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Journal of Sensors
Volume 2022, Article ID 4020607, 11 pages

Research Article
Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression Algorithm for High
Quality Development Factors of Cross-Border E-Commerce

Haojun Fang
Wuxi Vocational College of Science and Technology, Wuxi 214028, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Haojun Fang;

Received 19 August 2022; Accepted 16 September 2022; Published 29 September 2022

Academic Editor: Yaxiang Fan

Copyright © 2022 Haojun Fang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

With the in-depth development of Internet technology as well as information technology, the continuous popularization of
computers in China, and the increasingly obvious economic globalization, the world’s economies are becoming more and more
closely connected. Cross-border e-commerce has been developed better. In China, with the deep and continuous development
of China’s reform and opening up, as well as the continuous improvement of our country’s science and technology level, the
continuous improvement of people’s living standards and the internationalization of our country’s enterprises are getting
stronger. E-commerce in China has also been developed significantly. According to the statistics of China’s National Bureau of
Statistics and relevant scientific research institutions, since China entered the modernization, China’s cross-border e-commerce
are multiplying the high-speed growth state, especially after China’s entry into the WTO, China’s cross-border e-commerce
business is growing rapidly, in the process of China’s cross-border e-commerce development, compared with imports, exports
are taking the absolute dominant position. Therefore, the quality of goods in China, the implementation of standards and
related laws and regulations and policies, then become a relatively core part of cross-border e-commerce. Among all the core
parts, the quality of goods is undoubtedly the most core part. Under the supervision of our national departments and law-
making and other factors, the regulator of the e-commerce platform is the main body of commodity quality supervision.
Therefore, the managers of e-commerce platforms are of vital importance to promote the development of e-commerce
platforms. In this paper, in line with the principle of promoting the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce in
the prospect of high-quality development of China’s e-commerce platform, a series of multivariate linear models on the
development of e-commerce platform carry out the analysis of China’s high-quality development of e-commerce. The main
body of China’s e-commerce, the country, as well as consumers, producers, and other optimization analysis is from the overall
analysis of China’s e-commerce platform development status. The current problems of China’s e-commerce platform,
according to this to carry out the overall planning, put forward the countermeasure suggestions studied in this paper.

1. Introduction as weak awareness of rules, weak legal awareness, and

related, for example, stricter regulatory measures on
In the process of this paper, we find that Hong Kong’s cross- Amazon platform, and even higher logistics costs in China
border e-commerce has developed unexpectedly well under [1]. Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, global
this epidemic and the current situation of reverse globaliza- trade has shrunk to a great extent, and although logistics
tion in the United States. It may be because of his own resil- has also been affected to a certain extent, it is just such an
ience and potential, as well as the strong support from our epidemic that brings great prospects for the development
inland, that Hong Kong’s cross-border e-commerce has such of cross-border e-commerce [2]. According to the National
a superior development path. But after the current epidemic Bureau of Statistics as well as the Ministry of Commerce,
since 2020, the transaction scale of China’s cross-border e- in the first year of the epidemic outbreak in China, the scale
commerce has shrunk to a great extent than before the epi- of cross-border e-commerce in China was surprisingly high
demic. Now, China’s cross-border e-commerce is facing at US$10 trillion, which increased by more than 10% [3].
various difficulties such as high competitive pressure as well Only in the first half of the first year of the outbreak, the
2 Journal of Sensors

30 50



15 25



0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Original input (billion yuan)
Growth rate (%)

Figure 1: China’s investment in the construction of cross-border e-commerce information.

