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To Date: 22/11/2023

The Secretary

Election Commission of India,

Nirvachan Sadan,

Ashoka Road,

New Delhi - 110001

Subject: Submission of Financial statement and audit report fOI' the r,Y.2.0n~2j.


We submit here the annual accounts of party for the financial year ending,

1. Annual Audit Report and copy o! finilnci(]1 stntemerrt for the F.Y. 2022-23.
2. Form 24/),

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

Thanking You.

Ycur Sincerely,

75, North ~ ~ 0eI\i-110001

[Mehtab ~ ~~Clngma)Treasurer

I'htiona! Treasurer

PA Sangma Building, Bivar Road, Polo Hills, 00 nppmeghalaya

Shillong, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya
Conduct a/Elections Rules, 1961
(Statutory Rules and Order)
(See rule 858)

[This form should be filed with the Election Commission before the due date for furnishing a return of the Political
Party's income of the concerned financial year under section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) and a
certi ficate to this effect shou id be attached with the. Income-tax return to cla im exemption under the Incorne-tax Act, 1961
(43 of 1961).J

1. Name of Political Party: NATIONAL PEOPLE'S PARTY

2. Status of the Political Party: Recognised Political Party

(recogn ised/unrecogn ised)

3. Address of the headquarters of the Political Party: 75, North Avenue, North Delhi -110001

4. Date of registration of Political Party with Election Commission: 19/04/1994

S. Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Income-tax Ward/Circle where return of the political party is filed:
6. Details of the contributions received, in excess of rupees twenty thousand, during the Financial Year: 2022-23

*In case of payment by cheque/demand draft, indicate name of the bank and branch of the bank on which the
cheque/demand draft has been drawn.

7. fn case the contributor is a company, whether the conditions laid down under section 182 of the Companies Act.
2013 have been complied with (A copy of the certificate to this. obtained from the company should be attached).


I, Mehtab C. Sangma ,daughter of Shri AbduJ Jalil Khan solemnly declare that to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the information given in this Form is correct, complete and truly stated.

I ~~u.u·s form in my capacity as National Treasurer on behalf

of the Political ~_P~lail also competent to do so.


75, NoIIh --

Me abC~ma
Date: 20.11.2023

Place: New Delhi

I LIST OF CONrrIUBL;TION FOR THE FINA"'UAL "EAR 2022-23 in excess of Rs toOOOIother than cash
I AMb. lJNT or MOllE OF

II~s_._N_O+- N_A_M_£_. ~--------A-D-D-R-£-.s-S------_4----P-A-'-N-'O--_4---C-.O-N-T-R-'-8_VT_I_O_N_._4-C-O-'-T~~L~8-U-T-'O~-R-E--M--A-RK--S~------R-E_M_A_RK_._S ~

Donor address nor fountl. we
As Enterprises N27.,S4()7,(l1-'4i DIGICOSFUlltll 2.5U.1I,OO.O() Oulmc lndusind Bank an:' ~i\'ine IIC1ltils'as per Bank
Shillon!! Statement shows.
IMP$P2Al.i J 12] 77H 72.'J2'l92()223050 Donor addrcu nut fount'. we
L.S r\fercanlilc eo1·481'NWli)48(l(),INTELS 2.50,000.00 Ontmc lndusind mlnli: lire }!i"ing dClail!! as.per Ril.nk
MERCANTILE Sbiltong Statement shews.
IMP$P.lAJl/~(ll ,}3I1il3']'JJIH1711lJ 10I Donor addrc..~~ ntl~ found. IH'
Thudungh ,~'J"S,(\INWn4K'\lnINE:rn:ll:ILl.U.N(iLi .. UlJ,ilOlJIHI IMP.S Ihql'lSllld Bunk arc s::i"lnj! dcl"ils liS per Bank
L: [>f\MEI P~(I!l)ll(,51H,·PIJ Shrllonu Sialement ~how~.
I nonor II( ( rcss 1101' ound. In'
UPl)(I~6lJ IlM!.'i~]CRTHlilPl~NB l,lH)_()l)I!.I1l1 1.11duslOd BanI:. are j!1\·ini!.tlCSiliis,3!1:IICf8;;nk
ThUilungli OnJIJ1("
AMEIOKHDF(;:BANI':AHEM ShljlOll) Statement shilws,

MllrwltlSang_ma UB INl2U221\J29U [')(,4J93.10 RTG$ lndusnul Bank OUt j.!1\·ini!.dClailsa~ per Bank
Shdlon) SIlI,lenu'II1 shll"·.~.

