MCQs From Romantic Age

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102 ol. 02. 03. 04. 0S. 06. 07. 08. 09. A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury Previous Questions| The Romantic Period Who is known as ‘the poet of nature’ in English literature? loves feta] (a) Lord Tennyson. (b) John Milton (c) William Wordsworth (@ John Keats Ans. ¢ The poem 'The Solitary Reaper" is written by{oves ffa7] (a) W. H. Auden (b) W. Wordsworth (c) W. B. Yeats (d) Ezra Pound Ans. b Which of the following writers belongs to the Romantic period in English literature? [oye #27) (a) A. Tennyson (b) Alexander Pope (c) John Dryden (@ ST. Coleridge Ans. d The Romantic age in English literature began with the publication of —Joveq eam) (a) Preface to Shakespeare (b) Preface of Lyrical Ballads (c) Preface to Ancient Mariners (d) Preface to Dr. Johnson Ans. b Ballad is — [gifs aaa gear arse oer TRE APT Q008] (a) a kind of short narrative poem (6) a kind of short condoling poem (c) a kind of short lyrical poem (d) a thymic verse Ans. ¢ ‘Child is the father of man’ is taken from the poem of—. [usa fate] (a) W. Wordsworth (b) S. T. Coleridge (© P.B. Shelley (A. C. Swinbume Ans.a The year 1798 is famous for— [afore BEF. 2030] (a) The French Revolution (b) The American Independence (c) Publication of lyrical ballads (d) The death of Keats Ans. ¢ Pioneer/s of Romanticism is/are- [ert fr efeot r#rH1-20301 (a) Wordsworth (b) Coleridge (©) Botha& b (@ None Ans. ¢ Water, water, everywhere, not a drop to drink a1@ aa 3a cre? (ecfearat arestercua sien aiteTa afters FicuPt- 9355] (a) Wordsworth (b) Gray (c) Coleridge (d) Scott Ans. ¢ "Child is the father of man" is taken from the writings of — lecrcfire farmers arzerat free facant “araT- 553] (a) P.B Shelly (b) S.T. Coleridge (c) W. Wordsworth (@) AC. Swinburne Ans. ¢ A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 103 11. Romanticism is mainly connected with--- [70 tym afme zee orfaorre facut tara. sasece/ arora Foeafarser Sf s1Ar#1-2030-d9] (a) Joy and happiness (b) Expectation and disappointment (c) Excitement and sensation (@) Love and beauty Ans. d 12. Which is known as Romantic Period of English literature? [eet feafarerr of earar- 2099-98] (a) 1550-1558 (b) 1649-1660 (©) 1798-1832 (d 1910-1936 Ans. ¢ 13. Most important feature of a romantic poetry is— [rte aA yar RMR Beto e tor cat rT. R008] (a) Beauty (b) Nature (c) Subjectivity (d) Imagination Ans. c/d 14, 34ab-Dbror Fer TAS TAT Rca RCA HT HHT ET VA [era TERA orf terearaT BRET saab] (a) The Renaissance Period _(b) The Elizabethan Age (c) The Restoration (d) The Romantic Age Ans. d 15. Who of the following was both a poet and painter?/firgrecrs 3 CH RTE BS a HBP FRO? [se eR APA / Tee TROT FETT SBN] (a) Keats (b) Donne (c) Blake (d) Spenser Ans. ¢ 16. The author of 'Songs of Innocence and of Experience’ is— [erat Feafaenern Sf s1#rar- 2090-99 /eraT Rafer SY *Tat#T-Q099-33] (a) John Lennon (b) Richard Mark (c) William Blake (d) John Keats Ans. ¢ 17. Who among the following is not a novelist? (4, f@. =f¥ sArF1-Q099-33] (a) Hardy (b)Joyce (c) Thackeray (d) Blake Ans. d 18. One of the four mentioned below is not poet of Romantic age- [csc aera FaNSs ore Ficant s1APAT- 2000] (a) William Blake (b) William Wordsworth (c) P.B. Shelley (d) John Keats Ans. a 19. William Wordsworth was a— [er ¢ Boreas TETRA ATMA afFMLS-200] (a) Novelist (b) historian (c) Poet (d) dramatist Ans. ¢ 20. Why were The Daffodils in Wordsworth's / wondered L onely as a Cloud dancing? [ora fesse 2032-d9] (a) The poet was day dreaming (b) The flowers had cheerful company (c) The sea waves beside them had gone wild (d) There was a strong wind. Ans. d 104 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury In ‘I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud’ Wordsworth compares the daffodils with— (ore fife *ArF-2038-d0] (a) the stars of the milky way (b) the waves (©) the trees (@ the milky way Ans. a William Wordsworth is pre-eminently— (arc = efor sfimeaa TERT ARDPTS-2 00 9/7RPA MAT PAT ARTA *TATAT-R090] (a) a poet of nature (b) a poet of love (©) a poet of human nature (@ a poet of liberty Ans. a The Ddffodls is a poem written by— [+forert Het 2030] (a) William Wordsworth (b) Lewis Carroll (c) John Keats (@) P.B. Shelly Ans. a Lyrical Ballads was published in the year-. [wea farecas 7% 178-200] (a) 1798 (b) 1770 (©) 1779 (@ 1775 Ans.a In 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' the daffodils gave the poet. [bret fenfamsera aR. 2032-30] (a) a great deal of pleasure (b) very pleasure (c) many pleasure (@ much pleasure Ans. a William Wordsworth am ratte AT er [rent tie west HST cette 10H FreaTesa Ses TIE sTAPHT-vodb] (a) T.S. Eliot (b) WB. Yeats (© DG. Rossetti @ ST. Coleridge Ans. d Who is known as ‘the poet of nature in English literature’? (eerardia ardiers ¢ afeeritan STeeTce eerie FAECT-2008 EAT AMTAT-Lo0b7] (a) Lord Tennyson (®) John Milton. (c) William Wordsworth (@ John Keats Ans. ¢ In ‘The Solitary Reaper’ what does the word solitary mean? leernrata arte 6 afamtaen ates emits mest Feat aTH-2008] (a) classical (b) modern (c) romantic (@ Greek Ans. ¢ Wordsworth is a — poet. (taataeter ciate eect ficmt ra1-2003] (a) classical (b) modern (©) romantic (@ Greek Ans. ¢ The Solitary Reaper is a— (era see frat afeona fem oatst- rene sors, ign ¢ efter Sear Gorrgerat ofapere oer FcAPt_Qoo}] (a) heroic poem (b) romantic poem (©) classical poem (@ patriotic poem Ans. b ‘Written in March’ is a poem composed by- (a1. fat 7% frFs-2003] (a) William Wordsworth (b) William Congreve (c) William Blake (@ William Shakespeare Ans. a A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 105 32. Wordsworth was inspired by— lorie, «fran ¢ afirer gat orreeit srfabere 9104 FIEIT-R003] (a) the French Revolution —_(b) the American Revolution (c) the Russian Revolution (d) the Industrial Revolution Ans. a 33 Who wrote the poem ‘Solitary Reaper? (eq are 7, afta (@M)- 2003] (a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Shakespeare Ans. a 34. William Wordsworth wrote— erfte fener ee frre-ya54] (a) The Rape of the Lock (b) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (c) The Lucy Poems (d) Absalom and Achitophel Ans. ¢ 35. Who wrote poem about Lucy? [erste fesrm aera frre-s558] (a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley (c) William Wordsworth (@ Lord Byron. Ans. c 36. Lucy 2rmrcet afaar corr ei ao aeaRT? lexis Fee ere Frere Fem statart-s598] (a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley (c) William Wordsworth (@ Lord Byron Ans. ¢ 37. ‘The Daffodils’ f& et8tx aware (seem abana wis ee Ae sB98] (a) Baar (b) aor @ ase dara Ans. b 38. The literary work ‘Kubla Khan’ is— (see fficm] (a) a history of Vincent Smith (b) a verse by Coleridge (c) a drama by Oscar Wilde (d) a short-story by Somerset Maugham Ans. b 39. PB. Shelley is known as— (feps Gyr cacwa B4-7earHt-2032] (a) Epic Poet (b) Romantic Poet (c) Poet of nature (@) Poet of beauty Ans. b 40. Who is the author of ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’? [= wferers wor efrra-dane/ Bsa MATT APA-Root] (a) William Wordsworth (b) S.T. Coleridge (c) W. Somerset Maugham —(d) Sir Walter Scott Ans. b 41. Who was English poet addicted to opium?