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TỪ 6.5 LÊN 8.5
Phân tích những bài mẫu như thế này
cũng là một trong những cách hỗ trợ

Huyền rất nhiều trong việc đạt điểm 8.5
IELTS Speaking.
Huyền chưa từng tham gia bất kỳ lớp học
IELTS nào cả, Huyền hoàn toàn tự học từ 093 663 5052
khi biết IELTS là gì cho tới hiện tại. Vì tự
học hoàn toàn nên Huyền hiểu được cảm 093 663 5052
không biết nên học theo tài liệu nào
học như thế nào mới hiệu quả?
phân tích bài mẫu ra sao đây?

Đây cũng là lý do Huyền tổng hợp các bài

mẫu của thầy Simon thành một eBook
như thế này.

Thầy Simon là người thầy mà Huyền theo

học từ những ngày mới "chân ướt chân
ráo" biết đến IELTS. Tất nhiên Huyền
không được học các lớp của thầy rồi, mà
Huyền chỉ tự học thông qua các bài mẫu
thầy đăng trên website
thôi. Huyền rất thích phong cách đơn giản
của thầy, trong Speaking lẫn Writing.

Huyền mong rằng những tài liệu như thế

này sẽ một phần nào đó hỗ trợ con đường
tự học của mọi người nhé.

Chúc mọi người học tốt và đạt được mục Góc học nhỏ của Huyền tại
tiêu đã đặt ra nhé nhà

Đối với một eBook bài mẫu, chúng ta nên học như thế nào cho hiệu quả đây? Sau đây là một vài kinh nghiệm
của Huyền trong quá trình tự học IELTS Speaking tại nhà. Huyền mong rằng những chia sẻ này sẽ có phần nào
hữu ích với mọi người nhé.


Chúng ta có thể phân chi các bài mẫu trong eBook này thành 6 topic như sau:
Object/ Favourite
Other topics
Việc học theo topic như vậy có thể giúp chúng ta tích lũy được nhiều cụm từ theo chủ đề. Ví dụ khi đọc các
bài về Descibe a person ..., chúng ta sẽ học được nhiều cụm từ chỉ tính cách, hình dáng, ... -> Chúng ta có thể
hệ thống lại thành một bộ từ vựng phân chia theo chủ đề cho riêng mình.

Phương pháp này khá hữu hiệu với Huyền mỗi lần thi. Ví dụ tất cả các đề này Huyền đều sẽ nói về MONEY
Describe a lesson that you remember well –> bài học về quản lý tiền
Describe a useful skill you learned from an older person –> kỹ năng quản lý tiền
Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn –> kỹ năng quản lý tiền
Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop –> thói quen quản lý tiền
Describe a course that impressed you a lot –> khóa học về quản lý tiền
Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved –> tự do tài chính (chưa đạt được do kỹ năng quản lý tiền
chưa tốt)
Describe something interesting you learned from the internet. –> kỹ năng quản lý tiền

Việc gộp đề giúp Huyền nhớ từ vô cùng hiệu quả vì một cụm nào đó được lặp lại từ đề này sang đề khác. Việc
gộp đề cũng giúp mình học được kỹ năng linh hoạt điều chỉnh câu trả lời sao cho phù hợp với từng đề, từng ngữ


Nói gì thì nói nếu mình có phương pháp hay mà mình ko luyện đều thì cũng rất khó tiến bộ được.
Mình hãy lên một thời gian biểu chi tiết phù hợp với lịch học, làm việc của mình và khi đã có lịch học rồi thì
mình hãy cố gắng hết sức theo sát lịch học đó. ...


Mình đã đạt IELTS Speaking 8.5 như thế nào?
Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 Simon
Hướng dẫn tự học IELTS Speaking từ 0 lên 6.5

Mỗi bạn có cách ghi chú và sử dụng các hệ

thống ghi chú khác nhau. Sau đây là cách
Huyền thường hệ thống các kiến thức đã học:

Huyền thường sử dụng những quyển vở như
thế này để ghi chú lại những gì đã học.

Chúng ta có thể mua 4 quyển vở tương ứng

với 4 kỹ năng như thế này. Đây là SHOP
Huyền mua các quyển vở như hình bên cạnh.

Đối với bạn nào thích bìa còng, bạn có thể

mua bìa còng và giấy refill riêng như thế này
để ghi chú.


Ngoài việc ghi chú trên giấy, Huyền cũng dùng các nền tảng như
Notion, Canva, và các ứng dụng trong Google Workspace để hệ
thống lại các kiến thức đã học.

Cách này hiệu quả với người A
không có nghĩa nó cũng sẽ hiệu quả
với người B.
Chúng ta hãy thử các cách ghi chú,
hệ thống kiến thức khác nhau để tìm
ra cách hiệu quả nhất với bản thân
Huyền thích ghi chú kiểu "màu sắc"
một xíu, nhưng nhiều bạn lại thích
ghi chú theo phong cách đơn giản. -
> Không sao cả, không có cách ghi
chú sai hay đúng, mà quan trọng là
nó có phù hợp với mình hay không
mà thôi.
Mục lục Page
1. Describe a time when you received good service in a restaurant or cafe.................................................................................. 1
2. Describe a café that you have been to........................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Describe a time when you were really busy................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Describe something you did that made you feel proud of yourself........................................................................................... 4
5. Describe a piece of clothing that you like wearing...................................................................................................................... 5
6. Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry........................................................................................................ 6
7. Describe a book that you enjoyed reading because you had to think a lot. ............................................................................. 7
8. Describe an educational television programme that you liked................................................................................................. 8
9. Describe a change that you would like to see in your local area................................................................................................ 9
10. Describe a film that you would like to see in the future............................................................................................................ 10
11. Describe a prize that you would like to win................................................................................................................................ 11
12. Describe a future aim..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
13. Describe an indoor game that you enjoyed as a child................................................................................................................ 13
14. Describe a school that you went to when you were a child. ..................................................................................................... 14
15. Describe a family celebration that you remember...................................................................................................................... 15
16. Describe a positive experience that you had as a teenager........................................................................................................ 16
17. Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education programmes................................................ 17
18. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you didn't know.................................................................... 18
19. Describe your favourite season in your country......................................................................................................................... 19
20. Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting. ....................................................................................... 20
21. Describe a funny situation that made you laugh. ..................................................................................................................... 21
22. Describe a team project that you worked on............................................................................................................................. 22
23. Describe a piece of furniture that you own................................................................................................................................ 23
24. Describe an old building that you like........................................................................................................................................ 24
25. Describe a TV programme or channel that you enjoy watching regularly............................................................................. 25
26. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy in the future............................................................................................................. 26
27. Describe a beautiful garden that you like................................................................................................................................... 27
28. Describe a situation that made you angry................................................................................................................................. 28
29. Describe an artist or entertainer you admire............................................................................................................................. 29
30. Describe an interesting lesson that you attended..................................................................................................................... 30
31. Describe a modern building......................................................................................................................................................... 31
32. Describe an interesting house or apartment that you have visited......................................................................................... 32
33. Describe a festival that is important in your country................................................................................................................ 33
34. Describe a photograph of you that you like................................................................................................................................ 34
35. Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child................................................................................................. 35
36. Describe a time when you were not satisfied with a service.................................................................................................... 36
37. Describe something important that you learned in a maths lesson at primary school........................................................ 37
38. Describe a time you travelled by public transport..................................................................................................................... 38
39. Describe a plant, flower or tree that is famous or important in your country........................................................................ 39
40. Describe a place of entertainment (e.g. theatre, cinema, sports centre) that you would like to have where you live....... 40
41. Describe an enjoyable day out in the countryside that you had............................................................................................... 41
1. Describe a time when you received good service in a restaurant or
You should say book a table: đặt bàn
when this was family-run: gia đình
tự quản
what kind of restaurant or cafe you were in
catch up with
why you were there
someone = to
and why you thought the service was good
communicate with
someone by talking in
I’m going to talk about the service we received in a restaurant where a
person or on the
friend of mine celebrated his birthday last Saturday evening. phone or by
My friend had decided to book a table in a local Italian restaurant for the messages, and learn
party. It was a small, family-run place, but this made it feel all the more or discuss what has
welcoming and inviting. The atmosphere was great and the service was been happening in
excellent. their life: trò chuyện
approachable (adj) =
As I mentioned, I went to the restaurant because a friend had invited me friendly and easy to
to celebrate his birthday there. There were about ten of us there - talk to; easy to: dễ
mostly people I’ve known since university - and it was really nice to gầ n
catch up with them and chat about what we had all been up to since we attentive (adj) = ​
last got together. listening or watching
carefully and with
interest: biế t lắ ng
The service was good because the restaurant staff and owners really
made us feel at home. From the moment we walked in, the waiters were
bring out ...: mang ra
polite, approachable and attentive; nothing was too much to ask. They
thoughtful (adj) =
brought out a cake with candles and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to my friend,
showing that you
although we hadn’t asked them to do this, and the restaurant owners
think about and care
kept checking whether we were happy with everything, which was for other people: chu
thoughtful of them. All in all, the delicious food, good company and đáo
friendly service made it an unforgettable evening.