Yllmnam Hmdrcm Wan OJ lm hill. West Maul ur KGTPS1!65!lb )O,!lOU,UO' Online Mtmiolll'

ItIS.McennDCI·j Bhawnn. Ncar'Hank

~\pcl.I-,lnduslr'lC:s. Prl\'IlIC l.unncd Officer'S Colony. Hchal. KandH JI1 AAPC/\4S')jO LOUI11L1I)O, lndusmd Bank
104005 SllIlIon'
House Ni): 25. :l)nrcn,A~al.West Garc lndusuid Bnnk
RTGS Slultene
lhhs. Pili - 7')4011~
lndusmd Bank
Chonden Marak Baon Rongsc Awe. South Goro HIJls AWXPMnK7C ,U)(J_O{)O 0(1 RTGS Shillon
Jasub r Bondcd.Wurchousc, Ampau IJ"idusmdnank
[)cbasisMOllllll f3(:P?M5C.4(',E l.on,(lno lill Dnl.IJlc
Ifl Srl\llhWe-s\ (i:lro,I"!t1ls Shittorl '

C/O 00 Tan,ulg_,SUIIJl\ COlluge.

DOIll,UHCSUlIIf:!n RijhoJ\~, Sht'lloJlg. Eust KhnS'l Hili'S Pm AVFPS51 ')')(j 5I)Jj'(I,OOOlirl f{lGS !Ildllstnd Banl..
II Shl1lql!g'
{jeMg,c Sjn'hllng,;-"1arll~ House-'No (,'1 HnlHigiHl!1l East Gaft) "_FXP~11t')1'iE 111";i,tX~.ull RTGS inci11!iHldllanl..
________ f'~"~IIS~.~7~?~~I~ILI~~~------_4~--------_4--------------_4~--------+_~S~h~iJl~o"~·_t _4
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Noromb:l Conn GCl1'f CQuagc. Blll~r(f!,HIlIIl, 'W!lIJanlllugu} 2.(IiUJOO 0.0 RT(jS Ind\1sllld,Baril..
East'Gam HUIs.. Me ,hal:!.,,:! -79411 I -Shlilon I
Indusmd Bank
Gm Emcrprisc Block-I. Mllwhu Mowroh. Shillcng 7..'iO.U(){).O(l RTG5
HellishA,S:mgma Mod.\'liagar Turn RTGS
Shillon· .

AALFHtll1~jF lJUJ,I)()I)"UI) Of1I.l1\~·

lahanll;':' Marui.. MCl)uil):lih:lr. :-';01111

(InrI.) Ihl~s, A\).iFPMX(.J!JN tuo.unU Oi) HT(iS Indu. .:tndBank

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I.. PTnll.k !)lldnl, ~'lUl\lhjll P,no.:ulk I·; },;;11 uno 111) R-'['(iS ~llIllollg
CIO bId Khan. 17 M'S!ilOn(olll])I)und IMPS I:ndiLslIld Bank
Mnnnlood A Snng,ma BZLPS(,<){J.'iH 1.-I."iJIOO 1111
Po Ttlnl. We!>1(jarq J·hlls. Pin ~ 'N-IUn! ~hliion '
Gle A\·cnut's.Nbu Fircbrigadc FoQlb'nll
Marak AI. L Stone Ground.Lum~ohphoh.Shtllonl!,· 35:\J().IUUIIIl) RTC,iS IndIL<;JJ\dBank
2(1 7'jJOI..L Ekh Shillon"
Reg. Ollice, Thnn~skai. Po' &. Ps
Ml:ghalaya Cement f.lntllCd LutnshI10l1g.I:':uslJamlillHi'tls. IlldilSlIldl3.!nk
Me 'haia,'a • 7')32\11 S!lIitl)n I
4 71J._ :vtlllkl-Nong~llllll:tn~ SllIllong ~ lnduj;uld !3all~
Mlchcalinctlb "'_-IPI74 1·1(" '(I unn lHI .RTt;S
)1 71)]IIUI SI'lJton!
;"h)lll \1 (IJ r;Jih;Jt~a13,
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~ll11ifult Sh~'lIil ~~~I;I~~~~s;~~o~;kdail. Block lii. (TKPSf.':)IlIF 4.(l()_(lU.U(JO1)(1 OllllllC tl\d~~:~~c;:~:nJ.

