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February 25, 2019 [ Private and confidential

Dear Nagarupa,

Aditya Telang has been offered a position within Accenture and has provided us permission to
contact you for an employment reference.

We would be grateful if you could complete all the questions below in full and to the best of your
knowledge, and return this document to us attached in an email to the address

1. The dates of service provided are April 2017 to January 2019. Please provide confirmation of
these dates of service below:

Aditya joined American express on April 17, 2017 and has been an employee with us till
February 25, 2019.

2. Please provide Job Title and responsibilities whilst employed:

Senior Research Scientist. He worked with several business units across American Express to
leverage Big Data and Machine Learning solutions primarily involving unstructured data (internal to
American Express)

3. Please provide a description of conduct whilst employed:

Over the two years he has been with us, Aditya has been a thorough professional and a top
leader. He had lead one project from inception to production and a couple more projects to a pre-
production stage. He has been an excellent leader in terms of negotiating with the stakeholder,
managing his own team, as well as providing excellent technical contribution from an individual

4. Please provide details of, in your opinion, their character and integrity whilst in

Aditya has an excellent track record of being a man manager as well as a technical leader. He
was able to motivate his team to deliver timely solutions and provide his own valuable contributions
on the basis of his own technical experience and expertise. He displays a very high level of integrity
in dealing with colleagues across any business unit irrespective of the status/designation. He has
been an incredible asset to the company.

Accenture 2012 – v1.0

February 25, 2019 [ Private and confidential

5. Please provide details of their reason for leaving their employment. If dismissed, please also
provide details:

Aditya was seeking a more challenging leadership position. Plus, he was keen to move out of
Bangalore due to personal reasons, especially to secure a good educational and development future
for his daughter. Although, its sad to see him leave us, I believe he will be an excellent employee in
your organization and we wish him nothing but the best.

6. If the opportunity arose, would you re-employ?

Most definitely.

7. Please add below any other information you feel would be relevant to a potential employer:

Aditya has skillsets to be both – a good team member as well as a good individual contributor.
I wish him the best in his new profile.

Date: Feb 26, 2019

Name: Nagarupa S

Company Name: American Express

Position Held: Administrative Executive

Telephone Number: 91 9743585999

Address: American Express India (Enterprise Digital Demand Generation Dept.)

No30 100 Feet Road, Srinivagilu Ward No 68, Koramangala,

Bangalore, India

We thank you in advance for your co-operation. Please be aware that any information provided
will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Accenture 2012 – v1.0

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