scale of cross-border e-commerce in China has exceeded 5 hundred business free trade zones to carry out commercial
trillion, which is far higher than the predicted level of the trade to promote the further development of cross-border
relevant departments in China [4]. During our next five- e-commerce as a way to drive the local economy and
year planning process, China decided to set the scale of expand the international market for China’s cross-border
cross-border e-commerce at over $20 trillion. This target is e-commerce [7]. Of course, after the introduction of some
due to the continuous technological progress, the continu- relevant policies in China, all kinds of e-commerce plat-
ous improvement of legal norms, and the continuous forms also gradually sum up their advantages to continu-
improvement of production capacity in our country, which ously adapt to the current policy and provide a higher
is the confidence in our overall great power advantage. Of level of platform. Based on the policies of 9610 and 1210
course, in my current country has had a long development, in China, the relevant cross-border e-commerce operation
and our country’s technology level has been higher, net- models of 9710 and 9810 have been added [8].
worked. The level is also higher, the level of modernization Under the influence of the epidemic, the habits of the vast
is higher, and our legal system is more robust, so we have majority of the population have undergone significant
an increasing advantage. But with the outbreak of the epi- changes. With the advent of the epidemic era, people began
demic, our country has entered the postepidemic era. In this to seek high-quality products and higher brand requirements.
era, we have to focus on improving the level of offline real During the epidemic, Chinese sellers mostly dominated the
economy, so there is another negative impact on the devel- market for cross-border e-commerce services in terms of
opment of cross-border e-commerce. Therefore, we have to delivery and low prices. However, with more and more com-
further improve the level of seniority and further study the petitors entering the industry, sellers no longer have an advan-
double-loop strategy to improve our foreign trade [5]. China tage in the distribution model, and those using the branded
has invested in the construction of cross-border e-commerce sperm line have a better advantage. Anchor has aggressively
information, as shown in Figure 1. rebranded itself to quickly capture the leading market share
in the Amazon region. The annual revenue growth rate
2. Research Background exceeds 30%, creating a tremendous growth opportunity [9].
In 2021, the Amazon platform provides great help to mer-
After China entered the epidemic period, the development chants in brand building and helps them to establish their
of China’s cross-border e-commerce is not because the brands quickly. In its annual report for 2021, it released a
global market demand is relatively large, but still because report on sellers. The report found that more than 90 percent
of the strong support of China’s policy, not only the indus- of Chinese sellers are interested in building their brands on
trial chain, supply chain stability policy, but also includes Amazon, and more than three-quarters are confident and
China’s double-cycle strategy, all of which provide strong experienced in building their brands on Amazon. According
policy support for the further development of China’s to an Amazon study, many new brands and new users come
cross-border point on [6]. Under the epidemic, China’s State to Amazon each year, but many also go out [10]. Many sales-
Council led the Ministry of Commerce as well as the Cus- people struggle to survive in the process of building their
toms Department and other joint departments to issue a brands. This shows that brand building has a huge advantage
series of relevant documents and preferential policies to for multinational companies in the postepidemic era. Chinese
reduce the logistics costs, tax costs, and other transportation sellers with quality products and services will have more incen-
costs of China’s cross-border e-commerce, providing long- tive to grow if they seize the opportunity of branding [11].
term support for the development of China’s cross-border The 2019 coronavirus epidemic has led to economic
e-commerce. China has also established more than one stagnation overseas and a lack of demand in overseas
Journal of Sensors 3

markets. China is the first country to enter the postepidemic 0.4


era with rapid growth of multinational e-commerce compa- 0.35 35% 35% 6
nies. However, due to the epidemic, transportation time was
long, logistics were congested, and logistics were difficult and 0.3
slow. As a result, the delivery period of many goods has been 0.25 4.2 25%
extended [12]. Considering the current logistical challenges, 4
the establishment of offshore warehousing has become a 0.2
growth opportunity for many Chinese sellers. Setting up off- 0.15 2.3
shore warehousing means establishing warehouses in the 1.8 2
destination country to solve the problem of long and timely 0.1 10%

delivery and warehousing for the first and last shipments. 0.05 1
Setting up a foreign-owned warehouse locally also keeps up
with local developments and is beneficial to the long-term 0.0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
development of the company. The Fourteenth Five-Year Transaction volume: trillion yuan
Plan for E-Commerce Development (National Policy 2021) Growth rate: %
calls for openness and win-win cooperation to support the
construction of overseas warehouses. However, the cost of Figure 2: China’s cross-border e-commerce transaction volume
setting up warehouses overseas is huge, and it is difficult and growth rate 2015~2020.
for small and medium-sized companies to reach this goal.
Cross-border e-
Currently, companies can jointly set up overseas warehouses commerce
to jointly solve the current logistical warehousing problem features

and seize the opportunity to achieve more effective develop-

ment together [13].
This policy aims to facilitate the development of cross- Intangibility
Global forum Anonymous
border e-commerce. In the past, Chinese cross-border elec- (Intangible)
trical companies relied too much on third-party platforms.
However, more and more companies are starting to operate
independently from third-party platforms. Many companies Instantaneously Paperless

