Romantic Age

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A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 89 5. The Romantic Period Duration: 1798-1832 90 A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 5. The Romantic Period Duration: 1798-1832 (aeTeta >4-¢-sb-00) YQ Blew wat BW The Golden Age of Lyric (‘ifs fawn/ Age of Revolution; 4 77H Safe saer ora acs RETA CAE ¥ — Slogan: Art for Art’s Sake (fica orp Fi; ante fir aia creer OMI Cafes Bem GH) Romanticism 44 7Ret: It is not only imitation but creation with the help of imagination. > 8G, dvoo FIT Tera Comte aT eater SYe aTeT BRT Apa Freon CFS Setrm wets afefow a =a United Kingdom fo ¥ > In 1801, Ireland was united with England. sex svo> >I set OH GEM GINET (AIPA $Ao-S-R0) Gb G4 6 aRIeTIS aaa RH United Kingdom (ge180) #5o Br | (BERS, sek> FET SRRRTS ~weST are sae Aan UK 0s. Rens, ETS, GREP 6 Gar SHTISS FR) The 4 countries of the UK > vot are wat frve ie ciafeta ware athe wa ANOS ECT waar fers Greeia srt AS ea) Bang, Geers ye LenS Cit CTA COPTER STR BT ee Cota ffere swap aera cafos Bare! ASAE ae ert Sea | > — Akbar Shah II (1806-1837) became a British pensioner after the defeat of the Marathas, who were the protector of the Mughal throne, in the Anglo-Maratha wars. Under East India Company’s protection, his imperial name was removed from the official coinage after a brief dispute with the British East India Company. > — In 1830, Train was introduced in England. (wt 7 urna ses FIC CARAT CT TTA DUE] BCAA |) > sos FIT eee FRU Cigey fo_iiceas tes cog ST Fa SA Pioneers of Romanticism: Bex: Te 1) William Wordsworth ii) S.T. Coleridge ¥ 1798 Fit Sirs AFIPS Lyrical Ballads “Wt Fay aeiera ws free ‘Beate Romantic Period aa wat Se Bi (RTH TACT Sa ATR CL, TAT TET RTE care ster crt ar) ast ene yo ae GRO cre Dacre, ASAT ¢ WSoTS WA AAT) Ballad «ea of He-wetes) ft aay aes SR si Fea ote cae ah “aac SAR CIT WAL OCT MOTE! @ BOA AS Title} page of the frst edition FPPC HUTT AS OSETIA ACHAT AAT FAM ST GTST CHAT ATA | Romantic Age cas: > Subjectivity [seer ‘I (arf) «a aaa] > High Imagination > oR, WoTEy, fe 6 way cate oe ars Palas 6 NOle TATE WR IN wraice sews ray Fa APTS Az | > Love for nature, beauty, common people common language > Supernaturalism (#f& atge-m) ete. Y Wordsworth 7g Grates yor STS SS save wet AeNse wah Ara Tat SETS ROHR 1 ¥ Wordsworth, Coleridge 44x Robert Southey- «& fea #ft# Lake poets Tatar 92 1. William Wordsworth: (@WSEs)) wareneateta Bue: SAK K A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury Romantic Period 44 ease er yrt Asie: Poet of Nature*** Poet of Childhood Lake Poet Believer in Pantheism Father of Romantic Age waa: * Pantheist (*t4#eI"i)- Everything is God * Monotheist («ze4aara)- Everything is God’s * Polytheist- (43 S44") He became a Poet Laureate in 1839. (Poet Laureate act “arete?’/ court poet of England; wa fer arate feifemren care Pret ONS UAT |) erronerteds Fic sent mec Refeeat aeonrtratr Fer teat ar ics Oxford fenfeentert cate zraerp>+ Doctor of Civil Law feft cat a Wordsworth «# aeaig ai6¢: The Borderers The Prelude (fafisw) acy fei Poetic Autobiography «it a aoe oreRiat farts) (Pres cece amt Ofeerers we fre Fort sere fratea fear Ror a frit cretsiie seas aioe Lyrical Ballads - atv aiid 20f6 sfawi aerR (ssf Wordsworth «a, sf6 ota <4 Coleridge 4a) Famous poems of Wordsworth: > The Daffodils [7 wondered lonely as a cloud- aff Simile (Fifif#) a ‘Great; The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as known to be- simile] 6% efaora 4 Daffodil aa efacret- Nature has a healing power to a sorrow stricken heart. (@&R APSa FAT FAT STZ) A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 93 > Tintern Abbey (Batra WS, Wye ate Stes esis we ary Tintern « Stora a Free worshiper of nature Gt STS Sater | A AN: S@vo FCT at afrantet Fitts ase «st oes AT Westminister Abbey) The Solitary Reaper («w= siaxtaai) Ode on Immortality (@3a7gs +17) Rts Michael Written in March Revolution and Independence vVvvvVV Vv Rainbow ge ee 5. * ura Rainbow ary «eis fests novel freecet Moder Period aD. H. Lawrence | The Excursion (4 «aewr) Vv > Lucy Poems (4 aca wed cacace frat: Lucy is a series of five poems about an English girl who died young.) Robert Herrick faa: To Daffodils #2, Sct Daffodils anaes Rare set Preven stefis ora Pate at Be er | Famous quotes of Wordsworth: 1. Child is the father of man (gw amy Psa frre flesy aeTA) 2. Allat once I saw a crowd, a host of golden daffodils. Ten thousands saw I at a glance tossing their heads In sprightly dance. -The Daffodils #fwt cate (eft as aera HI Vers Ht Cree; Hyperbole (afew) aa Grrerl] 3. Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. (RETR IH TAA Oras =) 4. Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. (agers orareriet egte Seta aPETCT Fe AI; af Tintern Abbey #fara #9 or cart Dorothy c# 68 Garam free) 94 A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 5. Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. (aire RoR gar CIAO WOES afeagyart; eB 7eAHS Lyrical Ballads. frcaceA) 6. The music in my heart I bore/ Long after it was heard no more. -The Solitary Reaper 7. The best portion of a good man’s life, his little, nameless, unremembered act of kindness and love. (Lyrical Ballads) 8. Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of knowledge. . Every great poet is a teacher. 10. Let nature be your teacher. 11. Our birth is but a sleep and forgetting. eriwneuteda WS Process of poetic creation Wl: a) Observation b) Recollection c) Meditation d) Composition B 1772-1834) otcat att: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Y Title: Poet of supematuralism (wftergrea +9) ¥ Bosom friend and literary collaborator of Wordsworth P ¥ _ Addicted to opium (Opium eater) Coleridge (Keats @ after cater; eta Exam « aPiet Coleridge firs Xa, Hat fo ofey one fer) rite cease Shay yet WE, TGA ae aon forevia SRE) oe TR Sa ore oo oI (Laudanum) fiver SSF ear Rouen | Ta ACT Arar Sa wre CAT MET erie afore a) ¥ Famous book: Biographia Literaria (ft ft smreroTETF 18) YBa seer ty ear ees WEA, ‘Willing suspension of disbelief 084 S| adic, nse afearT Faas fer aCe OF TAI Vv Peo Fid7 HAMS Coleridge «war “Keats was a Greek.” Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 95 Famous poems of Coleridge: 1. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner*** (9% sera Albatross 71x wat em RETR) 2. Kubla Khan (a romantic poem: #7 "heat wef Shaw; CAPT TS 6 Stee ON Seen eas Tas ST STE aeiS far ATE AH ATES SIREN cae GUTTA Aes PSY af mary CHEAT) 3. Dejection: An ode 4. Christabel (e311) Quotes from TheRimeof Andent Marine: a) ‘Water, water, every where Nor any drop to drink.” b) ‘Alone, alone, all, all alone Alone on a wide, wide sea.’ (It is an example of ‘assosance’ /#r-j2™1) b) ‘He prayth best who loveth best. All things both great and small.” (Cra: Sica HET Bea AR GY, HE GA GrfarR Hua face) 3. P.B. Shelley: @Me2SE 22) > tXatara: Percy Bysshe Shelley Titles: > Revolutionary Poet > Lyrical Poet/ Poet of Wind > Poet of Hope and Regeneration on Ferm Cote He was expelled from Oxford University for atheism (a1f&+et) He liked Keats very much, Uist “#03 4 5H Keats 4a M401 WT | for wo Tar FEET SwreT GSTS Alat AT | Ula wag tz The Triumph | Shelley was drowned while he was _ crossing the Adriatic sea (1822) Jibonanondo Das is often called the Shelly of Bangladesh. SN NKR 96 A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury Famous books of Shelley: il. 5. 6. The Revolt of Islam («f cHf’s fees sac; wa The Spirit of Islam vee Pretcer- ORM arts STM) A Defense of Poetry (aif&ex *aicetipat af) The Necessity of Atheism («fos ove ffi Oxford mice — (oerecafoart: CATER: ait center =u fet Ramses: II) Queen Mab (aa af sear) Alaster (ia Siesta) When Soft Voices Die (= Two Voices fcacei 4% Tennyson) The Masque of Anarchy (sta Culture & Anarchy frewcer fecaifrary gora +f Matthew Amold) Famous quotes of P B Shelley: D) ii) iii) If winter comes Can spring be far behind? (Ode to the West Wind) Oh! Lift me as wave, a leaf, a cloud! I fall upon the thorns of life. (Ode to the West Wind) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. (afer Revs rtige etka Aer) A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 97 iv) We look before and after and pine for what is not. v) Fear not the future, weep not for the past. vi) My name is Ozymandias, King of king. (Itis an example of Irony) vii) Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought. (Faacet sire aga str, Ode to a Skylark ) viii) The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. Romantic *f P B Shelley’? @ Mary Shelley’s feufente Novel aa atm Frankenstein (@tceqoeeq) at The Modern Prometheus; P B Shelley “4% Byron a Bette fair sha