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Unity University
Faculty of business and economics
Department of marketing management
Survey Questionnaire
Dear Respondents,
I am Teweda million a graduate student in Unity University and this questionnaire is
prepared to gather information about the Role of social media influencers in modern
marketing at consumer buying behavior in The Case of London cafe. All responses
will be used to conduct a study for research paper in Unity University. This survey
would probably take less than 5 minutes of your time. I would like to thank you for
your kind cooperation in advance.
N.B Please put ‘’√′′ mark to all your responses in the space provided beside to each
Part 1. Demographic information
1. Gender: Male□ Female
2. Age Group: 15-30□ 31-40□ 41-50□ >51□
3. Your Current Educational Level
Primary □ Secondary education □ college diploma □ Degree □ Master and above

4. Your Current Occupation?
Unemployed□ NGO-employed□ Self-employed □ private Company employed □
Government employed □
5. Do you prefer coffee or cake/pastery?
Cake □ machine □
Part II
This part of the questionnaire will collect information about the buying
behavior of London café.. Below are statements that are designed to collect
data on how the customer perceive the quality of this cafe Please kindly
indicate (tick) based on the level of your agreement on the importance of
following factors on attitude toward quality.
Strongly Strongly Agree
No. Factors Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree
perceived quality
1 2 3 4 5

London cafe provides me a good taste

The aroma of London café’s coffee gives me
a refreshing feeling

I become energized after having londons
Drinking Londons coffee makes me active for
longer hours
I prefer londons cake than other cake products

I prefer Londons café on its taste and Quality.

The packaging of grinded coffee of London
7 cafe have a standard quality

customer usage

1 3 5
2 4
most of the time I prefer to have chocolate
cake and drink coffee at breakfast
I don't drink more than two cup of London
coffee daily

I drink Londons macchiato daily

overall content of the quality and usage

1 2 3 4 5
London provide quality of products

I am satisfied with londons coffee and cakes

I have been drinking londons coffee longtime

Open ended questionnaire
1. Do you have any opinion on quality of the pastery products and grinded packaged
coffee whether to appreciate or to be improved

2. Do you have any suggestion about the taste, roasting, grinding and the coffee quality
of London coffee?
3. What is your Overall recommendation about London cafe?

4. What do think about the new catering service?

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