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Time Management Matrix Date: __________ Employee______________________ HOD _________________

This matrix shall be filled in at the end of the day and it shall be placed before the Head of the unit (Division/Department/Branch/Bank/Organisation) Q1 Q2
The reviewing authority shall review, change the priorities if required and confirm the final list of Important and Urgent works as at the end of the day. Q3 Q4

Work to be completed
Important - Urgent -Do it now Important - Not Urgent - Decide
Schedule a time to do it
Crisis Pressing Problems deadline driven projects emergencies Last minute-preparations Write article for today Relationship Building Finding new opportunities
Long-term planning Preventive activities
Personal growth Recreation/ relaxation Values
clarification Exercising Calling family and friends
Researching articles

Not Important - Urgent - Delegate to one, who can do it for you? Not Important - Not Urgent - Delete –
Eliminate it
Interruptions Emails, calls, meetings Popular activities Proximate, pressing matters Schedule interviews Booking flights Approving Comments  Sharing articles Trivia, busy work Time wasters Some call and
emails Pleasant activities Watching Television 
Checking Social Media Sorting through junk mail.

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important” – Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States

Reviewed the list of works that are very important and urgent or otherwise and confirmed the priorities by changing the S.No. to
denote the desired priority.

Signature of Employee with date and time Signature of Reviewing Authority with date and time

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