— lececfire ferment areertt Free. Roo] (a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley (c) John Keats (d) Pearl S. Buck Ans. a 42. ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is a— Pea martes Sart sear @ PTT SeTOTAA ALATA ADIT E2093] (a) play (b) short story (c) novel (d) poem Ans. d 106 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury Who wrote Prometheus Unbound? [198 serra a18ea afT4-2033] (a) Coleridge (b) Keats (c) Byron (d) Shelley Ans. d The phrase ‘trunk less legs’ in the poem ‘Ozymandias’ refers to: (orerfaerta fefenrrr ef8 srr 3039-38] (a) hug legs (b) legs without toes (c) legs without body (d@) beautiful legs Ans. ¢ The statue of Ozymandias is— [sreftaria feafrorrs Sf¥ tara1-2039-32) (a) on a mountain (b) beside a river (©) ina desert (@ ina valley Ans. c In ‘Ozymandias’, who saw the statue of Ozymandias? [orenitserta foafensrrs Sf rat-2059-] (a) the poet (b) an old man (©) a traveller (@ asculptor Ans. ¢ The central idea of ‘Ozymandias’ is that— (sreiizenra feaferarrs of *rara1- 2099-32] (a) all things, both great and small, will perish (b) man is mortal, art immortal (c) imagination is stronger than fact (@ history repeats Ans. a In Shelly’s ‘Ozymandias’ frown’, and ‘sneer of cold command’ are seen on—. [ve feaftuypry ef¥ PH. 2033-92) (a) the pedestal of the staue —_(b) desert sand (c) two trunkless legs (d) Shattered visage Ans. d ‘Ode to the west wind’ is by— [sacm sftnecaa ree ofOPTF 2099] (a) Keats (0) Shelley (c) Coleridge (@ Wordsworth Ans. b One of the following was a Romantic poet- 7215 ora aferen tAr#1- 030] (a) Tennyson (b) Arnold (c) Shelley (d) Browning Ans. c A famous English poet who was professionally known as man of medicine is— fee mre St eT Gos ce REPT BRE (IEA) 2008] (a) Shelley () Keats (©) Milton (d) Pope Ans. b In Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ the words, ‘My name is ozymandias, King of kings’ are inscribed on— [ore fexfeurra Sf¥ tHr#1-2003-R030] (a) the visage ofthe nature —_(b) the pedestal of the statue (c) the hand of the staue (@) the sand of the antique land Ans. b What lies half sunk in the sand in Shelley’s Ozymandias’? [oret feafansert SF tAraT. Root-R008] (a) broken statue () two trunkless legs (c) an ancient place (d) broken head ofa statue Ans. d A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 107 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. In ‘Ozymandias’ the poet ays ‘I met a traveller— an—land.’ forer fefeoserr BFF “Far. 2009-2008] (a) by, old oo going, ancient (c) from, antique (@) passing, antique Ans. c wrod s ahaa BF (Poet of ‘Skylark and Wind’) Act Abe Ce? lenefite faesrerr aera Fires Fico rarer. saa0] (a) Lord Byron (b) John Keats (c) W. Wordsworth (@) PB Shelley Ans. d Who is called the 'poet of beauty"? [erefts fener age fire. go0e ems aoreer wee Stier AeA et SOTA _Qoow/aTSMTe foyer SY TSPHI-2092-90/ ort corer afters earer Sherer Rat tA Love] (a) William Wordsworth (b) P.B. Shelley (c) John Keats (@) Shakespeare Ans. ¢ ‘Ode