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distracted (adj) =
unable to pay
attention to
2. Describe a café that you have been to.
g because you are
You should say
worried or thinking
where it is about something
why you went there else: bị phân tâm
what you ate or drank a change of scenery =
and explain why you liked or disliked the café. If you have a change
of scenery, you go
I’m going to describe a café that I go to maybe once a week. It’s just somewhere different
down the road from where I live, near Manchester, so it’s really after being in a
convenient for me to walk down there for a coffee or a bite to eat, and to particular place for a
use the wifi. long time: một sự
thay đổi về cảnh
The last time I went to this local café was on Friday afternoon. I was quan
trying to do some work at home, but I found myself getting distracted by concentrate (v) = to
little jobs around the house. So I decided to have a change of scenery; I give all your
attention to
put my laptop in my bag and made the short walk to the café, where I
something and not
spent the next few hours getting all of my work done. With a nice cup of
think about anything
coffee and just the right level of background noise, I found it much easier
else: tập trung
to concentrate.
take pride in ... = to
feel pride about: tự
Over the course of the afternoon, I drank two cups of coffee and a glass hào về ...
or two of water. The café owner takes a lot of pride in making the best decaff = ​
‘flat white’ coffee in the area, so that’s what I tend to drink. If I remember decaffeinated coffee:
correctly, the second coffee that I ordered was a decaf, because I try to cà phên đã loại bỏ
avoid drinking too much caffeine in the afternoon. I didn’t have anything caffeine
to eat on that occasion, but I do sometimes have one of the home-made focus on ... = to give
cakes that they sell. attention, effort, etc.
to one particular
There are a few reasons why I like going to my local café. I suppose the subject, situation or
main reasons are the coffee, the free wifi and the friendly staff. person rather than
However, on Friday I also managed to sit at my favourite table near one another: tập trung
of the windows, and the café wasn’t very busy . So the atmosphere and vào
noise level were just right, and I was able to focus on my work without distraction (n)= a
thing that takes your
distractions for most of the afternoon.
attention away from
what you are doing or
thinking about: thứ
làm mình phân tâm

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to leave something until the
3. Describe a time when you were really busy. last minute = If you leave
You should say something or someone until
when this was last, you delay using,
why you were so busy choosing, or dealing with
how you managed the situation them until you have used,
chosen, or dealt with all the
and explain how you felt at the time.
others: đế n phút chót mới
I’m going to talk about the time I left a university assignment
assignment (n) = a task or
until the last minute and had to work flat out to get it finished.
piece of work that somebody
This was about ten years ago when I was doing my Master’s
is given to do, usually as part
degree. of their job or studies: bài tập
struggle with ... : gặp khó
I had to do several 3000-word assignments for the modules on khăn với ...
my Master’s course, but I remember that there was one in procrastinate (v) = to delay
particular that I really struggled with. I had been procrastinating doing something that you
and putting it off for weeks, and in the end I left myself just two should do, usually because
days to get the whole assignment done. This included finding you do not want to do it: trì
and reading relevant books and articles, deciding on my thesis hoãn
and assignment title, and producing a final draft which had to be put something off = to
handed in to the department office before the deadline. change something to a later
time or date: trì hoãn
The pressure of such a close deadline actually forced me to hand in = to give something
manage the task in a really efficient way. My first step was to to a person in authority: nộp
decide on the general area that I wanted to write about, and
forced somebody to do
then I limited myself to just ten research sources. I printed the
something: buộc ai đó phải
most relevant pages, highlighted the key paragraphs and made
làm gì
some notes to summarise and synthesise the ideas that I found
make some notes: ghi chú
interesting. Finally, I just started writing the main body of the
summarise (v) = to give a
assignment, and I wrote the title and the introduction last. summary of something: tóm
tắ t
synthesise (v) = to combine
separate ideas, beliefs,
styles, etc.: tổng hợp

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delighted (adj) = ​very
4. Describe something you did that made you feel proud of yourself. pleased: vui mừng
You should say recall (v) = to
what you did remember something:
when you did it nhớ
why you felt proud of what you had done graduation ceremony
and explain how you felt when this happened. = a ceremony at which
degrees, etc. are
officially given out: lễ
One of my proudest achievements was completing my undergraduate
tố t nghiệp
degree at the university of ….. (name). The key moment that I remember
course modules: mô-
was when I received my final exam results; I was delighted to have
đun khóa học
passed with better scores than I expected.
noticeboard (n) = a
board for putting
I graduated from university in …… (year). As far as I recall, we received notices on: bảng
our final exam results in May and the graduation ceremony was in July. thông báo
Our exam scores for individual course modules were posted on the hard work had paid
noticeboard in the corridor of the university department, and I off: sự chăm chỉ đã
remember getting into the lift in the department one morning, knowing được đề n đáp/nhận
that I would soon see my results. lại được thành quả
xứng đáng
The particular moment when I really felt overjoyed and proud of what I approach (v) = to
had achieved was when I saw my exam results on the department come near to
noticeboard. This was the precise point in time when I realised that I had somebody/something
passed and that my hard work had paid off. I was proud because I had in distance or time to
overcome some setbacks earlier in the course, and I had proved to come near to
myself that I could achieve my goals. somebody/something
in distance or time:
đế n gầ n
As I approached the department noticeboard I felt really nervous but
shout out with joy:
also excited; I knew that the moment of truth was just seconds away.
hét lên vì sung sướng
And when I saw my final exam results I was surprised, thrilled and
clench your
relieved all at the same time. I didn’t shout out with joy, but I think I
fists/teeth/jaw etc =.
probably clenched my fist and said “yes” to myself. I certainly to hold your hands,
remember walking back down the corridor with a spring in my step, teeth etc together
feeling elated and knowing that four years of study were finally over. tightly, usually
because you feel
angry or determined:
nắ m chặt tay

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5. Describe a piece of clothing that you like wearing.
You should say
made out of = We usually use
what the item of clothing is made out of when we talk
where and when you bought it about something that has
when you wear it been changed or transformed
and explain why you like wearing it. from one thing into another:
được làm từ
I’m going to describe a coat that I often wear at the moment. The waterproof (adj) = ​that does
coat is dark blue in colour, and it’s made out of a lightweight, not let water through or that
waterproof material, which makes it perfect for wearing at this cannot be damaged by water:
time of year here in the UK. It also has a detachable hood, which không thấ m nước
I used yesterday when it was raining, and various pockets on the a detachable hood: mũ trùm
outside and on the inside. đầ u có thể tháo rời
pocket (n) = a small piece of
I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the material like a small bag sewn
into or onto a piece of
weather started to get colder. It was easy to buy because I had
clothing so that you can carry
had the exact same coat before; my old coat was starting to look
things in it: túi
a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version. As I knew
worn out = badly damaged
which size I needed, I simply went online and found the best
and/or no longer useful
offer; I bought it through a shopping website, and it was
because it has been used a
delivered to my house a few days later. lot: cũ, sờn
practical (adj) = useful or
As I said, I’m wearing this coat a lot at the moment. It’s my suitable: thiế t thực
everyday coat for going to work or for when I go out shopping or functional (adj) = practical
for any other reason. and useful; with little or no
decoration: hữu dụng
The reason why I like this coat is that it’s so practical and come in handy = to be useful
functional. It’s waterproof and it keeps me warm, but it also for a particular purpose: có
comes in handy for carrying things like my phone, wallet, loose ích, tiện lợi
change, a pen, and even a notebook; I tend to fill my pockets fold-up = that can be made
with whatever I can. It even folds up small enough to fit in my smaller by closing or folding
bag when I don’t need it. so that it takes up less space:
gấ p/gập lại

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6. Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry.
You should say
what you were doing catch an early flight:
when this was bắ t chuyế n bay sớm
why you had to hurry pick someone up = to
and explain how you felt at that time allow somebody to
get into your vehicle
I’m going to talk about a time when I had to hurry to get ready for a trip and take them
with some colleagues while I was working in a previous job. somewhere: đón ai
It was a Monday morning about five years ago. A group of us had to oversleep (v) = to
catch an early flight, and a senior member of our department had sleep longer than you
volunteered to drive us to the airport. I was supposed to be ready and intended: ngủ quên
sprang out of bed:
waiting to be picked up from my home at 5.30am, and my colleague had
lao ra khỏi giường
asked me to look out for his car so that he didn’t have to ring my
in record time = very
quickly: nhanh như
The problem was that I overslept. I had set my alarm, but somehow I
put my shoes on:
must have turned it off and carried on sleeping. Suddenly, at 5.30am, my mang giày vào
doorbell rang and I looked over at my alarm clock. I immediately realised tye the laces:
what had happened, and I sprang out of bed and got dressed in record buộc/thắ t dây giày
time. I splashed some water on my face, quickly brushed my teeth, and a sense of panic and
put my shoes on without properly tying the laces. Then I picked up my fear: một cảm giác
suitcase and coat, and left the house. hoảng loạn và sợ hãi
embarrassed (adj) =
I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I shy, uncomfortable
saw the time: I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that or ashamed,
my colleagues were waiting outside. Then, when I left my house and especially in a social
walked towards the awaiting car, I felt so embarrassed because it was situation: xấ u hổ
obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time.

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have a positive
7. Describe a book that you enjoyed reading because you had to think a
effect on ...: có ảnh
hưởng tích cực đế n ...
You should say:
compounding: tổng
what this book was hợp
why you decided to read it lifehack (n) = ​a
what reading this book made you think about strategy or technique
and explain why you enjoyed reading this book. that you use in order
to manage your time
I’m going to talk about a book that really made me think, and that has and daily activities in
had a positive effect on my life. The name of the book is ‘Atomic Habits’, a more efficient way:
and it’s about the compounding effect that small decisions and thủ thuật
minuscule changes can have on people’s lives. be forced to
confront ...: buộc
I decided to read Atomic Habits after seeing an interview with the book’s phải đố i mặt ...
author, James Clear, who is a world-renowned expert in the field of habit make a significant
formation. In the interview, he told inspiring stories and revealed some and long-lasting
difference: tạo ra sự
simple life hacks that can make people more productive, motivated and
khác biệt đáng kể và
happy. I found the whole idea of the ‘science of tiny habits’ fascinating,
lâu dài.
and so I bought the book straight away.
framework (n) = a set
of beliefs, ideas or
While reading the book, I was forced to confront my own habits and
rules that is used as
behaviours. I realised that I’m nowhere near as productive as I could be, the basis for making
but that some small tweaks to my routine could make a significant and judgements,
long-lasting difference. The book also gave me a framework to decisions, etc.: khuôn
understand how good habits are formed and how bad habits can be khổ
broken. It has encouraged me to analyse my own habits accordingly. cutting-edge (adj) =
at the newest, most
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Atomic Habits because I thought it was well advanced stage in
researched, well reasoned and well written. The author’s ideas and the development of
advice aren’t simply his opinions; they are taken from cutting-edge something: tiên tiế n
research and real success stories. I enjoy reading books that change my life-altering (adj) =
way of thinking in some way or give me practical, life-altering ideas, and having an effect that
this was definitely one of those books. is strong enough to
change someone's
life: có khả năng thay
đổi cuộc đời/cuộc
số ng

