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Post-reading Assignment

The room was warm, the curtains were closed. Patric was arriving home, as he tried to park
.his car inside, the car door was closing slightly with a bang in the end
He turned the key in the lock, he finally arrived home after a long day in work, but he still
couldn’t relax, he didn’t know how to start or what to say to her, especially because he knew
.how much she loved him, and it will be very hard for him to say
.Mary stood up and went forward to kiss him as he entered

.Hello, darling," she said"

.Hello," he answered with a slight hesitation still in thoughts"

.She took his coat and hung it up

.He sat down in his chair still doubting his decisions
Near him the two tables lamps were lit. on the cupboard there were two glasses and some
.drinks that Mary was preparing, a strong one for him and a weak one for herself
He took the tall glass for himself as Mary was back in her chair with the sewing near him.
.The room was quiet, she didn't speak too much until the first drink was finished
.Patric was tired after a long day in his job as a policeman, he had to walk all day around
Moreover he decided that today is the day when he finally tell her, tell her how he feels about
her and their relationship. It was hard for him and he didn't know he she will react. Anger?
.Sadness? Or something worst
,The only thing he know is that he can't do it anymore
.He felt trapped. Is thoughts were cut off by Mary speaking
I think it's a shame," she said, "that when someone's been a policeman as long as you have,"
.he still has to walk around all day long." He didn't answer, annoyed by her talking
Darling," she said," If you're too tired to eat out tonight, as we had planned, I can fix you"
".something. There's plenty of meat and stuff in the freezer
Her eyes waited to an answer, a smile, a nod, but he made no sign, praying her to stop

?How the story changes the ending

The alternate story changes the ending because it is in the perspective of Patric (Mary
husband) and then we can more learn about his character, what he feels and what he wants to
.say to Mary
If we knew what he said to Mary from his perspective maybe it was something so horrible
.that justify Mary killing

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