Group 5 (B) GID 119 - Analyse The Following Text

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Group 5:
Nadia Zahra Roseno (1209622035)
Tadzkia Jasmine Maharani (1209622059)
Yumna Najwa Imtiyaz (1209622038)

No Clause Conjunction Participant Participant Process Circumstances

(Subject) (Object)

1. If dark nights and chilly If Dark nights You (goal) Have

temperatures have you reaching
reaching for a blanket and And Chilly For a blanket (material
temperatures and the process)
the remote remote

2. You’re not alone You (actor) Are not alone


3. people in the northern People in the more alike report In the winter
and southern hemisphere northern and television watching months
alike report watching southern (goal) (relational (circumstances
more television in the hemisphere and material of time)
winter months (actor) process)

4. If you find the sheer If You (actor) the sheer find overwhelming
number of shows and number of (material (circumstance
films overwhelming And shows and process) of manner)
films (goal)

5. you’re not alone in that, Either You (carrier) alone Are not in that
either (attribute) (relational (circumstance
process) of place)

6. Earlier this year Nielsen, That Nielsen, a 20% of Found Earlier this year
a market-research market-resear people (material (circumstances
organisation, found that ch (Goal) process) of time)
20% of people turned off organisation
their TV after a bout of (actor) Their TV Turned off
dissatisfying scrolling (Goal) (material

7. We’re here to help We (actor) Are Here

(relational (circumstance
process) of place)

To help

8. The Economist’s critics The The best Have

have rounded up the best Economist’s films and rounded up
films and television critics (actor) television (material
shows of the year shows of the process)
year (goal)

9. Fancy a whodunnit? Try Or A whodunnit Fancy “Anatomy of a

“Anatomy of a Fall” or (material Fall”
“Poker Face” process) (circumstance
of matter)
Try (mental
process) “Poker Face”
of manner)

10. Indeed, if crime is your Indeed Crime (token) Your thing is (relational
thing If (value) process)

11. There are plenty of That plenty of There are Will satisfy
stories that will satisfy. stories (existential (circumstance
process) of manner)

12. With titles including With titles Our list Making

“Fargo”, “The Good including (value) (relational
Mothers”, “Happy “Fargo”, “The identifying)
Valley” and “Holy Good
Spider” making our list. Mothers”,
Valley” and
“Holy Spider”
making our

13. From the And From the Inducing To the

adrenaline-inducing to adrenaline (material meditative
the meditative, and from process)
intimate family portraits From To sweeping
to sweeping historical intimate historical yarns
yarns. family

14. We’re certain you’ll find We (actor) You (goal) Are certain This weekend
something to enjoy this (mental (circumstance
weekend. Something to process) of time)
(phenomeno Will find
n) (material

Total 14 12 12 16 19 11
: 0.85% : 0.85% : 1.14% : 1.35% : 0.78%

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