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8. Describe an educational television programme that you liked.
You should say
episode (n) = one part of a
what the programme was about
story that is broadcast on
when and where you saw it
television or radio in
how you found out about this programme several parts: tập (phim)
and why you liked it. footage (n) = part of a film
showing a particular
I’m going to talk about one of my favourite educational TV event: đoạn phim
programmes, which is a nature documentary called ‘Planet Earth’. broadcast (n) = to send
There were eleven episodes of this programme, and each one out programmes on
featured a different habitat on Earth, such as mountains, caves, television or radio:
deserts and jungles. The aim of the ‘Planet Earth’ series was to take chương trình phát sóng
the viewer into those habitats, using spectacular footage of air (v)= to broadcast a
interesting animals, plants and landscapes. programme on the radio
or on television; to be
I first saw ‘Planet Earth’ on television when it was broadcast by the broadcast: phát sóng
BBC several years ago. I think it was shown every Sunday evening, eye-catching (adj) =
immediately likely to
which was the perfect time to watch a fascinating nature
attract attention because
programme. Then, a few years a ago, somebody bought me the DVD
it is particularly
box set of the whole series as a Christmas present, and I watched
interesting, bright or
the episodes again.
attractive: bắ t mắ t, mãn
I found out about this TV programme because it was advertised narrator (n) = a person
repeatedly in the weeks before it was first aired. The TV trailers who tells a story,
were really eye-catching because they showed incredibly beautiful especially in a book, play
images of nature. I also recognised the voice of the narrator of the or film; the person who
programme, the well-knownnaturalist David Attenborough. It was speaks the words in a
these trailers that persuaded me to watch the first episode. television programme but
who does not appear in it:
What I liked most about the ‘Planet Earth’ series was its stunning người dẫ n chuyện
photography and its global scope. For example, in the “Fresh Water” open someone's eyes = to
episode, they showed us the giant salamander in Japan, crocodiles make someone realize
in the river Nile, and river dolphins in the Amazon. I was amazed at something surprising or
how they had managed to film such interesting creatures in so shocking that they had
many locations. I enjoyed learning about strange animal species, not known about or
understood before: làm ai
and the programme opened my eyes to the hidden wonders of our
hiểu ra vấ n đề

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9. Describe a change that you would like to see in your local area. pedestrianization =
You should say the process of
what the change would be making a street or
who would be involved in making the change part of a town into an
how it would be done area that is only for
and why you would like to see the change happen. people who are
walking, not for
vehicles: quá trình
The change that I’d like to see in my local neighbourhood is the
biế n đổi một khu vực
pedestrianisation of the main shopping street in the town centre. I’d like
thành khu vực dành
to see traffic diverted around this area in order to make it safer and
riêng cho người đi bộ
more attractive for visitors and shoppers. Most of the traffic that clogs
divert (v) = to make
up the main street is just passing through the town, but it’s the local
people who have to put up with the congestion, noise and pollution. g change direction:
chuyển hướng
It’s the job of the local council to make changes like the one I’m put up with = to
suggesting. But before the council does anything, there usually needs to accept
be some pressure from local people to bring a problem to light. So, somebody/somethin
perhaps we need a campaign by local residents who want to see this g that is annoying,
change. Then the council might contract a town planner or an architect unpleasant, etc.
to come up with some possible designs for a new road system. without complaining:
chịu đựng
I’m not sure how exactly the process of creating a pedestrian street bring a problem to
would work, but I imagine that it would require detailed planning. light: đưa vấ n đề ra
Perhaps a bypass would need to be built around the town centre first. ánh sáng, làm rõ vấ n
This would give drivers a faster alternative to driving through the town, đề gì đó
a pedestrian street:
and it would allow the main shopping street to be blocked off and
phố đi bộ
bypass (n) = a road
that passes around a
I’d like to see this change because it would really improve the quality of
town or city rather
life of residents in the town where I live. I can imagine the new
than through the
pedestrian street having cafes and restaurants with outdoor seating. It centre: đường vòng
would be a safer and more pleasant place for families to go shopping, have a positive
and I’m sure this would have a positive knock-on effect on local shops knock-on effect on:
and businesses. tác động tích cực có
hiệu ứng dây chuyề n
đế n ...

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come out = ​to be
produced or
10. Describe a film that you would like to see in the future. published: ra mắ t
You should say: be on a mission: làm
what the film is called nhiệm vụ
what it is about an arch-criminal = a
how you heard about this film highly prolific or
and why you would like to see it. skilled criminal:
highly prolific or
skilled criminal: một
I’m going to talk about a film that I’d like to see when it comes out later
tên tội phạm chuyên
this year. It’s the new James Bond film, and I saw in the news that it’s
going to be called ‘Spectre’. I think ‘Spectre’ refers to the name of the
plot line = the story
imaginary criminal organisation that James Bond has to defeat in the
of a book, film, etc:
cố t truyện
twists and turns =
As ‘Spectre’ hasn’t been released yet, I don’t know exactly what it will be surprising changes:
about. But I can guess that the hero, Bond, is going to be on a mission to cú twist, những tình
save the world from an arch-criminal as usual. I’m sure it will be similar tiế t thay đổi bấ t ngờ
to most of the previous Bond films, with a plot line involving lots of vào phút trót
twists and turns, and with Bond using his skills to defeat his nemesis in defeat (v) = to win
the end. against somebody in
a war, competition,
I first heard about this film when I was watching the news a couple of sports game, etc.:
months ago, and since then I’ve seen the official trailer on TV. There đánh bại
have also been various articles in newspapers discussing the actors who nemesis (n) = a
have been cast to play supporting roles in the film. The James Bond person or thing that
films are always big news here in the UK, probably because Bond himself has competed with
somebody or been an
is an English character.
enemy for a long
time: kẻ thù
I’d like to see ‘Spectre’ at the cinema because I’m sure it will be full of
be full of action
action scenes and special effects, and I like the fact that Bond’s missions
scenes: đầ y những
always take place in spectacular locations in different parts of the world.
cảnh hành động
Of course Bond films are totally unrealistic, you could even say unrealistic (adj) = ​not
ridiculous. But they're always fast, entertaining and fun, a bit like a showing or accepting
roller-coaster ride! things as they are:
không thực tế
a roller-coaster ride:
một chuyế n đi tàu
lượn siêu tố c

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11. Describe a prize that you would like to win.
You should say employee of the year: nhân
what the prize is for viên của năm
how you know about it award (v) = ​to make an
what you would have to do to win it official decision to give
and why you would like to win this prize. something to somebody as a
payment, prize, contract,
etc.: trao giải
I’m going to talk about a prize that I would like to win, which is the
intrigued (adj) = very
‘employee of the year’ award at the company where I work. At
interested in
the end of December each year, the company directorsgive this
something/somebody and
award to a member of staff who has made an outstanding
wanting to know more about
contribution to the business over the previous twelve months. it/them: hấ p dẫ n/tò mò
contribution to: sự đóng góp
I first heard about this prize during my training and orientation cho
period just after I got the job three years ago. It was early assume (v) = to think or
December and some of my colleagues were discussing who might accept that something is
be awarded ‘employee of the year’ later that month. I was true but without having
intrigued, and asked them to tell me more about the award. proof of it: giả định
attendance (n) = the act of
As I said, the prize is given for ‘outstanding contribution to the being present at a place: sự
business’. We don’t have an exact definition of what this means, có mặt
but we assume that you have to achieve certain standards, such punctuality (n) = the fact of
as 100% attendance, good punctuality, meeting targets and happening or doing
deadlines, good teamwork, and so on. I think the winner also something at the agreed or
correct time and not being
needs to have done something especially creative. For example,
late: sự đúng giờ
last year’s winner created a completely new service for our
progress (v) = to improve or
develop over a period of
time; to make progress:
I’d like to win ‘employee of the year’ because it would mean that
thăng tiế n
my work had been recognised by the company directors, and this a great sense of personal
would definitely help me to progress in my career. It would also achievement: một cảm giác
give me a great sense of personal achievement. tuyệt vời về thành tích của
cá nhân.

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12. Describe a future aim.
what the aim is
when you hope to achieve it
what you need to do to reach your goal novel (n) = a story long
and why this goal is important to you. enough to fill a
complete book, in
I’m going to describe a future aim of mine, which is to write a book. I’d which the characters
like to write a novel, so the story or plot would be fictional, but it and events are usually
would probably be influenced by some of my own experiences, ideas imaginary: tiểu thuyế t
and views. fictional (adj) = not real
or true; existing only in
Unfortunately I have no idea where to start or what my novel would stories; connected with
be about, so I can’t imagine achieving this aim until later in my life. fiction: hư cấ u
be inspired to: được
Maybe it will be something that I do as a hobby when I retire, or I
truyề n cảm hứng để
might suddenly be inspired to start writing much sooner. It’s just a
avague objective: một
vague objective at the moment.
mục tiêu mơ hồ
commitment (n) = the
I think it must be extremely difficult to find the motivation to write a
desire to work hard and
novel, so more than anything I would need time, commitment and the give your energy and
passion to keep working until I finished. I would probably need to set a time to a job or an
goal of writing for a certain amount of time each day, and of course I’d activity: sự cam kế t
need a good idea for a story in the first place. becapable of bringing
a story to life: có khả
This goal interests me because I’ve always wondered how people năng biế n một câu
manage to create a work of fiction from nothing; I’ve always wondered chuyện thành hiện thực
whether I could do the same, and whether I’d be capable of bringing a follow in the footsteps
story to life. I’ve always enjoyed reading, and I’d like to follow in the of ...: theo bước chân
footsteps of my favourite authors. của ...

