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NAME________________________________ PROGRAM & SECTION_________________

A. Your Average Resting Heart Rate


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

SUM TOTAL/5 = ____ Average RHR

B. Current Age:_____

C. How active is your lifestyle?____________Maximum Heart Rate(MHR)

If you are: (Choose one)

Non-athletic (use 50% of your MHR

Sedentary: use 60-69% of your MHR

Moderately physically active :use 70%-75% of your MHR

Active and well-trained: use 80%-85% of your MHR.

Now place your numbers using the Karvonen formula:

A. 220 - ______________=_______ Estimated maximal heart rate (MHR)

(Index number) (your age )

B. _____ - _______ = ____________

MHR RHR Heart rate reserve (HRR)

C. _______X.________ = _______+RHR=minimum THR

HRR Lower end lifestyle activity range

_______X.________ = _______+RHR=maximum THR

HRR Higher end lifestyle activity range

Training Zone: ______ to _______ (This range is your estimated safe exercise)

Keep your heart rate working in this range while you exercise aerobically for
approximately 30 minutes of each session.

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