Camden Rooney - Symbolism Tracker

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The Great Gatsby Symbolism Tracker

As we continue the novel, we will be tracking symbolism and noting if/how it changes over time.

The green light
Houses (Gatsby’s, Nick’s, Tom’s)
The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg

For each symbol, you should:

- Provide your initial interpretation of the symbol after reading chapters 1-4
- As we continue reading:
- Indicate the chapter in which the symbol reappears
- Type a direct quote
- Give your interpretation in the context of that chapter
- Discuss the development of the symbol (has it changed, become more clear,
connected to another idea?)

The Green Light

Initial Interpretation (Chapters 1-4):

To me the green light symbolizes daisy and how close but far away Jay gatsby is from daisy

Reappearance (1 of 2)

Chapter #:1

Direct Quote: ”[H]e stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and,
far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced
seaward—and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away,
that might have been at the end of a dock.”

Interpretation: after arriving home from dinner with Tom and Daisy Nick sees his mysterious
neighbor (Jay Gatsby) standing at the end of his dock reaching towards the green light from
across the bay (the light came from Tom and Daisys dock. This is seen that Gatsby is
yearning for something, that something is daisy.

Development of the symbol: over the course of the book the greenlight appears and
disappears as Gatsby and Daisy's relationship changes.

Reappearance (2 of 2)

Chapter #: 9
Direct Quote: “And as I sat there brooding on the old, unknown world, I thought of
Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock”.

Interpretation: On Nick’s last night in Long Island, he looks into the sky and
contemplates how the early American settlers must have felt when they first saw the
same shoreline he is currently on. He compares their wonder at the new world and its
infinite possibilities with that of Gatsby’s wonder at having Daisy just out of his reach.
The green light is a symbol not only of Gatsby’s desire for Daisy but also of the
American dream in general, which is often just out of most people’s grasp.

Development of the symbol: the symbol first used to symbolize Gatsby being out of the reach
from daisy used again in the way of being out of reach, and how everyone is out of reach of


Initial Interpretation (Chapters 1-4):

Theres seems to be no rules on the road compared to today people are very reckless when it
comes to driving

Reappearance (1 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

Reappearance (2 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

Houses (Gatsby’s, Nick’s, Tom’s)

Initial Interpretation (Chapters 1-4):

Gatsby's extravagant house same with toms while right next to gatsby is nicks small house
another show of different wealth

Reappearance (1 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

Reappearance (2 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg

Initial Interpretation (Chapters 1-4):

The eyes oversee the valley of ashes acting like the eyes of god

Reappearance (1 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

Reappearance (2 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:

Development of the symbol:


Initial Interpretation (Chapters 1-4):

Represents the moods and feelngs

Reappearance (1 of 2) chapter 5

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

Reappearance (2 of 2)

Chapter #:

Direct Quote:


Development of the symbol:

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