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13. Describe an indoor game that you enjoyed as a child.
You should say chess = a game for two people
what the game was played on a board marked with
where you played it black and white squares on
who played this game with you which each playing piece
and why you liked it (representing a king, queen,
castle, etc.) is moved according
to special rules. The aim is to put
As a child I enjoyed playing chess. I think chess is probably
the other player’s king in a
the best known board game in the world. It’s a game for two
position from which it cannot
players, and the aim is to defeat the other player by taking his
escape: cờ vua
or her pieces and eventually trapping his King. This final
defeat (v)= to win against
move is called checkmate.
somebody in a war, competition,
sports game, etc.: đánh bại
I remember that it was a classmate of mine at primary school trap ... (v) = to put somebody in
who first taught me to play chess. He had a small, portable a dangerous place that they
chess set, and once I knew how each piece moved, we started cannot get out of: bẫ y ...
playing at break and lunch times; we played in our classroom checkmate (n) = (in chess) a
or outside on the school playground. Later my parents position in which one player
bought me my own chess set as a birthday present so that I cannot prevent their king (= the
could play at home. most important piece) being
captured and therefore loses
I taught my younger brother to play, and at some point I the game: chiế u tướng
joined the school chess club. There I had the chance to hone piece (n) = one of the small
my skills against some of the older pupils, and in my final figures or objects that you move
year of primary school I made it onto the school team. There around in games such as chess:
quân cờ
were five of us on the team, and we competed against
hone my skills: trau dồ i kỹ năng
children from other primary schools in the same town.
của tôi
outwit (v) = to defeat
I liked playing chess because I enjoyed the challenge of
somebody/something or gain an
thinking ahead and trying to outwit my opponent. I was
advantage over them by doing
probably seven or eight years old when I started playing, and something clever: đánh lừa
it seemed like a very mysterious and intellectual game at that opponent (n) = a person that
time. Also, although I loved winning, chess taught me to learn you are playing or fighting
from my losses and to congratulate the person who had against in a game, competition,
beaten me. argument, etc.: đố i thủ

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within walking
14. Describe a school that you went to when you were a child.
distance of: có thể đi
You should say bộ đế n, gầ n
where the school was downhill (n) =
when you went there towards the bottom
what the school and the teachers were like of a hill; in a direction
and explain whether you enjoyed your time there. that goes down: dố c
onwards (adv) =
I’m going to talk about my primary school. The school was called ..... and continuing from a
it was in the town of ..... . The location of the school was great because it particular time: trở đi
was within walking distance of our family home at the time. The route to the assembly hall:
school was all downhill, which made it an easy walk in the morning, but a hội trường
tiring journey on the way home in the afternoon! headmaster (n) = a
male teacher who is
I was a pupil at ..... school between the ages of 5 and 11 - the full 6 years in charge of a school,
especially a private
of primary education. From age 11 onwards, I went to a nearby
school: hiệu trưởng
secondary school.
caring (adj) = kind,
helpful and showing
My primary school seemed like a big place at the time, but it was actually
that you care about
quite a small school, with only six classes. I remember there being a large
other people: chu
room called the assembly hall, where the whole school gathered every đáo
morning to hear messages from the headmaster. I also remember strict (adj) = that
spending a lot of time on the playground and on the sports field. I liked must be obeyed
all of my teachers; they were caring but strict at the same time, and I exactly: nghiêm khắ c
think they fostered a positive and fun atmosphere in the school. vivid (adj) = ​(of
memories, a
I have really fond memories of my primary school years, mainly because description, etc.)
of the friends I made and the fun I had. One of my most vivid memories producing very clear
is of performing in the school play in my final year. I had to learn lines pictures in your
and play the part of a character in a traditional children’s story. It was a mind: số ng động
nerve-racking experience, but it felt like my first real achievement. nerve-racking (adj) =
making you feel very
nervous and worried:
căng thẳng

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15. Describe a family celebration that you remember. ceremony (n) = a
You should say public or religious
what you were celebrating occasion that
who was present includes a series of
what you and your family did to make the celebration special formal or traditional
and why you enjoyed the occasion. actions: buổi lễ
bride (n) = a woman
I’m going to describe my sister’s wedding day, which took place a few on her wedding day,
years ago in the town where I grew up. For my sister it was the biggest or just before or just
and most important day of her life. after it: cô dâu
groom (n) = a man on
I think there were around 100 people at the marriage ceremony, which his wedding day, or
was held in a church. Even more people came to the party, or the just before or just
after it: chú rể
wedding reception as we call it, after the ceremony. Of course, most
decorate (v) = to
members of my family were there, as well as the groom’s family and a
make something look
collection of the bride and groom's friends and colleagues.
more attractive by
putting things on it:
To make the celebration special, we did what families normally do. My
trang trí
mother made sure that the church and the reception venue were nicely bridesmaid (n) = a
decorated - there were flowers everywhere! Obviously we all dressed for young woman or girl
the occasion, and there were bridesmaids, gifts, a huge wedding cake, who helps a bride
and so on. before and during the
marriage ceremony:
I enjoyed the occasion because it was great to see my sister so happy on phù dâu
her big day. The ceremony was perfect, and we all had a fantastic time at memorable (adj) =
the reception. It’s rare for me to see all of my family and friends together worth remembering
in one place, so that’s probably what made the day so memorable for or easy to remember,
me. especially because of
being special or
unusual: đáng nhớ

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confined to = to keep
16. Describe a positive experience that you had as a teenager. g inside the limits of a
You should say particular activity,
what the positive experience was subject, area, etc.:
where you were giới hạn
who you were with a tourist attraction:
and explain why you found the experience positive. điểm thu hút khách
du lịch
I’m going to describe the first time I visited England’s capital city, get off = ​to leave a
London, on a school trip when I was a teenager. I had never been to place or start a
London before, and it was great to share that experience with my school journey; to help
friends. somebody do this:
xuố ng
The positive experience wasn’t confined to one particular place in What really struck
me about London
London. As far as I remember, I enjoyed the whole trip, from the coach
was that ...: Điề u thực
journey to the visits to various tourist attractions. We got off the coach
sự gây ấ n tượng với
near the Houses of Parliament, and so one of my first memories was
tôi về London là ...
seeing the famous ‘Big Ben’ clock tower. We also visited the Tower of
historic (adj) =
London, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square.
important in history;
likely to be thought
As I said earlier, it was a school trip, and I think there were around thirty of as important at
of us, including two teachers. I was with a group of close friends, which some time in the
made the experience more enjoyable. future: mang tính lịch
What really struck me about London was that it was historic but modern cosmopolitan (adj) =
and thriving at the same time. It seemed to me to be a lively, fashionable containing people of
and cosmopolitan place. Coming from a relatively small town, the different types or
experience made me keen to visit more capital cities in the future. from different
countries, and
influenced by their
culture: mang tính
quố c tế

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take out of = to
17. Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school
remove something or
education programmes. someone: đưa ra khỏi
You should say curriculum (n) = the
what the subject is subjects that are
why you think it is unnecessary for children to study it included in a course
and explain what you would replace it with. of study or taught in
a school, college,
I’m going to suggest that art could be taken out of the school etc.: chương trình
curriculum. In my experience, art lessons at school tend to include giảng dạy
drawing, painting, and the making of collages using paper, fabric and fabric (n)= material
other household materials. made by weaving
wool, cotton, silk,
There are a few reasons why I think that school art lessons are etc., used for making
unnecessary. clothes, curtains, etc.
and for covering
furniture: vải
Firstly, I don’t believe that drawing and painting are essential skills that
encourage (v) = to
children will need when they leave school. Children might find these
make something
activities enjoyable, but it’s unlikely that they will need them in the
more likely to happen
working world.
or develop: khuyế n
Secondly, children can draw, paint and make collages in their own time instruction (n) =
at home; parents can encourage this, and they can even join in. Finally, detailed information
remembering my own art lessons at school, I don’t think we learnt any on how to do or use
real art skills; the teachers left us to draw or create things, but they something: sự hướng
didn’t provide much technical instruction. dẫ n
enter the job market:
Instead of art lessons, children could do more work on core subjects like gia nhập thị trường
maths, science or language. These subjects are more likely to help việc làm
children in later life when they enter the job market, and I think both devote + time + to ...
children and their teachers would benefit if more time were devoted to = to give an amount
them. of time, attention,
etc. to something:
dành thời gian cho ...

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display (v) = to put
18. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you something in a place
didn't know. where people can see
You should say it easily; to show
who the person was something to people:
where the conversation took place trưng bày
catch someone's eye =
what you talked about
to get someone's
and explain why you found the conversation interesting.
attention: thu hút sự
chú ý của ai đó
I’m going to talk about an interesting conversation that I had a couple of
curiosity (n) = a strong
weeks ago in a music shop. I was walking along one of the main shopping
desire to know about
streets in the city centre, when a large window displaying all sorts of something: sự tò mò
musical instruments caught my eye. Out of curiosity, I decided to go in intend to = to have a
and have a look around. plan, result or purpose
in your mind when you
The person I ended up speaking to was a shop assistant on the second do something: có ý
floor, in the area of the shop dedicated to acoustic guitars. I hadn’t định làm gì
intended to speak to anyone, but the assistant approached me in a approach ... (v) = to
friendly way and asked whether I had any questions. come near to
I explained to the assistant that I hadn’t played the guitar for years, but in distance or time:
that I wondered what the differences were between the various acoustic đế n gầ n ...
guitars on show. He talked to me about the different makes and models, knowledgeable (adj) =
whether they were factory or hand made, the woods and varnishes used, knowing a lot: am hiểu
have a passion for: có
the variation in sound quality, and of course the price range.
một niề m đam mê cho
pick up = to take hold
I found the conversation fascinating because the shop assistant was so
knowledgeable. It was obvious that he had a passion for the guitar, and
he didn’t mind talking to me even though I had made it clear that I didn’t
and lift them/it up:
intend to buy anything. He even picked up and played three or four of chọn, nhấ c ... lên
the instruments to demonstrate the differences in their sound. demonstrate (v) = to
show something
clearly by giving proof
or evidence: cho thấ y

