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APRIL 2024

Table of Contents
1.1Background of the study1
1.2Statement of the problem2
1.3Objective of the study3
1.3.1General objective3
1.3.2The Specific objectives3
1.4Significance of the study4
1.5Scope of the study4
1.6Limitations of the study4
1.7Organization of the study5
1.8Research Methodology5
1.8.1Research Design5
1.8.2Study population5
1.8.3Sampling method and size
1.8.4Description of statistics 5
1.8.5Source of data collection6
1.85 Data collection tool
1.8.7Method of data collection6
1.8.8 Method of data analysis6
Time Schedule7

1.1 background of the study

The London Cafe is a restaurant chain in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that is located at
various spots in the city and at Bole International Airport. The London Cafe is
owned by Nur Hussein Yassin, who also operates the Satellite Restaurant and two
restaurants within the airport.
London Cafe & Satellite Restaurant in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has 131 reviews on
Tripadvisor, with a rating of 2/5 and a ranking of 298 out of 378 restaurants in the
city. In Addis Abeba there are many café that give service to there customers, but
they can not still satisfy the need and want of the customers in terms of both quality
and quantity. In order to maximize customer satisfaction.
Product and Service Quality Satisfaction will also depend on product and service quality. Various experts
have defined quality as “fitness for use,”“conformance to requirements,” and “freedom from
variation.”We will use the American Society for Quality’s definition: Quality is the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. This is
clearly a customer-centered definition. We can say the seller has delivered quality whenever its product
or service meets or exceeds the customers’ expectations. A company that satisfies most of its customers’
needs most of the time is called a quality company, but we need to distinguish between conformance
quality and performance quality (or grade). Product and service quality, customer satisfaction, and
company profitability are intimately connected.
• London café has beneficiary’s in maximizing the wellbeing of the society from
• different perspectives some of them are :
• Increase income of the owner
• It creat employment opportunity
• To satisfy the need of the customers ( quality and quantity) with reasonable prices
• It provide better place for younger in spending their time
• It contributes for the development of surrounding area

1.2 statement of the problem

Coffee quality is of critical importance to the café
industry.Quality coffee is a product that has desirable clean raw androasted appeara
nce, attractive aroma, and good cup taste. Product quality as a whole is the main
aspect looked into the product and also the consumer first watch the quality of the
product than anything so when we come to ethiopia the quality of coffee is very low
due to many reasons. First coffee is ethiopian biggest export and largely consumed
locally with an annual production of approximately 280,000 metric ton with morethan
half of it being exported but the real problem starts with the production of
traditional way of farming which is in the middle of forest and this produced coffee is
collected from small farmers with the main intention of export and the one that left
from export is sold to the local that shows the real problem in quality and the
government also obligates others not to sell exported or first hand collected coffee
from small farmers to the local which makes it hard to find a good quality coffee locally
sold in coffee shops in these days.
However, it is undeniable that the quality of coffee produced by Ethiopian farmers has
deteriorated from time to time. Numerous factors influence coffee quality, including
genotype, climatic conditions, and soil characteristics in the growing region,
agricultural practices, harvesting methods and timing, post-harvest processing
techniques, grading, packing, and storage.
1.3 objective of the study

1.3.1 General objective

Identify the effect of product quality on consumer buying behavior
To understand influencer characteristics, we’ll analyze the profiles of social media
influencers relevant to the cafe industry.
Helping brands reach new audience
Increase brand awareness and promote product and service
Increase trust and credibility
Cost effectiveness in marketing
1.3.2 specific objective
To identify the determinants for quality of product
To determine the factors that quality set image on consumers mind
To assess the quality in production, packaging affect buying decision of consumers.
1.4 significance of the study