have started to develop independent websites, social media,

real-time transactions, and other sales channels. Indepen- Figure 3: Cross-border e-commerce characteristics.
dent websites have become an alternative to the new trend
for many companies [14]. Establishing an independent e- promotes the development of economic globalization, and
commerce website can avoid the many rules of the platform, bridges the economic and trade ties between countries as well
facilitate brand building and customer care, and contribute as the related cultural customs and civilization exchanges.
to the long-term stability of the company. Currently, more There are many models of cross-border e-commerce, of
and more multinational e-commerce companies are in the course, our common cross-border e-commerce is the B2b
stage of exploring independent websites. In the postepidemic model based on the third-party platform. There are also some
period, new trends in cross-border e-commerce development of our more common B2C models as well as c2c models and
include the establishment of independent e-commerce even later evolved b2b2c models [16]. Cross-border e-
websites, the development of private mobility models, and commerce characteristics are as shown in Figure 3.
multiplatform behavioral models [15]. China’s cross-border In the author’s research on the collation of relevant types
e-commerce transaction volume and growth rate from 2015 of literature, it was found that no research on the quality
to 2020 are as shown in Figure 2. development of cross-border e-commerce in China was con-
ducted using multiple linear regression algorithm modeling.
Well, the analysis of that means that for that type of model is
3. Materials and Methods still relatively small. The research on cross-border e-com-
3.1. Basic Theory merce, which is less in the related economics field, is still
mainly distributed in e-commerce research and research
3.1.1. Cross-Border E-Commerce. Cross-border e-commerce, on laws and regulations and industrial economy, and even
as the name implies, is a business model based on electronic foreign trade and English language have a long research on
information technology and Internet technology formed on cross-border e-commerce. However, there are relatively few
the basis of cross-border borders. The online business mode studies on modeling cross-border e-commerce based on
within a country or a region is called e-commerce, so it the establishment of multiple linear regression models, so
gives rise to the concept of cross-border e-commerce in this paper encounters great difficulties in modeling. This
the cross-region or cross-country e-commerce operation paper has to finely consider each factor related to the
mode. Cross-border e-commerce has advantages over tradi- development of cross-border e-commerce and calculate their
tional cross-border trade as well as traditional e-commerce correlation coefficients and the statistical estimation of their
that other business modes do not have. First of all, it is estab- parameters [17]. Several main aspects of the current situa-
lished under the background of global economic globalization, tion of cross-border e-commerce in China and its related
4 Journal of Sensors

Goodness of fit Regression parameter
coefficients estimation

lags and Test Hypothesis
Multiple linear
regression model
test content

Dummy Interval
variable estimation

Autocorrelation Heterosk
edasticity inearity

Figure 4: Multiple linear regression model test content.

important factors were carefully selected for an in-depth modeling is shown below. The specific flow of the algorithm
analysis, the current situation of cross-border e-commerce is as shown in Figure 5.
development in China was examined, and relevant sugges- Considering the limitations of the algorithm, scholars at
tions and outlooks were put forward for the current situation home and abroad have proposed a series of improvement
of development in China [18]. schemes. The multiple linear regression model has a certain
purpose, so the scheduling algorithm is naturally more effi-
3.1.2. Multiple Linear Regression. The multiple linear regres- cient. In order to improve the performance of the multiple
sion model algorithm is based on a multiple linear regression linear regression model, the Zaire method introduces parent
model. Multicomponent linear regression considers any node information in the multiple linear regression model,
practical statistical, mathematical or economic problem which reduces the number of expansion nodes and schedul-
[19]. In practical applications, the correlation analysis of ing time. In the early 19th century, the field of econometrics
independent variables often includes many variables that developed multiple linear regression models, developed new
are usually more closely related to many of them. Therefore, node control criteria, improved search efficiency, smoothed
many variables are introduced in linear regression to build paths, and found paths that matched the motion character-
multivariate linear regression models. istics of the robot.
In our general regression analysis, such as linear regres- Such algorithms, first of all, perform a clustering analysis
sion, there is only one term, one variable, but only one of the data by some algorithm, thus obtaining the central part
independent variable to explain the cause, the so-called of the hidden neural network, and then use the results of this
probabilistic linear regression model. Thus, if there are mul- step to perform calculations to figure out the width value of
tiple variables, there are multiple independent variables to the number. The specific width values are calculated as follows.
explain multiple factors [20]. This can be explained by sev-
eral variables. I point out the linear relationship between cxy
them, and that is all there is to the linear regression model. σ j = pffiffiffiffiffi : ð1Þ
Given the high quality of cross-border e-commerce, sev-
eral factors should be considered in this study, but not just
one of them. Therefore, in order to conduct a relevant study, In the cXy formula, start calculating the maximum distance
a multiple linear regression model algorithm must be intro- to the centroid, and hthe specific is the number of nodes.
duced. In addition to regression analysis, multiple colinear, After the input data is analyzed in the implied layer with
variance, and autocorrelation analyses are required. The the output layer for the relevant data, the output xi of the
multiple linear regression model for the test content is first node j of the input sample in the implied layer is calcu-
shown in Figure 4. lated by the following equation.
3.2. Research Method. In this paper, the research method of 1
multiple linear regression model is used to simulate the cor- ϕðxi , jÞ = exp − 2 xi − ci : ð2Þ
2σ j
relation of various linear regression models. The specific
Journal of Sensors 5