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19. Describe your favourite season in your country.
You should say drop (v) = to allow
when that season is something to fall by
accident; to fall by
what the weather is like at that time of year
accident: giảm
how that season is different from other seasons
heavy snowfall: tuyế t
and why it is your favourite season.
rơi dày
block (v) = to stop
My favourite season in England is winter. A typical English winter would
something from
last around 4 or 5 months between November and March, but when I say moving or flowing
that I like the winter, I’m really thinking about the coldest month or two through a pipe, a
each year. passage, a road, etc.
by putting something
During those really wintry months, the temperature drops below zero in it or across it:
and it often snows. Over the last few years we’ve had periods of quite chặn
heavy snowfall, to the extent that roads have been blocked and schools cover in ... = to put a
have had to close. Last winter I remember looking out of the window one cover or roof over an
morning and seeing everything covered in a layer of white. open space: bao phủ
differentiate A (from
Obviously the snow is what differentiates winter from the other B) = to recognize or
seasons, but when it doesn’t snow there isn’t much difference between show that two things
winter, autumn and spring; winter is just a bit colder. are not the same:
phân biệt A với B
landscape (n) =
The reason I’ve chosen winter as my favourite season is because I like
everything you can
the snow. I live near the countryside, and the landscape looks beautiful
see when you look
when everything is covered in white. We also celebrate Christmas and
across a large area of
New Year in the winter, and these are my favourite festivals.
land, especially in the
country: cảnh quan

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street market = an open-
air market often held only
20. Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed on a particular day of the
visiting. week in a designated area:
You should say: chợ đường phố
where the market is mouth-watering (adj) =
what the market sells food looks or smells so
how big the market is good that you want to eat
and explain why you enjoyed visiting it. it immediately: ngon
jewellery (n) = objects
such as rings and
I’m going to describe a street market that I’ve enjoyed visiting many
necklaces that people
times in Manchester. It’s the Manchester Christmas Market, and it
wear as decoration: trang
comes to the city for about a month from the end of November
every year. The market stalls are spread across several sites in the
ornament (n) = an object
city centre, but the centrepiece is the large European market in that is used as decoration
Albert Square next to the Town Hall. in a room, garden, etc.
rather than for a particular
The Christmas Market stalls sell an array of Christmas gifts and purpose: đồ trang trí
mouth-watering food and drink from all over Europe. It’s a great souvenir (n) = a thing that
place to find handmade crafts such as jewellery, ornaments, you buy and/or keep to
wooden toys and other souvenirs, but it’s the food and drink that remind yourself of a place,
seem to be most popular. Probably the biggest seller is the an occasion or a holiday;
‘Gluhwein’, a hot, sweet wine which is sold in a souvenir mug. something that you bring
back for other people
The market was originally quite small, occupying just one of the when you have been on
central squares in Manchester, but it’s grown quickly in recent holiday: quà lưu niệm
years, spilling over into maybe five other pedestrian streets and a occupy (v) = to fill or use a
space, an area or an
few other squares. Apparently there are over 200 stalls now, so it’s
amount of time: chiế m
become a really big event attracting thousands of visitors.
(không gian)
pedestrian street: phố đi
The main reason I’ve always enjoyed visiting the Christmas Market
is the fantastic atmosphere. When I went there last December, it
bristle with = ​to contain a
didn’t matter how cold or wet the weather was, Manchester large number of
seemed to come alive when the market opened; the streets were something: nhộn nhịp
bustling with people and there was a real festive feel to the city. festive (adj) = typical of a
special event or
celebration: mang tính lễ

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21. Describe a funny situation that made you laugh.
You should say ​ ngrossed (in/with
when this situation took place something) = so
what happened interested or
how you reacted and why you found the situation funny. involved in
something that you
I'm going to talk about a funny thing that happened to me a couple of give it all your
weeks ago. I think it was a Saturday morning, and I was sitting having a attention: mải mê/say
coffee in a café near where I live. mê
fall = to suddenly
I was on my own so I decided to read the newspaper while drinking my stop standing: ngã
coffee. I must have been quite engrossed in what I was reading because tip over = to fall or
the time passed quickly, and I suddenly realised that I needed to get turn over; to make
something do this: lật
going. What I didn't realise was that I had been sitting with my legs
on your knees = with
crossed, and one of my legs had completely gone to sleep. As I stood up
your knees = with
to leave the café, I quickly became aware that my left leg was 'dead', but
your knees on the
it was too late; I started to fall. I thought I could catch myself on the
ground: ở tư thế quỳ
table, but the table tipped over and I fell to the floor in front of everyone
gố i
in the café! look up at: nhìn lên
embarrassed (adj) =
I can remember being on my knees in the middle of the café, looking up (of a person or their
at the staff and customers around me. I felt really embarrassed and I behaviour) shy,
expected the other people to find it funny, but to my surprise nobody uncomfortable or
was laughing. They were all worried that something really bad had ashamed, especially
happened to me! As I got up from the floor, I had to explain to the whole in a social situation:
café that I was fine. I was embarrassed at the time, but I laughed about it xấ u hổ
later! to my surprise =
surprisingly: làm tôi
ngạc nhiên

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22. Describe a team project that you worked on.
You should say:
what it was be involved in ...= to make
what you did somebody take part in
and how you felt about it. something: tham gia
term (n) = (especially in the
I’d like to talk about a team project that I was involved in during UK) one of the three periods in
my final term at business school. There were four of us on the the year during which classes
team, and our task was to work with a local company to are held in schools,
research a new market, in a European country, for one of their universities, etc.: học kỳ
products or services. Our objective was to produce a report produce a report: viế t báo cáo
and give a presentation. give a presentation: thuyế t
accessory (n) = an extra piece
The first thing we did was split into two groups of two. We had
of equipment that is useful but
been assigned a company that produced a range of bicycle
not essential or that can be
accessories, so two of us spent some time getting to know the
added to something else as a
company while the other two researched the market and the
decoration: phụ kiện
competitors in the target country, which was Germany. In the
competitor (n) = a person who
end, I think it was a successful project because we managed to takes part in a competition: đố i
identify a possible gap in the market in Germany for one of the thủ cạnh tranh
company’s products. Our group presentation also went really identify (v) = to find or
well. discover somebody/
something: xác định
Until that point, the course had been all about business theory, a real sense of
so it was quite a learning experience to work with a real accomplishment: một cảm
company. I felt a real sense of accomplishment when we giác khi mình đã thực sự hoàn
handed in our report and delivered our presentation, and I thành được 1 điề u gì đó
think all of us were proud of what we had done. hand in = ​to give something to
a person in authority: nộp bài

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23. Describe a piece of furniture that you own.
You should say
what it is leather armchair: ghế
where you bought it bành bằ ng da
how you use it furniture (n) = objects that
and explain why you like it. can be moved, such as
tables, chairs and beds,
I'm going to talk about my favourite chair. It's a big, leather armchair that are put into a house
that sits in my living room at home, just under my living room or an office to make it
window. suitable for living or
working in: đồ nội thấ t
I didn't actually buy the armchair. One of my friends was moving fit (v) = to be the right
house and was going to buy some new furniture. I had always liked shape and size for
somebody/something: vừa
his leather armchair, so he said I could have it if I managed to move
it. The chair wouldn't fit in my car, and it was tricky to get it out of
van (n) = a covered vehicle
my friend's apartment. I had to hire a small van to take the armchair
with no side windows in its
back half, usually smaller
than a lorry, used for
Obviously I use the armchair for sitting! It's my favourite place in the carrying goods or people:
house to relax, read a book, watch TV or even do some work; the xe chở hàng
chair's arms are quite wide and flat, so my laptop fits nicely on either take something home:
of them. Last night I fell asleep in my armchair while I was watching a mang ... về nhà
film. fall asleep = to start to
sleep: chìm vào giấ c ngủ
The main reasons why I like this piece of furniture are that it's drawback (n) = a
comfortable and it's in the perfect position in my living room. The disadvantage or problem
only drawback might be that I enjoy sitting in the armchair too much, that makes something a
and sometimes I think it makes me lazy! less attractive idea: hạn
chế , nhược điểm

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24. Describe an old building that you like.
You should say:
where it is be located = if
what it is used for something is located
and why you like it. in a particular place, it
exists there or has
I'm going to describe a very famous building in New York: the Empire been put there: nằ m
State Building. People might not think of it as an old building, but the ở
Empire State Building was built in 1931, so I don't think it can be classed observation deck = a
as new. It's located on Manhattan and it's probably the most distinctive place on a building or
and recognisable building when you look at New York's skyline. boat from where you
can see or watch
something: đài quan
As far as I know, the Empire State Building is an office building, but
visitors can go up to an observation deck on the top floor, which is the
skyscraper (n) = a very
102nd floor. There's also a 360-degree observation area on the 86th
tall building in a city:
floor. Apparently, the building makes more money from the sale of
tòa nhà chọc trời
tickets to the observation floors than it does from office rentals. an iconic structure:
một cấ u trúc mang
I think the Empire State Building is still one of the most impressive tính biểu tượng
skyscrapers in the world. It's such an iconic structure, and it's amazing top floor: tầ ng trên
to think that it was built around 80 years ago. The best thing about the cùng
building is the viewing deck on the top floor, which offers spectacular offer spectacular
views of the city; it's definitely the best vantage point in New York. I'd views of: có tầ m nhìn
recommend anyone who visits the city to go there and experience the ngoạn mục ra quang
view. cảnh của ...