Understanding how social media influencers impact cafe businesses allows owners
and marketers to strategically integrate influencer marketing into their overall
marketing plans. By leveraging influencers effectively, cafes can enhance brand
wider audience, and create memorable experiences for potential customers.
Cost-Effective Promotion: Influencer marketing often provides a higher return on
investment (ROI) compared to traditional advertising channels. Cafe businesses can
achieve significant results with a relatively lower budget by collaborating with
influencers who resonate with their target audience.
Authenticity and Trust: Influencers build authentic connections with their followers.
When they endorse a cafe, it feels like a genuine recommendation rather than a paid
advertisement. Cafe businesses can tap into this trust to establish credibility and foster
positive associations with their brand.
Engagement and Community Building: Influencers engage with their audience through
comments, stories, and interactive content. By partnering with influencers, cafes can
create a sense of community around their brand. Engaged followers are more likely to
visit the cafe, share their experiences, and become loyal customers.
Staying Relevant in the Digital Age: Social media is where consumers spend a significant
amount of their time. Café businesses that embrace influencer marketing stay relevant
and adapt to changing consumer behavior. Influencers keep cafes on the radar of their
followers, ensuring consistent visibility.
Inspiration and Creativity: Influencers inspire cafe-goers by showcasing unique menu
items, cozy interiors, and delightful moments. Their creativity sparks interest encourages
exploration. Cafe owners can draw inspiration from influencer content to innovate and
improve their offerings.
1.5Scope of the study
There are a number of branches of London
café in addis ababa but the studywill focus on only on one branch.the study will examin
e or identifythe quality of the product of Londoncaféfrom only the customer point ofvie
w. It will also focus on consumer behavior towards quality of theproduct and the effects
on them. The study will measure the productquality of
London based on its roasting, grinding, packaging, brewing.So the study will foucus on o
ne branch of london café around bole..
1.6Limitation of the study
the study will be limited on finding information or returningfrom customers about th
eir experience using London café
and theirwillingness to returm questionnaire distributed. Also there willbe a limitatio
n on finding information about quality of coffeebeans from the start which is farming
, collecting and the gradingof the coffee used in the coffee shops.

1.7Organization of the study

This research paper will be divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with
the background, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of
the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.
Chapter two provides an overview of related literature. Chapter three describes the
research methodology that will be used in this research. Chapter four presents data
analysis and presentation. The last chapter presents the summary of findings,
conclusion, and recommendations.

1.8 Research Methodology

1.8.1 Research design

The research design is intended to provide an appropriate framework for a study. A

very significant decision in research design process is the choice to be made

regarding research approach since it determines how relevant information for a

study will be obtained; however, the research design process involves many

interrelated decisions . This study employed a mixed type of methods. The first part of
the study consisted

of a series of well-structured questionnaires (for management, employee’s

representatives, and technician of industries) and semi-structured interviews with

key stakeholders (government bodies, ministries, and industries) in participating

organizations. The other design used is an interview of employees to know how they

feel about safety and health of their workplace, and field observation at the selected
industrial sites was undertaken.

Hence, this study employs a descriptive research design to agree on the effects of

occupational safety and health management system on employee health, safety, and

property damage for selected manufacturing industries. Saunders et al. and

sthat descriptive research portrays an accurate profile of persons,

events, or situations. This design offers to the researchers a profile of described

relevant aspects of the phenomena of interest from an individual, organizational,

and industry-oriented perspective. Therefore, this research design enabled the

researchers to gather data from a wide range of respondents on the impact of safety

and health on manufacturing industries in Ethiopia. And this helped in analyzing the

response obtained on how it affects the manufacturing industries’ workplace safety

and health.
1.8.2 study population

Cultural factors

Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influence on consumer behaviour.
The marketer needs to understand the role played by the buyer’s culture,
subculture and social class.


Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behaviour. Human
behaviour is largely learned. Growing up in a society, a child learns basic values,
perceptions, wants and behaviours from the family and other important
institutions. Like most western people, in her childhood Anna observed and
learned values about achievement and success, activity and involvement,
efficiency and practicality, progress, material comfort, individualism, freedom,
humanitarianism, youthfulness, and fitness and health. Sometimes we take these
values for granted, but they are not cultural universals.