Algorithm start

Set algorithm parameters; perform relevant simulations

Calculate all fitness values.

Set the one with the smallest fitness value as the best
individual of the population

to satisfy the algorithm Output the

termination condition? best artifact

P > 0.05, u > 0.01 End of the algorithm

Perform fitting analysis

Obtain the parameters as well as the model

Figure 5: Algorithm specific flow.

In the formula, c j is the centroid of the node in the first paper, we assume that the reinsurance cost criterion has
layer; the σ j is the width value of the node in the first layer. the following form.
The output of xi the first node of j the input sample in ð∞  
the output layer is calculated by the following equation. μr ð f ðX ÞÞ = r S f ðxÞ ðxÞ dx, ð5Þ
ym = φðϕðxi , jÞ ∗ wm Þ: ð3Þ
where S f ðxÞ is f ðXÞ the tail distribution r : ½0,∞Þ ⟶ ½0,∞Þ
In the wm formula, the node is associated with the about and is a monotonic nondecreasing rð0Þ = 0 function
involved weights; φ is the function of the involved weights. with. Without loss of generality, we assume r that it is not
Let ðΩ, ζ, PÞ be a conceptual space, and x is the set of a function that is zero almost everywhere, and that the total
all wandering variables on the space involved. The risk risk an insurer has to face is the residual risk it will face plus
measure ρ is a mapping x from a xρ subset of R to the the cost required to transfer the risk. Expressed in the for-
real numbers, denoted as ρ : X ∈ xρ ↔ ρðXÞ ∈ R. mula, it can be expressed as
First define the g function called distortion function, if
g : ½0, 1Š ⟶ ½0, 1Š, it is a monotone nondecreasing function T f ðX Þ = X − f ðX Þ + μr ð f ðX ÞÞ: ð6Þ
and satisfies gð0Þ = 0, gð1Þ = 1.
Next, define the ρg : x ⟶ R risk measure: often called
This paper also provides a detailed step-by-step analysis
distortion risk measure, if ρg ðXÞ, it satisfies of the specific fitting process of the multiple linear regression
ð0  ð∞  model, as shown in Figure 6.
ρ g ðX Þ ≔ lg ðSX ðxÞÞ − 1 dx + gðSX ðxÞÞ dx, X ∈ x:
−∞ 0 4. Results and Discussion
ð4Þ 4.1. The Current Situation of Cross-Border E-Commerce and
Its Problems
Here is g the distortion function, which SX ðxÞ = PðX ≻
xÞ is X the tail distribution. 4.1.1. The Current Situation of Cross-Border E-Commerce.
The X assumption is that the total risk faced f : ½0,∞Þ The spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic at the
⟶ ½0,∞Þ by the insurer f ðXÞ is the partition function, rep- end of 2019 led to a rapid decline in the world economy.
resenting the insurer transferring part of the risk faced by At the end of 2019, the epidemic swept through countries
itself to the reinsurer. The reinsurers charge the insurer for rapidly, and the whole world was not able to avoid the
the insurance premiums to supplement the risks they bear New Crown epidemic. Although our country is the most
because they assume a portion of the insurer’s risks. In this active and advanced country in epidemic prevention and
6 Journal of Sensors


