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Group Working in Class

Hydro Electric Power plants
Classification of Hydroelectric Power Plants
Gas Power Plants
Wind Power Generation
Nuclear Power Generation
Diesel power plants
• Topic 1: The diagram shows how a hydroelectric power generation system works.
• Topic 1: The diagram shows how a hydroelectric power generation system works.
This diagram graphically describes the electricity generation of
a hydroelectric power plant. A hydroelectric power generation
system transforms water flow into electricity. It starts with a
dam built over a river to create a large water storage area
known as a reservoir. When there's a need for electricity, water
is released from this reservoir and directed down through large
pipes, called penstocks, towards the bottom of the dam. Here,
the water's force turns large wheels, known as turbines. These
turbines are hooked up to a generator, typically an alternator,
then converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy in
the form of alternating current. The alternating current is then
boosted or elevated to a higher voltage level using a
transformer before it is transmitted into the power
transmission cables. After doing its job, the water exits the
system and rejoins the river, continuing its natural course
• Topic 1: The diagram shows how a hydroelectric power generation system works.
This diagram graphically describes the electricity generation of
a hydroelectric power plant. A hydroelectric power generation
system transforms water flow into electricity. It starts with a
dam built over a river to create a large water storage area
known as a reservoir. When there's a need for electricity, water
is released from this reservoir and directed down through large
pipes, called penstocks, towards the bottom of the dam. Here,
the water's force turns large wheels, known as turbines. These
turbines are hooked up to a generator, typically an alternator,
then converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy in
the form of alternating current. The alternating current is then
boosted or elevated to a higher voltage level using a
transformer before it is transmitted into the power
transmission cables. After doing its job, the water exits the
system and rejoins the river, continuing its natural course
• Topic 2: The diagram shows how an open cycle gas power generation system works.
• Topic 3: The diagram shows how a nuclear power generation system works.
• Topic 4: The diagram shows how a diesel power plant works.
• Topic 5: The diagram shows how a wind power plant works.
• Topic 6: The diagram shows how a tidal power plant works.

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