to Auturm! was written by— tert frat atect from fra1- 2093] (a) Shelley (b) Keats (c) Byron (d) Blake = Ans. b In the poem ‘Ozymandias’ who calls Ozymandias ‘King of Kings’? [ore ffensert 68 s18ra1- 2003-20] (a) The Traveller (b) The speaker (c) Other kings (@ Ozymandias himself Ans. d Keats belong to - [aenort aaa af afta afbarrera seer fIpRTe2 008] (a) Eighteenth century (b) Nineteenth century (c) Twentieth century (d) Seventeenth century Ans. b Poet of sensuousness- [qifs waa gram sete eH aMTe APA. 2000/ PTS HT Dae ARH Borate rer capt tara 2008] (a) P. B. Shelley (b) William Wordsworth (c) John Keats (b) Byron Ans. ¢ ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn'-- Who is the poet of the poem? (reartt ereeremnfar ter Fic *rfr1- 2008] (a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Shakespeare (@) Keats Ans. d The poet of "Romantic Age is— Peet afore (rent sors Soro oT Ficat 121-2000] (a) George Orwell (b) D. H. Lawrence (c) John Milton (d) John Keats Ans. d John Keats is primarily a poet of- faa Sapa crea eee aaoRTs cat ATT op] (a) Beauty (b) Nature (c) Love (d) Revolution Ans. a 108 64. 65. 66 67. 68. 69. 70. Fis 73. 74. 75. A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury err Rect HS TM ATCT TORT FAA? [rere Fares afemecas areerat ifsoere Aca! Tara spd] (a) P. B Shelley (b) Robert Burns (c) S. T. Coleridge (d) John Keats Ans. d Who wrote ‘Ode to a Nightingale? 'trafie fr eer Free frcui- 9854] (a) Pope (b) Shelley (c) Wordsworth (d) Keats And. d Fw AE AEF 'A Short Sleep! <4 Gets wa? [ya Bara aferea 7e AERTS 9558] (®) SRE (3) BH (st) MIRTH NPAT 7S @® Rwy cert John Keats car cif +f? (a) Romantic (b) Classical (c) Modern (d@) Ancient Ans. a John Keats is known as a romantic poet. So is (choose one name) [ora oe fifa afm. 2038] (a) T. S. Eliot (b) Lord Tennyson (c) Lord Byron (@) G. M. Hopkins Ans. ¢ Who is the author of 'Heaven and Earth’? [mt & =f¥ *#F- g0c8-d0] (a) Lord Tennyson (b) William Wordsworth (c) Lord Byron (d@) John Keats Ans. ¢ Who is sometimes called "Rebel Poet?’ (a) S. T. Coleridge (b) William Wordsworth (c) John Keats (0) Lord Byron Ans. d Who wrote the poem 'Don Juan"? [oreh ore fiftas afertt-2.038] (a) William Wordsworth (b) William Blake (c) Lord Byron (@) John Keats Ans. ¢ Who is the author of 'Pride and Prejudice’? / Pride and Prejudice’ is written by— (Sorsen Rater Siena Fat ast. 2o0b/ RTO TRF HM BAVAA-2093] (a) Emily Bronte (b) Charlotte Bronte (©) Jane Austen. (d) Charles Dickens Ans. ¢ Which is not a play? [7.4 “areca 3zertt tROPTF- R008) (a) The tempest (b) Othello (©) King Lear (@ Pride and Prejudice Ans. d Jane Austen is the writer of— ra® wera sa aero 6 ment erferrecan ART oTFABETS. 2099] (a) Jane Eyre (b) Ramona (c) Emma (d) Rebecca Ans. ¢ "Essays of Elia' was written by—— [gern fifa eff *#rr1- sae] (a) William Hazlitt (b) Emily Dickinson (c) Charles Lamb (@ Emily Brontee Ans.c ‘A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 109 76. Charles Lamb was— [= s sfacet rarer meartt oftoers PATO tAPH-sede] (a) an essayist (b) anovelist (c) an epic poet (d@) a dramatist Ans. a 77. ‘If winter comes, can spring be far behind?' These lines were written by__ (sv 24 ffir / qart fexfenrna Sf8 APH 2008-d0] (a) Keats (b) Frost (© Eliot (@ Shelley Ans. d 78. Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty'? bess fran / meofte neat FFE Roob/ ARR THIS FETE TTT HFS TAT. 2033] (a) Shakespeare (b) Wordsworth (c) Keats (d) Eliot Ans. ¢ 79. ‘Our Sweetest songs are those that tell of a sadest thoughts is a quotation from Shelley's tex ¢ =@Rea weIRTE oh GfeoR SFR. R009) BACT FRIST HMR Ot LTA OAT 8 CARTE AARC TMT TPA AUPE 038] (a) Ode to a skylark (b) The cloud (c) Ode to the west Wind (d) Adonais Ans. a 80. They__ in never-ending— [om fefeor sf¥ 7s1- 200n-2030] (a) Started, show (b) shone, laughter (c) grow, row (@) stretched, line Ans. d 81. ‘The Trumpet of prophecy! O wind. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?' Who is the poet of these lines? [sit fsa s FROG PATH ARTA FR-CAPRATA-2032] (a) P. B. Shelley (b) William Wordsworth (c) John Keats (d) Robert Browing Ans.a 82. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever' was stated by-— feria 7 aA MRR Ha EMR oo/ TER FRO 8 MIM FUE TITRTTAN T-TAAERT- 2.022 (a) John Keats (b) William Shakespeare (©) Bacon (@ Milton Ans. a 83. ‘Nature never did betray the heart that loved her' is a quotation. [sour fexfamrr Sf TAPA- 2093-R0d8] (a) Wordsworth (b)B. J. Baryon (c) P. B. Shelly (@) J. Keats Ans. a 84. If Winter comes, can spring be far behind? is a line from—. [em oferecaa PROT 8 aI eH SIC. R008] (a) Shelley's Ode to West Wind (b) Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner (c) Byron's Don Juan (d) Keats Ode to Autumn. Ans. a 85. If Winter comes, can — be far behind? [7 «freza sere tEETE R003] (a) Autumn, (b) Spring (c) Summer (d) Rain Ans b 86. ‘Ten thousand saw I at a glance’ Who said this? [Rrsen are ARTA 2009] (a) Shakespearen (b) Coleridge (c) Keats (d) Wordsworth Ans.d 110 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury ‘The music in my heart I bore/ Long after it was heard no more.' These lines are from the poem— [st fer ¢ 70m free Tet TR-TASER- Lo>8] (a) The Solitary Reaper by Wordsworth (b) Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats (c) To a lady with a guitar by P. B. Shelley (qd) Elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray Ans. A Identify the Poet of the verse: 'Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.’ tex e =heqa sare oth cfEGR OETA. 2009] (a) John Keats (b) P. B. Shelley (c) Lord Byron (d) William Wordsworth = Ans. b ‘Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.' What is the poet William Wordsworth referring to? t= « =a SaHRS oa Afesr IRIE. 2008) (a) birds (b) daffodils (©) leaves (d) bees Ans. b Which ode begins with the lines? "My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains. My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.' fer 9 hegR TarRIO Tt cee BFE. Lo08] (a) Ode of the Spring (b) Ode to Duty (c) Ode to a Nightingale (@) Ode to the West Wind = Ans. ¢ Who has written? ‘He prayeth best, who loveth best All things great and small.' teats ga eet o1-Ferte-71 FF 2008] (a) John Keats (b) Lord Byron (c) P. B Shelley (@) Coleridge Ans. d ‘Poet are unacknowledged legislators of the world'— Who told it? fea Sage oftreer argent afavere. snne/ eat frst fie -2ad5 (a) Browing (b) Shelley (c) Tennyson (@ Byron Ans. b ‘Who is known as 'the poet of nature in English literature'? levers wri 3 afartoen eater eeofae BES 2008 / STSEN ATTA OETA. 2008] (a) Lord Tennyson (b) John Milton (©) William Wordsworth (@ John Keats Ans. ¢ Who was a 'poet laureate? (a) William Wordsworth (b) Robert Browning (c) T. S Eliot (@) John Keats Ans. a A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 111 95. Who of the following was both a poet and painter? /Frstewa WOT CH GTC TAS wae PAPA FRC? yess Fan me rT BETTE. Sah] (a) Keats (b) Donne (c) Blake (@ Spenser Ans. ¢ 96. Who is called the 'poet of beauty"? jantre fenra zee free 2009) (a) William Wordsworth () P. B. Shelley (c) John Keats (@) Shakespeare Ans. ¢ 97. Poet of sensuousness— (ifs 9 gers aftrte ar are sts. 2008] (a) P. B. Shelley (b) William Wordsworth (c) John Keats (@ Byron Ans. ¢ 98. John Keats is primarily a poet of fa txa aires mot “ors Frat 4.