180000 179279


165000 164129

2018 2019 2020
Total exports of china's foreign trade
Show Centers() Figure 7: China’s foreign trade exports in 2018~2020.
Show Clusters()

Export rules do not align well with the international. Under the
influence of the epidemic, China not only increased the
Figure 6: Multiple linear regression model specific fitting process. number of cross-border e-commerce users but also the num-
ber of related business staff, not only the employment of the
store platform increased more, and the number of relevant
control as well as treatment, the prevention and control are customs and business departments in China’s monitoring
the most strict. However, since China entered the postepi- team is also climbing, according to the statistics of our rele-
demic era, our industry chain, supply chain, and supply vant departments, our users increased by more than 20%,
levels were greatly affected, and people’s willingness to con- which is an unprecedented situation, the number of advo-
sume was greatly affected. Although our country quickly cates increased by more than ten million. Our relevant plat-
adjusted the relevant strategies and carried out large-scale form staff as well as new employment in the stores have also
monetary policy regulation, the overall regulation strength increased by as much as 200,000. After the epidemic, it is
of our country was only able to maintain the domestic cycle clear that cross-border e-commerce in China has become a
level. For the rapid spread of the epidemic abroad, the inter- dark horse, far away from the impact of the real economy.
national industry chain, supply chain and supply, and other It had a huge impact on our economy, and of course during
disruptions in demand reduction, China is still not able to the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce, China
respond in a timely manner. Many foreign trade enterprises also gradually accepted some other western consumer holi-
have fallen into a rather difficult dilemma. The development days, such as Black Friday and some other consumer holi-
of cross-border e-commerce in China has been further hit. days, and our 618 and Double 11 consumer holidays were
However, with the global vaccination, the spread of the epi- also integrated into western shopping. With the impact of
demic is still relatively rampant, but has been more effective the epidemic, China’s cross-border e-commerce interactions
control, to better achieve the stability of the industrial chain, with foreign countries gradually stepped into the normaliza-
supply chain, etc. According to data from the Ministry of tion stage, as shown in Figure 8.
Commerce, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Gen-
eral Administration of Customs, China’s total foreign trade 4.1.2. Problems of Cross-Border E-Commerce. Increased pres-
exports in the middle of 2018-2020 show a rising trend, sure of industry competition. Faced with the increasingly
and the total rise is relatively large. It has an annual growth fierce competition in international commerce today, the
ratio of more than 5%. During this period, the foreign trade impact of the new crown epidemic has caused further set-
exports brought by cross-border e-commerce in China backs in the development of international commerce.
exceeded 20% of the total exports, which accounted for a Although international commerce is further frustrated, but
great proportion in China’s foreign trade exports and had cross-border e-commerce on the long-term development.
a very important impact on China’s foreign trade, as shown Especially after countries developed the vaccine, the popu-
in Figure 7. larity of the vaccine made the world’s epidemic has been
The number of cross-border e-commerce users has effectively controlled, although the control is not obvious
surged. Under the influence of the epidemic, not only the enough in foreign countries. But during this period, cross-
cross-border e-commerce in China has surged but also the border e-commerce has been better developed. Compared
online stores in China have increased to a great extent. with traditional international business models, e-commerce
Due to the wind control, China’s cross-border e-commerce has advantages that traditional business models do not have.
increase more extremely, although China’s domestic e- Its dissemination of information and its huge scale and
commerce laws and regulations and related norms are more strong support from various countries have helped a lot in
perfect, but the process of China’s foreign trade, the relevant the development of e-commerce in the world. Our party
Journal of Sensors 7