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search for ... = an attempt to
find somebody/something,
especially by looking
25. Describe a TV programme or channel that you enjoy carefully for them/it: tìm
watching regularly. kiế m ...
What it is called and what is it about? learn something new: học
When do you usually watch it ? được điề u gì đó mới
Why do you prefer it to other programmes or channels? sum up = to state the main
points of something in a
I rarely watch traditional television channels nowadays; I much short and clear form: tóm tắ t
prefer searching for interesting programmes or videos online. meaningless (adj) = without
So, although it’s not a normal TV channel or programme, I’d like any purpose or reason and
to talk about a website which I think is kind of a modern version therefore not worth doing or
of a TV channel. It’s called TED, which stands for ‘Technology, having: vô nghĩa
Entertainment, Design’, and it’s a great place to watch short soap opera = a story about
the lives and problems of a
talks and presentations about all sorts of interesting topics.
group of people that is
broadcast every day or
The good thing about the videos on TED is that I can watch them
several times a week on
whenever I want. I have saved as one of my favourites
television or radio: kịch dài
on my laptop, and I tend to visit the website every few days to
check whether there is anything new. I often watch TED videos talk show = a television or
on my phone while I’m travelling to work on the train. radio programme in which
famous people are asked
The reason I like watching online videos on TED is that I learn questions and talk in an
something new every time I watch one. The tagline for the TED informal way about their
website is ‘ideas worth spreading’, and this really sums up the work and opinions on various
appeal of the site for me. Instead of watching meaningless soap topics: chương trình trò
operas and talk shows on TV, I’d much rather spend 10 minutes chuyện
watching someone talk about a breakthrough in technology, spend time doing something:
science or healthcare. dành thời gian làm gì
breakthrough (n) = an
important development that
may lead to an agreement or
achievement: bước đột phá

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helicopter (n) = an aircraft
26. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy in the future.
without wings that has large
You should say blades (= long flat parts) on
what kind of vehicle it is top that go round. It can fly
what you would use it for straight up from the ground
and why you would like to buy it. and can also stay in one
position in the air: trực thăng
If I had the money, I’d like to buy my own helicopter. I recently avoid (v) = to prevent
saw a TV programme about someone who flew around in his own something bad from
helicopter, and I remember thinking that it would be great to happening: tránh
have one. The helicopter on the programme was a small, blue, traffic jam (n) = a long line of
two-seater and it seemed quite easy to fly - that's the kind of vehicles on a road that
thing I'd like to buy. cannot move or that can only
move very slowly: sự tắ c
Ideally, I’d use my helicopter instead of a car. First, I’d need to đường
in a fraction of the time .... =
learn to fly it, but then I’d use it to go on short trips or holidays.
in less time than it would
It would be fantastic to be able to avoid traffic jams, and get
usually take: ít thời gian hơn
everywhere in a fraction of the time it normally takes. I’d take
thường lệ
friends and family sightseeing, over cities or mountain tops, and
runway (n) = ​a long narrow
maybe I could even use it to do the shopping!
piece of ground with a hard
surface that an aircraft takes
The reason I’d like to buy a helicopter is that you can park one off from and lands on: đường
almost anywhere. You don’t need to find a runway or an airport băng
like you would for a plane. So I’d be able to park my helicopter in intrigued (adj) = very
my garden - if I had a bigger garden. Also, I’ve always been interested in something/
intrigued by those helipads on the tops of tall buildings - I think somebody and wanting to
it would be fun to land on top of a building. A helicopter know more about it/them: tò
probably isn’t a realistic choice of vehicle, but you never know - I mò
might win the lottery! helipad (n) = a small area
where helicopters can take
off and land: sân đỗ trực
win the lottery: trúng số

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27. Describe a beautiful garden that you like.
You should say
suburb (n) = an area
where it is where people live that is
what you can see there outside the centre of a
what people do there city: ngoại ô
and explain why you like it. is surrounded by: được
bao quanh bởi
Today I'd like to describe my home garden, which I think is a beautiful water fountain (n) = a
one and which I like very much. The garden is part of my home's device that supplies
backyard, and my house is located in the suburbs, about a 1-hour water for drinking in
drive from the city of San Francisco. There is a big tree right in the public places: đài phun
middle of my garden, which is surrounded by a hot tub, a small water nước
fountain, several bushes, a section for vegetables, and different bush (n) = a plant that
kinds of flowers. grows thickly with several
hard stems coming up
from the root: bụi cây
This garden was actually one of the reasons why my wife and I chose
take care of ...= to care
to buy our house because it had been beautifully maintained by the
for somebody /
previous owner’s gardener and landscaper. It’s been only 1 year since
something / yourself; to
we bought the house and now we are taking care of the garden
be careful about
ourselves. Even though we are not experts in gardening, we still try
something: chăm sóc ...
our best to plant things that we like, such as roses and tulips, and we expert (n) = ​a person with
even grow our own tomatoes. special knowledge, skill or
training in something:
Whenever family and friends come to visit us, we invite them to have chuyên gia
a relaxing time in our hot tub, and enjoy the view. So in other words, invite somebody to:
our garden has also become a kind of resort! It definitely requires lots mờiai đó làm gìn
of hard work to properly maintain the garden, but it gives us a great gives us a great sense of
sense of accomplishment to “decorate” it the way we like. accomplishment: mang
lại cho chúng tôi cảm giác
All in all, the garden is one of the best features of my home and it is a hoàn thành tuyệt vời
place where I can relax after a long day of work or during the decorat (v)e = to make
weekends. something look more
attractive by putting
things on it: trang trí

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28. Describe a situation that made you angry.
You should say
when it happened get stuck in ...= to start doing
something in an enthusiastic
what happened
way, especially to start eating:
how you felt
mắ c kẹt/bị kẹt trong ...
traffic jam = a long line of
A recent situation that made me angry was getting stuck in a
vehicles on a road that cannot
traffic jam on the way to meet some friends. It was last Sunday
move or that can only move
lunchtime, and I didn’t expect there to be much traffic; people very slowly: sự kẹt xe
don’t work on Sundays, so the roads aren’t usually very busy. queue = a line of people, cars,
etc. waiting for something or to
Everything was going well until suddenly I saw a queue of cars do something: hàng (chờ)
on the road in front of me. I had no choice but to join the queue have no choice but to ...: không
and wait to get past whatever was causing the delay. It turned có lựa chọn nào khác ngoài ...
out that it was caused by some roadworks, and it took me an it takes somebody + time + to
extra 30 minutes to get past them. do something: tố n bao nhiêu
thời gian cho ai đó làm gì
Getting stuck in traffic congestion doesn’t usually make me traffic congestion: ùn tắ c giao
angry, but this time it did, mainly because I wasn’t expecting it thông
and I knew that my friends were waiting to meet me for lunch. I frustrated (adj) = feeling
felt frustrated and powerless because there was nothing I could annoyed and impatient
because you cannot do or
do to change the situation, and I had no idea how long I would be
achieve what you want: bực
sitting there waiting. When I finally saw the reason for the
bội/thấ t vọng
congestion, I was relieved that I was close to getting past the
powerless (adj) = without
roadworks, but I still felt a bit stressed knowing that I was half an
power to control or to
hour late.
somebody/something: bấ t lực

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29. Describe an artist or entertainer you admire
You should say release (v) = to make
who they are and what they do a film, recording or
other product
how they became successful
available to the
how you found out about them
public: phát hành
and why you admire them
the key to: chìa khóa
cho ...
I’m going to talk about a musician that I admire, called... He’s a singer
became aware of:
who also plays the guitar and writes his own songs. I think he recorded nhận thức được
his first album about 10 years ago, and he’s released several other CDs gig (n) = a
since then. performance by
musicians playing
He became successful after many years of writing songs and performing popular music or jazz
live in small venues all over the country. Gradually he built a following of in front of an
people who liked his music. I think the key to his success was one of his audience; a similar
songs that was used on a TV advertisement. This meant that more performance by a
people became aware of his music. comedian: buổi biểu
diễ n
I found out about... because one of my friends got tickets to see him in it takes years of
concert. I hadn’t heard any of his music before, but I went along to the practice to ...: phải
gig and really enjoyed it. After that I bought the first CD, and now I’ve got mấ t nhiề u năm luyện
tập để ...
all of them.
admire (v) = to
respect somebody
The reason I admire... is that he has worked hard for his success: it takes
for what they have
years of practice to become a good singer and guitarist, and he spent
done or to respect
several years playing to very small audiences before he became
their qualities:
successful. I also like the fact that he writes his own music. I admire ngưỡng mộ
people who have worked hard to get where they are.

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respiration (n) = the
act of breathing: sự
30. Describe an interesting lesson that you attended. hô hấ p
You should say lung (n) = either of
where you attended this lesson the two organs in the
what it was about chest that you use
and why you found it interesting for breathing: phổi
oxygen (n) = a
I'm going to talk about an interesting science lesson that I attended at chemical element.
secondary school when I was 14 or 15 years old. Oxygen is a gas that
is present in air and
It was quite a long time ago, so I can't remember every detail, but the water and is
lesson was about respiration. We learnt about how the lungs work, how necessary for people,
animals and plants to
we breathe, and how oxygen passes into the blood. The science teacher
live: oxy
also talked to us about the effects of smoking on the lungs.
blood (n) = the red
liquid that flows
I found this lesson interesting because my science teacher, Dr. Smith,
through the bodies of
always introduced new topics by showing us a video. We watched a short
humans and animals:
film about how respiration works, and I found this much easier to máu
understand than a science textbook. The film showed diagrams of the textbook (n) = a book
lungs to explain the breathing process. Later in the lesson we saw real that teaches a
photos of healthy lungs and lungs that had been damaged as a result of particular subject
smoking; they had turned black. I think the image of a smoker's lungs is and that is used
the reason why I remember this lesson. especially in schools
and colleges: sách
giáo khoa
be damaged as a
result of: bị tàn phá
do ...

