3 A ball "A" is hung from a lever attached to a 2.5m long spring with a elastic coeficcient of 7N/m.
The weight makes the spring stretch to 3m. What is the mass of the ball?

a) 0.45kg b) 5.2kg

c) 0.525kg d) 3.15kg

13. U4 Which diagram can you use to show the efficiency of a machine?

a) Forces diagram b) Sankey graph

c) Kinetic theory diagram d) Energy circuit

14. U4 A rock is dropped from a window 4m high. Calculate the speed it will achieve when it touches
the ground.

a) 39.2 b) 8.9

c) 4 d) 40 4/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz

15. U4 What energy source is polluting, causes greenhouse effect, renewable, cheap.

a) Biofuel b) Nuclear

c) Natural gas d) Geothermal


U4 What power does a pulling machine need to pull the box up the ramp with a force of 4N in 2

a) 10W b) 6W

c) 12W d) 8W

17. U5 Thermometer A has a thinner bore (space inside the tube) than thermometer B. This means...

a) A is more sensitive b) A is more precise

c) A is more accurate d) A has a bigger range


U5 This graph shows wax being heated at a constant rate. What is happening between points B
and C?

a) evaporating b) a solid getting hotter

c) a liquid getting hotter d) melting 5/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz

19. U5 2kg of ice are heated from -3ºC to 4ºC. Calculate the energy that was absorbed. Data:
c(water)=4200J/kgºC, c(ice)=2100J/kgºC, L(ice-water)=3000J/kg, L(water-vapour)=2265j/ºC,

a) 64800J b) 35400J

c) 48000J d) 52200J

20. U5 Identify which of these is different (false and the rest are true, or true and the rest are false)

a) evaporation can be accelerated only by more b) a good emitter of rdiation is also a good
surface, less humidity, more wind, and less absorber

c) in outer space heat can only travel as d) in a fridge the cooling part must be at the
radiation bottom of the fridge to have a convection

21. U6 The speed of sound is 330m/s. Calculate the highest possible wavelength of an ultrasound.

a) 0.0000015m b) 60.6m

c) 6600000m d) 0.0165m

22. U6 A boy shouts at a wall 200m away and takes 2.5s to hear his echo. What is the speed of this

a) 80m/s b) 100m/s

c) 40m/s d) 160m/s


U6 The speed of a sound is 330m/s. Calculate the frequency of this soundwave.

a) 0.1Hz b) 0.2Hz

c) 82.5Hz d) 33Hz 6/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz


U6 This is a loudspeaker. The dotted lines represent:

a) rarefactions b) wavefronts

c) periods d) troughs

25. U7 For which part of the eye does an optical camera not have a similar item?

a) eyelids b) iris

c) retina d) ciliary muscles

26. U7 The image of an object through a convex lens is always...

a) virtual b) real

c) larger d) inverted

27. U7 Light shines through oil onto a transparent plastic cube and is only reflected. A small change in
the angle makes refraction happen. What is this angle? The Data: refraction index of oil=1.4, index
of plastic=1.2, index of air=1.

a) 59º b) 45.6º

c) 56.4º d) it's impossible

28. U7 When white light is passed through a prism, we have...

a) maximum refraction of red light b) maximum refraction of violet light

c) maximum dispersion of red light d) maximum reflection of violet light 7/9
6/1/24, 8:26 AM IGCSE Physics levelling start Y11 (U1-U7) hard | Quizizz

Answer Keys

1. c) 3·10^10 2. d) 72km/h 3. d) Hydrometer

4. b) 6·10^9 5. d) 200m 6. c) 6.66m/s²

7. a) 7.21N 8. a) 4.66m/s 9. a) 12N

10. d) 5 11. a) 0.05Pa 12. c) 0.525kg

13. b) Sankey graph 14. b) 8.9 15. a) Biofuel

16. a) 10W 17. a) A is more sensitive 18. d) melting

19. d) 52200J 20. d) in a fridge the cooling 21. d) 0.0165m

part must be at the
bottom of the fridge to
have a convection

22. d) 160m/s 23. a) 0.1Hz 24. b) wavefronts

25. d) ciliary muscles 26. c) larger 27. a) 59º

28. b) maximum refraction of

violet light 8/9
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