8 tinue to be regulated in the postepidemic era, resulting in

7 6.8 large losses for many Chinese cross-border e-commerce
enterprises, many of which have fallen into development
5 Increased international logistics and transportation
costs. The arrival of the epidemic has opened up a path of
development for cross-border e-commerce, but along the
3 way cross-border e-commerce enterprises are faced with
the huge problem of logistics. All aspects of international
2 1.6
1.25 1.4 logistics are affected by uncertain factors, and time and eco-
1 nomic costs are increasing. The arrival of the postepidemic
era has also ushered in a new spring for Chinese sellers,
2019 2020 2021 who have started to ship, replenish and prepare their goods,
Number of imported cross-border e-commerce users (billion) further increasing the flow of international goods overnight,
Number of export cross-border e-commerce users (100,000,000) resulting in bursting of warehouses. The price has been sev-
eral times higher than at the beginning of the epidemic. The
Figure 8: Number of cross-border e-commerce users in China’s price of iron transportation has also remained high, while
import and export in the first half of 2019~2021. the price of sea transportation has increased less, but the cost
of time has been increasing. research data
and government have given great policy support to our e- launched in December 2020 shows that in 2020, 47% of
commerce platform as well as e-commerce work-related sellers’ logistics costs increased by more than 50%, and
personnel stores and related factory ends. Since cross- 17% of sellers’ logistics costs increased by up to 100% or
border e-commerce attracts many people’s employment more. The soaring freight costs have kept cross-border e-
and has huge employment potential in the production end, commerce enterprises under attack, and they have to face
sales end, and logistics end, our party and government other logistics problems such as difficult transport, difficult
attach great importance to it. The development of cross- distribution, and increased storage fees, leading to a contin-
border e-commerce gives cross-border e-commerce with to uous decline in their product profits. How to reduce the cost
great policy support. Even for nondomestic platforms, such of international logistics and transportation has become a
as Alibaba and Jingdong, platforms other than these plat- major problem that cross-border e-commerce enterprises
forms, such as Amazon and other platforms, have consider- need to solve in the postepidemic era.
able strength support. Although compared to Amazon,
China’s Alibaba and Jingdong’s e-commerce platform devel- 4.2. Causes of Export Cross-Border E-Commerce Problems.
opment is slower, and authority and visibility are relatively According to the division of unqualified elements, export
low, but China’s platform has a longer-term development. cross-border e-commerce unqualified goods include two cat-
Let us start with the store sellers again. During the epidemic egories: one is the appearance of unqualified, that is, unqual-
in China, the number of stores in China’s cross-border e- ified logo class, and the other is the quality of unqualified,
commerce increased by 1 million, of which 70% of mer- that is, inferior products. The main causes of commodity
chants opened such cross-border business stores for the first quality problems are analyzed as follows.
time. It can be concluded that in the postepidemic era,
China’s cross-border e-commerce industry is constantly (1) Low Market Access Threshold. Cross-border e-
flooded with new competitors, and the competition in the commerce without special professional entry quali-
industry is getting fiercer. fication requirements. Low start-up costs and
Stricter platform rules. In response to the sudden out- continuous influx of new businesses. In addition
break of the epidemic, many cross-border e-commerce to the traditional cross-border participants, small
sellers were unable to make timely deliveries and stock prep- and medium-sized enterprises and even small work-
arations, and cross-border e-commerce platforms intro- shops and individuals are actively involved. Accord-
duced a series of support policies during the epidemic, ing to the data of Wisdom Research Consulting,
such as Amazon, eBay, Speedy Trading, and other cross- 60.3% of sellers in China’s export cross-border e-
border platforms opened a “holiday mode” for some sellers commerce will have annual sales of less than USD
affected by the epidemic, which means merchants can delay 5 million in 2021, and the market concentration is
order processing and delivery during this period. With the low. In the export cross-border e-commerce market
global spread of the new vaccine, the epidemic was brought environment with small sales and a large number of
under control, and all major factories resumed work and sellers, it is easy to trigger low-level competition,
production. After entering the postepidemic era, cross- and price “fighting” becomes one of the main sell-
border e-commerce platforms introduced stricter platform ing points, while low price is often accompanied
rules than during the epidemic in order to rectify the e- by low quality, and low quality often gives rise to
commerce order. In addition to the Amazon platform, other counterfeit and shoddy products, especially before
e-commerce platforms have also cracked down on seller vio- the implementation of the E-Commerce Law in
lations. As can be seen from the data, the platform rules con- 2019, export cross-border e-commerce “barbaric
8 Journal of Sensors