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desirable (adj) = that
31. Describe a modern building. you would like to have
You should say: or do; worth having or
where it is doing: ưa chuộng
what it is used for stand out (v) = to be
and why you like/dislike it. much better or more
important than
I'm going to describe a modern building in Manchester. It's called the somebody/something:
Beetham Tower, and it's the tallest building in the city, with about 50 nổi bật
floors. landmark (n)=
something, such as a
Although it's called the Beetham Tower, most people know this building large building, that
as the Hilton Hotel. In fact, the bottom half of the tower is the hotel and you can see clearly
from a distance and
the top half is apartments. The apartments are expensive because the
that will help you to
location and views make them very desirable.
know where you are:
địa danh
I'm not sure if I like the design of the building, it's just a huge glass tower,
distinctive (adj) =
but it definitely stands out. It has become a famous landmark in the city.
having a quality or
You can see it as you approach Manchester, and it's an easy place to characteristic that
meet people because it's so distinctive and easy to find. The most makes something
interesting thing about the Beetham Tower is that there is a different and easily
bar/restaurant on the 23rd floor which has spectacular views of the city; noticed: khác biệt
it's definitely the best vantage point in Manchester because there are no have spectacular
walls, only huge windows, so you can look out over the city in any views of: có tầ m nhìn
direction. I'd recommend anyone who visits Manchester to go there and ngoạn mục của ...
experience the view. vantage point = a
position from which
you watch something:
điểm thuận lợi

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32. Describe an interesting house or apartment that you have visited. overlook (v) = if a
You should say: building, etc.
where the house or apartment was overlooks a place,
who lived there you can see that
what it looked like on the outside and/or inside place from the
and explain why you found this house or apartment interesting. building: nhìn ra
put on the market:
I’m going to describe an apartment that I recently visited in the city đưa ra thị trường
property (n) = a
centre of Manchester. The apartment was on the 10th floor of a brand
building or buildings
new block that has just been built. This building is on the edge of the
and the surrounding
main commercial area of the city, and the apartment overlooks several
land: căn hộ
of Manchester’s busiest shopping streets.
remarkable (adj) =
unusual or surprising
Nobody was living in the apartment when I went there, because it had in a way that causes
only just been put on the market. I went to see it with a friend who is people to take notice:
thinking of moving to Manchester; he wanted to view some different đáng chú ý
properties, and I decided to go along and see what the newest floor-to-ceiling: từ
apartments were like. sàn đế n trầ n
isn't really to your
From the outside, the apartment was in a tall, shiny glass building - taste = you don't like
nothing too remarkable. On the inside, as far as I remember, there it: không hợp với bạn,
weren’t many different colours: the walls were an off-white colour, the bạn không thích nó
floors were done in whitish tiles, and the kitchen appliances were all spacious (adj) = ​(of a
silver metal coloured. I think the kitchen surfaces were made from dark room or building)
grey granite. The main feature, in terms of the look of the apartment, was large and with plenty
the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, which allowed the of space for people
to move around in:
sunlight to flood in.
rộng rãi
open-plan kitchen:
Although the white and silver decor wasn’t really to my taste, I did like
nhà bế p không gian
the fact that the apartment seemed so cool, clean and spacious. I
particularly liked the open-plan kitchen and living room, which had all
sorts of gadgets that could be operated by a mobile phone app. For technology = the
example, I learnt how to use the app to control the lighting, heating, latest technology:
blinds, security cameras and even the cooker. I found it fascinating that công nghệ mới nhấ t
the apartment contained so much up-to-the-minute technology, and take a glimpse = take
that everything seemed to be connected via wifi. It felt like I was taking a a brief look: nhìn
glimpse into the future. thoáng qua

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33. Describe a festival that is important in your country
You should say:
when the festival occurs an exchange of ...: trao
what you did during it đổi ...
what you like or dislike about it display (v) = to put
something in a place
and explain why this festival is important
where people can see it
easily; to show something
Christmas is an annual holiday that, in Christianity,
to people: trưng bày
commemoratesthe birth of Jesus Christ.
decorate (v) = to make
something look more
Popular customs of the holiday include gift-giving, music, an attractive by putting
exchange of greeting cards, church celebrations, a special meal, and things on it: trang trí
the display of various decorations; including Christmas trees, lights, perform (v) = to entertain
nativity scenes, and holly. In addition, Father Christmas (known as an audience by playing a
Santa Claus in some areas) is a popular figure in many countries, piece of music, acting in a
associated with the bringing of gifts for children. play, etc.: biểu diễ n
play (n) = a piece of
Over the Christmas period, people decorate their homes and writing performed by
exchange gifts. In some countries, children perform plays re-telling actors in a theatre or on
the events of the Nativity, or sing carols that reference the event. television or radio: vở
Christmas, along with Easter, is the period of highest annual church kịch
attendance. is an important part of ...:
là một phầ n quan trọng
của ...
A special Christmas family meal is an important part of the
turkey (n) = meat from a
celebration for many, and what is served varies greatly from
turkey: thịt gà tây
country to country. In England and countries influenced by its
gravy (adj) = a brown
traditions, a standard Christmas meal includes turkey, potatoes,
sauce made by adding
vegetables, sausages and gravy, followed by Christmas pudding,
flour to the juices that
mince pies and fruit cake. come out of meat while it
is cooking: nước số t

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34. Describe a photograph of you that you like.
You should say:
where the photo was taken undergraduate degree: bằ ng
what you were doing when it was taken đại học
who took it gown (n) = a long loose piece of
and explain why you like the photo. clothing that is worn over other
clothes by members of
The photograph that immediately comes to mind when I think of universities (at special
ceremonies): áo choàng tố t
one that I like is my university graduation photo. It was taken just
before the graduation ceremony that marked the end of my
an academic cap: mũ tố t
undergraduate degree. You can’t see anything in the background
nghiệp/mũ cử nhân
of the photo, but it was actually taken in the students’ cafe next
mortar board = a black hat with
to the hall where the ceremony was held.
a stiff square top, worn by
some university teachers and
In the photo, I’m wearing the traditional clothing for university students at special ceremonies:
graduates: a black gown and an academic cap, which is often mũ tố t nghiệp/mũ cử nhân
called a mortar board. I’m also holding my rolled-up degree a professional photographer:
certificate. Obviously this was a formal portrait photo, and so I một nhiế p ảnh gia chuyên
was standing still, smiling and looking into the camera. nghiệp
remind somebody of
The person who took the photo was a professional somebody/something = if
photographer. He had been hired by the university to set up in somebody/something reminds
the cafe and take photos of graduates before the ceremony. He you of somebody/something
had a white screen, some lighting devices, and an assistant who else, they make you remember
took payments and collected our details. or think about the other person,
place, thing, etc. because they
are similar in some way: làm ai
The reason why I like my graduation photo is that it reminds me
đó nhớ đế n chuyện gì
of a pivotal moment in my life. Being presented with my degree
pivotal (adj) = of great
certificate at the graduation ceremony was the culmination of
importance because other
four years of hard work, and it marked the end of the ‘education’
things depend on it: quan trọng
stage of my life. I had achieved my objectives and made my
culmination (n) = the highest
family proud, and I knew that the next step was to look for my point or end of something,
first proper job. Whenever I look at the photo it brings back usually happening after a long
happy memories, both of my university days and of the relief and time: sự đánh dấ u
contentment that I felt on my graduation day. objective (n) = something that
you are trying to achieve: mục

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35. Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.
step-by-step (adj) =
You should say:
one at a time in a
when you got it
particular order: từng
what it looked like
bước một
who gave it to you
instruction (n) =
and how you used it or played with it.
edetailed information
on how to do or use
One special toy that I remember getting was a Lego car. It was a birthday something: sự hướng
present from my parents. I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I dẫ n
was probably about 10 or 11. engine (n) = the part
of a vehicle that
The special thing about this car was that I had to build it myself out of produces power to
hundreds of pieces of Lego. The pieces came in a box with a picture of make the vehicle
the finished car on the front, and I had to follow step-by-step move: động cơ
instructions to put all the pieces together in the correct way. it takes somebody +
time + to do
This wasn't an easy task because the car even had an engine, movable something: mấ t bao
seats and gears. It took me a day or two to make, and required a lot of nhiêu thời gian cho ai
concentration. đó làm gì
a sense of
When the car was finished it looked great, and I felt a sense of
một cảm giác hoàn
accomplishment. I seem to remember that I didn't play with the car very
thành được một điề u
much; the fun part had been the process of building it.
gì đó

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36. Describe a time when you were not satisfied with a service.
You should say
what the service was
who provided it live abroad: số ng ở nước ngoài
what happened plenty (of something) = a large
and explain why you were unhappy with the service. amount; as much or as many as
you need: nhiề u
I’m going to describe a time when I experienced poor service book in advance: đặt trước
from staff in a restaurant. This happened a couple of months attitude (n) = the way that you
think and feel about
ago, when some family members, who live abroad, came to
somebody/ something; the way
stay. We decided to visit a nearby town, and at some point
that you behave towards
everyone was a little hungry, so we thought we would have a
somebody/ something that
bite to eat.
shows how you think and feel:
thái độ
The first restaurant that we came across looked perfect. It had waitress (n) = a woman whose
plenty of empty tables - we hadn’t booked in advance - and we job is to serve customers at
were all happy with the menu. But as soon as we walked their tables in a restaurant,
through the door, things started to go wrong, and we weren’t at etc.: phục vụ bàn (nữ)
all impressed with the attitude of the staff. adamant (adj)= determined not
to change your mind or to be
After standing around for a few minutes waiting for someone to persuaded about something:
greet us, I managed to attract the attention of a waitress who kiên quyế t
told me that we had come into the restaurant through the divide (v) = to separate into
wrong door. So, I went over to the main door, only to be told by parts; to make something
the manager that there were no tables free for a party of our separate into parts: chia
size - there were eight of us. I could see several free tables with fed up = ​bored or unhappy,
four seats, so I suggested simply moving two of these tables especially with a situation that
has continued for too long:
together. But the manager was adamant that this was
impossible; our only option was to divide the family and sit at
disappointed (adj) = upset
two separate tables.
because something you hoped
By this time, some of my family members were getting fed up.
for has not happened or been
The restaurant was half empty, yet we were being treated as if
as good, successful, etc. as you
they didn’t need customers. We decided we didn’t want to sit at expected: thấ t vọng
separate tables or stay in a place where we felt unwelcome. We dismissive (adj) = showing that
left, feeling disappointed by how dismissive the restaurant you do not believe a person or
manager had been, and fortunately we found a much friendlier thing to be important or worth
place to eat just around the corner. considering: coi thường