Marketers are always trying to spot cultural shifts in order to imagine new
products that might be wanted. For example, the cultural shift towards greater
concern about health and fitness has created a huge industry for exercise
equipment and clothing, lower-calorie and more natural foods, and health and
fitness services. Further analysis of this cultural shift shows the complexity of
consumer behaviour and how it varies internationally.


Each culture contains smaller subcultures or groups of people with shared value
systems based on common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include
nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions. Many subcultures
make up important market segments and marketers often design products and
marketing programmes tailored to their needs. Mass marketers often neglect
these subcultures, so these can provide market opportunities for more
enterprising businesses.
1.8.3 Sampling method

A nonprobability sampling technique, which is convienientSampling, will be used to

undertake the study and to completethe structured questionnaire on a voluntary bas
is. It is typicallynot practical to include every user of coffee in London
café of interesting a research study.
The target population for this study was in bole subcity around
bole branch. To determine the sample size for an targetpopulation it is based on 95%
confidence interval and 5% errorterm.
Sample size
n- sample size drawn
N- target population
e- standard error
the total customer of London café daily is 200 and yearly is 36,000, so because of the
vast and wide target population(customer) the study cannot cover or reach all
customers of tomoca yearly which the study will take 200 daily
customers. The sample thatwillbe drawn from London café customer is calculated:
Therefore 36,000/1+200(0.05)2=200/1.5=133 which the samplefor the study is 133.
1.8.4 Description of statistics
The results indicate that majority (53.8%) respondents were female while the rest were
male. Majority (68.6%) of the respondents belong to age group 20-30 years, 17.1% of
respondents belong to age group of 30-40 years, 14.3 % respondents are from age group
40-50 years. The data on most used application reveals that 51.9% of the respondents use
Instagram, 24.8% respondents use YouTube, 17.1% use Face Book while 7.1% respondents
use other social media platforms. The other characteristics of influencers that can impact
the consumers buying decision can be authenticity, experience in the field, community
management techniques, engagement through content creation, etc.

Table 2: Agreement of Respondents Regarding Credibility of Social Media Influencers

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree

Would you likely recommend 59 79 46 18 8

any influencer to your

Does Social media influencer 51 83 47 20 9

persuade you to dress/buy like
the picture they post?
Do you find the information 45 98 46 12 9
provided by the influencers
credible enough
Your favourite influencers are 41 68 52 32 17
important to you before buying
any new product

Do you think Influencers will 47 63 56 30 14

not purposely endorse a brand
that will harm you?

If your favourite blogger/online 42 75 52 28 13

personality recommends a
brand, you are more likely to try

1.8.5 source of data collection

The data for the study would collected from both primary and secondary source.
The primary data would obtain using of questioner and interview (direct personal
interview method) whereas the secondary source of data would be collected from
any literature, customer , and reports of the manager of london café ,website and
other published and unpublished documents.


In order to collect relevant information from both customers, employees
and managers, the student researcher’s used questionnaires and
interviews. To obtain the relevant information from mentioned parties a
researcher used both open-end and closed end questionnaires.

1.8.7Method of data collection

A primary data source would be collected from employees of the organization by
administrating questionnaires. In addition to this interview would be held with cafe
managers and employees of the organization in order to collect primary data. The
questionnaire was open ended and close ended, on the other hand secondary data
sources would be retrieved from different published and unpublished materials.

1.8.8Method of data analysis

- Toanalyze the data that were gathered, primarily descriptive technique would be
used with simple statistical analysis, such as percentages and some other analytical

Time schedule
Activity March April May
Title Selection ✓
Proposal development ✓
Literature collection ✓
Questionnaire development ✓
Data Collection ✓

Item description Quantity Unit cost Cost in birr
Transportation 600
Print 5 700
Daily Expense 350
Total 1650


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