- sen] (a) Beauty (b) Nature (c) Love (@ Revolution Ans. a 99. The central idea of “I wandered lonely as a cloud” is that: lererteants feefanrers of8 taF1-2099-D21 (a) nature excites human imagination (b) nature is harmful for human being (c) nature is beautiful (d) we can find solace in nature Ans. d 100. “Ten thousand saw I at a glance” is an example of- feet fei. 5.1.-2>-21 (a) hyperbole (b) symbol (c) metaphor (d@) apostrophe Ans. a 101. “The waves beside them danced” (from ‘I wandered lonely asa cloud’) is an example of: jsverteris Peder of¥ THT. 2039-21 (a) simile (b) metaphor (c) metonymy (d) personification Ans. d 102. The speaker of “I wandered lonely as a cloud” saw: [statavta frefanera OFF TAPFT-Q099-38] (a) wet daffodils (b) yellow daffodils (c) fair daffodils (qd) golden daffodils Ans. d 103. William Hazlitt 6 fd? incwt emt fear afew offer. san] (a) Novelist (6) Essayist _(c) Dramatist (d) Poet Ans. b 104. Who wrote "BicgrqohiaL itearia" ? (exex Rian (a) Lord Byron (b) P.B. Shelley (©) S.T. Coleridge (@) Charles Lamb Ans. ¢ 105. P.B. Shelley's ‘Aconais' is an elegy on the death of - [ove ffta7) (a) John Milton (b) S.T. Coleridge (c) John Keats (d) Lord Byron. Ans. ¢ 106. What figure of speech do you find in "budding beauty"? (a) Assonance (b) Alliteration (c) Simile (d) Metaphor Ans. b 112 A Handbook on English Literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113; 114. 115. meaningful silence is better than Which of the following chronologycally in order (a) Chaucer, Spenser, Shelley, Swinburae (b) Shakespeare, Chaucer, Eliot, Donne (c) Hughes, Eliot, Yeats, Auden (d@) Hopkins, Browings, Wordsworth, Marvell Ans. a Romantic poets are so called because __ (a) they are connected more with heart than with head (b) they have written romances (c) they are specially romantic about women. (@) they are not Victorians Ans. a In the poem "Ozymandias", The phrase "king of kings" is an example of- (a) exaggeration (®) irony (c) sarcasm (@ humour Ans. b The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as known to be - [o92 fea] (a) metaphor (b) simile (c) alliteration (d@) personification Ans. b Whose dying words were, 'Crito, I owe a cock to Asceleping; will you remember to the debt’. (a) Aristotle (b) Tules (c) Socretes (@) Aristotle Onassis Ans. ¢ The 'merit' in the sentence 'The boy showed his merit by making twenty mistakes in ten minutes' is an example of - (a) personification (b) metaphor (©) pun @ irony Ans. d The sentence, "Death, thou shalt not die" is an example of__. (a) simile (b) metaphor (c) irony (@ parsonification Ans. d Which of the following is a story in verse? Ic.U. @1) 11-121 (a) elegy (b) ballad (c) ode (@ sonnet Ans. b Prosody signifies the systematic study of __? [K.U. (Ss) 04-05] (a) Drama (b) Short story (c) Novel (@ Versification Ans. d usands of meaningless words.

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