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37. Describe something important that you learned in a maths lesson at
primary school. multiplication tables
You should say: = a list that shows the
what is it results of multiplying
when you learned it one number by a set
how you learned it of other numbers,
and explain how it became important in your future life. usually from one to
twelve, used
especially by
I’m going to talk about learning the multiplication tables for the
children at school:
numbers 1 to 12, which I remember doing in the penultimate year of
bảng cửu chương
primary school, when I was maybe 9 years old. As children, we called
multiply (v) = to add
these the ‘times tables’.
a number to itself a
particular number of
As far as I remember, we started with the number 2, and we learnt to times: nhân
multiply this number by each of the numbers from 1 to 12. Our teacher worked our way
taught us to go through the tables speaking aloud; for example: 1 times 2 through = to move
is 2, 2 times 2 is 4, 3 times 2 is 6 etc. We gradually worked our way somewhere slowly
through the tables for all of the numbers, and we learnt the answers by and with difficulty:
heart. I think the teacher also gave us regular tests to make sure that we học từ từ
had learnt the tables properly. ingrained (adj) = (of a
habit, an attitude,
I’m not sure whether I really understood at the time why it was etc.) that has existed
important to learn the ‘times tables’ by rote. But I think I enjoyed the for a long time and is
challenge, and I was keen to get good marks in our tests. I also liked my therefore difficult to
teacher and wanted to do well for her. change: ghi nhớ
calculation (n) = the
act or process of
Many years later I realise how important it is to have the basic
using numbers to
multiplication tables ingrained in my mind. It’s useful to be able to do
find out an amount:
quick calculations without having to think. Recently, for example, I
phép tính
needed to multiply 6 by 7 for some reason - I can’t even remember why -
pop into my head =
and the answer 42 just popped into my head. Another instance that I can an idea that you
think of is when I’m calculating bill payments, earnings and savings over suddenly have: chợt
a 12-month period, and I find myself using the ‘12 times table’. In these nảy ra trong đầ u tôi
situations, I’m glad that my primary school teachers were so insistent learn something by
about learning to multiply by heart. heart: học thuộc lòng

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38. Describe a time you travelled by public transport.
prepaid (adj) = paid
You should say:
for in advance: trả
what type of public transport you used trước
where you travelled from and to an available seat:
what you did during the journey một chỗ ngồ i có sẵ n
and explain how you felt about travelling in this way (chưa ai ngồ i)
full of ... = containing
I’m going to describe a train journey that I took last year between or holding as much or
Manchester and London. I’ve made the same journey many times, but I’ll as many as possible;
never forget this particular time because something happened that I having no empty
wasn’t expecting. space: đầ y ...
fill up = to become
It was a Sunday morning and I was due in London that afternoon. There completely full; to
was no traffic at all as I drove in to Manchester, and I was expecting a make something
nice, peaceful trip on a half-empty train. But my first surprise came completely full: lấ p
đầ y
when I tried to print my prepaid ticket at one of the ticket machines:
concentrate on ... = ​
there wasn’t a reserved seat number on my ticket, which meant that I
to spend more time
would have to find an available seat. I was still wondering about this
doing one particular
when I heard loud voices and singing coming from the main station
thing than others: tập
concourse. Suddenly I realised what was happening - I was going to be
trung vào ...
on a train full of football fans travelling to a big match! interrupt (v) = to say
or do something that
Luckily I managed to find a seat before the train filled up. However, the makes somebody
noisy fans made sure that I couldn’t concentrate on any work; I couldn’t stop what they are
even read the newspaper without being interrupted by laughter, singing saying or doing: làm
and football stories. In the end, I just sat and relaxed with a cup of gián đoạn
coffee, watching and listening to the excited fans. good-natured (adj) = ​
kind, friendly and
All in all, it wasn’t a bad journey; I love travelling by train and at least I patient when dealing
had a comfortable seat so that I could sit back and relax for a couple of with people: tố t bụng
hours. I would have preferred a quieter trip, but the football fans were avoid (v) = to keep
all friendly and good-natured, so I can’t really complain. Even so, I made away from
sure that I avoided them on the way home later that day! somebody/
something: tránh né

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093 663 5052
39. Describe a plant, flower or tree that is famous or important
in your country.
You should say
what type of plant, flower or tree it is oak (n) = a large tree that
where it grows or is usually seen produces small nuts called
how it is used in your country acorns. Oaks are common in
and why it is famous or important northern countries and can
live to be hundreds of years
I’m going to talk about oak trees, and I’ll also describe a specific old: cây sồ i
impressive (adj)= ​(of things
example of a famous oak tree called the Major Oak. This is a huge
or people) making you admire
tree in Sherwood Forest; it’s thought to be around 1000 years
them, because they are very
old, and I’d probably say that it’s the most impressive tree that
large, good, skilful, etc.: ấ n
I’ve ever seen.
stand out (v) = ​to be easily
Oaks are very common in England; they can be seen in fields and seen or noticed: nổi bật
areas of woodland in the countryside, but they are also trunk (n) : thân cây
commonly found in parks and gardens in towns and cities. The branch (n) : cành cây
Major Oak is in Sherwood Forest, which is near Nottingham. It furniture (n) : đồ nội thấ t
stands out from the other oak trees because its trunk and wardrobe (n) = a large
branches are so wide and thick. cupboard for hanging clothes
in, which is either a piece of
The wood from oak trees is used to make furniture; for example, furniture or (in British
I have an oak table, wardrobe and various other pieces of oak English) built into the wall: tủ
furniture at home. Oak is a strong and reliable wood that has quầ n áo
traditionally been used in construction, for beams and other beam (n) = a long piece of
parts of the framework of houses and other buildings. The Major wood, metal, etc. used to
Oak obviously hasn’t been used in this way; it’s a tourist support weight, especially as
part of the roof in a building:
attraction that people visit and marvel at. For example, I went to
dầ m gỗ
see it on a school trip as a child.
marvel at (adj): ngạc nhiên
The oak tree is important in England because it symbolises
symbolize (v) = to be a
history, strength and reliability - probably because of its
symbol of something: biểu
traditional role in construction. The Major Oak is famous for a tượng
completely different reason: it was supposedly Robin Hood’s legendary (adj): huyề n thoại
hideout, so it has a kind of legendary or mythical status because mythical (adj): thầ n thoại
of the stories that are associated with it. For this reason, and associated with ...: liên quan
because of its age and unusual size, the Major Oak has become đế n ...
known as Britain’s favourite tree.

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40. Describe a place of entertainment (e.g. theatre, cinema,
sports centre) that you would like to have where you live. pitch (n) = an area of
You should say ground specially prepared
what this place would be and marked for playing a
where it should be sports game: sân
whom it would be for, or who would use it court (n) = a place where
and why you think this place of entertainment is needed games such as tennis and
basketball are played: sân
facility (n) = a place, usually
The place of entertainment that I wish we had close to where I live
including buildings, used
is a sports centre. My ideal sports centre would have a gym,
for a particular purpose or
swimming pool, indoor and outdoor football pitches, courts for
activity: cơ sở
tennis, badminton and squash, and an all-purpose area for things
warehouse (n) = a building
like gymnastics and circuit training.
where large quantities of
goods are stored, especially
I can think of the perfect place for this facility: There’s a disused before they are sent to
piece of land just down the road from where I live, where an old shops to be sold: nhà kho
warehouse was knocked down. It’s near to the main road and the knock down = ​to destroy a
train station, so it would be easy for people to get to. There are building by breaking its
plans to build houses on this plot of land, but I think a sports walls: phá bỏ
centre would be much better for local residents. competition (n) = an event
in which people compete
The good thing about a sports centre is that everyone can use it. with each other to find out
There could be sports lessons and clubs for children and who is the best at
teenagers - things like swimming lessons and football team something: cuộc thi
practice sessions. I’m sure many adults in my local area would join spectator (n) = ​a person
the gym, use the pool, and book the courts for games of tennis or who is watching an event,
especially a sports event:
badminton. The centre could even hold sports events, such as
khán giả
competitions, that would attract spectators as well as
brighten up ... = to become
or make something become
more pleasant: làm cho ...
I think we need a good sports centre where I live because people
trở nên tươi sang hơn
currently have to travel to the next town if they want to find some improve (v) = to become
of the facilities, activities, lessons and clubs that I’ve mentioned. I better than before; to make
think a sports complex would give young people, in particular, something/somebody
something fun and productive to do in the evening and at better than before: cải
weekends. Playing sport keeps people healthy and makes them thiện
feel happy, so I think a sports centre would brighten up my local quality of life: chấ t lượng
area and improve our quality of life. cuộc số ng

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41. Describe an enjoyable day out in the countryside that you had.
You should say
where you went on this day out railway line (n) = a track
who you were with with rails on which trains
what you did run: đường ray
and explain why you enjoyed the day be transformed into ...:
được chuyển đổi thành ...
I’m going to describe a recent trip to a lovely place called the horse rider: người cưỡi
Tissington Trail. The Tissington Trail is a path or track that follows
sister-in-law (n) = the
the route of a former railway line through beautiful countryside in
sister of your husband or
the county of Derbyshire, here in the UK. The old railway line was
wife; your brother’s or
taken up many years ago, and it was transformed into a
sister's wife; the wife of
recreational trail that is ideal for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
your husband's or wife’s
brother or sister: chị/em
I went to the Tissington Trail because we had some family dâu
members, my brother and sister-in-law and their daughter, staying breathe in some fresh: hít
with us over the weekend. They had come up to Manchester from thở không khí trong lành
London, and they wanted my wife and I to take them somewhere get away from the hustle
where they could breathe in some fresh countryside air and get and bustle of the city:
away from the hustle and bustle of the city. thoát khỏi sự hố i hả và
nhộn nhịp của thành phố
To reach the trail we had to park in Tissington itself, which is a charming (adj) = very
charming, picturesque village. We hired some bicycles there and pleasant or attractive: đẹp
set off along the trail. It was an easy ride because the trail is mostly picturesque (adj) = (of a
flat, with just a few gentle dips and inclines, and we were able to place, building, scene, etc.)
enjoy the stunning scenery as we passed through areas of pretty, especially in a way
that looks old-fashioned:
woodland, a dramatic limestone ravine, and grassy meadows that
đẹp như tranh vẽ
were covered with colourful wild flowers.
grass meadows: đồ ng cỏ
tunnel (n) : đường hầ m
The part of the day that I enjoyed the most was when we cycled
pass through = ​to go
through a historic railway tunnel on our bicycles. The tunnel has
through a town, etc.,
been fitted with a sound installation that plays eerie steam train stopping there for a short
noises as you pass through it; we all loved the idea that the sounds time but not staying: đi
transport you back in time, and that you feel like you’re on an old ngang qua
steam train with its whistles and clunking machinery. It was a really transport you back in
nice day out, and we all enjoyed relaxing in the village tearoom at time: đưa bạn quay ngược
the end of our bike ride. thời gian
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