A!illlllfa. P\lra~hasia. Jaropgkhol13 - CUN,PSfi 145 R I u.uO;OU,().ilO RT(iS Ind'llsmd' naJ~k

Ros:ondiSnngl11~ 79-1IUJ ShllJollg
I HOIl~C' So -19 K:-'1IShJ West Khll51 AFKP!'42701. J~ oU.iJnO U(I Cheque Indu:;lI1d Buu~
liills. PIli _ 7'J] 1211 Shlllot1 J

!Joust'No lK ('hlllap~lll~_ShdJong. IndtlSlI1d B~nk1-----------------

FROPB27K7K 7~ 110llill)oO(l RTGS
Ell:;.Lf..:.haSI Hlll~_Pm· 7'J3!1!JI Shl'ilon'

NOIlI!SLIOll. Rambtal. \Vc~c KhasJ fhlls- IriduslI1d Bonk

ShrnjsJn~h ;':'hal l3QNPMtHIC 3.jltL:Il(Jil,ju) RTCiS ShdJon)
J! 7i)Ji'!'j
SlIhtll\ R Marnl:. Nlkran'g Adm!? Tura -1'),.Itlfll lJ11I)U)llljl\ RTGS ___2l!.!l~ _
TUlloch_I' Dalboi Shiro Dckachan~, ~or1h Garo Hills
RJ() DVQP.S}'II~Q I l)ljJIOU,lLIL Chcqu' lnduS-lIId Bllllk
I--j~.jc...j j!R'E,l"'!;\J.'!':b,o:oJ:IDl"""~""-.
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__' ._MI11~ __~------------
TonL ~- -__

Mazbooti kll bharosa...hamesha

Date: 10.11.2023
National People's Party
Plot No 90-A, Lachumiere Shillong
East Khasi Hills,793001


This is to certify that Meghalaya Cement Ltd, situated at Registered office at Thangskai, Post
office and Police Station Lumshnong, East Jaintia Hills, 793210, Meghalaya an Indian company has
made a voluntary political contribution of Rs. 50,00,000/- ( Rs Fifty Lakhs Only) vide Cheque No
207537 drawn on 581, Commercial Branch, Guwahati dated 10.01.2023 to National People's Party,
Address: Plot No 90-A, Lachumiere 5hil/ong East Khasi Hil/s,793001 MeghaJaya, drawn on 58!.

This is to further certify that the above voluntary political contribution is in compliance with
the condition prescribed under section 182 of the Companies Act, 2013.

PAN of the Company: AADCM8079P

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully

For Meghalaya Cements Limited.

Amit Agarwal'
DIN: 002687] 1

Sales & Mar\(~tll\g Office Kolkata : Registered Office.

MeQaPlaza.4 Fro ChnsOanBasI, BE-n. Sal!L,,~eOty (~tla'~fr"'t;I'>-)S.1.'..2 ;. ~ ~ ~S L:4~.s~ ~tI"t•• ,"
G S Rood G\Jwah~~ 781 (J(J5 SeclOf·l Kolkala· 700 064 Jlstnc~ Eas' ...avtua t11h5 Megr..a c'ra ~N ....,;/.
Tel 03612345421122123Fax 03611345419 Tel. . 033 2334 0666 I 0004 iel OJ6~S 178324 ! 363 364
E·mall guwahaU@1OPC£! .1n Fax 033 2334 0505 Far ~r 5~ 27S:r 7
E.-rna.! l<oll<ala@lopcem 1[\ E-.~<IlI~la)a@lopu;lT w,
Web www lopcem 111

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