growth,” breeding the wind of counterfeiting, and mation platform. Some localities are already taking
selling counterfeit goods, promoting “bad money action, but a unified national traceability system for
expelling good money” export goods has not yet been established. In 2018,
Shenzhen Customs established a traceability system
(2) Differences in Commodity Quality Standards and for cross-border e-commerce commodities; in 2019,
Inspection Scales. Cross-border export commodities Fuzhou Customs’ global quality traceability system
face the problem of applicability of quality standards. went online; in 2020, the Guangdong Provincial
China’s requirements for commodity quality, safety, Department of Commerce issued a document to
health, environmental protection, labeling, and other support the construction of a traceability system for
aspects of the target market countries, there are dif- import and export commodities
ferences, or even significant differences. Countries
on commodity-related standards or technical specifi- (5) The Awareness of Trademark and Other Intellectual
cations requirements are also inconsistent. Lack of Property Rights Protection Is Not Strong. The impor-
regulations and institutional support for cross- tance of intellectual property rights to cross-border
border export commodity regulation. In 2022, the export commodities is self-evident. The weak aware-
Ministry of Commerce and other departments have ness of intellectual property rights of some enter-
begun to study policy initiatives to facilitate the prises, coupled with the lack of understanding of
return and exchange of goods for cross-border e- patents of competing products, has led to an
commerce exports increased risk of intellectual property disputes.
According to customs statistics, customs seized
(3) A Unified Quality Inspection and Supervision Plat- 17,800 batches and 1,995,700 pieces of suspected
form Has Not Been Established. Cross-border e- infringing goods of cross-border e-commerce in
commerce trade is fragmented, with small batches, 2021, mainly infringing trademark rights, which
lots, a wide range of sourcing channels, and diverse accounted for 23.25% and 18.11% of enforcement
sales patterns. Export cross-border e-commerce in noncargo channels, respectively, almost doubled
orders fragmentation, inspection and quarantine from 11.69% and 9.93% in 2020. Commodity trade-
departments are difficult to implement the inspec- mark use is not legal, noncompliance, logo mark,
tion in accordance with the provisions of the current and other packaging are not qualified and can dam-
“Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law,” age the quality of goods. Cross-border e-commerce
making the risk of commodity quality and safety sig- is borderless, and the flow of cross-border goods
nificantly increased. The national unified export may pass through multiple countries or regions.
commodity quality supervision and management Some enterprises have infringement violations, pro-
platform has not been established, no full-caliber duction, and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods,
data. Cross-border e-commerce platforms have not and other illegal and noncompliant behaviors are
been fully docked to the inspection and quarantine contrary to intellectual property protection. The
information management system, making the risk incidents of Amazon blocking and Paypal freezing
assessment of cross-border goods and supervision accounts show that solving the problems of legality
effect is affected to a certain extent, fake, defective and compliance has become the top priority for
products can take advantage of “transformed” genu- export cross-border e-commerce
ine products. Some e-commerce platforms are not
strict in the review of sellers, supply chains, and sup-
pliers. Illegal merchants from commodity packaging 4.3. Countermeasure Suggestions for the Development of
to invoices, from anticounterfeit signs to logistics Cross-Border E-Commerce
and other forgery chain, increasing the risk of com-
modity quality (1) Improve Industry Self-Regulation and Management
Ability, and Enhance the Quality of Goods. Play
(4) Commodity Traceability System Is Not Perfect. Com- the role of self-regulatory function of industry
modity traceability is difficult, and counterfeit goods organizations and strengthen the construction of
are easy to flourish. According to the traditional pro- self-regulatory capacity of export cross-border e-
cess, the export of cross-border e-commerce from commerce industry. Industry organizations can
the purchase to sales that are links may appear fake advocate industry integrity commitment system,
goods. Some e-commerce companies are from the implement industry access system, etc., set up role
brand distributor to buy goods, the source of goods models, summarize and promote experience,
is not formal, and there may be counterfeit goods. strengthen discipline, strengthen self-discipline
Commodities cannot be traced, but also increased through collective action, keep quality, and create a
the difficulty of recovery. The problem has drawn benign ecology. At present, the national organization
the attention of the AQSIQ, which issued a docu- of cross-border e-commerce industry has not yet
ment in 2015 to build a quality traceability system been established, and the head enterprises of export
for cross-border e-commerce and then issued a doc- cross-border e-commerce should reflect the indus-
ument in 2017 to build a unified traceability infor- try’s role, shoulder social responsibility, and promote
Journal of Sensors 9

