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Once a little spider,

High up in a tree
Spread a web so silky,
A pretty thing to see.

Came a small bee asking,

“My, what can it be?”
Came a big bee buzzing,
“It’s not for me”, said she.

Came a housefly that day

Into the web to stay
Jumping, pulling, jumping,
But couldn’t get away.
A Book Ride
One day, I read a book,
Beside my shady brook.
And took a pleasant ride
To places far and wide.

Whenever I did roam,

I see the seas with foam
The fields of golden grains,
And plants awaiting rain.

So may children there,

Some dark, and others fair.
Cute girls with lovely eyes,
And boys who look so wise.

I’ll go for another ride,

To travel far and wide.
By reading another book,
Beside my shady brook.

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