FIT eB Faretees | at Peer: aE Goat et wis ABA VSS ‘ots Prceia feat 808 | CRRECENEETET (1795-1821) Titles: 1. Poet of beauty 2. Poet of sensuousness (PR OA BAST 1 FaET TRA five senses TTB) 4. A death hunted poet ad 3. The youngest poet of English literature Keats > He was also a physician, surgeon and doctor > via Tiae Ga fet ai ¢ RAI > wa aaura fox Caf*i8y em- Escapism, Negative capability, Hellenism So > He died of Tb (Tuberculosis,) at age of 26 in Rome of Italy. > Keats 6 after cater! wt4 Coleridge «a ater Addicted facta ari Famous books of poems: ee ea 1. Endymion 2. Hyperion 3. Lamia Famous sonnet: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer RIS AS Homer GT HASTA ORT REAL OFA ARE GF BIPTTA) 98 A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury Famous Poems: SS 1. Ode to a Nightingale 2. Ode ona Grecian Urn (ast Bora aeté oes a piece of ancient Greek sculpture) ICE IEGH 3. Ode to Autumn fre ane waa 4, Ode on Melancholy ‘apetbcorer > He was both poet and painter fe Neo-classical period cae orarcate OF TARO 4 HT IESE OE Neo classical period 44 GS 3H TGA | Books of poems: i. Songs of Innocence ii. Songs of Experience William Blake (st Songs of Blood and Sword seit freecer anfeercrd wifoat Scat) iii. Milton: A Poem (8 On Shokespeareaia ait Elegy Preacar sash fieio7) A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 99 > Famous book: Marriage of Hell and Heaven (A theological book) > Famous quotes: i. The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. ii. All pray in their distress. iii. Little lamb, who made thee? iv. It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. 6. Charles Lamb: ((W#ASEEZ)) He has never married. (fags far") He was also a famous essayist. fia Elia @anica (Pen-name) foes | Famous books: i. The Essays of Elia ii. The Last Essays of Elia iii. Tales from Shakespeare (a children’s book, 4% fiscore Stefi FoR aee eta cat Mary Land GikeIcd 9809 FIGHT ABA Fa) > Famous poem: The Old Familiar Faces 7. William Hazlit > A famous critic and essayist ] > Vary Takis canoe yr wee aeITRS a “It was a time of promise, a renewal of the world and of letters.” (001 fier etfearfog maa, fovea TeCps 2AM, cats fleet Apts 7) Books: 1) The Spinit of Age 2) The Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth Quotes: 1) Poverty i s the test of civility and the touchstone of friendship. 2) Prejudice is the child of ignorance. (@1Caia WAR WHS FA) VVVV 1. The Spirit of Islam: Sir Sayed Ameer Ali 2. Spirit of Nations: Sarcoma (Fath amt) 3. The Spirit of Capitalism: Max Waver (fof wraeecen G1; ‘wis WH de: The Protestant Ethics) 100 A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury (1788-1824) > George Gordon Lord Byron. > — fetroy ser ane fits cei era SIA HA ATS RH ATA TAT | Title: Rebel Poet (faam&t af) Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the rebel poet of Bengali Literature. Lord Byron Sa TRATES Brawls aay apie Scere CHA | fot Gerrty marcos era Greece aa WAST YR ASAT wafacrrt | we Greek a1 wits National Hero foes se WaT | VV vv Famous books of Byron: 1. The Vision of Judgement 2. Hours of Idleness 3. Heaven and Earth Famous poem: Child Harold’s Pilgrimage Famous epic: Don Juan (4 Con) fe @af6 epic satire Don Juan ea bff: Don Alfonso, Don Juan, Donna Julia etc. arated few fife efor: She walks in beauty like the night. Famous quotes: 1. Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart, *Tis (It is) woman’s whole existence. (Don Juan) 2. Revenge is sweet especially to women. 3. Man’s conscience is the oracle of God. (ara Rtas Geis Catal) ST PT APT: Cambridge fefenreraa sitet sete Charles Babbage 1822 > Difference Engine 4 yoo 71@1 Analytical Engine «4 “i eft eat aT cas Modem Computer «4 Gua ai s% Analytical Engine «1 Software eae Met | We Software tita sy Babbage #f@ Byron «4 Fat Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace 6 fru OF | > Lady Ada oftdia eas sf riSirs cetkitats | > Trertorcss eter af ete: ire BA FT > sPowats cette aa Ore Ada Ola AIEPICA AFT Fat AAU | A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 101 (cota 9B: 1775-1817) > Ananti-romantic female novelist of the Romantic Period > = fe atarte fart eae arated TESTS AGTEAT SAUER; Cte PROTA A 82 RT > «Oe we Segoe: Sandition Novels: 1, Pride and Prejudice (cerafs%, > > VVVV

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