the establishment of a national industry organization. traceability system with the participation of quality
At present, it can play the role of industry organiza- inspection agencies. Sellers, suppliers, and manufac-
tions such as the Cross-border E-Commerce Work- turers voluntarily access the traceability system and
ing Committee of the Chinese Institute of apply for testing and certification in order to trace
Electronics, provincial and municipal cross-border the source. The “GBI Global Selection Platform” is
e-commerce industry associations and chambers of a government-enterprise service platform jointly
commerce in industry self-regulation, and urge e- established by the China Academy of Inspection
commerce enterprises to improve the quality of and Quarantine Science and other institutions under
goods. In addition, we can learn from the operation the guidance of the China Association of Business
mode of the American Chamber of Commerce and Economics, and its third-party traceability system
set up chambers of commerce in foreign countries “Global Commodity Traceability System” is authori-
to provide members with foreign laws and regula- tative, credible, and representative. The system
tions, policy consultation, agent intellectual property adopts “Inspection and Quarantine Traceability”
rights and dispute handling services, and assist mem- anticounterfeit traceability mark + QR code and
bers in applying for and protecting intellectual prop- other technologies to achieve the traceability of
erty rights abroad goods. After connecting to the system, the code is
assigned to the certified goods, and one thing is
(2) Strengthen the Protection of Intellectual Property one code. Consumers can scan the QR code of com-
Rights and Guarantee the Quality of Goods. Intellec- modity package and compare the code to identify the
tual property rights compliance is a necessary and authenticity and inquire about the quality informa-
urgent requirement for China’s export cross-border tion such as commodity and brand name, market
e-commerce. Not to infringe, actively defend rights, entry time, and commodity source. Access to the sys-
and use intellectual property legally and compliantly, tem of goods certified to become quality assured
export cross-border e-commerce can develop health- products, not only to reduce the cost of testing enter-
ily. Some enterprises do not have a strong awareness prise products, shorten the testing process, effective
of intellectual property protection, are not familiar prevention of product forgery but also access to
with overseas laws and judicial practice, and do not multichannel supply chain services, selected for the
know enough about the risk of losing overseas dis- platform’s international brand recommendation
putes. In addition to establishing their own legal directory can enter more than 200 countries pro-
awareness, e-commerce platforms should also focus curement platform. At present, the system has been
on reviewing and evaluating the IPR professional piloted in Shandong Province, Yunnan Province,
capacity of sellers, strengthening the protection of and other places
trademarks and other IPR, and encouraging the cre-
ation of independent brands. As intellectual property (4) Improve Credit Evaluation Management. The e-
rights have a strong regional, the intellectual prop- commerce platform can refer to AEO certification,
erty rights obtained in China in other countries is against the national standards for credit evaluation
not able to get the relevant recognition, so China’s norms for merchants on cross-border e-commerce
enterprises import and export at the same time, to platforms, and sellers’ credit evaluation manage-
timely report to the customs part of the relevant ment. The collection of relevant data is reflecting
intellectual property rights to get the relevant protec- the credit information of the seller, the data into
tion. Of course, when exporting products with high the corresponding score, the total score as a credit
technological content, enterprises must choose care- and risk evaluation grading basis, and the develop-
fully and must apply for patents and trace and pro- ment of incentives and penalties, according to the
tect the relevant intellectual property rights under score of regular upgrading, supplemented by with-
the support of local laws and policies. Know in drawal and elimination mechanism. Credit and risk
advance the market targeted by the enterprise, evaluation level in the e-commerce platform, as a
whether it has intellectual property protection and reference basis for consumers to buy goods, to force
the degree of protection or even relevant patent sellers to strengthen control of the source of goods,
knowledge, are to learn, take risk prevention mea- strict quality of goods
sures, and can ask local lawyers and other profes-
sionals as legal agents to prevent infringement (5) Play the Role of Consumer Supervision of the Quality
of Goods. The E-commerce Law, “supervision and
(3) Build a Commodity Traceability System Supported by management of network transactions” requires e-
Quality Inspection Agencies. Commodity quality is commerce enterprises to establish a way for con-
the lifeline for the healthy development of export sumers to evaluate goods. Consumer supervision is
cross-border e-commerce. Enterprises are the core an external factor to improve the quality of goods,
of commodity quality traceability system, and in but also one of the effective ways. Consumers have
order to make consumers buy with confidence, e- a close relationship with the quality of goods, and
commerce platforms should establish a commodity feedback information on the quality of goods is
10 Journal of Sensors

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